
hentai universe

This work is not mine

Eddshadow · Komik
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24 Chs

Naruto's Chakra Corruption 8

The mission was complete. Hanabi Hyuga had quite the spring in her step. She was finally going to see her big sister again – how long had it been now? Seven, eight months? It had taken ages. Entertaining the fire daimyo and his young daughter had eaten up a lot of time, but given plenty of things for the four young and teenage girls of the group to do. Hanabi wondered how her sister might have changed. Maybe she'd be taller, now.

Her mother grumbled. "Why are we going here again? Where's Hinata?"

"Just ahead, probably," said Itachi.

The eight of them had been off elsewhere on business for months – and had now returned. Hanabi instantly liked the location they'd been invited to, by some messenger or other. It was a beautiful, ornate home a considerable distance from the village, owned by Kushina of the Uzumaki clan. Hanabi couldn't wait to see what – and who – was inside.

It would be so good to see Hinata again. Naruto and everyone else, too. Hanabi stood aside her and Hinata's mother, Hanako. Also returning from their lengthy journey were Ino Yamanaka and her mother, Ito, Hana Inazuka and her mother, Tsume, and Itachi Uchiha and her mother, Mikoto. It had been something of a lengthy bonding for the four mother-daughter pairs, but they were all glad it was over. Hanabi started first towards the pretty, isolated house, eager to see the people inside.

Of course, the young girl had no idea what she was in for. None of them did.


"Wow, a hot spring!" Exclaimed Hanabi. "This is amazing."

"I could use one of these sure, after all that walking," said Hana.

"Big sis? Uh… hey!" Hanabi surveyed the scene. A nice, spacious hot spring filled this room, certainly big enough to accommodate everyone present if necessary. Of course, it was currently occupied. The eight women who'd entered regarded the bathing people with curious looks.

"Welcome!" Exclaimed Kushina Uzumaki. "All of you, feel free to join us. The water is lovely."

Hanabi thought something was… unusual. But not in a bad way. Three women and one girl – Hinata! - smiled back at her from the hot spring – and they certainly seemed to be enjoying themselves. All four were completely immersed in the wonderful hot water, with only their heads poking out… but they all looked different to how Hanabi remembered. They had bigger, fuller lips, much prettier faces, and had exceedingly luscious and healthy-looking hair. She remembered Tsunade looking young, sure, but she looked even younger, now. Same for Kushina. Hinata, for one, did look older… but she had the same exceedingly healthy glow about her that the other women did.

Hanabi and the other seven all noticed how the girls looked – but none of them thought it a negative thing, not at all. They did all start to feel a little strange, however. None of them could quite put their fingers on how. "You all look excellent. Very healthy," Itachi observed, simply. The girl stood, arms folded below her breasts, her own figure coming in nicely.

"My, what's your secret?" Asked Ino.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Teased Kushina, giggling.

"It's – mm – so good to see all of you back," said Tsunade. "I look forward to hearing of your sexploi- -ah – I mean exploits."

"A lot has changed while you were gone," said Kurenai, "I'm sure you'll like to hear all about it. Or see it!"

"Hi, Mom, hi Hanabi!" Said Hinata. "Where have you girls all been? I've missed you."

Hanabi realised another strange thing. Each girl seemed to be moving a bit. Not much, but sort of… rocking very gently? It was almost imperceptible, but with the eyes of the Hyuga clan, she could pick up on it. What was going on in here? It didn't seem to be anything bad, but… what was it?

Kushina, in the hot spring, felt like she could just about burst with excitement. This worked like a charm – she couldn't wait for the big reveal! Beneath the water, a certain boy's colossal dick was buried in her pussy, fucking her gently enough to evade notice. She felt another orgasm coming on – they were totally endless, lately. "Ah… this feels so nice," said Kushina, really pushing her luck. "Oh… yes!" She cried, feeling a load of cum squirting into her. She immediately came, closing her eyes, the intensity of her orgasms as of late sending her into delirium. "Mm…"

She came down off her high to see the new arrivals giving her weird looks. She exchanged glances with Tsunade, Kurenai and Hinata. It was time for the big reveal. "Kushina," said Hanako, the mother of the Hyuga girls, "Are you alright? Something seems quite… different in here." She would be in for the biggest shock of her life. Kushina had tactically suggested that Hinata be the closest person to the entrance for maximum effect.

"Something is different, most certainly!" Said Kushina. "Rise, everybody." In a slow, gentle movement, Kushina rose out of the water, getting into a standing position. The other three girls followed suit, rising off of the shadow clones they were all fucking beneath the water. "Surprise!" said Kushina, delighting in the utterly shocked and surprised expressions of the new women.

"H-H-H-H… Hina-wha?" Hanako stammered.

"This is impossible," said Ino.

"Wow," said Itachi.

The three mothers sans Hanako just stared in shock, horror… and awe. The corrupting chakra was having a speedy influence on them, just as Kushina had predicted. Hanabi was the one to take the first step forward. "Big sis… you're pregnant. You're really pregnant!"

Hinata playfully stuck her tongue out and shook her overstuffed, massively heavy belly. "Not just pregnant – ready to drop any day now!"

It was true. The eight arrivals gazed upon the glowingly gorgeous pregnant four. All four were seriously overdue – the harem of Naruto Uzumaki had reached a whopping 45 weeks of pregnancy. They weren't just past their due dates – all should've delivered more than a month prior, even two months. Despite that, their hyper-huge pregnancies had continued, their round bellies had continued to grow and swell with their perfect children. Where before she'd lost the ability to reach to the end of her belly, Hinata now couldn't even reach halfway. She'd never felt happier than she had in these past few weeks. Her breasts were huge, as impressive as an adult woman's, and her build was like some maternal freak of nature. Despite her stature and her age still in the single digits, she was absurdly swollen with eight kids in her womb. She had not just carried a chakra-corrupted pregnancy for the full nine months – she had extended it out to more than ten months. Hinata felt and looked crazy.

The rest of them stunned first with their height, then with their pregnant bellies – then with their individual crazy features.

Tsunade's breasts could command the attention of Gods. She prayed to said Gods that they wouldn't get any bigger. Much as the absurdly round things didn't give her any physical pain – miraculously – they were a bitch to see past. The problem for Tsunade was not that they sagged, but that they didn't sag. Tsunade chuckled at times at the absurdity of it all. What if someone had come up to her a year or two ago and said "you will join a harem of women who are impregnated by a little boy. He will impregnate you with eight children, you will come to stand at 6'8 or thereabouts, and you will become the bustiest woman on Earth. Not only that, you'll love every minute of it." Well, maybe not every minute, mused Tsunade. Perhaps she could think up a way to shrink – or grow? – her breasts at will?

Kushina had the biggest tummy of all, for a start. She was also pushing seven feet tall, coming in at the second-tallest of the harem, beaten only by Kurenai. Kurenai couldn't beat her in two areas – Kushina had fuller, rounder breasts, and the greatest pregnancy belly of all. Carrying nine children to full-term – and a few weeks extra – had made her look absolutely crazy. The contrast was most evident against Kurenai. Kurenai was the tallest, certainly, but she carried two less children. Kushina should've been immobilised by the weight of her colossal belly, the round bump was bigger than the boy who'd created it. Kushina also possessed astounding beauty in her face and skin, a kind of powerful youth, a strength to her that you just had to admire.

Of course, Kushina's strength in any meaning of the word was dwarfed in comparison to Kurenai. She had the iconic body of the strongest woman in the world. Her fixation on it had increased with time. She'd always been big on fitness, sure, but only with the corrupted chakra did it become an obsession. She didn't need high endurance, she needed physical invincibility. She didn't need big, strong muscles, she needed the absolute biggest and absolute strongest. Kurenai held a hand to her pregnant belly – the skin was super tight. There were times where being the "least pregnant" so to speak, irked her, but Kurenai didn't dwell on it.

Really, Kurenai Yuhi had undergone the most radical transformation of them all. The muscles on her arms were so obscene at that point that she couldn't even touch her own face. She was approaching the point of no return as far as muscle growth went, and it was abundantly clear that the growth would never stop so long as Kurenai kept exercising the muscles.

Would it truly never stop? Kurenai thought and fantasized about that prospect. If she just kept growing, kept getting taller, bigger… her life as she knew it would be over. Well, not over, but permanently, irrevocably changed. If she just kept growing, her normal activities would be impossible. Going to the movies, or to a nice restaurant? Impossible. She would never be able to go out in public without literally every person stopping to gawk at her, thinking she was some kind of freak. Everyone would see her and know that she was the strongest woman in the world, the invincible breeder who was obscenely dedicated to her craft.

She got off to all of that. Of all the things to associate with arousal – an intense arousal, at that – Kurenai's mind had fixated on the growth of her muscles and infinite development of her body. Soon enough, she would be able to do nothing but sleep, fuck, and work out. For nutrition, she could rely solely on Naruto's cum. Probably. She liked that idea, too, but hadn't much brought it up with the other women or the boy himself.

As if her muscles weren't crazy enough, Kurenai was an astounding seven feet tall, and still growing. She'd just recently hit the height. She towered over… basically anyone. The top-end 6'5 or 6'6 men? Kurenai was comfortably taller than them. She'd been spending most normal days – ones not as eventful as this one – doing nothing but lifting absolutely crazy, obscene weights as she fucked Naruto's shadow clones. She felt addicted to growing bigger and taller. Kurenai would become as big and tall as a house, becoming the strongest person to ever live, capable of levelling entire buildings while she carried strong, invincible babies in her belly.

