
Hell Sharingan

GodofDeathDragons · Komik
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36 Chs

Training ends and the killing begins

Naruto was tired, no he was beyond tired, for two weeks he's been trying to create a sword style for himself.

He increased his chakra weights up to six-hundred pounds. one-hundred pounds for his arms, and two-hundred for his legs.

Naruto had been practicing various sword stances and practicing the basic sword movements, so far he'd done ten-thousand horizontal slices, ten-thousand diagonal cuts, and ten-thousand cuts while spinning in the air, to practice aerial attacks, using Kyuubi ( his sword name ) for such a long period left him drained, his muscles were straining to the max, his arms cramping, and sweat dripping down his muscular body; his shirt some thirty feet away.

"Screw this…need rest." Naruto said wiping the sweat from his golden blond and black locks on his whisker marked cheek, he plopped down lightly onto the ground, his breath laboured. He laid there for some time, and between one thought and the next he drifted off to sleep.

Five hours later

Naruto woke with a jolt grabbing Kyuubi turning to see a scared, crimson colored baby fox.

'Dammit Naruto its just a harmless kit, man I'm way too jumpy.'

"Are you okay?" Naruto asked the fox.

'I'm scared.' said a female voice coming from the fox. Naruto wasn't surprised the fox could talk, hell he had a nine tailed demon inside of him.

"Don't be scared I'll take you to your parent's."

The fox looked like she was about to cry.

"Do you have a mother or father little fox?" Naruto asked. The fox now had a huge look of sadness in her eyes.

'No, they were killed by hunters and I was left alone.' The fox said with even more sadness in its voice.

"That's horrible. So your all alone little one." Naruto said. The fox nodded. Naruto smiled his fox-like grin. "Then I'll be your dad."

The baby fox looked up at Naruto with excitement in its face. 'You will. Really?' Naruto nodded his head. 'DADDY!' Yelled the baby fox as it jumped on Naruto and started licking his face. Naruto started laughing.

"Stop it…Stop it." He said between laughs. The fox stopped and brushed her head against Naruto's chest and purred.

"Now before I forget, what's your name little one?"


"Friend that's a nice name, I'm Naruto Uzumaki the next Hokage."

Seven days later

Naruto was not liking this day at all, because today was the day that the bandit army would come to Wave. He was the only one who could save them. He looked down at his 'daughter' sleeping peacefully, he did not want to wake her, but he must.

He shook Ami until she was awake. "Ami."

'Yes daddy.' the little fox yawned.

"Listen daddy's going to do something important tonight, so I want you to stay here until I get back okay?" Naruto said.

'Okay daddy.' Ami replied as she went back to sleep.

"That's my girl." said Naruto as he got up, and walked over to a nearby tree to set Ami down.


Naruto arrived at the bandits camp and scouted the surroundings to find any escape routes. He found three so he created three Shadow Clones block those said routes.

'Hey Shinigami-sensei I count one-hundred and two bandit's in the camp, and they're loaded with a lot of money and jewels this could help rebuild Wave Country.'

"Kid you have a heart of gold no wonder why those girls love you." said Shinigami with a smile. Which made Kami shiver up in Heaven.

'Shi...Shinigami-sensei!' Naruto blushed.

"Okay kit that's enough go and attack, and kill them." Kyuubi commanded.


After that pointless conversation Naruto took out two kunai's and charged the nearest bandit and stabbed him in the head.

He then stood and looked at his enemies. This is what being a ninja was. Killing…or being killed. It was just that simple now. He would feel little from taking life, but he would always hold it in reverence. Forming a hand seal, he decided that he could very much live with that.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

His voice rang out across the clearing the mercenaries were currently scurrying in, and an instant later, a blanket of smoke obscured their position.

The smoke cleared, revealing twenty of Naruto's now standing among the original. By now, a great many mercenaries and bandits had gathered at the sight and all of them looked dumbstruck to be facing an army of identical blonds. Naruto smirked with a mental command, his clones charged. A few were taken out as soon as they reached the mercenaries, but more than a few of the unwieldy men fell to sword, shuriken, and kunai. The mercenaries and bandit's, seeing that they were outnumbered and out skilled, began to retreat.

Naruto wouldn't allow it. Drawing another kunai and his katana, he charged the first mercenary in his path. He brought his sword down across the man's back at a diagonal pitch, causing blood to spray from the man's wound. It had been deep enough that the man would probably have blead out.

He saw a bandit fleeing he wouldn't allow him to live, so he threw his kunai at the man and watched it dig into his neck.

Finding another mercenary, he readied his sword and slashed horizontally, hoping to cleave the man in two. Unlike before, however, this mercenary seemed to be on guard, and he raised his own shoddy sword to defend against Naruto's.

Naruto's sword clashed with the man's, and produced a few sparks. Pivoting on his heel, he twirled clockwise around the man, crouching in the process. Using the momentum of his twirl, he brought his sword in a low arc across the man's kneecaps, managing to evade the man's attempt to parry. His opponent screamed in pain and dropped to his injured knees, before Naruto brought his sword into a cross-grip and cleanly decapitated the man, stepping away so as to avoid the blood spray that accompanied the arterial pressure.

Another mercenary charged him head on, seeing his 'comrades' death. He brought his sword into a high parry position and blocked the mercenaries sword cleanly, before dragging his sword across the length of the other man's blade and bringing it back to a plunging position. In the blink of an eye, he removed the chakra from his weights, and in another blink, the man was impaled swiftly through the heart…Naruto's blade sticking out of his back, dripping blood.

