
Electric Blue

Sweet misgivings, dark desires, and bloody love. all takes place if not the beginning, then the end of ever one normal life. this is the case for our most recent victim found by The Grill 'N Chill in the sleepy town of Westwood, Washington. Westwood was known for strange and chaotic events to occur, one day you could be living next to a happy family, and the next someone snaps and suddenly their the next local headline news bloodbath. Yet not one word had gotten out to the outside world somehow, so as time moves on more victims come into the sleepy and seemingly cursed town that leaves many six feet below.

Moving states are never fun, especially when you have to drop everything in your life pack up and be dragged away from everything you have ever known just to make your parents happy. Jessica only seventeen years of age is thrown into this strange new town feeling like the outcast of outcasts as the can pulled into the drive way of her now new prison called home. The paint probably once a pearly white now a dinghy depressing grey, chipping in some places. the hard wood door standing above her as if a giant of eight foot built and lived in the house before them, lugging her backpack filled with clothes and personal items up the stairs trying to tune out her father explaining the house to her younger brother.

looking down the halls of the seemingly ginormous house many closed doors lay ahead of her. Yet only one stood out, the last door on the left. The darkly stained maple door looked as if it hadn't been touched sense it was put in, no chips in the wood no stains or dreary fading, just pure perfection. Shrugging off the strange feeling she walked away to the room her father has so 'kindly' marked as hers with a stickey note, opening the old door to reveal a beautiful wooden canopy bed with bright red bedding. and black mesh curtains hung carefully from the canopy cascading down nearly touching the floor. Jessica sighed setting her backpack on floor laying on the bed in thought, slightly wondering how her father could afford such a bed. Closing her eyes just for what felt was only a second she was fast asleep a million things could've been in her mind at that moment, but the peaceful expression says she had nothing but sleep on her mind.

Sitting up in her bed deep in thought, with only one thing leaving her lips. "Those eyes...", remembering what had caused her to awaken before her alarm went off, A man with these bright almost electric blue eyes had been staring, not just at her but into her very soul. The only feature that would be seen were those bright eyes pericing into hers taking in every bit of her character, her body had tried to move but couldn't it was as if she was frozen somehow, yet all she felt was emptiness. She snapped out of the memory passing it off as first night jitters and looked at the time with a sigh, Six thirty-five in the morning.... time to be up for school.

Jessica had always had trouble with school days. Not because the studies were too hard or the staff members, it was the other kids. Jessica was known as 'outcast' in any school she went too, the way her emotions were displayed seemed to have always been the reason or well her lack of emotions. She never truly knew what emotion felt like, but sense she was young her mother had told her "One day Jessica, you'll find the one who makes your heart complete and they will make you feel full of love and emotions." Over the years she began to give up on the thought of being 'normal' but to make her father happy she began to fake the emotions others had to appease her father, and it worked he finally had a normal daughter. In her mind she felt like he somehow knew the feelings weren't genuine yet she wondered on many things as of the mind of human emotions, only to come up blank. she had one question on her mind "who did those eyes belong too?"