
Hell Sharingan

GodofDeathDragons · Komik
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36 Chs

An unexpected arrival

Uchiha Training Grounds

"OK time for some jutsu training." Naruto said to himself, standing near a stream.

"Water Style: Water Tower Jutsu!" Naruto yelled out, and unleashed all the concentrated chakra forward.

The water ring erupted in a large explosion, the water forming a huge wave and racing across the creek. Once it reached the opposite bank of the small river the enormous wave crashed down into the earth, tearing up the soil and grass, and leveling a few trees in its path.

Naruto smirked; this was one of his favorite jutsu due to its destructive power. However, the Water Tower Jutsu needed a very large amount of chakra to be concentrated into a small area and then released, which made it fairly hard to perform. It also destroyed anything in its path and couldn't be used for just one target.

"Alright then, now this is the jutsu I have to master." Naruto muttered to himself as he formed the proper hand seals.

"Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu!" Naruto bellowed out, focusing all his chakra into the creek in front of him.

The water began swirling upward in the shape of a miniature tornado. It rabidly rose upward, growing larger and larger, and began to take the shape of a dragon. The dragon of water lurched forward, however before it made it to the other side of the creek it split in half. The large mass of water plummeted back down into the river, resulting in a giant splash.

"Damn it!" Naruto cursed at his failure. "I'll get it right this time!" Naruto re-did the seals and concentrated on the chakra he was molding.

"Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu!"

The water began revolving upward again, forming into the shape of a fierce dragon. And forced the water dragon to lunge forward. The liquid dragon soared over the river, swerving from side to side like a snake.

The giant mass of rabid water sailed over the bank of the creek, but lost its control and plummeted downward into the soft soil of the riverbank, tearing up the earth and making a small crater. Naruto sighed, he almost accomplished the jutsu that time, but he still failed.

"All right then, one more time." Naruto clasped his hands tightly together on the last seal and concentrated harder than before.

"Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu!"

The water towered into the air, taking the familiar shape of the dragon. Drizzle flew out from the base of the water dragon, spraying high into the air. Naruto sent the dragon racing forward, but kept focusing on the chakra he was exerting with all his might. The liquid dragon zoomed over the creek at a fast pace, making it all the way across the stream.

Naruto felt his control on the jutsu slipping, and the water dragon began slightly descending.

"I must control it!" Naruto shouted out.

And with his last bit of effort the dragon began rising back up, and rammed into the tree Naruto was aiming for. The entire tree trunk shattered into pieces and wood chunks flew high into the air. The base of the tree was uprooted and was sent sailing twenty feet away from its original location. The entire tree was obliterated from the sheer force of the jutsu.

"Hey dobe if you keep this up, there won't be a training field left." a voice shouted.

Naruto turned around, and saw a smirking Sasuke.

"Hey teme, get your ass down here so we can start training."

But they were interrupted when an ANBU showed up.

"Naruto and Sasuke Uchiha, the Hokage had sent for you." he said, and disappeared in a swirl of leaves.

Naruto grabbed Sasuke's shoulder, disappeared in a puff of smoke.

The Hokage's Office

Naruto and Sasuke appeared in Tsunade's office only to see Shikamaru there.

"Hey Baa-chan, why did you call us here?" Naruto asked.

Ignoring that comment Tsunade said. "I called you here, to promote you to Chuunin."

She then threw three Chuunin vests at the three, only Naruto's was black.

"Wait wasn't Sanosuke promoted?" Naruto asked.

"He went back to his village to get promoted. Now leave." Tsunade replied.

A Few Weeks Later

After Naruto's promotion, things started looking up for him.

He and Sasuke were getting along like brothers, Sasuke learned the rest of his clans jutsu, Hinata and Haku got some medical training from Tsunade. Unfortunately she had to train Sakura as well, but gave private lessons to Haku and Hinata.

Ami was about the size of a ten month old puppy, Tsunade cured Neji of his burns, Hayate got out of the hospital, his left leg regained its muscle tissue thanks to Tsunade, and his chest wound healed up perfectly leaving an average scar, but there was nothing she could do about his arm and eye; his shinobi career was over. And Kimimaro was recovering from his illness, with a new invention called an inhaler.

