
Help! My Husband Is A Grim Reaper

"I fucking hate you, my dear husband!" "Same here, my dear crazy wife!" ++++ When a rebirth deal was proposed, Ziana accepted it without hesitation. All she needed to do was marry a Grim Reaper and be his wife until he completed his mission on Earth. It was that simple. But wait, did she mention that this Grim Reaper was not just handsome but also rude, sarcastic, and arrogant AF. Mischief and menace were his middle names and he brought nothing but chaos to her peaceful life. What's worse? He loved playing with her and she wanted to get rid of him soon. But now that her blood was strangely attracting demons, would she still push him away? And perhaps end up dying again? +++ Excerpt: "I hope you drown in your bathtub!" Ziana fumed in frustration. It had only been a week, and she was already aching to kill this damn creature. "We can try it together, sweetheart." Zayden smirked and leaning closer, he whispered in her ears, "Preferably naked." ++++ If you find it interesting, please add it to your library. Votes, comments, and reviews are much appreciated ^.^

YuZee · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
144 Chs

My dear servant -2

"The pillow isn't soft. Get me another one."

"Are you planning to suffocate me with this thick blanket?"

"Close the curtains."

"Heck, why aren't your curtains black?"

"This water is hot not warm, Idiot."

"Get me cold water"

"Are you dumb?"

"I need cold water with ice cubes."

"Are you trying to drown me in this ice-cold water?"

"Sigh, your brain is barren."

"I need only two ice cubes, not a bucket full of ice cubes!"

"Get me normal water."

"I need this soup. Follow all the instructions carefully and make it exactly like this."

The moment Zayden stepped into her house, Ziana was close to getting crazy and stabbing him again. Her patience was shattered into pieces and her brain was plotting all the different ways to kill me. Alas, he was already dead and had her mother's number saved on his speed dial.

Taking a deep breath, Ziana stirred the soup and followed the video instructions. She had never taken care of anyone else in her life, not even her own mother but this bloody creature was treating her like a servant.

'Just put some washing liquid in it. Detergent would also do the job.' A voice inside her echoed and Ziana was tempted to do it.

'You can't kill him but you can torture him. He has a human body after all.' Her devilish side lured her and Ziana's eyes fell on the washing liquid near the sink.

'You should consider her suggestions.'

'It's okay to hurt people sometimes.' Even the angel inside her agreed with the plan.

She felt two little versions of her sitting on her shoulders and nodding at each other.

'You won't get another chance, darling. Just do it.' The devil whispered in her left ear.

'Yes, dear. Just act innocently and deny your actions.' The angel whispered in her right ear. Since her angelic side was always right, Ziana nodded in agreement.

Lowering the flame, she took a bowl and headed to the sink. She added the dishwashing liquid and mixed it with tap water in delight. Once she was satisfied with the foam, she hurried and poured it into the soup.

Ziana stirred the pot with a smile. A scene of Zayden rolling on the floor with stomach pain formed in her mind and she grinned happily. But wait, she was not completely satisfied yet.

'Maybe you should also put some detergent too.'

Yes, that would double her entertainment!

She rushed to the bathroom and took a spoonful of detergent powder from the box. Heading back to the kitchen, she sprinkled it into the soup before happily stirring it. This was the most delicious dish she had ever cooked in her life.

After adjusting the color with a few more spices to avoid suspicion, Ziana poured the soup into a bowl. As a finishing touch, she placed it on a plate and decorated it with coriander. Imagining that jerk drinking this soup brought a smile to her lips. And she couldn't wait to see him crying in pain.

She entered her room with a straight face struggling to hide her smile. Placing the food tray on her bed, she said, "Here is your soup."

Zayden stopped scrolling through his phone and scanned the bowl. His eyes squinted in suspicion and then shifted to the chef in question.

"Did you follow the instructions correctly?"

Ziana nodded trying to hold back her happiness. No, she needed to act normal.

Zayden's brows furrowed and he looked at the soup again. After a few seconds of inspection, he finally took the spoon and Ziana squealed inwardly.

He mixed the soup properly and took a spoonful. Blowing it lightly, he moved it to his mouth and Ziana couldn't hide her smile this time.

But her excitement was ruined when he suddenly stopped and looked at her. And much to her horror, he moved the spoon in her direction.

"You should taste it first."