While they didn't have insights into Kurenai's psychology, the newcomers were stunned by her and the rest no less. Each of the eight new girls glanced from pregnant woman to pregnant woman, observing the stunning, insane features of each. They had several common thoughts – there's no way this is normal. Good grief, how is Hinata pregnant already, and so massive? What the heck's happened to their bodies? Why are they so goddamn tall? Who's the father? Most of all… why do I not find this weird as I should?

Hinata watched as her sister approached, dipping a foot into the water. Then, Hanabi jumped right in, fully clothed. Her height meant the deeper part of the water would probably cover her head – not that that was a problem, since Hinata stood in the shallow part, both hands on her stomach. "Wow… what happened to you all?" Hanabi asked. "You've all got gigantic baby bellies!"

"You like them?" Asked Hinata. "Here – come over and touch it. Touch it as much as you like!"

Hanabi waded on over, struggling with the depth of the hot spring water. Hanabi noticed her sister breathing deeply as she moved, with every step seeming to be a herculean effort. "Are you alright, Hinata?"

Hinata nodded. "Y-Yeah… it's just exhausting getting around, sometimes. That's all." She giggled. "I'm so heavy… God, how does Kushina do this? Hah…"

"Do you need some help?"

Hinata shook her head, standing up nice and straight. Her tummy weighed her down so much. A part of her enjoyed it, honestly. She could still move, but it was impossible to escape the feeling of overwhelming heaviness. "Hanabi… someday you might be this heavy. It's still fun, even when it's – ngh – so hard to get around."

Hanabi nodded. She wasn't too much younger than Hinata, but she'd not thought either of them were capable of having babies yet. She reached a small, young hand to touch her sister's belly, putting her palm flat on it. "Oh!" A strong, powerful kick responded. Then, Hanabi watched something amazing – her sister's belly started to churn around and move, all crazy, wobbling around and moving in al directions.

"Ngh… the babies are crazy for you," said Hinata. "Oo… I know what they're feeling. The boys want to meet their cute, amazing auntie. They want to put their own babies in you."

"Who's the father of your children?" asked Hanako Hinata, approaching her pregnant daughter. When she'd first seen her young daughter's body, she'd been overcome with shock. After a few minutes around Naruto's chakra corruption, her mind had already transitioned from "total and overpowering shock at seeing pregnant daughter" to "hm, how interesting this is."

Speaking of Naruto, it was about time for him to show his face. There was a splash in the water behind Kushina. "Ah!" The boy emerged suddenly from behind Kushina, the noise surprising Hanabi and the rest. "Hi, everybody! Welcome back. Sorry, I was just enjoying myself in the water." As he got closer, the new girls were treated to the sight of his obscene body. There were gasps from all around. "Oh yeah. You haven't seen me in a while. I've got a giant cock now."

"W-What… Naruto?" Asked Itachi. "Naruto Uzumaki? Is that you?"

"Sure is." Naruto watched as his four gargantuan pregnant sluts approached the newcomers. "You all better watch out. I think they like you."

"They're all so pretty," said Kurenai, striding confidently over towards Ino and Ito. "You two seem like a lovely pair."

"W-What? You're all crazy!" Cried Ino, not so quickly corrupted as some of the others. "S-Sensei… how many babies are you carrying in there?"

Kurenai chuckled. Her and the others were now all harassing the mother-daughter pairs with their bodies. Tsunade had grabbed Itachi and her mother, Hinata was over at her own family, and Kushina had approached Hana and Tsume. "Why don't you come in and say hello?" Asked Kurenai, taking a final step towards Ino. She got down onto her knees, on her side in front of Ino. She then reached a single, hyper-muscled arm out and grabbed Ino. "Heh." She shoved the small girl's face into her pregnant belly, her strength preventing her from escaping. Kurenai was careful not to put too much force into it, of course. She only had to use a small percentage of her power to lift up a normal-sized teenage girl with one hand.

"Ah – mm!" Ino found her body pushed against an enormous pregnant belly. She felt movement. There were quite a few babies in there. She immediately started to feel something, down in her nethers… no, she couldn't be. Not at a time like this. This was obscene… she hadn't even had the proper time to process the absurdity. Her mother wasn't exactly helping her, either. "Ngh… there are so many kids in here. And how are you so strong? I can't even move!"

"Would it interest you to know," said Kurenai, "that I'm carrying the fewest babies? Yes, it's a little sad sometimes, but I'm overdue with only seven babies…"


While Kurenai continued harassing the Yamanaka pair, Tsunade had approached the Uchihas. Itachi and her mother, Mikoto, seemed stunned by the sight of Tsunade. Tsunade smiled at them. Standing in front of them, she shook her heaving tits back and forth – finding she could barely do so due to their enormity. "Ngh… goodness. I've become such a cow."

"I don't think I've seen a bigger chest in my life…" said Itachi, calmly. She looked Tsunade up and down, but found by far her colossal breasts were what commanded the most attention. If standing too close in front of Tsunade, Itachi could not see her face at all. It was, of course, obscured by her breasts. "You're not like the other three. You're all obscenely tall with bodies that defy logic… but only you've experienced explosive breast growth."

Tsunade chuckled, inching ever closer. "Explosive. A fair enough word." She began to cradle her huge tits, playing with them. "Kurenai and I have had our best features made hyper. She is the world's strongest woman, while I'm the world's bustiest." She lowered her voice, getting even closer. "And, of course, the milkiest." With that, Tsunade squeezed both her breasts, bringing forth powerful gushes of breastmilk. Itachi and Mikoto received a huge blast of it, each… and the corrupted chakra immediately began to take a much faster hold.

"You two deserve to service my boy," said Kushina, moving to Hana and Tsume. She reached a hand out to the shoulder of the pretty, young Hana. Her body was coming along quite nicely. Sizeable breasts for her age, a nice figure… she needed a baby or ten in her womb. Kushina held the girl tightly, making her gasp, and started to rub and grind her gigantic pregnant tummy against her. Hana offered remarkably little resistance.

"Th-that pregnancy… that's the biggest I've ever seen," said Hana, a part of her wanting to protest the absurdity.. but her laid-back nature meant her mind didn't offer too much resistance to things. "You must have ten kids in there. It's as big as me…"

Kushina moaned, rubbing and moving the tight flesh up and down Hana's front. She noticed the girl breathing jaggedly, her face getting flushed… it didn't take much to arouse her. How easy it would be to corrupt these eight girls. Kushina smiled down at the both of them – the size difference was absurd. Kushina had close to two feet on both women. She was taller, stronger, and more resilient. Hana felt just how tight the skin of her pregnant tummy was – but the enormity of it was quite dazzling, up-close. Hana watched as the older woman dragged it across her body… the bump was endless. Hana could legitimately fit inside the space of Kushina's belly – not that she wanted to. She mostly found herself wanting to have a belly that impressive – and wondering for one particular thing. "Only nine, this time," remarked Kushina. "Obviously my boy will impregnate me again the moment I give birth. Gosh, I can't wait for that. It should be any day, now."

"Your… boy?" Asked Tsume, glancing to Naruto. Said boy was standing idly in the pool – actually, no. There were four of him. What the hell? Were those shadow clones? "Did your son impregnate you?"

Leaving Hana alone for a moment, Kushina moved over to Tsume. She started to give the woman her own little belly dance, grinding and rubbing herself across the adult woman's body. Tsume would make fine enough breeding material. Her daughter was even better, but Tsume had some nice breasts. "It's a huge load of incest babies. I'm 45 weeks in… I'm going to drop them any day, now. Everything is thanks to my boy and his enormous cock!" Kushina felt some amazing pleasure coming on. "And the best part is… this!" Moaning, Kushina got into a squat, and promptly let an orgasm surge through her. She squirted everywhere, gushing hot liquids onto the floor. She displayed her pregnant belly with pride as she did, showing off her happily bred body. Everybody could see her and her obscene tummy – her amazing, taut, huge, gravity-defying mega bulge. This level of hyper pregnancy ought to cause a drooping belly, one heavy enough to keep a woman bedridden… but even when crouched, her stomach stuck straight out. Kushina felt pleased. There was a reason she'd grown to be nearly seven feet tall, and it was so she could carry her son's children without problems. "Aaaaaah! Mm… see that? I came. From doing almost nothing…"

"Wow," remarked Hana, actually cracking a bit of a smile. "That sure is impressive."

"It's an ability… you can have, too." She ran a hand through Hana's hair. "All you have to do is let my boy impregnate you."

In the rightmost part of the room, Hinata played and messed with her family. "Happy to see me, Mom?" She teased. "Forgot to tell you, but… you're gonna be a grandma, any day now. Maybe even today!" Hinata sat down for a moment, knowing she'd get a little dirty, but soon enough she'd be back in the hot spring. Hanabi, for one, was super wet from entering the hot spring. Hinata, of course, wanted her wet in a different way. "Come on, you two… come and have a look."

Hanabi sat in front of her sister. She'd never been more impressed and amused in her life. Thinking about sex wasn't something she would otherwise do for years, but fate – and the Uzumakis – had other ideas. Hanabi rubbed her sister's huge, round belly. "This is bigger than me!" She exclaimed, feeling immediate kicks back from a couple of babies. "W-Whoa. How many… kids are you having?"

"Eight!" Hinata proudly exclaimed, to shocked looks from her family members. "Eight beautiful, amazing babies. All thanks to that stud right over there!"

Naruto gave an awkward wave. "Uh… hi," he said. "Nice to see you, Hanabi."