Hiashi tried to take Hinata away after he found out about the Tears of Rebirth, and marry Naruto off to Hanabi.


Hiashi burst into Tsunade's office, and talked to her in a commanding voice.

"Hokage-sama is it true, that Hinata has the Tears of Rebirth?"

"Yes why-" but Hiashi was gone after he heard yes.

'May kami have mercy on your soul, because Naruto will not.' she thought and went to the hospital, knowing she would be needed there.

Uchiha Compound

Naruto, Hinata, and Sasuke were training with Zabuza and Haku, they were teaching the three about the human antimony, until Hiashi showed up with Hanabi.

"Naruto-sama, Hinata-chan I need to talk to you." he said.

Not liking the situation, Naruto told everybody to wait there. And went went to talk with Hiashi with Hinata.

"What do you want?" Naruto asked.

"Listen I'm sorry for what I've done to you, I was so blind and came to offer a deal."

"What kind of deal?" Naruto asked.

"I will let you wed Hanabi, if you give me Hinata." he said.

"No deal." and he left holding Hinata's hand, pissing Hiashi off.

Later That Night

Hiashi snuck into Naruto's old house, and kidnapped Hinata. He was almost out of the compound, until he was kicked in the face. Knocking him over, and leaving the figure to catch Hinata.

Hiashi looked up to see a shirtless Naruto wearing black pajama pants, with a pissed off look on his face.

"Hyuuga-teme! How dare you try to kidnap Hinata-chan!" he yelled.

"Uzumaki! Give back my daughter!" Hiashi yelled.

"Why are you so interested in her? You've never paid attention until now!"

"I'm paying attention to her now, because she holds something sacred to the Hyuuga clan!"

"The Tears of Rebirth." Naruto growled.

"Yes now give her back to me." Hiashi said.


"I'll trade you Hanabi."


"I'm trading in a stronger Hyuuga, besides why would you want a weakling for anyways?"

This pissed Naruto off, making his killing intent skyrocket! And actavating his Kurashagan. "You will never have Hinata!" he yelled, and activated his Mangekyo Kurashagan shocking Hiashi.

Tsukuyomi World

"Where am I?" Hiashi asked, only to find himself tied to a cross. He saw that everything was black with white outlines, and a crimson moon was shining down on him.

"Hello Hyuuga-teme well come to the world of Tsukuyomi, for seventy-two you'll be stabbed over and over again. Naruto said pulling out Kyuubi.

He stabbed him, then he created three more copies of himself, and started stabbing him again. Hiashi then opened his eyes seeing himself healed.

"Seventy-one hours, fifty-nine minutes, and fifty-nine seconds to go." Naruto said coldly, stabbing Hiashi again.

Three second passed in the real world Hiashi screamed and fell unconcious, Tsunade arrived and took him to the hospital. She also used a Memory Replacement Jutsu, making Hiashi think Naruto knocked him out with a single kick to the head.

Tsunade and Jiraiya also set up some various traps, to stop intruders from entering the Uchiha Compound again.

Flashback Ends

On the Border of Fire Country

Naruto, Sasuke, and Haku were patrolling the border of Fire Country board out of their minds.

"( sigh ) This is the worst C-ranked mission in the world!" Sasuke exclaimed.

"Yea I wish,something interesting would happen." right after Naruto said that, there was a huge explosion.

"Thank you Naruto!" Sasuke yelled in excitement.

Three miles from Fire Country, three ANBU were chasing a girl.

She had brown hair that went to her shoulders, and hazel eyes. She wore blue cargo pants with her kunai holster on her right leg, she wore a red sleeveless shirt with yellow dragon designs on the fabric, and wore brown shinobi sandals. Her forehead protector was around her neck, and her tan skin was covered in cuts and bruises showing she was fighting. ( RasenganFin came up with her, he's a freaking genius )

She suddenly tripped and felt a sickening pop from her ankle, she fell to the ground and knew she was done for. One of the ANBU threw a kunai at her hoping to kill her, only for it to get deflected by another kunai.

Naruto, Sasuke, and Haku appeared in front of them.

"Stone-nin what do you want?" Naruto snarled, remembering the day he fought them.

