
HELP! In An Otome Game Where Villains Are Everywhere!

Suddenly, I isekaied into an otome game. The first thing that happens? The main character gets killed. I just wanted a carefree academy life. I have all the answers to tests, knowledge of the future, and all the anime I could ever want. But how can I relax when villains populate the school? This is a world where stealing is legal, fights are common, and killing is encouraged. It’s a true blue “world of villains.” Dodging random attacks, avoiding “love encounters,” and watching out for assassinations while sleeping are just some things I have to deal with. I want to go home! HELP! [Updates every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.] ㅋ

InfiniteUniversal · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

How to Recruit a Psychopath? By Fighting Him!

There's no way I'm fighting this psychopath! Not only is he overpowered, though not as much as Keotex, he doesn't care if he gets injured! So even if I shoot at him, he'll still continue his attack and I will get hit!

Yuka just attacks. Hey, I never agreed to this fight! Welp, I have to dodge now.

Yuka starts off with a punch. It's too fast! I can't dodge it, so I'll just shoot it! However, Yuka uses a magic shield to protect his fist. He punches right through the laser! Although, I didn't set it very high since I didn't want to kill anyone.

The punch connects and I go flying. My armor offsets only some of the shock, after which it crumbles to dust. When will Keotex come back! I can't fight this guy!

Yuka zips towards me. If he's going melee, then I'll have to use a sword. I rapidly switch Psyche to its sword mode and slash a red sword beam at Yuka. Yuka just dodges and continues forward. Okay, he can dodge one beam. I'll just hit him with multiple!

Dozens of beams shoot towards Yuka. He doesn't manage to dodge all of them, so he turns on a green shield. This time, I set the power to the highest setting, so the beams aren't blocked. One beam hits the shield and leaves large cracks after impact. The subsequent beams after that break the shield and hit Yuka.

Yuka doesn't stop his advance even when the beams open up bloody gashes. I can't do anything but attack! If I run, he'll just catch up! He's way faster than me! Hopefully, I'll be able to knock him unconscious.

Sadly, this wish doesn't come true. Yuka reaches me and unleashes a kick. I have zero sword skills, but I still try to slice down on his leg. In this world, the technology is advanced enough to regrow limbs in a second. So even if I cripple him, he will be fine. Though, it's not like I don't feel guilty...

Well, he's trying to kill me. I don't really have a choice.

Anyway, I miss his leg and it hits my abdomen. This time, I go flying to the left and crash into a window. This windows are designed to protect students from vacuum, so just me flying into it doesn't leave a scratch.

Yuka runs toward me once again. What should I do now? I can't use a sword and ranged attacks only injure him. Oh wait, I have that skill!

[-Precision Bolt: Shoots out a bolt of any type (elements, others like pure magic). Once locked on target, it will follow the target until impact. Cannot be blocked. Cannot be dodged. Number of uses: 5 +]

I activate it. Psyche starts shining with a dark red glow. A blood red bolt shoots out of the tip. A connection to it appears in my mind. I select Yuka as the target and choose the special element of Stun as the element.

The Stun-infused bolt streaks at Yuka. Let's see if he can dodge this!


The girl is sent flying by my kick. Oh well, more fun for me! I zip to the girl. I never got her name. Well, it won't matter when she's dead.

Suddenly, the girl raises her sword. It begins glowing a bloody color and shoots out an equally bloody bolt. Trying to use magic now? It won't have any effect.

I dodge it easily. My body leaves afterimages after it seemingly teleports from its former location. However, instead of zipping right past me, the bolt actually changes course and aims straight for me! Tracking magic? But that's advanced magic! The amount of calculations and control you need for a single tracking spell are insane! This just got more interesting! Looks like I can enjoy it even more!

A spherical shield forms around me. This is the spell, "Tower Defense." A shield forms around me that also shoots at any enemies. Well, I can't target anyone. The spell just shoots at whoever.