Hinata delighted in her sister's stunned silence as she took in the sight of Naruto's monster cock. "Isn't it ridiculous? You could probably go find some of the best-hung, biggest-dicked men in the world, and they'd still be dwarfed by a little boy. I love him so much. He's the best baby Daddy ever."

"You're not bothered… by all this?" Asked Hanako, sitting in front of her daughter. She looked at the nude girl, the initial dismay and horror truly having faded. She was starting to feel something in her loins… but she ignored it. "Eight children, goodness. I'd not even thought you could have children, yet."

"Me neither, but it's been the best thing ever!" Hinata exclaimed. "I love riding Naruto's huge cock and having him fuck me any way he wants. Name every sex act you can think of, I'm sure he's done it with one of us at some point."

Hanabi nodded. Naruto did have a gigantic penis, for sure. "That's so cool… so this means I'm gonna be an auntie?"

Hinata smiled at her. "You sure are. Any day now, too. Apparently, chakra-corrupted pregnancies last a bunch longer. I'd have pushed them out more than a month ago for a normal pregnancy… though if it were normal, me having so many babies wouldn't even be normal."

Hanabi nodded, contemplatively stroking her sister's belly. She noticed Hinata moaning an awful lot at the touch. "Are you alright, big sister?"

"Ah… I'm fiiiiine!" Hinata felt a squeezing sensation – a strong orgasm from nothing but the touch of her little sister. "J-Just – oo – imagining Naruto's hyper cock impregnating you, Hanabi!"

"I-Impregnating… me?" Asked Hanabi? "Giving me… babies?" The little girl knew such an idea wasn't even possible… right? She was too young to get pregnant. She barely even understood how babies were made. Still… she really enjoyed listening to Hinata talk. Her girl bits felt kind of funny. She leaned in and put her head on Hinata's belly, closing her eyes. "Ah… I'm being kicked. A couple of babies are kicking me. Maybe two or three."

"Oo… you know what I think?" Asked Hinata. "I think it's the boys. I think they can sense their cool, cute auntie. They want to come out and spend some quality time with you."

"I think that's enough," said Kushina, raising her voice. "Everybody – you are all invited to join us in the hot spring," she said, gesturing widely. A couple of the women observed how her belly distended – a few babies were kicking. "Hop on in – the water's nice, and so is the cock."

Hanabi, with a big smile on her face, was the first to accept the invitation. She stripped off, not caring one bit that everyone would see her naked body. She was just a little girl, anyway. The girls with big boobs would probably be more embarrassed. She hopped right on in. "Mom?" She asked. "You coming?"

Hanako Hyuga nodded. "Of course. I think… maybe I would like to see what all the fuss is about."


Naruto enjoyed the sight. Eight new women and girls, naked around him! Awesome. His cock throbbed and his heart raced – he knew his body could sense all the fertile girls in the area. The younger girls of the mother-daughter pairs were all a few years older than Hinata and Naruto, except Hanabi who was even younger by a year or two. Their mothers, as far as Naruto could tell, were all in their thirties, though maybe one or two were over forty and just looked young. It made no difference to him. Kushina had talked up this day to him for weeks – about how he'd finally get to spread his seed around some more. Three young girls, one very young girl, and four MILFs. Naruto felt some precum leaking out from his tip. "I think I'll need some more clones," he said, observing the group in front of him.

Itachi took a few cautious steps forward. "You can cast shadow clones?" She asked. "That should be impossible."

"I know!" Naruto exclaimed. "It's the nine-tails chakra. My record is more than a hundred cast at once!"

"How effective are they at.. you know?" Asked Hana. "Lewd stuff."

"Each and every clone has full reproductive capabilities," said Tsunade. "They retain the original's greatly enhanced genitalia… although, strictly speaking, we've never tested their ability to impregnate more women. So, congratulations to all of you," she said, a wry smile on her lips, "today, you'll get to test out some things."

"So, can I have a baby?" Hanabi asked in the cutest voice. Naruto nodded. The little sister of the Hyugas was so cute. She certainly deserved a couple of kids in her tiny, flat belly.

"Everyone gets pregnant!" Announced Kushina. "My son, cast a clone – or several - for each of us, and let's get started!"

Naruto did. Soon, the hot spring had not three shadow clones – but twenty-five . Naruto made sure there were plenty to go around. It wasn't a problem to have clones standing idly to wait their turn. More likely, though, they'd all be occupied in one way or another. "Ah… that felt easier than last time. I could probably break my record if I tried!" Announced Naruto. "Actually, let me just…" Naruto decided to summon a few more, bringing the total clones to an even thirty. "Okay everybody, here we go."

A few clones sauntered over to each girl in the room, pregnant or not. The new arrivals marvelled at the boys' cocks and balls, 20-inch bitch breakers paired with hulking, full, cum-packed nuts. "Begin!" Naruto called. "Oh, I suppose I should fuck someone, too."

"Take your pick, my sweet boy," said Kushina, already jacking off two clones. "For today, you should focus on the new girls. They're all ripe and fertile for you… or they soon will be."

Naruto nodded. He knew that to be true, most certainly. Impregnating Hanabi would be an interesting concept, but she seemed most eager of all. And, rather than disowning her, Hanako seemed just as enthusiastic about the idea of being knocked up as her two daughters did. Naruto moved over to the three Hyugas, observing their nude bodies. "You're all so pretty."

"Ah… oh my God… their cocks are huge!" Hanako Hyuga stood in the shallow part of the hot spring. Two clones had wandered on over and started to jerk off for her. She got down low in front of them, immersing most of herself in the water, leaving her body from the tits up exposed. "I… I can't believe it, but I want them inside me. The thought of getting pregnant… it excites me so much." She stared at Hinata, flushed. "What is this?"

"Naruto's chakra!" Hinata replied, rubbing her belly. "You'll end up with a gigantic baby belly like me, if you let them cum inside you. Oh, wow, Hanabi. You're doing well."

"Mm. I kind of like this." Hanabi was shorter than the clones – such was the height of their cocks that she cold just reach out in front of her to touch and play with them. Relying on her instincts, the young girl immediately started licking the length of the first clone. Everyone had at least two clones apiece – this would be the greatest gangbang yet, orchestrated by Naruto and his harem. "it makes me… tingly, down below… Wah?" She looked back. A clone was behind her, rubbing his superb cock against her pussy entrance. "Ooh… I don't think that'll fit in there. You want to do sex with me, right?" The clone nodded.

"How it works," said Hinata, "is pretty easy. You let Naruto or one of his ultra-hung copies shoot their cum inside you. Then, you get pregnant with a bunch of babies, and they grow and grow inside your belly! It's the most fun thing ever."

"It looks so difficult," said Hanako, "I remember, even when I was pregnant with you two… it was difficult. How can you even move around?"

Hinata felt a little rumble in her belly, and felt rather full and heavy all of a sudden. "I was great for most of the pregnancy," said Hinata. "Brilliant, in fact. Even now, I've never felt better. But I have to admit… I don't feel super young or fast. It's probably just because of my age, though, Mom. You're a properly grown-up woman, so even if you have as many of Naruto's babies as me…" she smirked, sidling closer to her mother, grunting with effort. "I'm not as fit as Kushina, and nowhere near as good as Kurenai. But I think you'll be fine."

"Oo… I can't believe this, but I want that! I want it really bad." Said Hanako, with one clone in front of her and one behind. She found herself jacking off the front most one, while the back one prepared to penetrate her. "It's been so long… since I've had sex. Or been pregnant."

"Clone, move," said Naruto to the one behind Hanabi. "I want to give Hanabi her first fuck. It's only right." The clone obeyed, moving over to Hinata instead, who happily took him against her belly. She didn't need to get pregnant – she was happy to jack off three shadow clones at once onto her pregnant stomach, eager to get soaked in thick cum once again.

"O-Okay," said Hanabi, nodding as she felt a strong, intense heat in her crotch. "Ah… this is so weird. I really, really want to be touched down there!"

"You will be, Hanabi," said the original Naruto, putting his arms around the small girl's front. He put his fingers to her nipples, making the girl gasp. She had no breasts – not yet. Being around Naruto or his clones enough would surely transform her into an early maternal goddess, just like her big sister. "Are you ready? I'm gonna stick it in."

"W-Will it hurt?" She asked.

"At first, yeah… but then it'll be the best thing you've ever felt."

"Okay! Do it, then." Hanabi braced herself… then felt it. Naruto, her big sister's cool boyfriend, forced her cunt open. "HAAAAAAH!" It hurt, briefly… the pain was immense to start with, but it was gone in seconds. Hanabi felt like something was flowing into her – but not something physical. Chakra? "Oo… ooooo…. W-w-what is thiiiiiis? AH!" As Naruto pushed himself as far into her as he could, the girl promptly had her first orgasm. "HAAAAAH!"

"M-My girl and I are both… taking cocks at once!" Hanako observed. She'd covered her mouth as her Naruto clone penetrated her – it could only reach half way in to start with, but good grief, it was the most amazing thing Hanako had ever experienced. "Mmf…. Oh God, I'm cumming!" She felt herself squirting, orgasming like she never had. Her husband had never, ever given her an orgasm like this… and Naruto hadn't even started moving. "Hah… hah… it's settled, then. Fuck me full!" Hanako demanded of the clone. "Fuck me full and make me pregnant again. I want to have more children like Hinata and Hanabi."

