
Her fated human mate

When Millicent Woods, the Alpha of the Crescent moon pack needs the Corona Fletcher to prove her worth to the rest of the pack, it goes missing. As a proud, ruthless pack leader she will not stop until she finds it. Then she does, it's in the hands of a petty thief that is human, even more importantly, her mate. A clash of fate, a thief and an Alpha, who would give in to the other, an insufferable, witty thief or the cold, ruthless Alpha?

Her_Royalbitchness · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
152 Chs



Bad news. The worst form of news in the world, and for some reason that was the only type of news that found me.

"The pack leaders are all waiting for you in the board room." The Omega messenger repeated in a weak voice.

I push myself off the wall. I was healing, quite speedily, that was Grace's speciality anyway. To repair me after I did all of the action.

"The human is being transported to the holding point as we speak." Good news at least. They found the human and he was being transported the way humans were accustomed to. The werewolves had to ride in cars, as if they were humans, using cars when we were obviously faster. But we could not risk being found out by humans.

"I unfortunately can not split myself into two." I say to no one in particular. Although I know where I will end up. Before anything, i was an alpha. One of the pack leaders, the head actually.

"It is about the Rogues. They said to tell you this meeting is very important."

I slid my eyes along my line of vision where the Omega stood almost blending into his surroundings, his head bent as he watched his shoes like they were the most interesting thing in the world.

"Go." I order.

He looked at me with unease.

"I'm supposed to bring you.."

"Do I look like I am dressed to address my people?" The taste of the words, 'my people' was so sour I had to wince.

"I have to change out of these clothes. I will come there myself." I tell him before walking out of the classroom.

"Get someone. Get people to clean up this mess. The pups have to learn tomorrow." I bark at the Messenger.

He shook with fright before bowing. Then he ran off like his tail was on fire.

"Tell them to keep him well bound. And he can not leave their sight or I will be having their heads." I say quietly to the other messenger.

He like the other Omega shook like a leaf before nodding and running off in a different direction.

I was serious when I said I needed to change my clothes. Blood had spilled on the full body suit I had on. The midnight black, spandex body suit designed by our pack's top notch designers, specifically for shifting. Else we would end up naked after shifting. I owned a thousand pairs, one of the few perks of being Alpha.

By the time I rounded up to the front of my den, i find Erin sitting on my front door step. Another perk of being Alpha was the fact that at only age eighteen I had my own den to myself. Most werewolves my age lived with their parents or legal guardian till they turned twenty one, a rule my age mates desperately wanted me to change. Unfortunately I was not in power to change centuries old traditions simply because they didn't like them. I guess that's another reason I'm hated among my pairs.

My pairs except Erin. He knew me before I was an alpha.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at the assembly?" I ask as i input my finger print into the sensor.

The sensor makes a whirring noise as Erin pushes himself up and came to stand beside me.

"You still haven't updated your door sensors?"

"You are not supposed to be here Erin. If they find You, you are.."

"You of all people should know I don't care about that. At all." He reminds me as he pushes the door open.

"What are you doing? You are not supposed to come in." I say in a hushed tone while looking around for anyone that might snitch and put him in trouble.

"Relax. Everyone else is at the assembly." He crosses the threshold of my den and walks inside.

He never liked the rules that governed us, he was not a stickler for any form of rules. He despises rules. And always sought to break them. Like entering the den of an alpha. I was the only one allowed to enter my own den. Not even my parents were allowed. I met them at their own den instead.

"I heard the Fletcher got stolen right before your nose by a human." He never sugar coated his words.

I swallow. Shrugging off my boots like it would take up so much time that he would forget about the human thing.

"You really don't care about your den. What is with this decor?" He looked around my living space like it was the most disgusting thing ever. I was grateful that he changed the topic. Even if he wanted to tell me just how horrible my decor was.

I don't see anything wrong with my decoration, i kept everything simple in the living room. Just a sofa since I was the only one ever going to come in here. A simple coffee table in the middle of room, where I could have my meals. There was a dining room but I converted it to my armoury. No need for a dining if i was not going to live with anyone.

"Nobody else will be sharing this with me. I figured skipping the whole decorating thing would be better."

He raised his brow at me.

"You don't think about the future. Like your mate? Husband?"

I roll my eyes at him. Another of my malfunction and a kick in the shin to me, werewolves found their mates at age eighteen. And in the whole of crescent moon pack, there was no single male that was my mate. None. It was a thing of shame really, the worst was the fact that it added a lot more criticism to my full plate of criticisms.

"Mate really? You are testing the waters with that one."

"Husband then."

"Why do you want to marry me?"

He laughed a little. Erin was turning eighteen in a few months. He should know his mate then. For some reason Dad has high hopes that Erin was my mate. Even after telling him I never felt the tug towards him, or even the slightest feelings of something different from what I felt towards him before.

My phone rang, when I pick up it's the station manager at the dungeons also known at the holding point.

"Calling to confirm hold on a certain Seth Martins. A Foreigner."

Foreigner was used to call Humans when the human was present.

"Proceed to hold."

I hear a muffled voice before the line goes dead.

I hear it half as clear as i would hear everything else.