
Hell Sharingan

GodofDeathDragons · Komik
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36 Chs

A month of traininga

Naruto's House

Naruto just arrived at his house, only to get tackled by Ami.

'Daddy are you okay?' she asked, taking notice of his wounds.

"Yea sweetie I'm fine, where is Kimimaro?" he asked.

'He's in the guest room why?'

"I just need to talk to him, I'll be right back."

A few moments later Naruto went into Kimimaro room, Kimimaro himself was laying in bed, trying to relax until Naruto came in.

"Kimimaro how are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, so is the exam over yet?" he asked.

"No not yet, but I need to ask you something." Naruto asked.

"Yea what is it?"

"How long do you think you have to live?"

"Orochimaru said, I have at least four months." he answered.

"Listen I will will be gone for a month, I'm going to try and find you a cure, train, and some other things. And I need you to watch over the house and Ami, do you will you accept my request?"

"I guess so."

"Don't worry I'll send a Shadow Clone every three days, and if you need help with anything don't hesitate to ask Ami." Naruto said.

"Okay Naruto-sama."

"Don't call me that my friends just call me Naruto."

"Alright then Naruto."

After his conversation Naruto went to talk to his daughter. "Ami I need to talk to you."

'What is it daddy?'

"Listen I have to see Hinata in the hospital, and train for a month."

'Aww but daddy you're always gone.'

"Don't worry I'll be back, now bee a good girl and listen to uncle Kimimaro."

'Yes daddy.'

Naruto then put some medical tape on his lower abdomen, and put his mask back on, but he was still shirtless.

Konoha Hospital

"Hey Kakashi-sensei can you-"

"No Naruto I'm training Sasuke, but I got you a better trainer." Kakashi interrupted.

"I was not going to ask you that, I was going to ask you where Hinata's room was."

"Oh she's in room 205 but I don't think-"

But Naruto was gone.

Room 205

Naruto was about to open Hinata's door, but stopped when he heard a voice. So he decided to ease drop.

"Hinata you're a decrease to the Hyuuga clan."

"I'm sorry father."

"Sorry isn't good enough! And what's worse you're in love with that demon!


"The demon known as Naruto Uzamaki!" Hiashi yelled

"But how...did you f-fin-d out?" she asked.

"After you lost, he came down, kissed you on the lips, whipped his hands in your blood, and said 'For our love I vow to win!'"

'Naruto-kun did that? Looks like the cat's out of the bag, thank you Kami-sama.'

"I don't want you to see him ever again."


"You heard me Hinata, I never want to see him around you ever again." Hiashi stated.

What Hinata said next decided her fate, and shocked Hiashi.



"I said no father, you can't stop us from loving each other."

Hiashi slapped Hinata and yelled, "You stupid wench! How dare you speak to me like that. I'm your father and you will do what I say!"

He was about to slap her again, but Naruto busted the door down with his Fist of the Mortal Flame active, and with his mask on he looked like Shinigami himself.

"Hiashi Hyuuga, step away from Hinata-chan!" he yelled.

"And why should I demon!" Hiashi responded.

"You see this flame on my hand, is the same exact flame I used to kill Zaku with. So I suggest you get the hell out of here, or do you want to become number one-hundred and eight on my arm?"

Hiashi turned white as a ghost, and ran toward the Hokage Tower.

"Hinata-chan we need to talk."

Hokage's Office

Sarutobi was enjoying his time in the office, his clones finished his paperwork, and was reading his favorite book Icha Icha Violence...until Hiashi busted into his room.

"Hokage-sama." Hiashi panted a little.

"What is it Hiashi?" Sarutobi asked barely able to put his book away in time.

"That demon attacked me! I demand that you execute him immediently!" Hiashi demanded.

"Don't listen to him old man." they heard a voice and saw Naruto sitting on the windowsill.

"Demon how did you get here so fast!"

"I'm a Shadow Clone Hyuuga-teme, old man he's not telling the truth."

"Then what is the truth Naruto?" Sarutobi asked.

"The Hyuuga-teme struck Hinata-chan, threatened her and was about to hit her again. Then I showed up, scared him, and he came here with his tail between his legs." the clone said.