He pulled his out his sword only to see the remaining bandits and mercenaries running at him. He smirked, called over the rest of his surviving Shadow Clones, and did some hand seals, they inhaled, and shouted, "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!" they blew a bunch of fireballs until they became the size of five huge house's and burned them all to death.

After he saw the results of his jutsu and threw up. As he was looking down trying to catch his breath he got hit in the side hard! And flew into a tree feeling his ribs break. At the same time all of his clones popped out of existence and a flood of information loaded into his mind showing that all of the men he and his clones killed.

'So the Shadow clone Jutsu shows the user what his clone experienced, this means my training will become a lot easier. Why didn't I think of this sooner, Ga I'm such an idiot!'

Then he looked up he saw a huge man at 7'1, he was wearing red and green samurai like armor. He had a black bushy beard and a green eye, because his right eye was covered by an eye patch which covered a nasty scar going over his eye. his hair was long and unruly also was wielding a giant war hammer.

"Cyclops" said Naruto.

"I'm surprised you know my name brat." he spat.

"Yea your men Steve, Sena, and Syria couldn't keep their mouths shut."

"What did you do to them!" he demanded.

"I killed them." said Naruto without remorse.

"Why would you do that to my men!" Cyclops yelled with rage.

"I did it because, you and your men were going to massacre, rape, steal, and force everyone into slavery while Wave while it was still recovering."

"We are bandits, thieves, murders, and mercenaries that's what we are supposed to do and were proud of it. You have no idea what our lives were like until we joined together!"

That was the last straw, ignoring the pain in his ribs Naruto activated his Sharingan which surprised his opponent and rushed at him. The enemy sensed this and rushed out of the way, Naruto turned around and thought 'Damn this guy's strong, ah my ribs hurt like a SOB. I still haven't learned how to control the Darkness Flame yet, but I guess I'll have to try. If I don't I'm dead.' Naruto thought and started gathering the Darkness Flame around his right fist. His enemy also turned around and readied his war hammer then at the same moment they dashed at each other.

The mercenary swung his war hammer and Naruto raised his fist and yelled out "Fist of the Mortal Flame!" and both the war hammer and Fist of the Mortal Flame collided in a huge flash of light.

Both Nauto's fist, and the mercenaries war hammer struggled with each other for dominance until the war hammer gave out and shattered into a million pieces. Then Naruto's fist slammed into the mercenaries chest and he screamed as his body burned.

After the fight Naruto reflected upon what he did to that man. After he used Fist of the Mortal Flame there was nothing left no ashes, and no bones, his thoughts were interrupted by Shinigami.

"Kid that was a great fight you really impressed me, and you've mastered Fist of the Mortal Flame, so as a reward I'll give you your clothes right now."


"Just look at your self."

Naruto complied and deactivated his Sharingan walked over to the nearest stream, he was shocked at what he saw.

He was covered from head to toe in blood and his pants were ripped into shorts, his sandals were gone, and his shirt was only a few pieces of cloth.

"Shinigami-sensei how come I didn't notice that my clothes were nothing but rags?"

"Kid that was an adrenaline rush."

"A what?"

"( sigh ) Kid an adrenaline rush is a sudden burst of energy from an increase in the hormone and neurotransmitter adrenaline, especially increased heart rate and blood pressure, perspiration, blood sugar, and metabolism." Shinigamiexplained.

"English please?"

"Basically you get a rush of energy it makes you faster, stronger, and you don't feel pain if you get hurt. But that all wears off when when the danger or what ever caused the rush is gone."


"Yea...now enough of this crap here's your new clothes."

In a black swirl Naruto was wearing black steel-toed combat boots, along with some black cargo pants with a lot of pockets with a few scrolls in them, and a black belt. His kunai holster was on his right leg and his shuriken holster and a few other pouches were on his belt. He wore a black trench coat with its sleeves ripped off with the kanji symbol for 'shinigami' on the back, he wore no shirt but had white medical tape covering his lower abdomen showing off his six pack and covering the scar Kakashi gave him. He then looked at his right arm only to see alot of white medical tape covering his dragon tattoo. His forehead protector had black cloth and was secured on his left bicep. Naruto suddenly felt the pain in his lower left arm and saw the number one-hundred and five.

"Shinigami-sensei will my arm hurt every time I kill a person?" Naruto asked.

"After you kill a few more people you won't even feel it anymore, so don't worry about it. And before I forget those scrolls in your pockets are for sealing objects into them, so all you have to do is open them and stuff your items into them."

"Alright Shinigami-sensei." replied Naruto still feeling pain in his side.

"Kit don't worry I'll fix your ribs."

It took Naruto three hours to clean up the mess he made, and another two hours to sort the valuables from the junk. During the sorting Naruto found some medical tape and wrapped it around his lower left arm. He also found a lot of food and devoured most of it, and some scrolls with some awesome jutsu's in them. He also found a black and red hannya mask ( Think Han'nya's mask from Rurouni Kenshin ).

"Hey kid you should wear that mask" Shinigami said.


"It would put fear into your enemies making you look like me, it would cover your Sharingan when you activate it, plus it goes with your outfit."

Naruto just shrugged and hooked it on his belt.

"Before I forget what are you naming your Sharingan?"

"I'll call it the Kurashagan." ( Dark Copy Eye)

The next day Naruto took the day off to reflect on what he did.

'Hey kyuubi do you think I did the right thing?'

"Kit I really don't know what to think, all I know is that you saved a lot of people from being massacred now let me sleep." said Kyuubi and left Naruto to his thoughts.

"Well I guess it's time for me to get back to my team." said Naruto as he put his Hannya mask over his face, and covered his head with his hood. He then put Ami on his shoulder's, and walked back to Wave.