
Hell Sharingan

GodofDeathDragons · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
36 Chs

Strange meetings

It has been five days since Kakashi nominated Team Seven for the Chuunin Exams. And Naruto has been making the most of it. Every morning Naruto creates two-hundred Shadow Clones to do the water walking and tree climbing exercise, adds fifteen pounds to his weights, runs twenty laps around The Forest of Death and Konoha. five-hundred push-ups with a boulder on his back, five-hundred sit-ups, a new chakra control exercise where he balanced on a kunai with one finger by himself, and sword exercises using his clones.

At noon Naruto meets Hayate at Ichiraku Ramen, they eat lunch, without Naruto making him broke and train until night.

And at night Naruto visits Zabuza and Haku for dinner, he talks to them about random stuff, and asks for some tips on training.

The next day was the same, only Naruto actually mastered Dance of the Crescent Moon surprising Hayate and himself.

"Well Naruto ( cough ) you surprised me by ( cough ) mastering this very ( cough ) complicated technique, I must ( cough ) say I'm impressed. Hayate said/coughed.

"Hayate-sensei I just practiced a lot." Naruto said sheepishly .

"Yea...well enough of this, ( cough ) take the rest ( cough ) of the day off ( cough ).

"Yes Hayate-sensei."

"Dammit its only 3:00 o'clock what am I suppose to OW!"

Naruto and another person fell to the ground, but they both got up, and Naruto saw the three people that would change his life forever.

The first one was a heavily muscled male who was at least seventeen and 6'3, with blue hair that went down to his waste and piercing green eyes. He wore a white shirt with the sleeves ripped off, with his forehead protector secured on his left bicep, along with baggy black pants. He also wore brown combat boots with iron grieves, but what startled him was he has heavy iron handcuffs around his wrists.

The second one was a female who looked seventeen as well and stood at 5'4, she had silky shoulder-length brown hair and brown eyes, she wore a white shirt with a blue snowflake covering her C-cuped bust, and her forehead protector was tied around her neck. She wore black pants that held her kunai holster on her right leg, and black shinobi sandals. She also wore what looked like a belt hanging loosely around her waist, was actually wire.

The last person was a male who looked to be a year older than him with snow-white hair that went down to his back, and was 5'7. He wore black combat boots along with black cargo pants with his kunai holster on his left leg. He also wore a black shirt, and black gloves, all of this was partially covered with a snow-white cloak. He wielded a pitch black kodashi with a pitch black sheath, but the most surprising thing about this guy was that his eyes, were covered with white medical tape and his forehead protector, and two scars were going down his cheeks where his eyes were supposed to be.

"I'm sorry I bumped into you." said the girl.

"Hey its no problem, I'm Naruto Uzamaki who are you guys?" asked Naruto.

"Kazuma Ryoshi." said the guy in the cuffs.

"Hikari Ayami" said the girl.

"Sanosuke." said the blind guy.

"Well from what your forehead protectors, say you're from Snow Country am I correct?"

"Yes" answered Kazuma.

"And you're here for the Chuunin Exams."

"That's right." Hikari replied.

"Well I wish you luck later." Naruto said and ran off.

Zabuzas House

Naruto arrived at Zabuza's house earlier than expected, but it was okay with him and let him talk to Haku.

After dinner Naruto went to talk to Haku alone, and he surprised her.

"Umm...Haku-chan I know we know each other for a short time, but I was wondering if I could take you on a date?" Naruto asked with all the courage he could muster.

"Yes I would love to Naruto-kun." Haku answered.

"Really? Oh I mean I'll pick you up a seven tomorrow, later Haku-chan!" Naruto said then left the house, he ran so fast it would make Gai cry.