Song Meixiu is a loyal wife to her 4 years wife, Zheng Xiaohui. Zheng Xiaohui is a young lady from a middle-class family, the Zheng Clan. - This is a work of fiction. Everything said is made up by the author so please, don't take it seriously.
"Ms. Jia! What kind of person is she!? She dares to insult me!"
Quiyue yelled as she couldn't stop her emotion anymore.
She glares at Meixiu, who is also glaring at her with the same intensity.
Suyin, on the other hand, is hiding behind Meixiu as Quiyue, and the latter kept making intense eye contact.
"Suyin, you know I wouldn't be able to lie to you."
"You dare to call Ms. Jia by her first name!? Are you not afraid of her family!?"
Quiyue felt jealous as Meixiu got to call Suyin by her name.
Because no one is allowed to call her that unless you are a close friend or a family member.
Because if you did call her by her name, the Jia family would certainly kill you.
Quiyue has been at Suyin's side since she started looking at antiques because of her responsibility.
Let's say that Quiyue has been her friend for the past couple of years.
But then she wasn't able to get her attention because every time she wanted to, there was always someone else.
One time, she wanted to show off her skills in front of Suyin and her grandmother, but the woman bought a master.
"Ms. Meng, are you sure that all the antiques are real?"
Suyin decided to speak. Quiyue stops in her tracks and looks at Suyin as she feels extreme sadness gush over her whole body.
"Ms. Jia, do you think I can do that?"
Quiyue felt betrayed by what she heard from the girl she thought was a friend.
Suyin looks at Meixiu before she leans over and whispers.
"Are you really sure it's not real? I've known Quiyue for some time now, and she won't be able to do that."
Meixiu stops and looks Suyin in the eye.
"Do you really think I agreed on coming with you here to lie? If that's what you wanted to believe, then I'll go out now."
Meixiu said this coldly before she turned to walk away from Suyin.
"That's right! Go out! You're not welcome here!"
Quiyue smirked as she felt relief throughout her system. She looks at Suyin with hopeful eyes before going down the stage to her place.
"Ms. Jia, you can sit down, and let's continue with the auction."
But Suyin didn't listen to her.
Instead, the girl smiles at Quiyue before she walks away, following Meixiu out to apologize.
Quiyue's heart broke, but she felt so much anger that her knuckles turned white.
She already knows who to target next.
Suyin went out and didn't see Meixiu around the area.
She went to her car and hopped in before she started to drive down the hill, hoping to see Meixiu walking.
And to her luck, she did find Meixiu walking down the hill, seeming to be observing her surroundings.
"Ms. Song!"
She brought it down the window and yelled Meixiu's name.
The mentioned girl stops on her track before continuing again, making Suyin walk out of her car and run towards Meixiu.
"Ms. Song! Wait!"
She yelled.
But the girl didn't stop and continued walking.
As Suyin also continues to run after Meixiu, her feet suddenly step wrongly, making her ankle twist.
She yelled.
Meixiu stops and finally looks at her. She sighs before walking towards Suyin, looking down at her.
"Ms. Song, I'm sorry for doubting you."
Suyin fixes her position and bows down at Meixiu.
The taller girl sighs before she bends down to pick the girl up.
Suyin was shocked, and she quickly put her arms around Meixiu's neck.
She looks at Meixiu's face, but it doesn't reveal any emotions.
"Ms. Song-"
"Don't move; I'll put you in the hospital."
Meixiu opened the passenger's door and sat Suyin down.
She kneeled and put her hands on her broken ankle.
"That looks bad; we really need to get you to the hospital."
Meixiu stands up and closes the door, running to the other side to drive Suyin to the nearest hospital.
"Oh, you're back."
Meixiu went to wipe her hands dry and walk towards Xiaohui, who was standing in front of the kitchen entrance.
The smaller girl sniffs and smells a scent that is very unfamiliar to her.
"What's that smell?"