"You might run out of "H" names, though," Naruto joked, finding nobody heard him. All three girls were now stuck in total sexual pleasure. He began to fuck Hanabi, finding the girl's small body just wasn't equipped to handle his overwhelming sexual energy. He held her tightly, reaching as deep into her body s he could, busting straight into her small womb. He was only halfway into her, but his cock literally could not reach any further. No matter. In a couple of months, he'd be able to fit most of it in. Then again, in a couple of months, Hanabi would have a nice pregnant belly. "You two… are fantastic!" Said Naruto. "After today, I'm gonna remember fucking all twelve of you. That's gonna be an awesome set of memories." The shadow clone at Hanabi's front was basically ignored – he merely masturbated, jerking off in front of Hanabi, intending to hose down her front with cum.

"Oo… I want to be pregnant with my daughters," said Hanako, feeling the clone reaching unfathomably deep inside her. "I want us to all be pregnant at once. Hinata… once you give birth to my grandchildren, get pregnant again. The three of us can have kids together. We can give birth together!"

"Wow, Mom," said Hinata, giggling, "You sure got corrupted fast. I guess that's what happens when you're around a place like this." Hinata got more pleasure from watching the scene unfold, than anything else. Her mother and her cute little sister were finally going to be impregnated! "I've fantasised about this for ages, you two. I've been imagining you with massive pregnant bellies… just like me. And the rest of us."

Hanabi stared at said belly. Hinata was not the same girl she'd been when Hanabi had last seen her. Had the girl already been growing Naruto's babies, even all the way back then? Either way, Hanabi felt totally fascinated by her sister's gigantic pregnant tummy. It looked too big to be possible, but Hinata had it anyway. Sure, her boobs were pretty huge, too, but Hanabi could just stare at that pregnant tummy. All those babies, stuffed in there together. Hanabi wanted some herself.

She didn't know if she could carry eight, though… surely that would destroy her body, or something? Especially since she was smaller and younger than Hinata. Somehow, Hanabi didn't care. Imagining her own tummy getting really big, and feeling babies kicking against her body, being as obscenely rotund and baby-stuffed as her big sister… it made Hanabi feel even better. She wanted her and Hinata to be pregnant sisters. "I wanna… have a huge pregnant belly. I want a massive belly like Hinata," Hanabi called out, feeling another surge of pleasure. "Oooo.. goooooooh!" Her eyes rolled back into her head as the original Naruto kept fucking her.

"Haha… do you, Hanabi?" Asked Hinata.

"Yeah. It's so… sexy. It makes me really… happy! I want babies…"

Hinata nodded. "You'll get them. Maybe even as many as me."

"H-aaaaaaah-AAAAAAH! HE'S CUMMING!" Hanako screamed. The Hyuga matriarch had the honour of being the first new woman in the room to feel Naruto's (clone's) hot, thick load inside her. She cried out in pure, sheer ecstasy as she almost passed out from orgasm, squeezing the shadow clone's cock in a vice grip of sexual pleasure. "THERE'S SO MUCH!"

"Oh.. wha?" Hanabi had no words to process the feeling as Naruto Uzumaki shot a huge load into her womb. Directly into her womb. "Ah…" she moaned weakly as the pleasure overwhelmed her brain and body, leaving her barely able to remain standing. "Make me pregnant," she said, "give me and Mommy… big baby bellies. I want that… ah!"

"You're… welcome, Hanabi!" Naruto savored the exquisite tightness. Despite Hanabi's early age, her elder sister actually felt tighter to him, most times. Still… how amazing would the girl be in a few months time, once the corrupted chakra had truly had time to affect her body? Naruto couldn't wait. He thought it kind of hilarious how quickly Hanabi had loved all of this. Apparently, his chakra could induce a pregnancy fetish in young girls very quickly. Go figure. He wondered if Hanabi's age had anything to do with it. "I love all of you… get pregnant, Hanabi! Become a pregnant mother and daughter, you two!"

Hinata moaned happily to herself, smiling and throwing her head back as the three clones in front of her began to give a shower of cum. Three orgasms at once on her front – it certainly proved sufficient. She ended up absolutely covered in cum, but Hinata focused more on the lewd scene playing out in front of her. Her mother and her little sister – now, both would waddle around under massive baby bellies, courtesy of her hung stud boyfriend. Hinata closed her eyes, cumming in the hot spring, moaning happily to herself as she imagined the future fun times…

Elsewhere in the room, several other scenes of degenerate, somewhat incestuous gangbangs were playing out. Tsunade had joined Itachi and Mikoto… who faced each other. "My, you two. You've surrendered to the corruption quite easily."

"Ah… they're so huge!" Cried Mikoto. "Th-this is crazy."

Itachi still remained the sternest, calmest person in the room… but even she was having trouble coping with this. She was pressed right up against her mother, her head in the older woman's neck, their breasts squished against each other's bodies. Two shadow clones were behind each woman.

"Mom… I haven't been paying you enough attention," said Itachi. She had both her hands up, clasped against her mother's. "This is… pleasurable. But they're so hard to take!" Itachi gritted her teeth, cumming once again. "Especially in… argh… both holes at once!"

Possessing Naruto's creativity and desire for variety, the shadow clones had opted to do different stuff for each pair. One clone was on the ground behind each girl, stuffing as much of their respective lengths inside the girls' pussies as they could. One each had also climbed onto Itachi and Mikoto, manoeuvring nicely so they could fuck their asses. The two girls supported each other, meaning the weight of the clones was not a problem.

"Ngh… have you ever… done it this way before, Mom?" Asked Itachi.

"N-No. Never! I've never had my ass fucked. Ah…" Mikoto loved being so close to her pretty daughter. "My sweet daughter… you're so gorgeous. I think you'd look wonderful with… a round pregnant belly."

"I agree with this," Tsunade had a clone each feeding from her breasts – which, for her, was sufficient to make her cum. She caught both of the nearby girls trying to get a look at her tits, every once in a while. Tsunade smiled. Maybe someday, they too would grow chests as impressive. Well, never quite so impressive as herself, but it would be nice to have a few women that could even come the slightest bit close. Maybe they would all share their children around, nursing each other's hungry babies, sharing the love around, in a way. As for her own children… Tsunade had a perverted thought. Would they have tits as big as hers, or even bigger? Really, the only way her daughters could have any hope of beating her was if they got started with their Daddy extremely early. Perhaps before they could even have children, themselves? Tsunade almost liked the idea of having her record beaten with regards to breast size. In the end, she felt quite certain all of her daughters would be huge-breasted blonde bimbos. "You two would benefit from carrying Naruto's children. The health benefits are numerous."

"H-Health benefits? Ah…" said Mikoto.

"You'll be healthier. Stronger. Feel younger."

"S-Stronger?" Asked Itachi. "Ngh… I want that."

"M-Me too," said Mikoto, feeling an orgasm approaching fast. Again. Having both her holes stuffed was an experience she would not soon forget… and one she suspected she'd become addicted to. "I want to… give birth. With my daughter. Itachi… I want us to be pregnant together."

"Ngh… I shouldn't," said Itachi. "I know it's wrong… but I want it anyway. Why do I want it anyway?"

"Imagine us," said Mikoto, "pressed like this, pregnant belly to pregnant belly, doing the same thing in months' time. We wouldn't be able to reach each other, our tummies would be so huge. I hope I can have… ten children in my belly at once!"

"Ah, Mom… what are you saying?" Itachi focused on the swollen cocks filling her body up. It was like nothing she'd ever felt. She gave an unladylike moan, feeling the way the cocks of two super young, underage boys – or clones of one – stretched her cunt and ass open. Her womb felt strange. Her entire body tingled a bit with strange feelings and residual pleasure, as if a force was spilling out into her. Quickly enough, something spilled out into her more literally. She heard a cute, boyish moan from behind, and shortly after, both clones filled her up! "O-Oh my God," she cried out, immediately squirting like crazy, "I can feel it… I'm getting pregnant. I'm actually getting pregnant!"

"Me too," said Mikoto, "Kiss me, my beautiful daughter." As they took simultaneous loads in their fertile wombs, the mother and daughter shared a deep, incestuous kiss. It was loving, perfect… and they were both imagining far lewder things. Mikoto imagined she kissed not her own daughter, but her son - a boy she'd given birth to, fucking her. Itachi tried to suppress the improper, absurd desires… but found herself wanting to make out with a son or daughter of her own. She couldn't do that… she couldn't… yes, yes she could.

Tsunade smiled, feeling a somewhat gentle orgasm as the clones feeding from her got absolutely soaked with breastmilk. They both coughed, with no hope of drinking down the sheer amount Tsunade produced by that point. "Good," she said, "Fantastic. Eventually, you two can be milked like this, too. You can have a son on each breast, draining you – unh – just like me!"

In a slightly deeper area of the hot spring, Kurenai fooled around with Ino and her mother, Ito. "You'll love it in time," said Kurenai. "This will be you before long."

"MMPH! Let me… go!" Ino still offered some resistance… but it was rapidly leaving her. Soon, the overwhelming pleasure of sex would transform her mind. "Ah… what?"

"Ah… they're not too difficult to lift, are they?" Asked Ito. "You must have such fun handling Naruto and these clones of his."

"I do!" Said Kurenai. "I can't wait to have his children. Then, I can have a bunch of little ones to use and teach however I like." Kurenai liked to have a little fun with things. She held Ino against the top of her pregnant belly, her pussy facing outwards. Opposite her, Ito held a shadow clone, with one hand on his ass, and another on his waist. Pushing him against Ino, the horny mother essentially used the shadow clone as a sex toy, one she could fuck her daughter with.

