
Chapter 1.

"Are you sure you can't recall any other thing that happened that day?", he waited for her to answer but got no reply. He clicked his pen and said ,

"I think that will be all for today". He closed his book and started to pack up his equipments and that was when he noticed that a pair of hazel eyes were staring at him as if lost in thoughts.

"Miss! Miss!!" he got no reply. He walked up to her and waved his hand in front of her, still no reply. It looked like she was trying to remember something that was locked away from her or she just didn't want to remember. He sighed and sat down beside her , looking intently at her, he whispered ,

"Could you stop now . I'm done with professionalism, let's go home".

That was when she looked up and smiled at him.

"I know ,it's just that I don't want to remember it" .

"It's in the past now, what matters is that you have me now" . Dr. Gione told her. She smiled at his cheesy line. He pulled out his hand for her which she accepted , he pulled her up and twirled her around.

"Let's go home my little princess", she chuckled and they left for home.

They arrived home early, as she was about to enter ,he stopped her and said,

"I'll make dinner , so wash up and be here at seven"

"What's for dinner?"

"It's a surprise, now hurry up so we'll eat".

She made her way upstairs and into her room which was at the end of the hallway. She closed the door behind her, hung her bag and coat and slowly started to undress. She stopped when she was only on her underwear and walked into the bathroom.

While in the bathroom, she walked up to the mirror and stared at the person that was staring right back at her. Her features were not too exquisitive, instead moderate and very much present.

She had short ginger coloured hair that stopped just above her shoulders. Thick eyebrows that looked more like it was drawn on by an artist. Hazel eyes accompanied with long and shiny lashes . Well sculptured nose and high cheek bones . Lips shaped like the crescent moon and they looked succulent as well. A thin neck to support her oval head. Slender shoulders and fats distributed to the right places proportionally. As she took in her appearance, she didn't fail to take in the scars left on her body from her past.

She traced them with the tip of her fingers.

She let out a deep sigh, she turned on the shower and allowed the water to fall on her as if hoping it'll wash the scars away. She crouched down and held her face in her palm. She began to sob lightly as her memories came flooding back.

"Take the little girl now" a man as big as a sumo wrestler said dragging a little girl.

"We don't need her", another man ,thinner than the first man said as he pushed her aside to pass,

"If you don't need her then kill her" said the first man. He pulled out a knife to kill the girl. She panicked and attempted to run. The big man dragged her by the hair preventing her from going any further.

"What a cute little attempt you made, but aren't you aware that it's bad. Bad girls get punished" he said with a devilish grin as he ripped off clothes from her body. He impaled her with the knife, like a child learning to write. The little girl kicked frantically , she screamed and begged for mercy. Her cries only made it worse. The man derived joy from the torture.

'Bam, bam'.

The big man dropped dead to the floor. The girl was as pale as a ghost, she had no strength to look at her savior , with the little strength she had, she said, "Please,help me".

With this she passed out.