"We are here for the girl, now step aside or you'll get hurt." ANBU number one said.

"Why are you after her?" Sasuke asked.

"She is wanted for the murders from ANBU shinobi, to civilians alike for the past seven years." ANBU number three said.

"No it's not true! I'm a scapegoat, the real murder is-" she was hit by ANBU number three.

"Shut up up bitch!" he yelled and began kicking her, until he felt massive killing intent.

Sasuke activated his Sharingan, Haku formed some ice around the ANBU, and Naruto unsheathed Kyuubi.

"We will give you the count of three for you to get the hell out of out sight's, or you'll face the wrath of Konoha." Naruto threatened.

"One." Sasuke started.

"Two" Haku said.

"Three." Naruto finished.

The ANBU was about to charge, until they heard Naruto yell out.

"Come out and Bathe in Blood Kyuubi! !" and in a flash of light, Naruto stood in his manslayer form.

"Boss! That's the guy that killed thirty-three of out comrades!" yelled ANBU number two.

"Are you sure?" ANBU number one asked.

"Yes he along with that Snow-nin, killed sixty-three of out Chuunin's like they were nothing!"

Knowing they couldn't win, the Anbu's retreated, not knowing they could've beaten Naruto. ( hehe suckers )

Naruto's House an Hour Later

Everyone was in Naruto' house, about to listen to the ex Stone-nin's life story.

"Okay we rescued you, now tell us why ANBU ere chasing you." Naruto asked.

"Okay...my name is Kietsu Sumomo, and I was framed by the Sandaime Tsuchikage."


"Yes you see thirteen years ago, the Tsuchikage's daughter was bitten by a hanyou. The Tsuchikage took his newborn daughter to a meeting with the other Hokage's, and on there way back they were attacked by a wolf demon. The Tsuchikage killed that demon, but not before the wolf bit his daughter. He rushed her to the hospital only to find the wound healing on it's own, and for six years everything was fine, but when she was six she turned into a hanyou. And for seven years she killed many people on a full moon, after she's done she dosn't remember anything that occured that night." She started to tear up.

"I was always a suspect, because I looked just like her. I lived alone for years, but one single elder of the Stone Village knew the truth about the killings. He took care of me until I was nine, and for four years I was nearly killed after ever full moon without him protecting me. Last week I went to his grave to pay my respects, but when I got there his gravestone was defiled and destroyed by an earth jutsu. So I decided to flee the village, taking many of it's secrets with me, weather it's jutsu's or bloodline information you name it I got it." she said taking a scroll out of her back pocket.

She could no longer hold her tears in, and cried over Sasuke so he started consoling her.

"We all know what you're going through, Naruto is hated by the village, Hinata is hated by her clan, Haku and Kimimaro are hated for their bloodline in Water Country, Zabuza is wanted by the Mizukage, Kin was hated by her teammates, my brother killed off my clan, and I have to put up with ( shudders ) fan-girls."

Kietsu laughed at that, and Sasuke smiled a happy, warm smile. ( all of this was thought of by RasenganFin )

This of course scared the six occupants, getting a reaction from Naruto, Hinata, Kin, Kimimaro, Zabuza, and Haku in that respective order.

"Sasuke smiling...it's the sign of the apocalypse!"

"That is fucked up."

Hides behind Kimimaro.

Deeply inhales from his inhaler.

"My eyes they burn!"

"Who wants sake?"

The five of them raise their hands.

Hokage's Office

Kietsu told Tsunade her story, and gave her the scroll containing all the jutsu's and bloodline abilities. In return to instate her as a Leaf ninja. But not before she wrote down all the jutsu's first, for Naruto and the gang.

"All right where will you live?" Tsunade asked.

"I haven't thought about it, what do think Tsunade-sama?" she asked.

"You will stay with Naruto." Sasuke suggested.

Tsunade eyed Naruto, and he shook his head 'no' and points to Sasuke, who glances at him and Naruto looks away bored.

"Okay then Kietsu you'll stay with Sasuke."

Sasuke was going to object, but was halted by Tsunade saying.

"It's agreed then, Kietsu will stay with Sasuke end of discussion."

Little did she know, this will change Sasuke's life forever.