

A mysterious girl named Ivy without a specific face. A girl to cause someone to doubt their own thoughts, beliefs and perceptions. Every time that girl appears, her spooky game begins. Accordingly, paradoxes and contradictions multiply, the truth is exposed, the lies will be unveiled.

ViDiTinhTu · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs

Chapter 7:

The end is not the end. The ending is just a start for another…to make the ending more beautiful than ever…

Everything returns in the beginning. It's tranquil and cold. The surrounding space is filled with blood. I can smell it, which wakes my hidden craving up. I leaned against the banister, turning my head to look at those people. They harm each other time and time again for their high achievements, grades, status, and fame. However, they are just frogs in the well and never understand the sea and wait until the heavy rains drown them. Unfortunately, the navel of the universe fails in this game and so do all of them.

'Ha ha ha ha ha!!!' I laughed with pleasure.

The laughter echoes around. Suddenly, I stopped laughing. I feel something is missing.

'Boring!', I sigh.

In the distance, at the door to the second floor opposite, a woman in a black suit approaches me. She is horrified at what was going on.

'Ivy, this... This is... How? What happened here?' The woman runs over and grabs my shoulder and asks in a hurry.

It turns out to be my dear teacher. I seem not to notice her with the devilish makeup like this. I feel there is something fun coming to me. I pretend to tear, my shoulders trembling as if I have witnessed this horrifying scene for the first time.

'Everyone...get out here and talk about the test…they deal with something... In the end…the deal failed…they conflict and quarrel…and it turned out like this... hu hu hu. I don't know what I will do next... Please help me... I am... very scared…'

I look up at her with tears. It seems to me that she secretly has something in her mind but doesn't want to expose it too soon.

'I'll help you...', She pushes me away, pulls the trigger gun from inside her vest, and points it straight at me.

From an angel's face to evil, like the people below, she is indeed a fool.

'...most sincerely!' She's been preparing for things for a long time, expecting the day will come, 'I don't intend to kill you either, but I've changed my mind now.'

I widen my eyes in surprise and take a step back. She sees me as if I am about to run away, so she pulls the trigger but hears a click. She fumbles to check the gun. I look at her awkward expression with amusement.

'That gun isn't yours and there is no bullet in it!'. I snigger and the teacher's face panics when I take the gun from my jacket pocket, 'This is your gun. I picked it up on the principal's desk while editing exam papers and copied the answer sheet.'

I point the gun at her. The fake gun in her hand falls down. Everything turns the tables—the gentle trembling expression on her face was like the day when I met her.

'I'm not in a hurry to finish this game. If you've killed the principal, let's play a game. Whoever lives can go, whoever dies... You know the consequences, right?'

She jeers and says, 'If you dare to play dirty, I will definitely not be benevolent to you!!'

I just scoff at her, insert a bullet into the gun. My index finger gets on the trigger and puts the gun to my heart. When I pull the trigger, only a click sounded.

I give her my gun and provoke, 'It's your turn!.'

She quickly grabs it and also puts it to her heart, fearlessly shooting as if she knew this shot was safe. It's just a click.

She smirks, and gives her gun to me, 'It's your turn.'

Until the fourth shot, when it is my turn, she suddenly titters, 'There are only two shots left!'

I smirk, put the gun to my heart and pull the trigger. A thud sounded. I am holding my chest, soar to the floor with my blood.

She cracks up, walks forward to me, and takes the gun, 'You love playing adult games. Ha ha ha ha! This is the end for you.'

She kicks me once in the stomach and says, 'Before ending this game, I'll give you alms as fair. You shoot three shots and so am I!'

She is arrogant and puts the gun to her heart. Pull the trigger! And a thud broke the other woman's joy. She rolls her eyes in surprise. Red blood seeped onto the vest and then spread. My mouth smiled. The plan is in my hand. I slowly sit up, as if nothing has happened, stand in front of her and cachinnate.

She is horrified, trembling and says, 'You... Why are you.... not dead?'

I take a bag of blood from the pocket that had been torn from the bullet, and take off the bulletproof vest inside, I grab her chin and say, 'This bulletproof vest is given by my American friend to fight those who backstab others.'

I ignore her and walk towards the door.

She shouted, 'You fool me... If I see you in the next life, I will definitely burn you to ashes, bastard...!'

I hear and snicker: 'Ha ha ha ha ha. So in this life I'll do first. Goodbye. Ha ha ha!!!

Stepping outside, large gas tanks are placed around this gymnasium. I grab a matchbox, wipe the match and launch the little fire into them. The fire quickly burst into the flame. In an instant, the entire gymnasium deeps in flames mid the dark like fireworks in the sky. I look at my masterpiece with great satisfaction...

See you next Friday!

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