
Chapter 30

"You can put your scooter in the trunk, Ms. Song."

Meixiu faces Xiaohui and removes the helmet from her head. She fixes the smaller's hair and smiles.

"There! You look beautiful as always!"

Xiaohui scoffs and looks away with a pink tint on her cheeks. Qing was jealous when Meixiu complimented Xiaohui.

Meixiu put the helmets in the trunk with her scooter, opening the backseat door for Xiaohui.

"Baby, go in first."

"Ms. Song, can you sit in front? I don't want to look like a driver."

Then why would you invite Meixiu and me?

Meixiu nodded as Xiaohui scoffs and sits down in the car. She puts her hand on the door, slamming it, and making Meixiu flinch.

Meixiu scratches her head, looking at Xiaohui in confusion. Qing opens the passenger door, and Meixiu goes in.

Qing happily closes the door as she goes to the driver's seat and drives to the market.


"Ms. Song! Try this rice cake. It's delicious!"

Meixiu looked at Qing, who held her chopstick as she gives Meixiu the rice cake. The girl grabs the rice cake using her hand and puts it in her mouth.

She hums and nodded her head in approval. Qing smiles widely at her response.

Qing invites Meixiu and Xiaohui to a cafe. Qing chooses the expensive one nearby to make Xiaohui uncomfortable.

She plans on making Xiaohui looks like a bad wife as she never treats Meixiu to any of these. Did she get the reaction she needed?


Xiaohui felt uncomfortable sitting beside Meixiu as she eyed the dishes that Qing ordered for the three. Her wife notices it and picks up a rice cake from her plate.


Xiaohui looks at Meixiu as the girl smiles and pushes her chopstick near Xiaohui's lips.

"Eat this. It's delicious!"

Xiaohui slowly opens her mouth and accepted the rice cake. Meixiu smiles widely and pats Xiaohui's head.

"You eat, ok? We'll go home after this."

Xiaohui nodded and look at the colorful rice cake on her plate.

"Ms. Song, are you sure you two are married? It doesn't look like it."

Meixiu look at Xiaohui as she nodded and held her wife's hand. She intertwines it to show Qing.

"My wife, at first, was a bit upset about it, but she accepted it for her father."

Meixiu looks at Xiaohui as she felt her tight grip. Qing nodded and grabs the glass of water in front of her.

"Like an arranged marriage?"

"Maybe, I don't know."

"If that's the case, does that mean you two can divorce any moment?"

Meixiu stops in her tracks as Xiaohui glares at Qing. She stands up, grabbing Meixiu's attention.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think we need to talk about that."


"Stand up. We still need to cook dinner."

Meixiu nodded and looks at Qing with an apologetic smile. Qing could only nod her head and smile at Meixiu.

"That Xiaohui is something else. Does she know about Ms. Song's future wealth? Why she's so protective?"

"Xiaohui, are you ok? Why do you act like that to Qing?"

Good thing, Meixiu put the scooter out from the trunk. Xiaohui requested for Meixiu to use the scooter when they are going home.

She's pretty uncomfortable at the back as Qing never pay attention to her, and Meixiu's in front.

Xiaohui shakes her head and wears the helmet she's using. Meixiu knew Xiaohui very well as the girl won't speak up until they were in their room.



Zedong stops his sentence as Xiaohui ignores him and walks straight to their room. He glares at Meixiu, who looks confused and quickly went to the kitchen.

"Meixiu, who's that man?"

Grandma Peng hides in the kitchen as soon as she goes into the house to avoid Zedong. She has heard about Xiaowen pushing Xiaohui towards Zedong for them to be close.

Meixiu shrugs her shoulder as she puts the vegetables out and washes them.

"I don't have any idea. I saw dropping Xiaohui earlier, but my wife doesn't like him."

"Hm, probably one of Zheng Hai's ideal men for his granddaughter?"

After speaking, Grandma Peng went inside her room. Meixiu continues washing the vegetables when Xiaowen snatches them away from her hand.

"Don't cook. Zedong ordered tasty food."

Xiaowen slams the vegetables on the sink. Meixiu peeks at the dining table and sees expensive cuisines.

