
Hell Sharingan

GodofDeathDragons · Komik
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36 Chs

Naruto returns and the girls decision

"Come on brat, don't you dare die on me." Tsunade muttered.

Naruto was barely hanging on to life by a thread, after being poisoned by the Kusanagi ( The Grass Long Sword ) anyone would die.

"Poison Extraction Jutsu." she muttered as a green glow emitted from her hands, extracting the poison out of him until he was cured.

After three minutes and a heavily bruised Jiraiya, Tsunade was able to extract the poison, and put her necklace around Naruto's neck.

Then the three yelled out, "Summoning Jutsu!"

In a huge puff of smoke Gamabunta, appeared along with a giant blue and white slug, as well as a purple snake.

"Tsunade, Orochimaru, Jiraiya why have you summoned me?" they said in a union.

"Orochimaru where are my 100 sacrifices?" asked the snake.

"I will give you your sacrifices later Manda, but right now we have bigger fish to fry." Orochimaru said.

Manda looked at the slug and the toad, and smirked seeing them. "Gamabunta, Katsuyu what an unpleasant surprise."

"I thought I wouldn't see your ugly face ever again." said Katsuyu.

"Katsuyu I need you to summon your children, and take care those two boys to Shizune for safe keeping ." Tsunade pleaded.

"Very well Tsunade-sama." she said as she summoned two slugs, who carried the two away as fast as they could. Which was not too bad considering they were slugs.

"Heh my wife has been bugging me to get her a snake skin wallet, I guess it's my lucky day." Gamabunta said while pulling out his katana.

Katsuyu attacked with surprising speed and unleashed a huge amount of acid at the large purple snake.

The snake dodged with vastly superior speed and wrapped itself around the slug in the blink of an eye. No one expected what happened next as suddenly the large snakes head jerked to the side.

Tsunade landed on the back of the snake, behind her the slug summon was collapsing into smaller versions of herself. She began to run up the creatures back with blinding speed.

Orochimaru watched with growing alarm as the woman reached his summons head and jumped high into the air, he was forced to roll awkwardly as she descended, her fist struck the snakes head.

Gamabunta didn't know what to do, he saw Manda's head jerk downwards as he took the massive blow, "What's with Tsunade?"

Jiraiya just watched in awe. "She's...even stronger than in her prime..."

Tsunade looked down at the fractured snake scales, she was annoyed though that she had missed her target, she decided to go for a more direct approach and she ran straight at Orochimaru.

Orochimaru didn't have a lot of options when he saw her coming and he jumped backwards from the top of his summons head, it was a long fall but the ground would me more forgiving than Tsunade's fist.

Tsunade growled in frustration and she jumped but not as far as one might have expected.

As Orochimaru fell he watched as Tsunade jumped off the snake's head too and delivered a spin kick to the beasts head, once more the snake's head jerked to the side.

Unfortunately for the snake Gamabunta took this opportunity to cover the distance between them and slash the snakes face with his large blade. Manda hissed loudly, "Prepare to be devoured next time we meet Orochimaru." with that Manda vanished in a cloud of smoke.

Gamabunta put his katana away, waiting for his summoner to jump onto his shoulder then forearm, webbed hand and then the ground he then vanished in a puff of smoke, not soon after Katsuyu did the same.

Orochimaru hit the ground hard, he heard several snaps and felt them too, he struggled to even crouch.

Tsunade fell the distance to the ground, this time she landed with her legs bent but she remained upright, she immediately ran towards the snake Sannin.

Orochimaru knew that in his condition this battle was over, he let himself begin to sink into the ground, Kabuto seeing this began to form seals and smoke began to envelope him.

Tsunade got to the place Orochimaru's head vanished, she split the ground open with a mighty blow from her left fist but he was already gone. She immediately turned to where Naruto and Sanosuke sat with her assistant and headed over.

Five Days Later

Naruto woke up and was greeted with the sight of Tsunade, Shizune, and Jiraiya talking.

"Hey guys I'm awake." he said.

"Hey, how are you doing?" Shizune asked.

"I'm doing f...wait where's Sanosuke!"