Meixiu sniffs, but she didn't smell anything weird.
Xiaohui furrows her eyebrows before she softly tugs Meixiu down, sniffing the girl's clothes.
"Do I smell weird?"
Meixiu asks as Xiaohui stops and removes her hands from the girl's collar.
"No, your perfume is unfamiliar."
"What perfume?"
Meixiu brought her clothes up to her nose and sniffed.
Her mouth forms a circle before she smiles and shakes her head.
"That's Suyin's perfume."
She said this before going back to the kitchen and washing the vegetables.
Xiaohui furrows her eyebrows before she goes beside Meixiu.
"You were with Jia Suyin earlier?"
"Yes, she asks me to come with her."
"Why are you with her? You didn't inform me of that."
"Oh, I didn't?"
Meixiu glances at Xiaohui, who nods her head.
"I must have forgotten."
"So, why is her perfume on your clothes?"
"Well, she twisted her ankle, and I have to carry her and drive her to the hospital."
"Is she alright?"
Xiaohui looked at Meixiu as the girl hummed and nodded.
"I don't understand though; when I carry her again to go inside the hospital, her whole face is red!"
Meixiu successfully made it to the nearest hospital, and as soon as she parked the car, she went to Suyin's side to carry her again and walk inside.
Of course, Suyin is a woman who can get attracted to anyone, so seeing Meixiu so caring, she didn't have control over her face's reaction.
And Meixiu, being dumb, didn't understand the idea of Suyin's face getting red all of a sudden.
Xiaohui stops in her tracks before she scoffs and walks away from Meixiu.
The taller girl looks at her fading figure in confusion, asking herself if she says anything.
"What's wrong with people these days?"
It's now the next day. A day passed by with Meixiu still trying to figure out why Suyin's face suddenly got red and why Xiaohui seems to be upset with her.
It was certainly so new to her that she couldn't understand anything.
Meixiu will be visiting Suyin at the hospital and seems to be looking for the perfect time to ask Xiaohui if she could go.
As they finish eating breakfast, Meixiu puts the plates at the sink before going inside their bedroom and waiting for Xiaohui to finish showering.
As the girl finishes, she quickly goes out but gets shocked upon seeing Meixiu standing in front of her.
Meixiu said this awkwardly as she looked down at Xiaohui.
The smaller girl held the towel tightly on her body, clearing her throat before walking to the closet.
"Do you need something?"
Xiaohui asks, pulling her work uniform out and looking back at Meixiu, who keeps eyeing her up and down.
Xiaohui clears her throat as she feels a little discomfort under Meixiu's eyes.
The taller girl snaps out of her trance and shakes her head before she smiles at Xiaohui.
"I was thinking if I could visit Suyin later."
Xiaohui's expression slowly turns emotionless before she loudly closes the closet and walks towards the bathroom.
Meixiu flinches at her action before she scratches the back of her head and waits for her yet again.
"Meixiu, why do you need to visit her?"
Xiaohui asks in the bathroom.
"I was the reason why she got a twisted ankle."
"And why is that?"
"She was running after me but then stepped on the wrong foot, that's why."
"Can't you see that I didn't want you to come to her?"
Meixiu furrows her eyebrows upon not hearing what Xiaohui was saying.
She walks towards the bathroom door and puts her ears on the door, seemingly looking for the perfect place to hear her wife.
"Can you repeat that? I didn't quite hear you."
"It's nothing."
Inside the bathroom, Xiaohui was blushing so hard that she had to slap her face in front of the mirror to stop her thoughts.
She panicked that Meixiu might have heard what she said but sighed in relief upon hearing Meixiu's next word.
She shakes her head before looking at the bathroom door.
"You can go."
Meixiu smiles widely before she nods her head and says goodbye to Xiaohui.
"Thank you, baby! I'll be back before you know it."
Meixiu went back to the kitchen to finish her chore before going out to visit Suyin.