"Oo… aaaaaaah!" Ino felt the clone poke against her cunt… then push straight in. The stretch was overwhelming. Like some of the other girls in the room, Ino was a virgin. "I-I don't mind getting pregnant and all that, but this is just too much! Is this really… the best way to have sex?"

"Depends on who you ask," said Kurenai, holding the moaning girl tightly. "Either way, you'll be pregnant before the day is out."

"You're quite tall," said Ito. "I've noticed."

Kurenai laughed. "Tall? I'm a giant!" She flexed her arm muscles, dazzling Ino and Ito. "You want to be like this? Super pregnant and super muscly? You have to work out."

"Could we really be like that?" asked Ito, as her daughter cried out in pleasure. "You must be the biggest woman I've ever seen." Kurenai delighted in posing some more for Ito and Ino, showing off her huge biceps, her massive legs that were just tons and tons of thick muscle (while still holding the unfortunate Ino). Ito wondered what would happen if she kicked someone with those legs. Kurenai thrusted her belly out, causing her babies to kick and move around a bit, bothering Ino somewhat. "Whatever you think your best feature is… maybe it'll get better."

"Ah… maybe," said Ito. "I have a question, though. We can do as we wish with the children, right? I have a few ideas. At first, I thought having my son one day impregnate me would be amazing… but upon thinking about it, I'd rather see them all gangbang Ino at once!"

"AAAAAH I'M CUMMIIIIIING!" Ino replied, squirting on the clone's cock. The clones, in turn, came inside the two women, impregnating both for sure…

Finally, Hana and Tsume were being harassed by Kushina. "You two will make a fine pair of pregnant sluts for my boy," said Kushina. "Speaking of him, here he comes."

"Hi," said Naruto. "I knocked up Hanabi and her mom. I want to do you two, next."

"O-Okay," said Tsume, moaning. "Mm."

"Oh. You two have already…?" Naruto observed the cum dripping from Tsume Inazuka's pussy. A clone nearby was the culprit.

"Just Mom, they've done," said Hana, approaching Naruto. "This sure is a good thing you've got going on here."

"I know!" exclaimed Naruto, getting into position behind Hana. "You're going to join in with it, too. It's gonna be cool to see all eight of you with pregnant bellies." He poked his cock against Hana's cunt, ready to fuck the girl nice and hard.

"Ah… do it." Naruto did, pushing into the girl. "Ah – ngh!" Despite the overwhelming stretch she immediately felt, Hana retained most of her composure. It felt pretty much how she'd expected. "That's pretty big – huh?"

"You'll look like this," said Kushina. She'd come right up to Hana and started to rub her pregnant belly against the girl. She began to massage Hana's body with the tight flesh. "A baby-filled belly. You'll probably change the way I have," she said, putting her enormous pregnant gut against Hana's flat tummy. "You like how this feels?"

"Ah… it's pretty weird, honestly," Hana replied, truthfully. She watched Kushina pull back, away from her. The older woman beckoned two nearby shadow clones to her. To Hana's surprise, they began too… rub their cocks on Kushina's belly. A belly job? How strange.

"My boy and his clones have the same cock. It's more than a foot and a half long, you know," said Kushina. "Mm. So good. You wouldn't think you'd like this belly job thing… but it's fun. It stimulates me, too."

"Does it – ah – does it really?" Asked Hana. "It's certainly… hard to take this inside me." Hana looked over to her mother, who was crying out, overwhelmed with pleasure as a clone absolutely rammed her. Hana wondered if getting the real boy was different. Naruto certainly made her feel good. "I've had… a big question."

"Whatever it is, you can ask me," said Kushina, as the two shadow clones pleasured themselves on her belly. Hana found it kind of fascinating, in a way - she couldn't imagine taking enjoyment out of that, but it was clear Kushina was loving it. "Ah… God. So good."

"I have a couple, actually," said Hana. "How many kids are you carrying?"

You want to guess?" Asked Kushina with a laugh. "You've probably noticed how crazy-big I am… that's because I have nine kids in my belly."

Hana had to flinch in surprise at that. "Wow… that's – ah – impressive!" She truly was impressed by the enormity of Kushina's pregnant tummy. There were times it seemed to take on a life of its own – well, that was sort of a pun. So much life grew within it. Hana wondered what that would be like; to have a tummy as big as an entire person, one where you carried nine children to give birth to. Not just nine children – nine incest babies. Hana found herself feeling… strangely warm at the idea. Fucking her own son, letting him knock her up… she could never do something that. Could she? Maybe someday, years and years in the future… maybe she would. Still, Hana was thinking too far ahead.

"You're staring at my belly, Hana," said Kushina. "I knew you were a good girl. You'll make a fine baby factory for my son, or for his descendants. For now, I'd love for you to give me some more grandchildren."

"Ngh… I'm gonna cum already," replied Hana. Rather than crying out in pleasure, Hana felt the fantastic feeling of release… but kept relatively focused. She closed her eyes, still somewhat aware of how absurd this all was, but not doing anything about it. "Ngh…"

"Good, isn't it?" Kushina teased. "Ah… I'm going to cum, too. Boys, soak my belly, please." The clones instantly obeyed, groaning as they sent super huge, thick loads onto Kushina's pregnant tummy. Hana felt hypnotised by the sight, watching the way the boys spurted with absolutely crazy force. Kushina instantly orgasmed, squirting into the water of the hot spring. "Nnnnngh! Ah…"

Hana kept watching. "Your stomach…" she said.

"A-ah!" Kushina felt it and saw it. "The babies are going nuts! Ooooooh!"

"You're gonna give birth," said Hana, "Surely. That's what that means."

"N-No. Mm. This is just something that happens, sometimes," said Kushina, pushing her cum-soaked belly out towards Hana. "You'll have it happen, too. I wonder how many grandkids my boy will put in your belly? Get ready – I think he's cumming."

"Ngh… sure am, Hana," said Naruto, finally contributing to the conversation. "Take it!"

Hana felt a second orgasm come on as the younger boy filled her, and she couldn't resist letting out a moan. "Ooo… aaaaaah…" This was heavenly. She wasn't a particularly horny person… except now she was. What had happened? "W-Why do I feel so… different?"

"Don't pay it any mind," said Kushina, stretching her back and showing off her colossal pregnant gut. Nine babies at 45 weeks… it was a wonder she could walk. Hana wondered how she could. Carrying that sort of weight around should've been hard even for someone of Kushina's astounding height, but she moved with such youthful vigor. She leaned in close to Hana as best she could. "You're going to become pregnant. You and your mother both. You will grow my son's children in your wombs, you will carry them to term. I wish you luck in carrying many. His chakra will change and transform your bodies… you'll probably get much taller, bustier… you'll be able to cum without even touching yourself. You'll feel no pain, you'll feel healthier, stronger… and someday, you can fuck your own sons, and my boy can breed his daughters by you."

Hana liked the sound of all that. "Hey, Naruto," she said, "can you cum inside me again?"


What followed was an hours-long orgy. The intent of Kushina and the other three was for it wear on into the night, until they could barely stay awake any longer. Naruto moved through each girl sequentially, making sure all eight got a taste of the original's cock, before giving each of his original four baby mommas a touch of love. There was no doubt that every female in the room was pregnant by the end of that day. Of course, that would be the only day for quite some time where all twelve were pregnant at once.

Naruto had made it to lucky last – Hinata Hyuga. "Ah… ah." He squirted a load into her belly, fucking her from behind, delighting in the body of his youngest baby momma. Of course, Hanabi would soon steal that record. "Fuck, Hinata… are you alright? Your babies…"

"Hnnnngh!" Hinata stood in the shallow end of the water. "W-What is this?" She put both hands on her massively overstretched tummy, holding it as it madly bulged and made deep, gurgling noises. Kicks and shaped bumps rippled across the entire thing. Her babies were going crazy in their womb, as they always did, but something was different. "Th-They won't… ah. They won't… they won't s-s-s-stop!"

"This is weird," said Naruto. "Usually they stop within a minute or two. That's always what happens."

"Haaaaah… aaaaargh…" Hinata wasn't sure what she was feeling, It couldn't be… could it? No. She felt her children kicking against her touch. She decided to lean against the side of the pool for a bit, hoping this would pass. But it didn't. "Oof… ooooo…"

"Hinata," said Naruto, "I've never seen them so active. They've never moved around so much… it's kind of hot!" Naruto watched the big, powerful movements, massive, belly-breaking, womb-busting kicks from his unborn children. They would come out strong for sure… actually, hold up. "Hinata… do you think maybe you're giving birth?"

Hinata hadn't wanted to admit it. But it was true. Today was the day. "Ah… fuck. I think you're right." She felt the strangest, most all-consuming squeezing feeling. One in her belly. She heard a wet, rumbly noise and felt a bunch of movement in her womb. This was it, wasn't it? "Ah… huh. There it is again!"

"What does it feel like?" Asked Naruto.

"Big, powerful squeezes. The most powerful I've ever felt."

"What's going on, here?" Tsunade came on over. "Hinata, is there something wrong?"

"My body's super weird. I-I mean, more than usual. I'm getting big squeezing feelings. Ah… there's another one. Something's pushing against me… I feel like I'm opening up!"

Tsunade nodded. "I'd say you're having contractions, but ones that don't hurt?"

"Y-Yeah. It doesn't hurt. Just feels… weird. Kind of nice, almost. Ah… I can't believe it. Naruto, come here." She grabbed the boy's hand, holding it. "You're gonna meet your babies!"

"Awesome! Should we stop the, uh… orgy?"

"We should," said Tsunade. "The others will need to help."


