
Hell Sharingan

GodofDeathDragons · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
36 Chs

The first exam

It was the day of the Chuunin Exams, and Naruto couldn't be any happier, because he would finally show everyone what he's made of.

Team seven arrived at the building, and started to walk to to room 301 until.

Naruto heard people shouting and walked up to see some unimportant Genin team shouting at some Chuunin to let them through to 301. Sakura was about to tell them that they're only on floor 201 but Naruto put his hand in front of her. Sakura looked at Naruto confused, sighing Naruto answered her.

"It's a test to weed out weak Genin, we'd be fighting useless battles if they were here."

Sakura didn't say anything he knew that she understood. Fifteen minutes later most of the teams had left. Signaling to Sasuke and Sakura, Naruto walked over to the two Chuunin and pushed them aside, ignoring their threats of battle. He kept walking even when he heard them charge, they both leaped into the air intent on punishing him for pushing them aside. Naruto stopped but stood there with his hands in the pocket of his trench coat. They were about hit him when a bandaged hand came out caught both of their legs.

Bushy brows appeared out of no where and stopped their attacks. Not wanting or caring about what happened next Naruto just walked away. ( Sasuke gets his ass beat by Lee, I'm not writing the scene because it scared the crap out of me )

Naruto waited for fifteen minutes until the door opened as Sasuke, and Sakura with Sasuke complaining about getting his ass kicked.

Ignoring this Naruto walked in and saw that there must have been a hundred or more people there to take the exams. And he saw that they were all staring at him.

"What the fuck y'all looking at?" Naruto asked. Most of them kept staring but some of them turned away.

"Hey Naruto shut up will ya." Naruto inwardly groaned when he turned around and saw Team Eight and Team Ten standing there.

Before he could reply, Ino grabbed Sasuke's arm and started talking to him, Sakura interfered and she and Ino started bickering over who was Sasuke's girlfriend, Shikamaru was was muttering something about troublesome girls, and Chouji and Shino were arguing about a dumb bug on the floor. And Naruto was hitting on Hinata who was blushing redder than a tomato even though they dated before.

Then some boy that was much older than them told them to pipe down because they already quite an impression. Hearing this the rookie nine minus Naruto looked around to see that everyone was staring at them. The boy then said that his name was Kabuto and that they didn't want to get on anyones bad side.

Kabuto then said that he'd taken the exam seven times so he knew how bad it was because everyone was on edge. A few minutes later Kabuto pulled out a deck of cards and told the rookie nine that that he had info on hundreds of ninja's. Sasuke who was closest to him asked if Kabuto would show him info on some ninja's. Naruto was barely listening but he heard the names of the ninja's that Sasuke wanted to know about.

Sasuke was excited that he would get the stats and skills of the ninjas that he would beat.

"There's Rock Lee of the leaf, Gaara of the Sand, and Naruto Uzumaki of the leaf." he said.

When Sasuke said those names, Naruto almost exploded because of Sasuke's ego.

"Hey Sasuke I don't know why you want to get info on me or Gaara, because we don't give a rats ass about you. Besides I'm on your team what could you possibly want to know about me that you don't already know? Stop being so nosy." Instantly Sakura and Ino ran over to him and started shouting at him to apologize to Sasuke right now. Sasuke on the other hand tried to keep his cool but was failing. So he decided to ignore everyone except Kabuto.

Kabuto flipped his hands through the stack of cards coming up with three.

"Lets see Gaara of the Sand. Eight C-ranked missions...hmm even One B-ranked mission. I don't have much else on him just that he has returned from every mission without a scratch."

The Genins looked up and around till they spotted Gaara who was sitting between Temari and Kankuro. Sasuke looked back at Kabuto.

"What about the others?" he asked.

"Rock Lee is a year older than you guys. Mission history: Twenty D-rank; Eleven C-rank. His sensei is Gai Maito. His taijutsu has improved greatly in this year, the rest is nothing impressive. This is his first exam with his teammates; Neji Hyuuga and Tenten."

"What about the dobe." Kiba asked.

"Hmm...let's see, Naruto Uzamaki he's the dead last of the class. Mission history: Seven D-rank, One C-rank, One B-rank, and one A-rank. His skills a suck, the only thing that changed about him was his clothes."

Sasuke and Sakura knew about the D, C, and A-ranked missions because they were there. However they didn't know about the B-ranked mission, and demanded to know when he did it.

"That must've been when I beat Mizuki defected from the village. Didn't think the old man would make it a B-ranked mission." he explained.

Before anyone could say he was lying smoke appeared, and a voice yelled out.

