

“People say that you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone…but the truth is you knew what you had you just thought you’d never lose it.” “What’s wrong with her?” He asked, his voice murderous making him gulp in fear. “I-I don’t know much sir, but no one is allowed to go inside this room.” His voice trembled and he took a step back sensing the dangerous vibes coming off him. “That’s not the answer to my question.” He sneered, his nostrils flaring. “All I know is that her mind is stuck…and no one is allowed to go in this room especially males.” “What do you mean by her mind is stuck?” He asked. “We don’t know about her past, but doctors assumed that something terrible must’ve happened which made her lose her sanity. Her mind is stuck in her past, in those moments when she used to be happy but little things trigger her and she tries to hurt herself when that happens. That’s why only selected people are allowed to go in.” The ward boy answered. Noah felt unsettled after listening to his answer, has she really gone mad or is it just another drama? _-_-_- Noah Kaine, was supposed to be her knight, he was supposed to save her, at least that’s what she thought, but she was wrong. He turned out to be her worst nightmare. He gave her everything, love, care, affection, support, only to snatch it away in the most ruthless way. What was her fault? Read to find out… TRIGGER WARNING: IF YOU ARE UNDER 18, PLEASE DO NOT READ THIS BOOK AS IT CONTAINS VIOLENCE, MATURE CONTENT, AND STRONG LANGUAGE.

Rebelqueen · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
23 Chs



My heart was heavy with impatience as each day passed. My yearning for Aurora's swift recovery, wishing to see her free from pain and the haunting shadows of her past. However, the bitter truth had pierced my heart deeply—Aurora still did not remember me, she forgot everything, I know that a part of it freed her of her pain. But the realization shattered me, leaving behind a desperate longing for her to recall everything we had shared.

If not everything, then maybe the ones that were filled with our love.

Determined to find a way to help her, I resolved to speak with Aurora's doctors once again.

Dr. Shirley, though initially hesitant, couldn't ignore the pleading expression on my face.

"Please Dr.Shirley, I know you only want what's best for her. I only want to meet her to test the waters. If the result is negative, I'll back out. But let me try. You said that our brain works mysteriously. What if….she remembers me? What if she gets better ?" I tried to reason with her.

She reluctantly acquiesced, knowing that my intentions were driven by genuine concern. But before granting me permission, she offered me a solemn warning.

"Aurora's condition is fragile," Dr. Shirley cautioned, her voice laced with caution. "Forcing her to regain her memories could have unintended consequences. It could cause her further distress or even trigger a setback in her recovery."

I nodded, absorbing the weight of Dr. Shirley's words.

"I understand," I replied, earnestly pledging to keep her warning in mind. I knew that the path to restoring Aurora's memories was fraught with uncertainty, but I couldn't bear to witness her living in a fragmented reality any longer.

As I entered Aurora's room, I was greeted by the familiar melody that had haunted my dreams for months following her sudden disappearance from my life, only after I left her at that god forsaken place I realized her value in my life.

The bittersweet notes resonated through the air, tugging at my heartstrings. Determined to stay focused, I tried to ignore the haunting tune, taking my place quietly behind her without alerting her.

Aurora paused her delicate piano performance, and her eyes widened in surprise as she turned to face me. The sight of me standing behind her clearly seemed to rattle her, causing her to tremble uncontrollably. Before she could falter, I swiftly closed the distance between us, wrapping my arms tightly around her trembling form.

"Aurora," I whispered, his voice filled with emotion. "It's me, Noah. I'm here."

Her body stiffened for a moment, caught between confusion and a sliver of recognition. Slowly, the trembling subsided as recognition flickered in her eyes. Tears welled up, shimmering with a mixture of fear and relief, as she whispered his name.

"Noah," she choked out, her voice barely above a whisper. "I... I remember your name. Who are you? How do I know you?"

I held her even tighter, my grip conveying a mixture of tenderness and determination. "You know me because we were... we are... connected," I replied, my voice quivering with restrained emotion. "We share something special, Aurora, something that time and circumstances cannot erase. I'm here to help you remember, to fill in the missing pieces. Please try to remember me."

The moment fell surreal, being able to touch her and take her in my arms brought the sweet memories and no matter what this time I didn't want to let her go.

Aurora's eyes searched my A face, desperately seeking answers. The fragments of her memory seemed to dance just beyond her reach, teasing her with fleeting glimpses of familiarity. It was as if a veil concealed her past, and I was determined to lift it, no matter the cost.

"We have never met before," she whispered, a plea laced with vulnerability. "Have we?"

Noah nodded, his eyes filled with unwavering resolve. "We have Aurora. I'll find a way to bring back your memories, piece by piece. Together, we'll navigate the shadows of our past and illuminate the path towards your healing."

With those words, I guided her back to the piano, gently encouraging her to resume playing. The melody that had haunted me for so long now becoming a bridge between our present and the memories that lay dormant within Aurora's mind. As her fingers danced over the keys, each note cascading through the room, I watched intently, hoping that the music would unlock the door to her forgotten past.

As the familiar tune filled the air, My mind raced with memories of our shared moments—laughter in the park, whispered conversations beneath the moonlight, and promises made in tender embraces. I held onto those memories tightly, willing them to resurface within Aurora's consciousness.

Aurora's gaze fixed on me with innocence that is only seen in the eyes of a child, a mixture of concentration and vulnerability etched across her face. The melody seemed to stir something within her, as if distant echoes of forgotten emotions were calling out to be remembered. She played with a newfound determination, as if the piano became a vessel for her fragmented memories, carrying them back into the realm of her conscious mind.

I moved closer, standing beside her, our shoulders almost touching. I wanted to be there, to support her through this journey of remembrance. The music swelled, rising and falling like the tides of our intertwined lives. It carried the weight of our unspoken love, our shared experiences, and the hope for a future where our souls would once again be aligned hopefully.

As the final notes faded into the stillness of the room, Her fingers hesitated on the keys. She turned to face me, her eyes shimmering with a mixture of wonder and confusion. The fragments of her past were slowly coalescing, like scattered puzzle pieces finding their rightful place.

"Your name is Noah," she whispered, her voice laced with fragile hope. "

Tears welled up in my eyes as I reached out to caress her cheek gently.

"Yes, my name is Noah. Do you remember me?" I murmured, my voice filled with awe. Does this mean that there is hope for us?

Does that mean she still remember me? Or may be fragments of me?

"Um…no. I just heard a voice. Someone was shouting…Noah and you..or maybe someone with your voice answered." She answered in confusion and held her head as if she was in pain.

I frowned, not knowing what to make of the situation but I didn't want to pressure her. So I nodded and led her away from the piano and to her bed.

"You should lie down for now and rest. Did you take your medicine?" I questioned.

"No, I don't want it, it's yuck. I don't want medicine." She said in a child-like voice. And I knew she lost that hold on her memories that recently surfaced.

"But in order to get better you'll have to take those. And from now on, I'll come daily to check on you. And maybe we'll sneak out to have some ice cream?" I offered, hoping that it would remind her of our past.

Her eyes glittered at the mention of ice cream and I knew that maybe I do have the chance to bring back her memories without triggering her.

She eagerly nodded and I smiled at her. After making sure that she had taken her meds I stayed with her until she fell asleep.

"Take all the time you need. I'll be right here, by your side, as you piece together the puzzle of your memories." I vowed to her.

Aurora leaned into my touch while sleeping, drawing strength from my unwavering presence. Though the road to recovery would be arduous, we now had a glimmer of hope—a flickering flame that would guide us through the darkness.