"I'm right here Naruto." he said walking into the room.

"How are your injuries?" Naruto asked.

"I will have some scars in my arms, but I'll be fine. Oh Tsunade did you find out what's wrong with me?"

"What are you talking about?" Naruto asked again.

"Sanosuke has chaotic chakra control." Tsunade answered.

"What's that?" Sanosuke asked.

"Well...it's a rare disease, it's when the person can't use chakra...

"How is that possible? I use chakra all the time, I even use jutsu's even if I cough up blood." Sanosuke interrupted.

"Let me finish, the person can't use chakra too often. He or she can mabye use one jutsu a week, I'm surprised you can do two. Anyways if that person uses chakra too much they will die, so tell me how many jutsu's can you do in your ninja career?"

"Well...I don't use jutsu's too often, I always use kenjutsu, taijutsu, or my bloodline."

"Well keep using those three things, until a cure is found. Now pack up we are leaving." Tsunade said.

Three Days Later

"Hey Baa-chan-" WHAM! Naruto was punched into a tree.

"Is she all ways like this?" Sanosuke whispered to Shizune.

"I'm afraid so." she answered.

"What do you want brat?" Tsunade muttered.

"Can the Tears of Rebirth be turned into a mist, you know for lung infection or terminal disease's?"

"How do you know about the Tears of Rebirth? You're not old enough to know about that, besides that ability was whipped out due to years of incest and faulty decisions by the clan heads whipped it out." she said surprised that he knew.

"That's where you are wrong, there is one person who has that special ability." Naruto said.


"The current heiress, and my girlfriend Hinata Hyuuga."

"WHAT!" both Tsunade and Shizune yelled.

"Yea I was surprised too." both Sanosuke and Jiraiya in a union.

"This changes everything, if I can get a sample and alter it a little I could cure anything. Wait if Shizune and I teach her our medical techniques, she could become the best Medic-nin in the shinobi nation." Tsunade said in a VERY happy tone, scaring everyone.

After she was done ranting Naruto replied, "Hinata would be ecstatic to learn from you, oh and can you teach one more person?"

"And who would that be?" Tsunade asked.

"My other girlfriend Haku."

Tsunade went postal when she heard that saying,

"You have TWO girlfriend's, Naruto that's not fair to both of them. If they find out everything will be screwed."

"And that's why you can't have two girlfriends!" she finished, huffing and puffing an hour later.

"Relax they know about each other, besides I'm practicing polygamy." Naruto said.

"What polygamy! you're too young for that."

Tsunade finished her deadly rant three hours later...only to see her four companions playing poker; with Naruto winning.

"Are you even listening!" she yelled.

"Yea I heard what you said, but I have two clans to revive."


"Yea, listen if you don't already know I am Naruto Namikaze Uchiha. My dad was the Yodamie Hokage; Minato Namikaze and my mom was Kushina Uchiha." he said while activating his Kurashagan. Tsunade was speechless.

"I have two clans to revive, the Uchiha's might be easier if Sasuke would get his head out of his ass. And I'm the only Namikaze left so it's completely up to me. But I assure you I will only marry the girls that love me for me, not because I'm the son of the Yondamie or an Uchiha, and I'll love them equally."

"Well I guess your right, but if you treat them unfairly hurt them I'll castrate you with a rusty serrated spoon." she threatened.

"Will do." Naruto managed to squeak out.

'Damn kid, I wish that would happen to me.' Jirayia thought, and then imagined him in Naruto's place. He got a nosebleed and had content look on his face.

Naruto and Tsunade saw this, and pummeled him into the ground.

"Wait you hate perverts? I hate perverts, this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship." Naruto and Tsunade said together, and shook hands.

Meanwhile Shizune and Sanosuke were now officially scared of the two after they made a Jirayia shaped Crater. ( courtasy of RasenganFin )

"So will you teach them?" Naruto asked Tsunade.

"Yea I'll teach them, but for the Tears of Rebirth I'll have to experiment with them. And there is a problem. Tsunade answered.

"What kind of problem?"

"The Tears of Rebirth can only work properly, the user has to be in great sorrow."

