
Hell Sharingan

GodofDeathDragons · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
36 Chs


'Damn, Shinigami-sensei was right.' Naruto thought after walking through the stadium for a few hours.

"You got that right, but because you were being such a dumbass, you can never use that arm again." Shinigami scolded.

"Fuck!" Naruto cried out, clutching his right arm in pain, "Man I shouldn't have done that, great my ninja career is over."

Just then Hinata went over to him.

"Hello...Naruto-kun." she said.

"Hinata-chan? I thought you wouldn't ( wince ) come near me."

Instead of answering, Hinata gave him a big hug and started crying.

"Naruto-kun for years, ( sob ) I watched you for years. ( sniff ) I have seen you ( sob ) get verbally tortured and put ( sob ) down by all the villagers for ( sniff ) so many years. And yet I did nothing ( sob ) I'm so sorry ( sob ) Naruto-kun. she cried.

"Hinata-chan, thank you for everything." he said.

They looked into each other's eyes, their face's inches apart; started moving closer, until their their lips met. Both of them had tears in their eyes, then Hinata's tears turned white and dropped on his right arm. It glowed white, surprising the two making them back off.

They both watched the arm glow white, and the dead skin came off of it. In a matter of seconds Naruto's arm was healed tattoo included, this shocked Shinigami.

"The Tears of Rebirth." he gasped.

'The what?' Naruto asked.

"The Tears of Rebirth was a special power in the Hyuuga clan, but the years of incest and the stupid clan heads nearly whipped it out."

'What does it do?'

"The Tears of Rebirth heals major injuries and diseases, like your arm for example."


"Naruto-kun what happened to your arm?" Hinata asked.

"Hinata those are the Tears of Rebirth." Naruto replied.

"Tears of Rebirth?"

"I read this once, its a special power in the Hyuuga clan, but the years of incest and the stupid clan heads nearly whipped it out."

"What does it do?" she asked.

"The Tears of Rebirth heals major injuries and diseases, take my arm for example." he explained.


'Copy cat.' Shinigami said.

'You ruined the moment.'


"It has begun, Hinata go to the shelters we are being invaded."

"Yes Naruto-kun."


"Sanosuke what the hell happened!" Naruto yelled unsheathing Kyuubi.

"Something seriously fucked up." he replied.


"All right will Kazama Ryoshi and Kankuro...

"I forfeit!" Kankuro yelled.

"Umm...alright Kazuma Ryoshi wins by default." announced Genma, earning a booing from the crowd.

"Now will Shikamaru Nara and Temari come down to the arena."

Temari flew down with her fan, and Sanosuke pushed the lazy Nara into the arena.

The fight lasted for a few hours, until Shikamaru caught Temari with his Shadow Possession Jutsu. But gave up because he was almost out of chakra.

Gaara and Sasuke came down for the fight. The crowed fell silent as the battle started.

Sand instantly fell from Gaara's gourd and began to surround him. Sasuke ran forward at rather impressive speed, as he dodged Gaara's sand. He spun in pivoting on his foot past Gaara's defense and deliver and upward kick. This continued for the duration of the fight Sasuke was getting faster and faster, but and experience shinobi could see he was tiring.

Finally Gaara formed a the Sand Sphere all around his body. When Sasuke tried to get close spike jettisoned from it. Sasuke jumped back far up to the arena wall. He then began to mold his Chakra, and perform hand seals. Lightning started to gather around his hand, it also sounded like birds chirping. He stayed up on the wall gathering energy for the attack.

"What is that technique Kakashi-sensei?" Sakura asked.

"That is my own original jutsu the Chidori 1000 Birds, it allows the user to move at high speeds and use the full power of the thrust." Kakashi said.

Sakura stared at Sasuke in amazement that he now knew such a powerful jutsu.

Sasuke charged at the sphere dodging the spikes coming out of it. He then thrust his lightning covered hand at it.

It pierced the thick shell and a howl of pain was heard from it. The people fell silent as they stared at the two combatants. Suddenly a large demonic looking hand shot from the hole in the sphere. Sasuke jumped back to avoid it.

The Kazekage then gave the signal, Kabuto who was nearby performed a jutsu which caused feathers to fall from the sky all the villagers were put to sleep. As were some inexperienced shinobi.

Both the Kazekage and the Hokage jumped to the roof of the arena to fight. The Kazekage then revealed himself to be Orochimaru, and hey then began to fight.

A Sound and Sand ninja appeared by Sanosuke. He noticed that the sand trio run out towards the forest. Sasuke gave chase to them. The ninja behind him drew closer to him, he grabbed the hilt of his blade and slashed them in two.

Flashback Ends

As soon as Sanosuke finished, he slashed a Sound-nins head off.

"Naruto the Uchiha ran off to fight Gaara, we got to go."

"Alright Sanosuke." Naruto said as he jumped into the arena.

