
Nice people deserve niceness

"I'm sorry." Heya said softly with her head down. She feared she must have done something to greatly embarrass Zhu Liang and he was pissed. 

They were both sitting in the living room. The others who had followed them inside had left them so Liang was helping to clean Heya's wound in her hand. 

"Do not apologize. You did nothing wrong."

But she doubted him. His face was hard and cold. 

"You... look pissed. You haven't said anything to


"Because I am embarrassed Li Heya. Really embarrassed." He cut in, his jaw hard. 

She closed her eyes. She couldn't even bring herself to look at him. She had embarrassed him, herself, her family and also Suyin and her family. 

"I am sorry for embarrassing you." 

"No." He shook his head. "Look at me Heya." He demanded, using one finger to raise her chin.