Hinata ended up laying down on at thick, soft mat, to the side of the hot spring. Everyone had come over to watch her, barring the shadow clones, whom Naruto had recalled. "Ah… the squeezes keep getting longer. Tighter, too. It feels kind of good, honestly!" Hinata laid flat on her back on the comfy mats. There was plenty of space for her, even with her crazy baby belly. It absolutely dominated her figure, more visible than ever when she laid down. Hinata knew how she looked, and had relished it for ten long months. A small girl attached to a super-huge baby belly – a belly which rumbled and gurgled, making all sorts of funny noises Hinata knew weren't normal. She reached hands up to touch it, stroking the mass of skin with her comparatively tiny hands. Hinata would be sure to enjoy this experience – in future, she would never again be this small relative to her gravid gut, and would only be a little girl for so long. Still, she intended to play out this scenario every single year for a long, long time.

As the funny squeezing feelings continued, Hinata felt more excited than she'd ever been, and her heart was absolutely racing. The girl had some nerves, too, of course – giving birth to eight kids while you were still a kid was certainly an unusual experience. "Ah… I wonder if I'm gonna cum a bunch?"

"So far, it seems my theory has proven correct," said Tsunade, getting nice and close. "You're not reporting pain – contractions are often excruciating. You feel no pain at all?"

Hinata shook her head. "None. It's all good. Ooh, there's another one. I'm opening up fast." She craned her head right. "Naruto, come hold my hand."


It was neither of the expectant parents bounding around in excitement… but instead it was Kushina, the soon-to-be-grandmother, unable to contain her excitement. Watching the humongous pregnant woman fidget around excitably was a hilarious sight. "I can't believe they're coming out!" She exclaimed.

"Calm down," said Kurenai. "And enjoy the spectacle of it all."

"Erm, so… we're going to just watch?" Asked Itachi. The eight newcomers stood, sat or lounged around wherever they pleased. Tsume and Ito had already headed back into the hot spring together. Their daughters, however, both watched the unfolding scene with great interest.

"Should we be seeing this?" Asked Ino.

"I don't mind. I think this would be interesting," said Hana.

"Ah… everybody watch me give birth!" Hinata demanded, feeling tremendously aroused at the prospect of near-strangers watching her give birth. Of course, Hanabi and her Mom were nice and close, in front and to the right of Hinata. Naruto sat to the girl's left, clasping her hand. "I wanna… squirt out all these babies, and you can all watch them come out. This is gonna be fun, isn't it?"

"Probably!" Replied Naruto.

"Of all the adjectives to use for giving birth…" said Tsunade, shaking her head. "Well. Here we go. Just let it all happen, Hinata. You're dilating extremely fast."

"Oooooo! The squeezes keep coming." Hinata closed her eyes, feeling tight pressure – and feeling something coming down. This was the best. She felt so happy to have this happen to her. This wasn't a public beach birth, sure, but it was damn well good enough. Hinata was very pleased. Naruto was here. Kushina was here. Mom and Hanabi were here, directly after they'd both been impregnated with Naruto's kids. Hinata smiled at that thought. Her, her sister and her mother, all big and pregnant at once. If she was lucky, she could get herself knocked up quick enough to deliver at the same time as Hanabi and Mom. That would be a treat. Yes… despite being about to give birth the first time, Hinata was already thinking about what it would be like the second time around.

The people watching mostly considered how absurd this picture was. Most would have been horrified, were they not already affected by the chakra corruption. Present responses ranged from interest to arousal at the sight of Hinata's strange, laboring form. She looked absolutely ridiculous and obscene – her belly looked like some kind of huge, massive dome, colossal in comparison to her small body. The women watching could see a lot of movement beneath the skin of Hinata's belly – so many active babies inside her. It was like something out of a weird dream, yet it was there in front of them. Hinata cried out again, feeling a baby move through her, providing a lewd sight to the onlookers as she grabbed her belly tightly.

"Here we go. First baby's going to come out, now, Hinata. I want you to breathe… and…"

Hinata barely paid attention to Tsunade's voice, which seemed like a dull echo. She had a big smile on her face. Eight babies to push out. This would be good. "Haaaaah!" She cried. She could feel the first baby making its way out. Hinata felt a rush of excitement – and, to her incredibly mild shame, a rush of arousal from the sensation. "Nnnngh… I'm pushing the baby out!"

"You're doing wonderfully," came Hanako's voice. Words of encouragement from Mom were always good. Hinata realised how funny a coincidence this was – the babies just so happened to decide to come out when both their grandmothers were in the room. Hinata felt another contraction, and pushed nice and hard, gritting her teeth. It was so much effort… but one thing was undeniable. It felt so good! "Aaah… Y-You're definitely right about stuff, Tsunade. I'm definitely gonna cum from pushing out just the first baby."

Tsunade nodded. "Well, even normally… a handful of women aim to have an orgasmic birth. It's not such a bad thing."

"But – ah – it's building up kind of slow. I think I'm gonna cum right when it comes out. Ngh…" She squeezed Naruto's hand tightly. The contractions were so frequent, and really strong. They forced Hinata to push strongly, but they really didn't hurt at all. Were they supposed to? They made her pretty much unable to move, still – not that she wanted to. Hinata kind of wished she could see what was happening below, but her gigantic belly obscured everything. "Hah… hah… this feels really cool! I love it. Naruto, can I give birth to more babies right away?"

"Well, we have to make them first," the boy replied. "You're… actually enjoying this? It honestly doesn't hurt at all?"

"Heehee!" Hinata giggled. She was loving every moment of this – especially the knowledge that it wouldn't all be over too quickly. She felt the first baby stretching her cunt open quickly, but there would be seven more to follow it. It moved further, sliding through her well-lubricated birth canal. "Oo… babies. Sorry you've got such a dirty momma!"

"It'll crown soon, Hinata. Continue doing what you're doing," said Tsunade, feeling quite sure of every assertion she'd made. This birth was going to be completely flawless. A birth like this should've been physically impossible, but not only was the labouring little momma managing it fine, she was having plenty of fun with it.

"Everybody...watch me cum from pushing the baby out!" Hinata felt another contraction, and pushed again. "Ooooooh!" Streams of milk squirted from her nipples, this time. She was going to cum. She was going to cum from an act like this… but how could she not? There was no pain – she merely felt like she was being stretched and filled better than ever before. "Ooooooooh!"

With another big push, the head of Hinata's first baby began to exit. "Keep pushing," said Tsunade. "The first one has black hair like you."

"Keep pushing, Hinata," said Naruto, holding the hand of his pregnant girlfriend very tightly. He gazed at her face and body. Hinata's belly really was as big as him, obscenely overdue. The thought occurred to Naruto that it was not at its absolute biggest – after today, Hinata would return to a somewhat normal size. Her tits would remain impressive, however. Naruto observed the flushed, highly pleasured expression on Hinata's face. "I want to see the baby." He moved over to Hinata's stretched pussy. His eyes went wide. "Here comes our baby."

"Oooooooh!" Hinata felt another contraction. She pushed again and squelch – the baby forced her pussy open even more as its head came completely out. "Ah… ngh… I'm gonna cum… right as I push it out! Haaah!" Hinata felt the overstretched fullness in her cunt subsiding as her child began to exit. The whole head was out. She felt an overwhelming contraction… and gave one last big, powerful push. "AAAAAAH!" As her child slid out of her with a gush of fluids, Hinata enjoyed the strange, mind-shattering pleasure of an orgasmic birth. She felt her legs quivering, and cried out as her eyes rolled back. "BEST THING EVEEEEER!" Hinata felt an absolutely crazy surge of pleasure overwhelming every muscle in her entire body. It was the best orgasm the girl had ever had, one that seemed to go on forever and ever, even though her first baby was safely out…

…Hinata opened her eyes. "Hm?"

"Oh!" Naruto gave a big sigh of relief. "Hinata, you passed out for a few seconds. I was worried you died or something."

"N-Nah. Just had the best orgasm ever squeezing the first baby out. Can I see it?" Hinata got into a sitting position. She reached down to her pussy, touching at it – it felt normal. To the side, Tsunade held a crying baby. "Wow!" Hinata exclaimed. "You're cute as a button."

"A healthy boy," Tsunade handed her the baby, which Hinata held on top of her belly, nice and close. Tsunade had cut the umbilical cord.

"Oh! I have a baby." Hinata held the tiny newborn, who calmed down quickly. He went to latch onto Hinata's breast… but only got a few suckles in before Hinata cried out. "Ah!" Her belly gurgled some more. The rest of her babies kicked, fighting to be the next one to get out. "I have to push out the rest."

"Watching her body stretch open like that is super hot!" said Kushina. "What do we name my first grandson?"

"Hah… no idea," said Hinata. "Fuck… giving birth felt so great! That was the best I've ever felt in my life. I want to cum the rest of them out!" Naruto took the baby off its mother. The son had quieted quickly. He was super cute, though pretty well covered in gunk and stuff from the birth. Naruto gazed at him in amazement. This wasn't a little brother – it was his son. His actual, real, biological son. He had Hinata's black hair, but clearly looked like Naruto. It was surreal, staring into the face of a baby – a baby who certainly wasn't a small one – and seeing that it looked like him. Naruto smiled.

"As I suspected," said Tsunade, "the pain typical of this activity has been replaced with pleasure."

"No wonder if felt so good," said Hinata. She was ready to change things up. "Okay. Now that I know how it all goes, can we make all this more interesting?"

Naruto laughed nervously. "You sure we can't just have you give birth normally?"