"Alright maggots listen up!"

Suddenly a man appeared wearing a standard Jounin uniform but with a black trench coat covering it up. He also had a bandanna covering his head.

"My name is Ibiki Morino and I'll be your Procter for the first exam, which is a written one for those who don't know."

"Now everyone please select a number and then go inside the room and sit at the designated seat."

Ten minutes later everyone had a number and was seated. Naruto was busy thinking about the test that he didn't notice someone sit down beside him. "Hey Naruto-kun." the person said.

Naruto looked over at the person sitting beside him and said. " Hinata how have you been?" She smiled at him nervously

"I'm g-good h-h-ow about y-you?"

Naruto smiled back at her, "I'm fine so what do you think about this exam?"

Hinata thought about his question before answering, "I-I think it-ll be ea-sy."

Naruto laughed, "Yeah your right, these weaklings can't stand against us."

'Thanks N-Naruto-kun.' Hinata thought with a blush.

Both of them kept talking completely ignoring everyone's stares and complaints that they couldn't hear the procter explain the rules. When one of them did complain Naruto told him to shut the fuck up, gave him the one finger salute, and gave him a small dose of killing intent that only he could feel.

Five minutes later they were whispering to each other despite the fact that they were taking the test. Naruto was holding Hinata's hand under the table, while he got the answers from Kyuubi.

Hinata and Neji used their Bakugan using aminor genjutsu to cover their veins.

Sasuke used his Sharingan and copied from a Chuunin disguised as a Genin.

Sakura used her over sized brain to get the answers then Ino used her Mind Transfer Jutsu on her then used it on her teammates and giving them the answers she stole from Sakura.

Shino gathered information using a bee.

Gaara used his sand to create the Third Eye.

The Sound Genin used sound vibrations from the taping of the pencils.

Kiba used Akamaru in someway. (How the hell could they get away with that, especially in their own village who know what the Inuzuka can can do with their dogs? )

Tenten used mirrors ( How the hell did she not get caught? They were in plain view how could they not see that? ) to give the answers to Lee.

Kankuro used his puppet Crow to take him to the bathroom and later gave his answers to Temari.

And the Snow-nins used their test to the 45 minute mark.

According to the paper, that was the time that Ibiki gave out the tenth question. Eyes flickered from the paper to the scowling instructor as they waited for him to begin talking.

"So," Ibiki said "It seems that we have some regular bookworms in here. Or, some very good cheaters!" At that, almost the entire room flinched. The exception was Sakura, who was thinking 'I wonder who was dumb enough to cheat!'

"So now it's time for the tenth question! But first, another rule!" at that, the Genin stiffened. "You must choose whether to accept or reject this question! If you choose to reject this question, you will instantly loose all points, and you and your team will be failed immediately!"

Temari spoke out. "But then what's the point? Why would anyone actually reject the question!"

A sadistic grin crossed Ibiki's features, as he said "Because of what happens when you take the question, and get it wrong. If you do, then...you will never be allowed to test for Chuunin again, and will be a Genin for the rest of your life!"

Almost everyone in the room began sputtering. "B-But we know they're people here who've taken the test lots of times, and they got to the second or third round!" Ino shouted out.

Another sadistic smirk passed the torturers face. "It sucks for you guys that this is my first year as a proctor."

One stupid genin raised his hand to quit, then a lot of people started quiting and this went on for two minutes until they stopped.

"For all those remaining: YOU PASS!" Ibiki shouted. The exclamation was met with looks of shock, indignation, and in Naruto's case, amusement. The scarred proctor went on to list reasons extremely similar to Inner Naruto's reasoning.

"Congratulations!" Ibiki said, as he counted down mentally.

'Three, two, one, now!' As he thought 'now', the windows in the back of the room shattered, and a black ball rolled through. It extended out into a banner at the front of the room, reading 'Anko Mitarashi , Second Examiner'.

And that's exactly who stood in the center, a woman with purple hair and gray eyes she was wearing a skin tight fishnet, and an orange mini skirt

"Okay maggots! I'm your second proctor, Anko Mitarashi ! And now..." she said, all the Genin leaning forward in anticipation, "It's time for a headcount!" A crash of furniture and a number of grunts met that announcement, as almost all of the Genin fell face first on the floor.

"Ibiki, you passed twenty-six three man squads. You're losing your touch!"

Despite the fact he had thought that only five minutes before, Ibiki shook his head. "We've got quite a few outstanding candidates this year."

"BULLSHIT!" she screamed. "I'll cut these guys in half by the next exam! Midgets! Follow me!" Anko jumped out of the window, with all of the Genin following her.