
henti mutation god system

its henti tentical story man that oonly perverted legends only for the "adults" this is one of my fantasy there are really gory fed up shit in here mc is heavily influence by monster instincts he gets to see some of his wifue he is overpowered in a way here is the small part **Holy moly, is this real? Am I in a fantasy world?** I glanced down at my new form—a writhing mass of dark, glistening tentacles. They sprouted from a central core, each one adorned with small, bioluminescent spots that pulsed with a faint blue light. My body felt powerful yet alien, with a tough, leathery texture and an almost liquid flexibility. I could sense the ability to mutate and change coursing through me. I was god… well, technically, this body was. But who cares? I was moping over my mundane, unsuccessful life, making my eighth fountain, feeling sleepy and dizzy from lack of nutrition. Everybody bullied me, but now I get a second chance. Is this a wonderful dream? Am I in a coma? Am I dead? Does this make me a reincarnator, a transmigrator, or just a delusional dreamer? Whatever it is, I won’t waste a single second trying to comprehend this. I’ll enjoy fulfilling all my fantasies, even if I am or look like a villain. Those bastards who judged me were all well-off in life and wanted to control me.** I’m sure there will be some here too. Yeah, in history, there have been worse people who committed genocides. I’m just seeking pleasure. Why do I feel like a sick bastard, similar to those psycho criminals? No, this is a wonderful dream. I’ll enjoy it, I won’t even make friends if it’s a short span. Even if I’m in a coma, I might die early because of my bitchy stepmom. Okay, back to whatever this is. I took in my surroundings. The place looked like a cross between a temple and a dungeon. Ancient stone walls covered in intricate carvings surrounded me. Magic circles glowed faintly on the floor, and an altar stood in the center, covered in runes and mystical symbols. Slave cages lined the walls, their iron bars rusting but still sturdy. The downside is that a guy before me, a legend, tried to seduce well f* up a saint possessed by a goddess and paid dearly for it. That god cursed this body. He kind of sacrificed himself to the system because he was doing whatever he wanted. So, I can’t fool around because this body is dying and will be reported by a saint. The former host tried to make another body fail-safe, but his soul was dying because of the curse. This body can’t live long, will be hunted, and I can’t control it. Is that it, system? ['Yes.'] [There is a recording by the former host. Would you like to hear it?] --- warning this is a porno not for faint heart there is really disturbing and cruel things in here all characters in here are imagination this is no fanfic or has any link to other stories and all character are above 18 even if they say they are not in any way because they are mature enough to be in the legal age such as vampire elves could look like 16 year old but they are 1000 etc the cover art is not mine if want to remove it contact me

Hruday_Jh_9316 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs


several days later I woke up feeling weird with the unfamiliar body wiggling after absorbing every nutrition available inside her hole it seemed rather empty but a new set of fresh stuff was coming, disgusting I know I wasn't the one who did it aghh!! I felt so disgusted and yet I don't feel disgusted at all.

"this is weird everything is weird haha "

outside saint was terrified because she had lost her virginity, divine power, and a divine artifact this was the worst as she was an avatar of a strict goddess who would not even accept anyone if they were not pure she might even be killed publically,

she was at the western toilet of a relative she felt a strangely pleasant sensation as she had not gone to the toilet for 3 days due to some kind of blockage in her stomach, it was swollen a little and what she didn't know it was due to being filled with cum while shiting the worm slowly came off her now it was little bigger and longer it looked different, she felt relieved as one would feel when pissing after holding for a day only 3X times more relaxing and pleasurable,

the disgusting worm now bigger than before wiggled toward the blind spot hiding in the side corner smooth edge of the western toilet fitting just right

"System use my available points to make this body able to hold on to the flush and give me a look at the surroundings"

he felt weird as several tiny legs grew out of him with a strong grip it was like a suction cup he looked like a really long and big snail with tons of arms 

