
Hell Sharingan

GodofDeathDragons · Komik
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36 Chs

Akatsuki attacks

Some Hours Later

( I got this from the manga, anime, and guide lines, the rest is me )

After a few days of travel Naruto, Sanosuke and Jiraiya arrived in a lodging town, they see that there are many strange things happening, many strange event to be exact.

"This is a weird town." Sanosuke said, with both Naruto and Jiraiya agreeing with him.

They then proceed to a hotel which Jiraiya pays a room for them both.

"Hey Naruto, Sanosuke" the blond and Sanosuke then looks at him.

"This is where we'll be staying for the day."

"Why? We can still keep going and find this woman your searching for sooner." Naruto said in a complaining voice.

"An apprentice must follow his teacher's orders." the old pervert quickly replied.

"I just want to learn that technique quick and be done with it." the old man was starting to piss Naruto and Sanosuke off.

"And that is what makes you my apprentice." said Jiraiya bending his head down to the boy, considering his own height.

He then notices something walking out in front of the entrance of the hotel.

What it was, was one sexy ass woman with a small one-piece blue dress. Jiraiya was at a loss, his pervert senses going out of whack and just wanting to do naughty things with this woman as she looked at him and winked.

"Naruto, Sanosuke" the boys looked right at the old pervert, the old man then handed Naruto the key and left in a dash. Yelling back as he went off.

"Go to the room, mold some chakra, train, and go to sleep." and with that he was gone, leaving a steaming Leaf and Snow-nin.

"DAMMIT OLD MAN! ( sigh ) Might as well get some rest and then go somewhere to train." Naruto said.

He and Sanosuke headed up the stairs and searched for the room. They found the room with no problem and put his backpack down in the room and plopped himself on the bed for a bit.

After a long hour or two of playing poker and rock-paper-scissors with Sanosuke, he decided it was time to go out for some fresh air. But someone then knocked on the door of the room.

"Hey Naruto that pervert should not be back yet, stay on guard." Sanosuke warned.

"Fine I will." Naruto replied opening the door, only to see two people in black cloaks with red clouds on them. The taller one had a big sword on his back, and the shorter one had the Sharingan.

'Wait a second this person has the Sharingan? But how can that be? Hold on...back in Wave Sasuke said he wanted to kill his older brother. And he, me, and Kakashi-sensei have the Sharingan/Kurashagan. Then this must be his brother.' Naruto thought.

"What do you want?" he said in a cold voice.

At first, Itachi wasn't sure this was the boy they were looking for, considering his height, hair color, clothing, but he went and looked a the key detail quickly and knew this was their intended target.

"Well, I guess this is look of him is to be expected from the boy who hold the nine tails within him." Kisame said making himself known . Naruto then puts this guy under the name of 'shark face', in case he wanted to just piss him off or anything else later.

'How do they know about Kyuubi? Well not him exactly, but how do they know I even have him?' this started to get Naruto on edge as the two just stand looking at him like he was their prey.

"You're coming with us, please step outside" the Sharingan user said in a calm, monotone command.

A wicked smile appeared on Naruto's face, he then starts to step out in the hall of the hotel.

"Hmm, Itachi, it would be quite annoying if he moved around, perhaps we should cut off one or both of his legs." Kisame said with a sadistic grin on his face.

"Like hell you will!" Naruto said.

The cool-headed Uchiha stood there, contemplating his answer to his partner, but he just stood there silent. Taking as it as a yes, the shark man steps toward the boy.

"Then I shall do it." Kisame gladly said.

Naruto stood there, acting like he was afraid of what's to come, the blue skinned man didn't know what was going to come.

But Itachi finally spoke, "It's been a long time...Sasuke." and low and behold, the avenger stands at the end of the hall.

Like his brother, he gave a silent pause before spoke just two word, with malice and hatred in them, "Itachi Uchiha." he says slowly.

'I knew it; this is his brother, Itachi Uchiha. The man whole killed his whole clan and spared only Sasuke.' this made his suspicions confirmed as they continued to talk.

Kisame looks back on the young Uchiha with his shark like grin.

"Oh, the Sharingan and he looks very similar to you Itachi. Who is the kid, huh?"

"My little brother." the older Uchiha simply replies.

"I heard the entire Uchiha clan was killed...by you." said Sanosuke stepping into the hallway, but was ignored.

"Itachi Uchiha," the young Uchiha says with more hate and anger,"I'm going to kill you."

The older Uchiha simply turned to his little brother with his eyes closed, which Sasuke mimicked. They stood like that for a second before they both opened their eyelids to reveal their Sharingan's, although Sasuke's wasn't perfected yet.

"Like you said," the air around the avenger started to lift his hair a bit. "I hated you, detested you, and just to kill you, I've..." he then starts to charge up his new technique he got from his sensei, the Chidori.

"I've survived." he then charges in to kill his brother with the assassination technique he learned.