"By the way," called Tsunade to the other women, "You two, which one of you wants to nurse the baby?"

Kushina and Kurenai clamoured for the opportunity.


"Hah… lewd, right?" Hinata giggled, having such tremendous fun. She laid directly on her belly, her arms and legs dangling. It was literally such a huge bump that she could let it support her entire body… safely, too, thanks to the chakra-enhanced pregnancy. "Is this safe, Tsunade?"

"Absolutely not," replied Tsunade, "Although you'll be fine, most probably."


"Okay, now what, Hinata?" Asked Naruto. "You're… wanting me to do stuff."

"Cast me two shadow clones," Hinata replied, feeling a rumbling in her belly. "Ooooo… I can feel the next one coming down! Send some clones in front of me."

"I'll cast a bunch again, just in case," said Naruto, before promptly creating a dozen shadow clones. They all stood to attention. "You two," he commanded, pointing to some clones, "to the front."

"Y-You too, my husband!" cried Hinata. "All of you, bring your cocks to my front."

Naruto sighed as he got in front of his laboring girlfriend. "Alright. You want to…?"

"Yep! Mm… glmm." Hinata immediately began to suck on Naruto's cock. She hadn't thought she would do this, at first. Hinata had imagined she might be overwhelmed or stuck in constant pain, but that hadn't been the case – so Hinata sucked one cock while giving birth, while jacking off two others. The two shadow clones inched in closer to allow her to do so. "Mmmmm!" The birth continued. Hinata focused on the exquisite sensation of the next baby moving through her body, forcing her body open once again. "Mmmm!" This was heavenly. Even as she pushed his kids out, she was still Naruto Uzumaki's perfect slut. Amazing.

"This is just wonderful to watch. Keep giving birth to my son's children, Hinata!" Kushina demanded, standing quite close. She held her first grandchild – an unnamed boy. She held him easily on her belly, keeping him nice and close to his many half-siblings. Kushina smiled at him. "Drink up, little baby. Grandma's going to be showering you with love for all eternity!" Kushina felt absolutely elated at seeing the little baby. The baby was flawless – and, naturally, hung at birth. He didn't have his fathers' obscene endowment, sure, but it was remarkable enough. Kushina suspected it would grow with time… and attention. "Lots and lots of love," she said, giggling. "When you're older."

"This is fascinating," said Kurenai, getting to Hinata's side. She started to rub her own belly against Hinata's, making the birthing momma giggle. "Baby meeting. Maybe yours can tell mine to come out, already?"

Hinata laughed – as best she could with a cock in her mouth- even though Kurenai was only half-joking. She felt so pleased. "MMMMM!" The baby was going to make her cum again. Everything was. This one was exiting her body even faster, sliding through her birth canal at a rapid rate, aided by her extreme lubrication, as well as her unnatural ability to stretch.

"Fascinating. This is a piece of cake for you," said Tsunade, observing Hinata from behind. "Two more should do it, Hinata. This child is blonde."

"Like his Daddy!" exclaimed Kushina, as the first baby continued to hungrily feed from her breast. "Come on, Hinata. Push it out!"

Hinata felt the clones about to cum in her hands, and heard Naruto himself moaning as he filled her mouth up. "MMMMMMM!" Hinata squealed on the boy's cock as she drank down his cum, squirting his baby out in one big push at the same time. That was two. "Mmmmm…"

"Here he is," said Tsunade, immediately attending to the second child. "Sorry, that's "she". You two have a baby girl." The baby girl wailed briefly, then calmed as soon as Naruto approached and held her. She seemed to pacify instantly.

"Wow, uh… cool," said Naruto, somewhat at a loss for words. Now until the end of his life, he was the father of both a son and a daughter. He stared down at the baby girl as she… cooed, happily? She still couldn't even open her eyes, but she knew when her Daddy was nearby. That much was for sure. "I think she likes me." He glanced to Kushina. "Mom, I know what you're thinking. Shut up."

"I didn't say anything!" Protested Kushina.


Kushina happily nursed her two newborn grandchildren. They were wonderful. Perfect. A black-haired boy and a blonde girl, both of whom resembled Naruto closely. Kushina wouldn't lie – she hoped they didn't all look exactly like her boy. That was strange to think, since Naruto was perfect in every way, but oh well.

Hinata's face and tits were covered in cum from the clones. "Please me while I give birth," she demanded of Naruto. "Come on, get over here."

"Uh… really?" Naruto sat on one of the soft mats, watching as the mother of two of his kids backed onto him. He had a good look at her body as she came over to him – her pussy was already starting to open up again to let baby number three out. She laid down on Naruto, crushing the boy with her impressive weight. "Ngh!"

"Fuck my ass!" Hinata demanded, grinding herself on Naruto's cock. The boy adjusted himself, then obliged Hinata's request, shoving his length up her butt. "Oooooooh!"

"I really must raise safety concerns here," said Tsunade.

"Shaddup," said Hinata. "Oo… this feels so GOOOOOD! I want three of you clones over here!" Hinata demanded. The clones obeyed straight away, standing to attention in front of Hinata, cocks – of course – erect. "Hah… cum all over me some more. I don't have enough on me."

Hinata switched between the three clones with her hands, jacking off them all. Naruto, meanwhile, enjoyed the profoundly bizarre pleasure of fucking a girl up the ass while she birthed his kids.

Tsunade huffed. "Excuse me, I can't get down low enough to catch the baby. Would one of the non-pregnant ladies in the room care to assist?"

"Me!" Said Hana, before Hanabi or Hanako could volunteer. "I've got it. I want to have a look at this."

"Mmm. Aaaaaah! Fuck." Hinata found the next kid just dropped down easily, her birth canal barely even holding it in. She couldn't hope to hold the baby in if she tried. "Goooood! I'm in heaven!" The girl only got in a few minutes of rough, belly-bouncing anal sex with Naruto. "Clones. Cum on my front!" All at once – Hinata felt the clones soak her front with cum, Naruto filling her ass, and her baby popping out. Squirt. Squirt. Out came the baby into the waiting hands of Hana. "GOOOOOOOOH!" Hinata once again passed out from the pleasure, again for only a few seconds. "G…ah?"

"That one looks like… Huh," said Hana, holding the wailing infant. "Hanabi, this baby looks like you! It's another girl, by the way."

"D-Does it really?" Hanabi had been watching the entire scene unfold with huge interest. Seeing her sister giving birth was quite magical… though she wasn't sure what she thought of Hinata making such a show out of it. She absolutely gushed fluids everywhere – they just kept coming and coming, soaking the mats completely through. Her big sister sure seemed to be having fun… "Can I come closer?"

"Of course, Hanabi! Here, I've got an idea for you."


Baby number four had its auntie and grandma close by. "Oooooo!" Hinata felt the contractions continue. She squeezed another baby out, pushing with all her might, laying down on her back again. She dialled back the force a bit after a moment, not wanting this all to be over too fast. "How does it feel, you two? Worship the belly."

"Ah… hah… good," said Hanabi. She and Hanako were on either side of Hinata's pregnant belly, which had not yet lost its size. They leaned right into it, using it as a pillow, while each woman was railed from behind by Naruto – or a shadow clone, in Hanako's case. Hanabi was beginning to think her sister's boyfriend really liked her. That was fine. She let Naruto rail her from behind, forcing her young body right open. "Nnnnngh…" it was still so difficult. Fun, sure, but really hard. "Being pregnant is… good, Hinata?"

"A-Amaziiiiiiing!" Hinata felt the contractions coming on super fast and staying for ages. She actively tried to keep this baby in, to hold it back, but it was really no use. "You're gonna love it, Hanabi. You too, Mom. I hope both of you get eight babies as well… ah, no, I hope you both get twenty!"

"Oh… ah…" Hanako moaned. "This is wonderful. Being close with all my daughters and sons… while making some more!" The adult woman giggled. "Keep pushing out those grandkids, Hinata… ah. Isn't it wonderful that Kushina and I will also be pregnant from the same man?"

"Y-Yeeeees!" The baby was exiting fast. "OO!" With a splorch, the fourth child crowned. This child was smaller than the rest. Hinata knew it. "CUMMING!" Hinata felt her heart racing, beating like a drum as she had her fourth orgasmic birth of the day. The child slid out, accompanied by the squirting mess of orgasmic fluids from Hinata. "Hah…"

"That's four, Hinata," said Hana, having to catch this baby as well. She looked to her sides – Naruto and his shadow clones were cumming inside their two happy women. Geez. If the two other Hyugas hadn't been pregnant already, they sure were, now. Hana gave the baby to Tsunade. "Check this one out, Hinata. It's just a mini you."

"A…ah?" Hinata briefly held baby number four… and laughed as she saw that assertion was true. The baby, like its siblings, calmed down within seconds of latching onto her breast. "Hi, mini-me! Gosh, you sure got the Hyuga genes. I figured I'd be pushing out eight little Narutos…"


"Nnnngh! You girls are… so lewd," said Hinata.

"You know you love it," said Kushina and Kurenai at the same time. "Jinx!"

"Ah… I think it'd be – ngh – nice to be born into a warm bath," said Hinata. She stood now in the shallow area of the hot spring, positioned so there was just a few inches between her open pussy and the water. She was in a squat. Hinata intended to enjoy as many different positions as possible before having to wait another nine – or possibly ten or more – months to do it again. Kushina and Kurenai were harassing Hinata with their bellies, rubbing them all over her. "G-Gosh. You two have such active babies."