[ using new beginners' pack privileges to unlock God's eye till the pack ends ]

he wanted to question how long and why is it not free like before but if it ended quickly he would lose the advantage,

so he looked around not wanting to waste any more time 

he was inside a fairly modern household with 4 rooms there inside a kitchen he found a sexy-looking middle-aged woman with saggy big breasts and black hair and eyes brownish black with a big ass and little belly fat her skin looked amazing for her age and to him her butt cheeks despite being covered in the soft fabric its shape fully visible some of the cloth's fabric still stuck in between her butt checks made it most alluring asking to be slapped and groped 

he also saw a young man with blue eyes and flaky black hair with a skinny build fully naked his bones all visible his backbone had a greenish huge whatever it was he wasn't healthy for sure 

he was doing some kind of ritual in his room There was a table on which a fragile-looking young man had drawn an intricate carving the wooden table itself looked special and hand-made rough on edges he cut his little finger in half stifling a scream by biting into something while he pressed himself on the pillow he shook for a second and then generously poured his and beside him a book on how to summon a demon I watched curiously but nothing happened even the saint left after finishing her business still no demon came 

hearing his mom call what he assumed her to be hearing this the frail young man frantically hid everything and cleaned while crying then he shouted I am going to "toileat"! don't go to my room and touch my stuff "

haha, I have a devious plan system how many points do I have?

[ 15.5 points] consume my arms and mutate me to the last state

ting [ it has been done recycled 2 points ]

as the boy approached he positioned himself to enter his ass to take over his body, he felt a little disgusted but he had to survive and quickly wanted to fu*k before this dream vanished

but the system showed a warning message 

[caution before proceeding]

[ the prey's mana is over 20] 

Oh wait, system what is his mana shit I shouldn't risk it

I thought for a second then "That's it, let's act like his ritual was successful, and give him my system for him by partially taking over and asking permission for it"

"system it is possible to show that or to do that?"

[ yes, but you won't be take over the body if he refuses it and will be discovered ]

[there is a huge risk if discovered ]

I don't have any other choice ok Show it like this, I gave out the contract using all of my remaining Devine power and authority finally losing my barely hanging-by-thread status of god well the authority of one to be exact with the last painful reminder of the system of the lost trump card and warning of the suicidal act I waited 

the boy entered devastated hiding his tiers he sat on the toilet tiers falling down saying why why 

ting a reddish black ominous-looking screen flashed with a back tattoo as a border cover 

[The fallen god of primal urge wants to give you a chance will you allow it to take over]

[yes] / [ no]

[warning don't resist and sacrifice your mana by throwing out all of your mana in its purest form]

the young man was so perplexed filled with joy and hope that he didn't notice a worm sticking to his ass check trying its best to move against gravity producing a slimy substance, if a young man moved a little he would be deciding the fate of Manny including his

the young man never heard of anything like this in his life and when this screen he thought it said to sacrifice my mana.

is this a fallen god that I know? is he the devil himself? no no! he was slain, no this is different he is the primal god of urge, what is the price?

he wanted to ask but either way, he was going to die for various reasons so he took a deep breath he smelt a rather familiar funny nutty smell ignoring he started to push all his mana out through his hands

the young boy felt something on his butt cheeks but he ignored it as he was doing something dangerous he was forcefully pushing out his mana reservoir something that isn't recommended even for a mage

fuck just do it! why are taking so long you are the one who was begging although at that time I couldn't feel mana around him as I did not know what exactly mana was I felt kind of warmish goosebumps it felt weird I thought it was all nervousness

[ mission successful user has made a first contract ]

"yes now I shall start drilling" saying it to myself chuckling I made a move towards his asshole, and just as I was about to transfer my whole body the boy moved due to mana depreciation and mental exhaustion the boy fell back on the commode making the small worm fall on his tinny dick it was tinny-like that of a child

I have no choice but to reduce My size by telling the system to eat me, reducing I shrink my body to the smallest size I could think of enough to go through the small hole

I was in a hurry although I was disgusted to enter his small pipe but I had to then I quickly deactivated my God eye to preserve the time I had left

as I was crawling inside I got a notification

[ does the user wish to consume reproductive gland to gain points ]

I was contemplating what to do as although it was a suggestion by the system I felt doubtful and asked my worries due to my brain thoughts being faster I had asked several questions at once 

"Hey, the system consuming his organ won't kill him, right? And will it help me to take over faster am I able to take over this organ afterward?

