
Hell Sharingan

GodofDeathDragons · Komik
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36 Chs

Fuuma Retrieval Success pt. 2

Two weeks later

It took a week of work for Jiraiya to draw and design the seals for Club Lie-Down, and another week to actually put the seals on and around the club. Why was he doing this? Well after they escaped Orochimaru's base they arrived at Club Lie-Down, and informed Hanzaki and the rest of the group that they managed to rescue most of their members. There was a grieving period for their fallen leader, but a few days later Naruto asked if they were ready to depart. That's where they hit a snag, for years the Fuuma Clan made a living off adult entertainment, and couldn't bear leaving the club they built their lives on in this Godforsaken country. So after some arguing and a couple of bare breasts later, Jiraiya agreed to use all his sealing skills to bring the entire building and everything attatched to it back to Konoha with them. He sent a messenger toad to inform Tsunade that they were going to be back in approximately two weeks, and then sent him to inform Sasuke to dust off the old Uchiha police uniforms, and to see if there was an empty space for a big building.

When the toad came back with the question why from Sasauke, Jiraiya informed him that Naruto became the new leader of the Fuuma Clan, and is now the proud owner of a Gentleman's Club. The toad came back an hour later shivering in fright informing them Hinata, Haku, and Kin were pissed beyond belief and were waiting for a good explanation when they got back.

So two weeks and two scared teens later they were all ready to leave.

After inspecting the area one last time Jiraiya nodded seeing everything was perfect. Then going through several hand seals he announced his technique, "Massive Transportation Jutsu!" he whispered, and then they all disappeared in a giant explosion of smoke.

Uchiha Compound

"Come on what's taking them so long?" Sasuke sighed impatiently.

"Don't get your girlfriend's panties in a bunch, they should be here with the strip club any minute." Jake said grinning, before getting kicked in the nuts by an angry Kitesu.

"Why?" he gasped out in pain, holding his prized jewels.

"Lady Hokage gave us girls special permission to kick you in the nuts when you act like a giant pervert." Kitesu said grinning happily, leaving the rest of the men to cover their special area.

"That goes double for Jiraiya." Hinata added, making the men pray for the soon to be castrated pervert.

"I just pray Naruto will be okay, I mean he owns a strip club after all." Gouzu whispered to his brother.

"Yea how the hell will that work out?" Meizu added.

"Either he will be the luckiest son of a bitch in the world, or he will end up whipped like a coach horse." Zabuza said getting between them.

"Either way he better be damn grateful, we had to clear out three houses, and dig a giant fucking hole nearly thirty feet deep." Sasuke muttered reaching into his Chuunin flak-vest, bringing out a box of pocky. While he hated his brother, he could not bring himself to hate his favorite snack. Causing Kietsu to sigh, wondering not for the first time if he was still a few kunai's short of a set.

They waited for a couple of more minutes before a giant building appeared in the designated spot. And out walked a drunk looking Naruto and Kimimaro.

"Dammit Ero-sennin you could have warned us that would happen." Naruto gasped out before covering his mouth.

"This was my first time attempting something like this. So don't rag on me." Jiraiya said stumbling out before falling on his side.

"If I wasn't so dizzy and naucious I would pin you to the wall!" Kimimaro retorted.

"Shut up I'm really not in the mood." Jiraiya grumbled, muttering something incoherent.

That was then three female voices cleared their throats, making the two younger men look up at their respected girlfriends.

"All right I know what it looks like, but we have an explanation." Kimimaro said, trying his damn best to stay calm under their gaze.

"You better Kiminaro or you will be sleeping on the couch for a very long time." Kin said crossing her arms over her bust.

"Oh we do, that is why Naruto will explain it." he said putting the blame over to his whisker-face friend.

"Why you son of a bitch." he whispered loud enough for him to hear him.

"That couch is lumpy you know that, it fucked up my back the last time it happened." he whispered back.

"Well Naruto we're waiting." Hinata said her voice calm and he face smiling, it just scared the hell out of him, out of all of them actually.

Taking a deep breath he answered them, "Tsunade said to bring them back by whatever means necessary. Now before you yell at me, I'll explain, am I the owner of the clan and the owner of this club? Yes I am, but I did not know that Hanzaki even owned the club now I'm stuck with it. And after doing a few other things I'll have to write down later, they refused to leave without their club, even when I ordered. So we had Ero-sennin make a bunch of complicated moving seals for two weeks, and now we are here." he sad doing his best to explain, due to still being very dizzy.

"Why don't you bring the clan out here, so we can compromise." Zabuza said for once being the negotiator.

"All right. Hey guys if you can stand up please come out here!" Naruto yelled, slowly one by one members of the clan came out. Now there were various reactions seeing them, but most of them just thought they looked like a bunch of thugs, not a ninja clan.

"All right, the former leader come forward now!" Zabuza demanded.

Not even a second after he said that, the zanbatou wielding Hanzaki walked forward.

"So you owned the club huh?" Zabuza asked.

"Yes, but now the Boss does." Hanzaki answered.

"Not anymore your the leader now." The Demon of the Mist said.

"I'm afraid not, I follow Naruto now. And I will not be the leader because you said so." the ex-Fuuma leader replied.

"You will or I will cut you down!" Zabuza threatened him, bringing his hand on his legendary blade.

"Demon of the Mist or not, nobody threatens me!" Hanzaki yelled at him, bringing his own hand to his giant blade.

With the two growling at each other, they were about to unsheathe their giant blades. But then their hair caught on fire causing them to scream, and run around like chickens with their heads cut off. At least until they buried their heads into a giant dirt pile.

"Now that you dirt eating morons are done bickering like women, I have an idea." Naruto said walking forwards, the two pulled their heads out of the dirt pile, revealing their damaged hair, and spitting out said dirt.