But Itachi just stood there, waiting for the boy to get close enough. He then simply caught the technique, sending the attack away from him, while also making a hole through the apartment Naruto was in.

'Okay, I am not paying for that.' the blond thought as he looked at the damage done by the Chidori. He then looked back at his rival and sees that he can't get out of the older Uchiha's grip. He sees him tighten that grip and Sasuke wincing at the pain being felt by the pressure of it.

Kisame see this and takes his opportunity to use his sword special ability. During this, Sasuke tried to get free, but Itachi snapped his wrist, thus making the young Uchiha cry out in pain.

Just as Naruto saw this, he was about to use his energy to summon his clones, but Kisame simply slashed down with his wrapped sword and all of the chakra the blond built up was gone.

"Surprised brat, my Samehada ( sharkskin ) can shave...and devour chakra." the shark man said with pride in his voice as he explained his swords abilities.

"You know, it would be annoying if he used one of his petty jutsus...perhaps I should cut off an arm as well, before I take out the legs."

"I don't think so!" Sanosuke yelled, "If you do so much as touch a hair on his head, I'll kill you!" he yelled pulling off his gloves, and white light pouring out of them.

Kisame then brought his sword down, hopping to cut Sanosuke in half. Only for it to get caught by his two hands.

"What! How come Samehada isn't devouring your chakra?!"

"Who say's I'm using chakra." said Sanosuke charging up his white energy, putting a hole in Samehada." surprising Kisame.

But the they were interrupted as a new competitor stepped in.

"So what took ya, you old pervert?" Naruto asks with a lazy tone, as the person revealed so to be Jiraiya. Completely ignoring his student, the old man does his thing in front of the two criminals.

"Jiraiya the man does not allow women to simply seduce him with their beauty. When you become great like me, women will go crazy over your beauty."

They all just stare at the stupidity of the old man.

"You know that little speech of yours is down right stupid, right? You got excited from a simple wink from the woman. I don't think you should be showing off like that right now, you perverted hermit." Sanosuke said in an angry voice.

"Come on, now. Don't call me that in front of people." Jiraiya said while scratching the back of his head while holding the woman that he went off with on his shoulder.

"Shut it." Naruto said in a serious tone, "More importantly now, would you mind getting these guys off Sasuke, Sanosuke, and me here? I know you can tell these guys aren't just some chumps."

'Hmm, good he know when to retreat when necessary, he also know how to gauge opponents and be sure to hold out long enough for reinforcement, all the while he had a cool head. Maybe once I get Tsunade to come back, I can give the information about his skill and have them promoted to Chuunin like that Nara kid.' Jiraiya thought.

"Hehehe, so this is the great Jiraiya, who was praised as one of the legendary Sannin, huh?" the shark face got back his grin once he got over the shock when Sanosuke blew a hole in his sword. "Even if you an extreme lover of women, I knew that we couldn't hold you off that easily."

"Well that's not my true identity or whatnot-" but he was cut off as the sword-wielding maniac spoke.

"It seems like you have dispelled the genjutsu from that woman." Kisame not the least impressed by this old man.

Jiraiya then locked eyes with Itachi; they both paused for a few moments in silence. Jiraiya then place the woman on his shoulder against the wall.

"You are a disgrace to all men, using your eyes to hypnotize a woman to separate me from Naruto."

"We kinda already figured that out." Sanosuke said.

"It's no wonder Kakashi knew of our plans." Itachi thought back to his battle in Konoha and how Kakashi revealed their plans to other Jounins in the area.

"I see now. You were the source. It is an urgent order by our organization, Akatsuki, to take Naruto with us."

'So this group by the name of Akatsuki want me and Kyuubi, this is not good, if their after someone like me then wouldn't that…' realization dawned upon him again, 'Gaara, and Sanosuke they will after too! I hope Gaara survives who he encounters, maybe once we get a Hokage back in our village, then I can make the recommendation to go and warn him.'

"I will not hand Naruto over to you." Jiraiya spoke.

"We will see about that." said Itachi, it voiced the old pervert to challenge them.

"Very well, I shall get rid of you both here and now." he stood up properly, accepting the little challenge from the Sharingan heir, but a voice, coming from our favorite avenger ( yea right ), trying to stop anyone from killing his brother.

"Don't interfere..." the young Uchiha painfully got back up to his feet.

"No one is going to kill my brother except me, I'm an avenger and I will be the one to claim his life," He then looked straight at his brother with hatred in his eyes. "The one who will kill him, will be me!" he said as he announced his thoughts and vow to everyone present in the hall.

'Sasuke, you need to let that anger go, or it will consume, trust me, I've seen it happen to many good shinobi.' Sanosuke thought.

Itachi only turned his head slightly, with his back turned the younger Uchiha. "I have no interest in you right now." was all he said.