[ no he will not die, yes it will, yes you will be able to after fulfilling requirements ]

By requirements you mean points and nutrition right?

[affirmative] Man I really need some instruction manual what is this beginners pack? how long does the premium one last can I get it back 

system spoke this time without addressing by its name [ would you like to read the user manual] wow lovely you are going to give me now huh when I have no time to waste venting my frustration out I realized I should be grateful for this good opportunity and system even if it seemed little lacking

I traversed through a living mini cave that always gave out 2 kinds of liquids both disgusting and yet amazing smelling what the f#ck did I just thought am I freaking out or did I just feel that this smelled great?

[system suggestion: By using the special pack feature the system will take over the body automatically with maximum efficiency say proceed to start the process ]

"Proceed," I said and I slept I woke up terrified because it was all a dream but to my assurance, I saw the body of a young man checking himself in the mirror for any changes and calling different names I thought did the take over failed ahh the terms 

"The great primal god of urge ", devil the conqueror, great fallen primal god "

I laughed and called System asking "Am I able to communicate with him

[yes, if you focus you can send neuro signals ]

the young man was almost losing hope then I asked while laughing eerily trying to act like an evil god remembering and mimicking certain video game character who goes around killing gods

"What is your name boy"

ohh god! you are real

"yes I am, you Moran the dumb ritual failed successfully haha"

the young man was too happy that he was sheading tier of joy " I composed myself I didn't know why I felt some kind of sympathy for him but I didn't want to take over him I said maintaining my alpha evil tone "Tell me your name boy"

"ahh my name is Ashen truly is how you look like My lord he said as he looked himself at mirror he saw an image of himself but better his body was covered with full of tattoos he had abs and he could see a big sleeping donger shape in the loose black pants 

"huh me!? it's your future since you made a deal with me your soul and fate have changed for the better"

"if I hadn't pity you, you would never even be able to summon a fly"

"Accept this contract you will be able to achieve what you wish and desire"

" he said perplexed wait haven't I already accepted it "

"no that was just a test to see your attitude and desire I might be evil but I have principles that's why I am asking you will accept the contract "

"then I panicked as I thought frantically about how to should present it then I asked the system to hey system are you able to give a summary of his memory or any background info like status "

"and to my surprise it did",

it was like a movie everything came in so fast that it was a bit jarring his story was similar to mine no wonder I wanted to help him except it was his aunt who was bullied, and his step sisters who looked at him in disgust and didn't even look at him even defend him while he was being bullied by his uncle

"well, this guy is kind of stepdad wait she isn't his mother too"

oh so his original dad remarried to his stepmom to raise him because he is in the military he got killed now, and his uncle is eyeing or already has fucked with her planning to gain all the inheritance he is away and won't be coming for months as he is an mercenary adventurer, humm

so his desire is that he wants to kill his uncle and aunt because they have slowly prisoned him and it is too late so he will die in a week or so well at least would have but now he has me,

no wonder this guy was trying to get a contract with demons so he wanted to thank his stepmom who was the only one who helped him a little and she was more like a big sister to him although powerless to buy him anything properly other than giving things and hiding things for him

because of his uncle's soft spot for his stepmom, he survived soft spot huh

" more like trying to make her his well because of that she could get him little food and luxuries and oh so he was also forced to quit his academy as well well

off that was so complicated I said rubbing my hands well my metaphorical hands "But why is that Aunt sexy tho I can't help it sorry man I will fu*k her no matter what"