"Tsunade before we get to Konoha, I want you to beat the shit out of me." Naruto said.


"Like you said Hinata-chan has to be in great sorrow, I know it will hurt me more that it would hurt her, both physically and mentally. But if I don't Kimimaro will die."

"Who's Kimimaro?" she asked.

Naruto then explained Kimimaro's disease, upbringing, and how long he had to live. With this information Tsunade reluctantly agreed.

Three Days Later, and Two Miles from Konoha

"So Naruto are you ready?" Tsunade asked.

"Let's get this over with." he sighed

Tsunade proceeded to break both of Naruto's arms, shatter his right kneecap, broke his ribcage, and cut and bruised him all over.

When they got to Konoha Naruto went to the hospital, accompanied by Hinata.

After a few hours Tsunade came into Narutos hospital room, "Well Naruto I have some good news and bad news." Tsunade said.

"What's the good news?" he asked.

"You will make a full recovery."

"What the bad news?"

"Orochimaru's Kusanagi stabbed you in the groin leaving you sterile." she answered.

"What does that mean?"

"You will never be able to achieve a pocket rocket."

"You mean?" Hinata said in horror.

"Yes he can't have sex ever."

Hinata then cries a fountain of tears and Tsunade pulls out a bucket, out of nowhere without her knowing. Fifteen minutes later Hinata sees the bucket with her tears in it, she then goes from weepy to angry.

"What the hell is your problem! Do you like to see me cry?!" she screamed.

"Hinata I'm sorry, but I needed a lot of tears to experiment with and this was the best way to get them from you." Tsunade apologised.

Hinata started to flip out from this incident. "Who the hell came up with this idea?" she asked in a scary voice.

'Oh crap! We forgot who to blame it on, oh I know who the poor sucker to encounter her wrath.' both Tsunade and Naruto thought.

"It was Jirayia!" they both said.

"What does he look like?" she asked.

Naruto then gave her a picture of him, and she ran off. ( courtasy of RasenganFin again )

Twenty Minutes Later

A high pitched and girlie scream was heard all over Konoha ,and both Tsunade and Naruto smile at Jirayia's misfortune.

And Naruto was excused from the hospital, to see Sanosuke off. He arrived at the north gate just in time to see them off.

Sanosuke's teammates and sensei were about to leave, until the heard a shouting noise, and Naruto came running up to them.

"Hey Sanosuke, Hikari, Kazuma, and Amanda-sensei you going back to your village?" he asked.

"Yep but before we leave, we have some going away gifts for you." Hikari said.


"Yep." Hikari then gave him a scroll. "Those are various chakra exercises, they will really help you, with Kyuubi being inside you and all."

Kazuma gave him a scroll as well. "This scroll contains some weights, like dumbells for example."

Amanda gave him two scrolls. "One of these scrolls have three water jutsus in it, the other has three ice jutsus. Make sure you master them next time we meet."

Finally Sanosuke gave him a white hannya mask with black trimmings, "Your old mask was broken, so I made you a new one. Don't worry about it breaking anytime soon."

Naruto put his new mask over his face, and hooked the scrolls on his pants. He then watched his friends head back to their country.

Naruto's House an Hour Later

Naruto was sitting on the couch, waiting for Haku and Hinata to tell him their decision.

After what seemed like forever Hinata and Haku finally spoke to him.

"Naruto-kun after a very long discussion." Hinata started.

"We have decided." Haku said

"To be in your harem." they both said.

"What?" he said confused.

"We decided to help you revive your clans." Haku said.

"I thought you would say no, and beat the living crap out of me."

"No, but promise us that you would treat your wives fairly, and she truly loves you." Hinata said.

"I promise."

Then they all went to bed.

Later That Night

Naruto awoke hearing a knocking sound.

"Come in." he muttered.

When the door opened he almost died.

Haku was wearing a baby blue bra with matching panties, while Hinata wore a purple bra with matching panties.

"W-What a-a-are you do-doing?" he studdered.

"Naruto-kun if we are going to be your wives we need to sleep with you." Haku said seductively.

Naruto just fainted, and the girls put him in bed along with themselves.