That set off the avenger and snapped his wrist back into place, he then charged in with the fixed hand turned into a cocked back punch.


Itachi simply side kicked the boy and sent him flying toward the end of the hall, having him crash into the wall at the end. Naruto was about to move in to help his friend up, but Sasuke wanted none of it and declined. He gets back up once again and repeats his vow one more time. He then charges once again, recklessly, and tries to punch Itachi in the face.

But is blocked and then countered by a backhand from him, and once again sent flying back to the same wall. Naruto was starting to get worried now for his friend, but if he interfered now, he would break the young Uchiha's honor and he didn't want to be the one to do that.

"I'm not through yet ( pant )...this is my battle." Sasuke tried his best to get back the energy he had, but his body is too damaged to do so.

"Very well." Itachi then walked over to his little brother slowly, making each step seem like death is coming for him.

Jiraiya was about to stop him, but Kisame got in the way. "You heard him; this is a battle between those two. Let's not interfere."

When Sasuke saw that his older brother was in front of him, just staring, it got him pissed off.

"BRING IT ON!" he then tried to tackle him, but the older Uchiha kneed him in the gut, stopping the avengers attack. From there, it was a plain beat down, pure and simple, and Sasuke did not like the pain he was feeling one bit.

Naruto was watching the whole thing go down, knowing he could do nothing as his teammate/family member gets beat down to an inch of his life. He then sees that Itachi pick up his younger brother and pin him to the wall and say something only he can hear.

The next thing that happened was Sasuke screaming at the top of his lungs, he knew that Itachi had done some sort of genjutsu on him, seeing as how he just had him pinned.

"Being cruel, as usual. He used Tsukuyomi on his little brother." Kisame said, having a grin on his face as he hears the cries of terror from the young Uchiha. Sasuke, after his last scream, falls unconscious under the Itachi's hand.

"Stop it already! Haven't you had enough fun, you sick bastard!" Naruto yelled, his Kurashagan flaring. Surprising the two men, this gave Jiraiya the time he needed to do a specific jutsu and quickly goes through the hand seals.

When they stop for a moment to see what's going on, they see the walls, ceilings, and floor turn into something that look like some creatures innards.

"What the hell! Where are we?" Sanosuke asked Jiraiya.

"Summoning: Ninja Art: Toad Mouth Trap" Jiraiya answered.

Then Sasuke is pulled in and stuck onto the wall, while Kisame's feet are getting trapped into the floor.

"Your out of luck, Kisame, Itachi. You are inside a stomach now. I summoned the esophagus of a gigantic frog from the Myouboku Mountain's Inn. You two are wanted criminals anyway, so I'll turn you two into food for this stone frog."

The two Akatsuki members see that they are at disadvantage, Sanosuke and Naruto felt disgusted with walking around in something like this.

"Naruto, Sanosuke stay still. Don't worry, this is my technique."

"Kisame, come." Itachi commanded the shark man, who struggle to get out of the flesh like bindings, once he does, he runs with Itachi to escape the fleshy prison.

"It's useless, no one has ever escaped this before." as they run, Jiraiya pushes down on the flesh and the walls begin to close in on the two who are running.

Once they leave his sight, an explosion occurs seconds later after he had the walls close in on them. The perverted hermit then runs to see what happened, followed closely by Naruto and Sanosuke.

"Amaterasu!" the blond exclaimed. Ignoring what the blond said, Jiraiya went to seal the flames.

Jiraiya sealed the black flames, he released the nasty jutsu he has on. The body of the young Uchiha falls out of the fleshy wall and Naruto catches him while Jiraiya dispels the jutsu.

Then out of nowhere, a kunai came flying in and hit the other end of the wall, opposite of the hole. Naruto then hears a familiar voice.

"DYNAMIC ENTRY!" it turned out to be none other than Gai Maito who just now, gave a good jump kick to Jiraiya. After he had done the kick, he soon realizes he kicked the wrong guy.

To say the least, Jiraiya was really twitching in the face at the green clad ninja. Gai then explained that he used his forehead protector as a mirror, and had mistaken them as the enemy.

"That's supposed to be an apology?" Jiraiya was really pissed by the unexpected attacker, know as Gai.

"Fine I'm sorry then." the bushy brow jounin said nervously.

" ( sigh ) Forget about it for now, take Sasuke to a medical squad now"

They then ran away, because they did not want to get sued.

Somewhere on a Dirtroad

"Hey Naruto, is Sasuke going to be okay?"

"Sanosuke he was put under Tsukuyomi, he won't recover easily." Naruto replied.

"That's why we're going to look for her." Jiraiya said surprising both of them.

"Her? What are you talking about?" Jiraiya then got a big smirk on his injured face.

"I'm talking about 'her'. A Sannin like me, the healing specialist and slug tamer, the woman with the word 'gamble' on her back, Tsunade."

'Something tells me this is going to hurt.' they both thought.