"NO!" Ziana shrieked making his brow twitch in suspicion.

"What if you added something to upset my stomach?" Zayden questioned making Ziana stiffen in surprise. "You should taste it first so we both face the outcome together." He added with a smile.

Yes, he had no faith in her!

"I don't like soup." Ziana answered calmly, but Zayden squinted his eyes at her answer.

"And if you are suspicious, don't drink it. Simple." She said with a straight face but her devilish ears dropped when he didn't fall for her act.

"Let me throw it away since you have no intention of having it." Ziana mumbled walking towards him and when she held the tray, Zayden stopped her.

"I will taste it." He said and she moved back, her eyes waiting to enjoy a show.

He took the spoon again but stopped again making her frown. Seriously, he just needs to drink one spoonful of it!

Zayden took out his phone and played the video again. He forwarded to the last bit where the chef showed the soup and paused it. His eyes scanned the soup on his phone and then the one in front of him.

"It looks exactly the same." He mumbled and looking up at her, he smiled, "Good job."

Ziana smiled, showing her perfect teeth at the praise. But not the same ingredients, you moron! She thought and nodded.

"But," Zayden brought the spoon close to his nostrils and inhaled the aroma. He did it again and shook his head in disappointment.

"It doesn't smell like it." He innocently said making her frown.

Her frown soon turned into a sneer when she realized he couldn't smell the soup inside the video.

"Sorry I can't drink it." Zayden pursed his lips and moved the tray.

This piece of garbage!

Ziana gritted her teeth and wanted to drown him in that soup. This was going beyond crazy now.

While crossing his legs, Zayden casually said, "Take it away. I'll order something online." And Ziana wanted to throw soup on his face.

At least her efforts won't end in vain. Right?

"And don't you dare splash it on me!" He said looking up at her and smiled. "Aunt Norah awaits my call."

"Oh, right!" Ziana nodded and walked towards him. " I dare not disobey your orders, Master."

And Zayden smirked thinking she was coming to take the tray. But to his confusion, she moved closer to him and...

She snatched his phone and threw it on the ground in a rage.


Stomping on it, Ziana glared at the pesky brat. The phone cracked into pieces as Zayden looked at it in shock.

"Call her now!" Ziana asked crossing her arms.

Zayden stared at her and scoffed out loud.

This crazy woman!


Kate parked her car in front of an old mansion. People considered it a haunted house but it was just a meeting spot for the dark creatures. They lurked in the corridors, planning things, plotting ideas to sacrifice more lives, innocent souls that would bring their Lord back to life.

She took her locket chain from the drawer and stepped out of the car. The rusted black gates opened at her touch, welcoming her back to her home. A place that turned her into the wench she was now.

Stepping onto the large dusty curved steps, she stood in front of the tall doors covered in thick spider webs. Taking a deep breath, she placed the locket in the center of the door and locked it into the small round key that restricted visitors to the mansion.

The door rumbled before slowly opening for her. And as she entered, she was greeted with nothing but darkness.

"Oh, look who is here!" A voice came from the stairs in the center of the large hall. Candles lit up in the hall at his presence as he descended the stairs.

"You finally got time to visit your family."

"I am not your family!"

"We treat servants like our family, darling." The man answered with a smile as he walked to her. "And you are my favorite servant."

"Zayden is nice but a threat to us. His intentions aren't clear enough." Kate moved on to her business and showed the pictures she had taken secretly. This place suffocated her and she wanted to leave soon.

"I heard he is one among us. A dark creature that would threaten our existence in the human world." The man covered in a black hood mumbled scrolling through the photos.

"His family concerns me." He mumbled looking at a photo of Lady Winter and Xavier. They were the real threat to them.

"Monitor them closely. The closer they stay to Ziana, the easier it will be for you to complete your mission." He said passing the phone to her.

"No matter what, you will protect her in the end." Kate declared looking at him. "Ziana will not end up like her father." She was still working for them for one sole reason. And that was to protect Ziana from the storm awaiting to bring chaos to her life.

"Well if she becomes a thorn, I might need to remove her." And when Kate's eyes widened at the twist in his promise, he smiled.

"So just make sure she doesn't become a thorn in our way."


A/N - So is Kate a foe or a friend? Comment below if you liked Ziana's outburst hahaha~ Vote if you liked it^.^