"I'm the boss and I'll keep that title, but for the sake of my safety I'll sign over co-ownership with Hanzaki." he said to the two, but mainly everyone there, "Because lets face it Hanzaki has been doing this for years, he knows the inner workings of the club. I'll only come by if it is absolutely necessary, or if Hanzaki is out sick, because lets face it. Hanzaki you look intimidating and are strong enough to wield a zanbatou, but you're Genin level at most."

That stunned everyone into silence seeing the logic, and this is Naruto the guy who usually goes with his gut, not his brain. "That and Haku and Hinata will kill me if I go in there, even if I do own it." he said, completely ruining his smart moment.

"If you say so boss." Hanaki said, bowing to him.

"Good now that I'm back-"

"Don't worry kid I'll take you to the Hokage for your mission report." Zabuza said grabbing him by the shoulder, and disappearing in a cloud of smoke.

"So what do we do now?" Kietsu asked.

"Meet the rest of the clan of course." Hanzaki said pointing towards the club.

"The rest? I thought this was all of you?" Gouzu asked.

"No the other two should-"

"Where is that fucking pervert!? When I get my hands on him I'll rip his balls off, shove them up his nose, and then tear his dick off and shove it up hs ass!" a loud voice shouted out making Jiraiya's eyes widen, and run off like the devil was on his heels. Not even a second later our favorite red-headed foul mouth former bodyguard of Orochimaru stomped out, wearing a red lowcut t-shirt, and black tight fitting jeans.

"Tayuya!" Kin shouted out in surprise.

"Kin!" Tayuya greeted with a smile, as the two hugged each other.

"How are you still alive? I heard that you died." she asked as she looked at her friend.

"I don't know, I remember fighting against that sand bitch and shadow prick, getting crushed by trees, and the next thing I know, I'm in the one of the snake fags infermary rooms gettng healed for a broken spine." Tayuya said to her good friend, leaving out a few things like trying to kill their lover.

"Well it's all over Tayuya. Once you get you settled in, we're going to go shopping." Kin said giggling, causing Kimimaro to sigh, already feeling his wallet getting lighter.

Meanwhile Hinata and Haku were looking over a very nervous Sasame. The two singled her out because of the famous woman's sense of intuition, that and she was the youngest out of all the Fuuma members.

"So who are you exactly?" Hinata asked, curious about this girl.

"I am Sasame Fuuma." she introduced herself, giving them a small bow.

"And from what I can tell, you know our Naruto-kun." Haku said, examining her from head to toe.

Sasame couldn't help but blush knowing they were right, "Yes, he saved my life several times during the mission, I owe him much."

"And what did he tell you exactly? And please don't lie, whatever you say will be between us three." Hinata said, her eyes boring into hers.

"Everything." Sasame said, "He told me about his childhood, his goals and dreams, and you two." she told them.

"What did he say?" Haku asked, getting anxious to hear the answer.

"He said the you two were his angels, his life blood, you mean everything to him." she said, causing them the blush and giggle, "He also told me about his sweet little girl, and his burden...actually he told all of us this stuff." seeing them reaching for their respective holsters she quickly added, "But we don't care, he saved us all, and our loyalty lies with him and those he trusts."

Looking at each other Haku and Hinata nodded, "Come on Sasame we got a lot to discuss." the two said taking her to their house.

The poor girl did not have any idea what was in store for her.

Hokage Tower

Tsunade sighed in relief as she finished up a lot of paperwork. She had no idea the previous Hokage's dealt with this evil force, but there was nothing she could do about it. She was stuck with this job until she died, or Naruto took over, whichever came first.

Messaging her temples she reached into her desk and pulled out the Hokage Orb. Viewing into it she saw the building known as Club Lie-Down appear in the Uchiha Compound. That brought a tick to her forehead, but she knew she brought it on herself saying by any means necessary to them.

After witnessing them talking for a minute, she saw Zabuza grab Naruto's shoulder, and disappear in a cloud of smoke. Quickly shoving the orb into her desk she pretended to be surprised when they appeared in her office.

"God will you two please use my door, you almost gave me a heart attack!" she exclaimed, putting her hand over her chest.

"Nice try Baa-chan, but I know you were using he special orb the Sandaime used." Naruto said crossing his arms.

"I don't know what you mean." the Godamie Hokage said, trying to deny it.

"Don't lie I saw the old man using it to peep on the girls in the hot springs." he said looking at her sternly.

Tsunade only had the decency to sweat-drop, and swear to "talk" to her sensei in the afterlife.

"Anyways I need to know the conditions of the three Fuuma members that were brought here." Naruto said, needing to know their conditions, psyscally and mentally. After all he can't have unstable clan members under his watch.

"They have recovered nicely. Jigumo only had a light Rasengan wound on his stomach, and Kamakiri only had puncture wounds and a broken jaw hat were healed up by the Tears of Rebirth. But they are being treated by the Yamanaka Clan, to remove Orochimaru's brainwashing influence n ther minds. They will need some time before they ready to do anything." Tsunade said informing him.

"What about the woman, how is she?" he demanded.

"I did my best on her, but the jutsu did a lot of damage. She will be able to continue her kunochi duties in time, but she won't live past her fortieth birthday. I'm sorry, but not even I could completely heal her, even with the Tears o Rebirth." she said.

"I guess it's better than her dying in that forsaken country." Naruto said, knowing it was better than nothing.

"Now Naruto I need to tell you something." Tsunade said to the young Namikaze.

One minute later the entire village froze to a massve amount of killing intent, and a demonic scream of "WHAT!?" that froze them in their tracks, a cold shiver going down their spines.