A barrage of glittering bullets assaults the bolt. They converge on the beam and let off a small explosion. A cloud of smoke forms. However, after a couple of seconds the bolt charges out of the cloud! All the charges the shield had shot were negated! It might be able to hit me at this rate.

However, Tower Defense is a high Extreme tier spell. There are four grades within the tiers, low, middle, high and peak. Tower Defense is definitely out of reach for most students, as most only have Trash tier spells.

However, the spell the girl shot completely ignored Tower Defense's offense. Will it pierce through the shield? I'm waiting in suspense!

The bolt gets closer and closer. I enlarge the shield so I would know whether the bolt can pierce through and counter accordingly. Something that can break Tower Defense if definitely fatal for me. As much as I love fighting, I don't want to die. Unless I find someone's hand I want to die from...

Surprisingly, instead of shattering the shield, the bolt just ignores it and comes straight for me! Capable of ignoring all defense? That's impossible. Spells can't ignore all defenses in the universe. They can only ignore the defenses of a grade of spells or a grade and all below. A spell called "Homing Signal" ignores all defenses the Insane tier and below. They can't just pass through higher tier spells at all.

But even spells capable of ignoring defense can't have any other features. A tracking spell that's also able to ignore defense is unheard of. Even if it exists, it definitely doesn't have good combat power. That would be too unfair right?

However, the bloody bolt before me exudes a sense of danger. Although, something's off...

Oh! I glance at the girl. Really? I'm trying to kill you and you didn't even go all out. How fun! I'll play along. The bolt hits me squarely in the chest. My consciousness blurs and darkens. The last thing I see is the girl, now right in front of me.


I don't know how that guy could cast a spell, dodge, and even laugh within the span of a couple of seconds. I just saw a blur. The only part I saw clearly was when Yuka laughed at the end and got hit by the Stun-infused bolt.

Just when I thought the bolt wouldn't be enough, Yuka suddenly burst out laughing at looked at me strangely. Then he collapsed, straight onto my...

Ah sh*t! This isn't a shojo! WTF?! Wait, a minute, things like this happened in the game all the time...

I shove him off. I just leave the psychopath there on the bloody floor and walk back to my table. Eh, hang on, is leaving him there something a citizen of Earth would do? But this is a special case...

I drag Yuka to my table. I heal him and myself using the new infamy points that just came from the fight. And the other mini fight when I killed five people...

Let's not think about that. I put Psyche back in my Inventory and lay Yuka on the bench opposite from me. I'll just leave him here if he doesn't wake up. What, do I take him back to his dorm when I'm unposed to know where it is?

Wait a minute, there was the plan...No! I messed up! How can I ask Yuka to join my company when he's unconscious? He won't reject since I beat him... Wake up!

I shake Yuka roughly. After a while, he groggily wakes up. He immediately tries to fight me. I pin him down on the bench.

"Stop trying to fight me! I just want to ask you to join me!" Er, wait, that's misleading. "I mean, stop punching me! I need to recruit you into my company!"

Yuka smiles. "Stop fighting? That's impossible. As for joining you! Sure."

Hey, don't answer my misleading first sentence while I'm in this position! "Are you not going ask what you're doing?"

"I think it's pretty obvious. There's only one thing you would want me for." Yuka gives me a knowing smile.

Welp, I don't have to explain anything. I guess I can let him go now. But just in case, I'll just wait for Keotex.

When Keotex finally returns one minute later, he sees me in this awkward position. Something flashes in his eyes, but it could just be the light from all the spells being launched in the background. Keotex looks at me, then Yuka.

"Hey Keotex, can you handle this guy?"

Keotex snaps out of his trance. "Okay."

I get off and Keotex brings out a contract. "Just sign here." I say to Yuka, who's stretching.

Yuka glances at the contract and signs without much thought. Finally, this event is over. I'm just going to go to my room and sleep. That battle was exhausting. I leave for my bedroom without a word.