
Hell Sharingan

GodofDeathDragons · Komik
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36 Chs

Hatred released

Naruto's Room

"Ow my head, what happened last night?" Naruto asked himself.

Sighing Naruto did his morning routines, however he found a scroll in his back pouch pocked. After a minute wondering how it got there he decided to open it. When he opened it some armor popped out of it, wondering what this was all about he read the letter that came with it.


Wear that armor, you'll need it.


P.S. the exam starts at 10:00 so hurry up.

Naruto looked at his clock and swore, "9:50! Oh shit I got to hurry."

Nine Minutes Later

Naruto was dressed in his usual outfit, the only difference was him wearing the pitch black armor instead of his cloak. ( think Shodaime Hokage's armor only black ) Knowing he had one minute left, Naruto disappeared in a puff of smoke.


Naruto appeared in a puff of smoke, shocking and pissing a few people off . ( coughSasukecough )

Genma watched as the blond appeared to the center of the arena where Neji and he were standing, the Jounin made a note of how much the killing intent in the arena had increased due to Naruto and Neji merely looking at each other.

"I was starting to think that you weren't going to show up." Neji snarled as the blond stood before him.

"You should have known better." Naruto simply responded.

'Man, I feel like the temperature of this arena has dropped fifteen degrees' Genma thought as he looked from one Genin to the other.

"The third match of the finals is about to start. Naruto Uzumaki vs. Neji Hyuuga..." Genma called up as he raised his hand.

"Fight!" The jounin shouted as he brought his hand down. A second later, the two Genins disappeared.

Sound, sound was the only thing that alerted most of the audience that a match was underway. Those who had not trained as a shinobi could only hear the clash of metal that indicated that the two boys had taken out weapons. Even some of the nins among the crowd were having problems following the fight, all they saw were blurs from time to time, and an image of the two Genins when their momentum was broken every time their attacks met.

The two Genins finally stopped in the middle of the arena, kunai against kunai, each boy tried to push the other.

'How much strength are they putting in each blow?' some of the Jounin's wondered as they watched them from the audience, their cloths were starting to become ragged from the backlash of their attacks.

Naruto brought his kunai down, taking Neji by surprise and giving himself an opening. The blond tried to drive his fist to the side of the Hyuuga's face, but was stopped by the black-haired Genin.

Naruto was able to see a smirk for on Neji's face just before the Hyuuga move his hand and sent his kunai towards the blonds face. Naruto had to step back to prevent the kunai from impaling his face.

As soon as the blond stepped back, Neji started to gather chakra in the index and middle finger of his left hand, and jammed them into Naruto's chest.

Genma watched as Naruto grunted in pain. 'That attack was really close to the heart. Even his armor couldn't stop the force of that blow.' the Jounin thought as the blond put his hand on his chest where the blow had landed.

"These kids are our for the kill." Genma whispered to himself.

Once the pain had resided, Naruto looked up to see Neji smirk and get into a specific stance. The blond had a bad feeling about that stance, so he rushed him.

Neji started forward as he began his attack, the blond followed suit and rushed to the Hyuuga. Naruto was able to stop Neji's attack by throwing a kunai.

Neji jumped away and saw Naruto throwing five kunai, knowing he would die unless he used his trump card.

"Eight Trigrams: Rotation!" he yelled out.

Less than a second later Neji was covered in a chakra dome.

Everyone in the audience who was familiar with the Hyuuga fighting style gasped; Neji had perform a stable Rotation a technique only known to the Main House, as far as the shinobi that were watching knew, that was impossible.

'So he brought it out.' Hiashi thought as he watched his nephew from the stands.

The chakra dome started to disappear, leaving Neji standing unharmed; a ring had been formed around him by the spinning chakra.

"Rotation?" Naruto's question was answered by Neji's smirk.

"Even someone like you would see that advantage. It's the ultimate shield." Neji stated.

Naruto took out a kunai then rushed towards the Hyuuga. Neji smirked as he started to emanate chakra from his body.

As soon as the kunai left Naruto's hand, the black-haired Genin willed that chakra to spin and protect him. After his kunai was deflected, Naruto took out a pair of shuriken and sent them towards the Hyuuga prodigy, whose chakra dome merely knocked them upward.

Immediately, the blond jumped into the air, threw another five shuriken and started to make hand seals. "Shadow Shuriken Justu!" Naruto yelled out before the five shuriken in the air became five hundred.

The rain of shuriken fell on the chakra dome, but merely bounced off.

"Useless." Neji muttered as he took out a couple of kunai and shuriken and threw them at the blond.

Naruto dodged the flying projectals, and shouted, "Shadow Clone Jutsu!" without doing any hand seals, surprising everybody.

Naruto made fifteen clones appear. The clones rushed towards the chakra dome from all sides, the attack caused four of them to disappear and knock back the other two, a pair of kunais from the inside of the dome took care of the remaining clones. Naruto did the jutsu again and rushed Neji.

"Why is Naruto wasting his energy by attacking with clones?" Sakura asked her sensei who had come to sit next to her.