Meixiu shrugs and decided to continue what she's doing. Xiaowen looks at Zedong with a smile and points at Xiaohui's room.

"Go on and knock on her door. Invite her to eat with us!"

Xiaowen felt excited as Zedong smiled and nodded. The man knocks on the door, and it reveals Xiaohui in her nightgown.

Zedong's eyes travel on her body, making the girl uncomfortable as she steps back a little.

"What are you doing here?"

Zedong looks back at Xiaohui's eyes and flashes his charming smile eyes still have that kind of desire.

"I'm going to invite you to eat dinner with us. The food is ready."

Xiaohui look at the table and saw different types of food. She furrows her eyebrows as she looks at Zedong.

"All of this is cooked by Meixiu?"

"What? Of course not! I ordered it for you and your family!"

Zedong felt offended when he heard Meixiu's name being linked to the food he ordered. Xiaohui nodded her head and went out of the room.

Zedong steps to the side a little to let Xiaohui go first. He sniffs and sighs in relief upon smelling Xiaohui's feminine smell.

"Xiaohui! Look! Zedong ordered this for us!"

"Mom, Meixiu, and I bought food from the market to cook. Why do you have to force Zedong to buy us food?"

"Auntie Xiaowen didn't force me. It's my choice."

Zedong smiles awkwardly as he rubs his nape. Xiaohui looks at him before she shrugs.

"Baby! I finish cooking your favorite!"

Meixiu went out of the kitchen with a plate of Cantonese Chicken Soup. Upon hearing what Meixiu said, Xiaohui approaches her with a wide smile on her face.

"I thought you'll only make it for me in winter?"

"I wanted to thank you. I cooked it for you. Also, maybe an advance gift for our wedding anniversary."

Meixiu put down the Cantonese Chicken Soup on the table. Xiaohui was so happy that she jumps on Meixiu, shocking Xiaowen, Zedong, and Meixiu.

"Thank you!"

Xiaohui has been craving the dish since winter ended. She's looking for a store that sells it, but the taste is not the same as Meixiu's

"I decided to ask Auntie Xu how to make it better. I hope you'll like it."

Xiaohui sat down on the chair and grabs the spoon. She scoops the soup and blows it to cool down.

She puts it in her mouth and moans as the soup touches her tastebuds.

"This is the best."

"Xiaohui, why don't you try this steak? It's delicious, and you will like it!"

Upon seeing how Xiaohui reacted to Meixiu's food, he decided to grab the plate of steak and present it to Xiaohui.

The girl shrugs and grabs a piece, putting it in her mouth, and nodded in agreement.

"It's nice."

Xiaohui went back to the plate of chicken soup. Zedong's face blushes as he was ignored by Xiaohui.

Meixiu smiles in victory and went back to the kitchen, to give Grandma Peng a bowl of vegetable soup.

"Xiaohui, stop eating that. There are so many foods on the table."

Xiaohui look up from the food she was eating to Xiaowen, who sat down in front of her. She eyed Zedong, and he answered by sitting down beside Xiaohui.

"Mom, I like this more than any on the table."

Meixiu went back to the dining table only to see her seat occupied. She furrows her eyebrows but decided to walk toward's Xiaowen's side.

"And who told you to sit down here? You eat on the coffee table!"

Before Meixiu could touch the chair, Xiaowen had already kicked it away from the table. Meixiu walks towards the chair and picks it up.

She puts it back in its position and grabs the plate on the table. Xiaohui stands up, confusing everyone.

She grabs her plate of chicken soup and a few more dishes on the table to join Meixiu.

"Let's go."

Xiaohui walked toward the living room with the two plates she has. Meixiu smiles and shakes her head, following her wife.

"Xiaohui! Join Zedong and me here!"

"I still have to talk to Meixiu! You two can talk over there!"

Xiaohui put down the dishes on the table. Xiaowen sighs and looks at Zedong, who's glaring at Meixiu's figure.

"Zedong, continue eating. Xiaohui won't warm up that fast."

Are you all ok with 5 plots in one book? Anyway, vote and comment! Leave a review for new readers!

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