
Chapter 675: Are You Very Afraid She Will Die?

Anna Jadwin had cleaned him up, the water had already gotten cold, so she returned to the bathroom.

When she came out again, there was no one on the bed—

Anna Jadwin's heart tightened as she noticed a silhouette sitting on the couch!

Wayne Bailey held the medicine box in his hand, his eyebrows furrowed as he carefully looked at the writing on the medicine.

Anna Jadwin nearly tipped over the basin. She put it down and charged forward: "Wayne Bailey, give it back to me!"

Wayne Bailey held it in his palm. The words on the medicine box had been scraped off by her and it was hard to read them clearly.

"What is this?" he thundered.

He remembered when he had walked in and she had hastily hidden the medicine box under the couch cushion.

"Just vitamins—"

"You're lying!" Wayne Bailey gritted his teeth, his lips bright red, "I can get a doctor to identify its components immediately!"

Would she scrape off the label and hide them so frantically if they were just vitamins?