"I mean, it didn't work the first time." ( she's wearing a wig )

"I don't know Sakura." he answered.

Naruto and Neji were still fighting on, even if both of them were tiring.

"Looks like the 'Mighty Hyuuga' is running out of gas." Naruto mocked.

"I still have enough strength to defeat you." Neji said as he got ready, lowering his body and tilting it forward, and with his right arm stretched back.

"You are in my divine range Eight Trigram Sixty-Four Palms!" Neji shouted.

"Two palms!"

The strike were met by Naruto's forearms.

"Four palms!"

The strikes hit Naruto in the torso.

"Eight palms!"

The strikes hit Naruto in the legs.

"Sixteen palms!"

The strikes hit Naruto around the torso and his back.

"Thirty-two palms!"

The strikes hit Naruto's entire torso

"Sixty-four palms!"

The strikes hits Naruto everywhere, sending the blond crashing into the ground. Nejis strikes destroyed his armor, shattered his mask, thus exposing his tattoo's and face.

The audience cheered as they watched the demon brat being struck down by the Hyuuga prodigy.

Soon, the cheers started to die out as the blond struggled to stand up.

Neji could see that something resembling a smile came to the blonds face. Naruto looked up and his gaze fell on the audience.

"Look at all of them, every one of these people that came to see that fight between Sasuke and Gaara, are looking at you right now Neji, the prodigy, the strongest Hyuuga of this generation. You don't know how jealous of you I am right now, all my life all I wanted was for someone to actually worry that I might lose, not praying for my defeat." he said.

Above the audience, in the judges' stands, Sarutobi's face saddened as he sensed the pain in the blond's voice.

Naruto snorted before continuing.

"All these years, I thought I had thrown all those petty feelings away, yet..." Naruto looked at Neji before looking down at the ground.

"You have always been praised, everyone is proud of your accomplishments, but..."

Neji remained silent and let Naruto continue as he tried to decipher what the blond was trying to say.

Still, without removing his eyes from the ground, the blond continued, "Heh I always wanted what you have praise, love, family, and acceptance. But now I've come to realize that, no matter what I do it would never happen, because of that I put up the mask of an idiot to hide my true self, now I don't want to keep hiding who I am now that I know that the happiness I wished for when I was younger is nothing but a fool's hope!" Naruto almost shouted.

The Sandaime wouldn't have been surprise if he had felt tears running down his cheek, the pain in the boy's voice had turned into anger that was long since due for its release.

Hinata was close to tears. 'Naruto-kun your pain is far too great, I wish I could've done something sooner.'

Shikamaru frowned as he watched his friend from the terrace. 'I knew there was something wrong with Naruto, but I never thought that…'

Kakashi had remained silent; the guilt inside him was too much to try to speak.

Zabuza knew what Naruto's life was, it was like the day he met Haku; all three of them have the same eyes.

Sanosuke was sickened, by the village's treatment towards Naruto.

Haku was openly crying 'Naruto, I'll do my best to make sure you'll never be alone again.'

"I won't hide anymore, if the village thinks of me as a demon I'LL SHOW THEM WHAT A DEMON CAN DO!" Naruto screamed with tears running down his face.

Neji along with everyone in the stands gasped as one word entered all of their minds, "Sharingan."

"NO! It's not those accursed eyes,its my own bloodline, the Kurashagan!" he yelled.

And there it was Kurashagan in all its glory, the five tomoe's spinning wildly, and the Darkness Flame swirling around him knocking his forehead protector off showing off his Jagan Eye which was shining crimson. Which scared the hell out of people.

"What the hell is that thing!" Neji shouted.

Suddenly a black flame appeared in the palm of his right hand, "The Jagan Eye a gift from death himself." that scared the audience pissless.

"It may not be a real part of me, but it gives me exactly what I need!"

The purplish black flame flickered and grew in size until it completely covered his right arm.


Various spots in the ground began to crack and then break as beams of dark energy shot up from the ground. The sky began to darken and lighting shot out of the sky.

Through out the arena people stopped everything to witness the phenomena trying to figure out what was going on.

Naruto smirked seeing Neji's expressions of surprise and fear.

"This power...it's almost impossible to control...but it's all that I need! Once I release it, I have no say...I have the power to pull you into oblivion...I assume just my right arm will do." Naruto said evilly.

"Now you will die Hyuuga! Dragon of the Darkness Flame!" Naruto yelled full of rage. As he brought his arm back and thrust it towards the Hyuuga.

"Eight Trigrams: Rotation!" Neji shouted, using almost all of his chakra to protect himself.

The dark dragon slammed into the chakra shield, destroying it, it hit the wall going right through it. Anything that was in its path, was incinerated leaving nothing alive for three miles.

But Neji was lucky he had severe chakra exaustion, and third degree burns over forty-five percent of his body.

"Heh, scared everybody?!" Naruto yelled to the crowd, who was breathing heavily. But was also in great pain because his right arm was burnt to a crisp, making it completely useless.

He then walked to the stands, to watch the next match. Not hearing Genma saying the winner of the match.

Everybody: HOLY SHIT!