Kakashi was defending Sakura and sleeping civilians, as ninja attacked he quickly disposed of them. He saw Naruto and the Snow-nin jump from the room they were in, and three Chuunin level Sand and Sound-nins jumped out after them. He looked at his blue eyes which seemed more icy as he expertly used his katana. The Chuunin were dead before they hit the ground.

Naruto then proceeded to cut away at the ninja's that were attacking him on the arena floor. He danced with his sword in beautiful rhythm each step flawless, it was a dance of death as blood flowed from enemy's. Kakashi couldn't help but wonder who had taught Naruto to be so proficient with a sword.

Kakashi looked behind him and Sakura who was now next to Skikamaru.

"Sakura, Skikamaru, go after Sasuke he chased down the Sand Genin." Kakashi said fending off more attackers.

"But sensei what about you and Naruto?" she said staring at the blond and black haired boy on the arena floor effortlessly kill someone. She was quite unnerved by this.

'I never thought I would see Naruto kill someone so easily without remorse...has he really changed that much.' she thought.

"Naruto will go with you guys later, right now he is fighting to protect the people in the stands and can't get away." Kakashi ordered.

Sakura gave a nod as she and Shikamaru went off after Sasuke.

Naruto continued to cut through the enemy, along with Sanosuke, Naruto then went back to back with Sanosuke as they became surrounded by ten shinobi.

"How many do you want, Naruto?" Sanosuke asked.

"I'll take the first five, and you take the other five." Naruto replied

Sanosuke then disappeared, but reappeared circling around the nins leaving after images. He then yelled out,

"Kodachi Ryu: Dance of the Wheeling Sword!" cutting the five nins into ribbons.

Naruto jumped into the air shouted "Dance of the Crescent Moon!" creating three Shadow Clones and their swords extended, stabbing into the five nins. This shocked Kakshi because only Hayate knew that move, then he knew that it was Hayate who taught him how to use a sword.

Two minutes later both Sanosuke and Naruto ran at god like speed towards their comrades. They managed to save a few citizens along the way all of which were grateful or ungrateful.

However they were stopped by a bunch of Stone-nin.

"Well, well, well what do we have here? A Leaf-nin? And a Snow-nin?" a Stone-nin taunted.

"Let's see who can kill them the fastest?" replied another.

'Oh shit...Kyuubi what should I do?'

"Kit repeat these words, Come out and bathe in blood Kyuubi!"

"Come out and bathe in blood Kyuubi!"

In a flash of light Naruto appeared wearing a black gi, grey hakama, and black shinobi sandals. His hair was black with blood red highlights/streaks, his eyes were pitch black, his katana stayed the same only it had a serrated edge.

'Kyuubi what the hell happened to me?'

"This is your manslayer form, it allows you to do an ancient sword style. Its called Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu the most powerful style around, but hurry you only have two minutes before this form wears off."

"Prepair to die suckers!" he yelled.

Then Naruto ran and slashed three Stone-nin, then he rushed in the middle of the Stone-nins and started slashing everywhere.

"Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu: Dragon's Nest Strike!" he yelled out, watching twenty men drop dead.

Naruto then turned around, slashed his into the ground bringing it in a upward swing. Sending rocks into the Stone-nins. Stone-nins killed by rocks, oh the irony.

"Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu: Earth Dragon Strike!" he yelled out killing ten Stone-nins, and ran through the path that has been cleared for him.

"Naruto go ahead, I'll take care of the rest!" Sanosuke shouted.

"Don't die on me, we still have to beat Gaara!" Naruto replied as he ran.

"You don't make anything easy, do you Naruto. Alright boys who wants a piece of me!" he yelled pulling one of his gloves off, and gathered white energy in it.

Two Minutes Later

Naruto's manslayer form wore off but he still kept running, he then looked at his left arm and saw the number one-hundred and sixty eight. Sanosuke joined him thirty seconds later.

It only took him them three minutes to make it to the battle field where Gaara was fighting Sasuke. Sakura was pinned to a tree by some giant sand hand. And Sasuke looked exhausted, as black flame tattoo marks adorned his body.

Gaara launched himself at him as his hands where turning into spikes he pushed them forward. Naruto jumped in the air above him, he noticed Sasuke's expression when he did this. He brought his sword down hard on to Gaara shredding through the protective sand. Gaara gave a sickening howl of pain.

Suddenly Gaara began sucking in air as mouth's appeared all over his body. He then blasted the concentrated air current at Naruto. Naruto jumped over it and noticed a teen with shaggy brown hair and golden eyes. He wore black camo-pants, black sandals, a black long sleeved shirt that was missing its right sleeve, and brown Chuunin vest. His forehead protector was on his forehead, showing that he was a Stone shinobi.

Sanosuke just muttered. "Oh shit, we have a big fight on our hands."