"They're excited," said Kurenai. "They want to come out. They can't just yet, though. Oo!" Hinata got to enjoy herself. Kushina and Kurenai rubbed themselves on her, and Hinata got to feel the strong kicks of their babies as they wriggled around in the adult women's bellies.

"Hah." Hinata gritted her teeth as another contraction made her squeeze the baby along. The pleasure immediately began to heighten. This truly was the best thing she'd ever felt. More than a dozen of her babies' unborn half-siblings were cheering her on. She knew, someday, they would all be the best of friends. Maybe they'd all fuck each other. Or not. Hinata wanted her daughters knocked up by Naruto, of that she felt quite sure. "This one's coming down fast, too."

"W-Wonderful!" Cried Kushina, cumming in time with Kurenai. The hot spring would be more cum than water at this rate. "Ah… my perfect little daughter-in-law. Keep… going?" Kushina pulled back to see the baby's crowning head. She gasped. "Oh!" The emerging baby, to Kushina's surprise, was a redhead.

"HAAAAAH" With a colossal orgasm, Hinata squirted out the fifth baby, safely into the warm water below. Kurenai held Hinata so she stayed safely standing. "YEEEEES!"

Tsunade emerged from the water with the baby. She'd managed to wrangle herself into an appropriate position to catch it. "Here you are." Tsunade chuckled, looking down at the small child. "Kushina, meet… well, Kushina."

Kurenai laughed as she saw the baby. "Hey, look, it's baby Kushina!" She moved a little closer. "Wait, no. That one's a boy."

Kushina gasped. She hoped Hinata wouldn't be mad that Kushina was the first to breastfeed baby number five – but Hinata clearly wasn't. She looked over at the grandmother and granddaughter, giggling and smiling. "Such a pretty boy you are, look at you!" Said Kushina. The baby was like an exceedingly cute male version of… her! She picked him up and took a closer look at him. "Oh my… and what a boy you are!" Kushina chuckled at the newborn boy, poking at his crotch with a curious finger.

"Hey! Mom. No. Not happening." Naruto stomped on over to put a stop to things. Not that he could really do much – he couldn't actually reach high enough to take his son off Kushina. "You can do stuff when he comes up to you and asks to do stuff. Until then, you've gotta be a normal grandma."

Kushina huffed. "Well, alright. I can't promise I'll strictly be a "normal" grandma, though."

"Number six… coming…" said Hinata. Naruto noticed how flushed her face was, and how content she looked. The girl was drooling a bit. If only all women could enjoy giving birth so much. Or maybe they could? If every woman carried children from Naruto or his descendants, they could have this kind of fun…


Three births remained – the next two babies were fairly quick.

"Oooof. I really like this one!" Hinata proclaimed. She was suspended mid-air. Hanako held up her daughter's left leg, Itachi the right, while Kurenai faced sideways, standing behind Hinata, supporting most of her body with just one arm. It meant Hinata was nicely suspended in mid-air, with her pussy proudly exposed and on display. "Watch closely, everyone!" Hinata still enjoyed how near-strangers were watching her. This was the best way to break the ice- have a bunch of orgasmic childbirths right in front of them. This angle also gave the newcomers a fantastic view of Hinata's pregnant belly. It remained quite outstanding, even with most of its occupants now out.

"This one's coming fast, Hinata," said Naruto, this time being the one to catch his child. "Wow." He felt fascinated watching the girl's pussy stretch. It happened so fast, too – he could visibly see her cunt widening, then see as his baby quickly moved down her birth canal. Didn't this normally take way longer? Hinata was comfortably pushing each baby out in a couple of minutes. This one was no exception. It crowned, then ten seconds later, Hinata cried out and gave a final push, squeezing out another blonde kid. "Here it is!" Said Naruto, mildly annoyed about how his cock was involuntarily getting in the way. He wasn't about to go and fuck literal babies. "Another girl." He watched Hinata's orgasm face, enjoying the way she couldn't stop her eyes from rolling back and a bit of drool escaping. "This one looks like you, too." Baby six was a blonde, but one that very much resembled her mother. They really were getting a mix of genetics, weren't they?

Baby seven followed soon after. "Ah… just keep me in this position," said Hinata. "I love having you all hold me. Let me just – ah – give birth like this." Hinata was starting to get a little tired… but that was okay. Getting through six out of eight babies with most of her energy was good enough. She felt more contractions – painless ones, of course. Baby seven made its way out of her womb, quickly. Hinata's belly, to her chagrin, had deflated somewhat. She would have a flat tummy and an empty womb when all this was done, which made her sad… but she would have eight fantastic babies! And she would probably be growing another batch in her within a month. "Fuuuuuuck!"

Naruto welcomed the seventh child into the world, too. He stared, eyes wide, as the head emerged at rapid speed. "Shit, it's a…" He had to catch the baby before finishing his sentence. "Wow. That one came out fastest of all. I was gonna say – Mom!"

Kushina bounded on over and gleefully took this baby, too. "Yes!" She exclaimed. A red headed girl – this one really was baby Kushina! "Oh, my sweet boy. And Hinata. Thank you for all these wonderful children."

"One… more," grunted Hinata. "Ngh… this one's coming real slow. A-AAAAAHH!"

"Let's get her back in a safer position," said Tsunade, "I think she's had her fun."


As it turned out, Hinata had a bit more fun to have.

"F-fuuuuck. This baby is… stuck in me!" Hinata groaned, feeling the best she ever had. Baby number eight was huge.

"Considerate one… saved himself for last. This one's a boy. I know it."

The seven already-born babies had been entrusted to whomever was watching the birth, but not participating. Kushina held her two little red-headed clones. Hanabi closely cuddled the two black-haired girls. Hanako held the two blonde girls. The boy, the very first one to be born, was attended to by a curious, contemplative Itachi.

"This one might take a little longer," said Tsunade, getting as low as she could in front of Hinata. "You're stretching out to a degree that shouldn't be possible."

"Ah?" Hinata loved hearing that. Still, she held back what would be her final orgasm, for now. She'd never had anything so huge inside her. She'd never had something fill her up so much, stretch her inner walls out so much, or make her feel so tight and overstuffed. The girl felt a contraction, and pushed as she was meant to… but it moved the kid barely an inch. "Saved the best… for last!"

Naruto leaned down beside his friend, clasping her hand again. "You can do it, Hinata," he said, intent on offering as much encouragement as possible. "Just think… when it's out, you can finally be a real mommy. Just like you want!"

"Ah… it really doesn't hurt all that much, though. But thanks for your words!" Hinata said, grunting as she pushed yet again. Having Naruto close by did help, though. "Ooo, I love you. These babies are gonna be so strong and perfect."

"They already are. Just try and get the last one out. I bet he's super big because he's healthy. Come on, squeeze out our baby!"

"NNNNGH. I WILL!" Hinata grunted, high-pitched, screaming a little bit. Now there was some pain. The chakra couldn't quite prepare her for pushing out a super-big baby when she was so small, herself. Normal-sized babies were fine, but squeezing out the biggest baby was kind of painful. Hinata focused… another inch… one step closer to completion.

To help, Kushina and Kurenai approached, Kushina having handed off the two babies to someone else. Both women started to rub Hinata's belly and play with her tits, increasing the pleasure of it all. Hinata focused on the future, on the amazing times she would have ahead. Eight kids. If she was right about the last one, there would be five girls and three boys. It would be great. Naruto could teach the five girls to worship him, to be his personal incestuous breeding sluts, giving more and more babies each year. The boys… who knew? Maybe they would have favourites other than their slut mommy. Maybe they would start up their own slut harems. Or, more likely, maybe Hinata would end up pregnant with her own grandchildren at least once.

"Head's out, Hinata," said Naruto, watching as the baby crowned with a totally obscene, wet noise. With that, Hinata had the biggest, most indecent orgasm of her life as the eighth and final child slid out, right into the arms of its Daddy. "There you go."

"AAAAAAAAH!" Hinata threw her head back and clutched hopelessly at the floor mats, squirting obscenely, everywhere. She'd never shot out more liquid in her life – Naruto ended up totally soaked. "GOOOOH!" Hinata once again passed out, a smile on her face. She was only out for ten seconds before regaining consciousness. "Ah… what happened?"

Naruto held child number eight. "You gave birth, Hinata. Congratulations – it's a big boy."

"Oh." Hinata held the baby, which, unsurprisingly, wen straight for one of her breasts. Her pregnant belly was no longer such. "Naruto… this one's just you. He's a baby you. Same hair, same face… same cock, too!"

Naruto shook his head. "Just be a normal Mom for now."

"Amazing, just amazing," remarked Kushina, clapping her hands together a few times. "You did wonderfully, Hinata. I can't wait for that to happen to me."

"It's… the best feeling ever," said Hinata. "I really need to get all the babies over here, now." Hinata thought of something. "I suppose you'll get to compare it, Kushina. I mean… giving birth to Naruto all those years back, then giving birth to all his kids."

Kushina nodded. "Yes. Even when I had him, the pregnancy was fairly easy… but I certainly didn't cum my brains out like that! I can't wait."

Hinata giggled as everyone approached with her babies. So many of them – all perfect. "I'll be right there with you, of course. Maybe I'll bring all the babies to meet their siblings." Hinata was soon relaxing on the mat with her eight children. She began to pick them all up, two at a time, ensuring they all had nice, lengthy feeds from her breasts. None cried for very long. "They're really calm and smart." Hinata smirked. "Hey, Naruto, now that they're all out, you wanna come over and put another batch in me? My womb's empty, my body is ready. I bet I'm already fertile again!"

"You can wait a bit for that," said Naruto. "Seriously