"But that's not why I'm here, Hinata's going to live with me for now on." he continued.

Flashback Five Minutes Ago

"Hinata we need to talk."

"What is it Naruto-kun?"

"Would you like to live with me?"


Flashback Ends

"Impossible I would never allow it!" Hiashi yelled.

"I allow it Naruto as soon as she gets better, I'll take her to your home." said Sarutobi

"Thanks old man." the clone said and then he poofed away, sending the real Naruto the information.

"Hokage-sama I know where that demon lives, I'll just take Hinata from him."

"Really? Because Naruto now lives in the SS part in The Forest of Death, now I'll admit you are strong, but you'll die when you get to that part of the forest, now get out of my office." Sarutobi dismissed the shocked Hyuuga.

Outside the bathhouses

Naruto was walking along when something caught his eyes, a man who was dressed like he belonged in a Kabuki play. He seemed to be peeping on girls while taking notes, Naruto didn't think highly of this it seemed perverted.

"Hey you." he said.

The man looked up from what he was doing and glared at the boy.

"What do you want?" the man asked.

"Who are you, and why are you peeking on these women?"

Then music started playing and a fume of smoke rose up from a soft explosion on the ground somewhere near Naruto.

As the music continued playing, Naruto still didn't know how he made music appear out of thin air but that didn't really matter, a voice came out from the smoke,

"The man who has no enemies in the heavens and who is feared by his enemies in hell. The man who never fails at making his books successful or to please a lady. The great hermit Jiraiya-sama enters!"

As the smoke cleared up found found Jiraiya posing on a huge assed toad.

So long-story short Naruto used his Sexy Jutsu, to convince Jiraiya to train him.

The Next Day

"Okay brat today, I'm going to teach you how to summon." said Jiraiya.

Deciding to play dumb, Naruto asked what a summon was. In response Jiraiya summoned the toad from yesterday, and told him to sign the toad contract in blood; which he did.

"Okay brat, try to summon something decent."

Deciding to surprise the old man, Naruto build up alot of chakra and shouted, "Summoning Jutsu!" and in a huge puff of smoke a ten story toad wearing a blue yukata, a tanto, and he was smoking a huge pipe.

"Jiraiya! Why have you summoned me!?" the toad asked in a irritated voice.

"Gamabunta I did not summon you." said a suprised Jiraiya.

"Well then who did?"

"Umm...Mr. Toad sir I summoned you." said Naruto.

"Hahahahaha that's very funny kid, now who summoned me Jiraiya." Gamabunta laughed.

"Gamabunta the kid did summon you."

"What! Have I stooped so low, only to be summoned by some brat?"

"Hey! Who are you calling a brat! I'm Naruto Namikaze the next Hokage!" yelled a very pissed off Naruto.

At the name Namikaze both Jiraiya and Gamabunta, looked at the kid in shock.

"Namikaze? Are you related to Minato Namikaze?" Jiraiya asked.

"Yes he was my dad, why do ask?"

"I was his sensei...Sarutobi has some explaning to do. Naruto come with me."

"I'm getting too old for this shit." Gamabuna said as he poofed away.

Hokage Office Half an Hour Later

"Sarutobi-sensei! You have some explaning to do!" yelled a pissed off Jiraiya as he came through the open window.

"( sigh ) I had a feeling this would happen. So what do you want?"

"Why did you lie to me? Minato said, I get to take care of his son if anything happened to him."

"I'm sorry, but I didn't even know he was married. Hell I didn't even know that Naruto was his son, until a few weeks ago...well I had my suspicions but didn't have and solid evidence until Naruto showed me his mothers bloodline limit." Sarutobi said truthfully.

"I...I need time to think, Naruto I'll see you tomorrow." Jiraiya said and left muttering about drinking a tower full of sake.

"Later Ero-sennin, now old man we need to talk." Naruto said.

"Where is that Sound girl?"

"In the hospital getting her injuries treated, why do you ask?"

"We need to get her out of here, Orochimaru dosen't tolerate failure."

"Where would I put her?" Sarutobi raised a eyebrow.

"My house." Naruto answered.

"What!? Naruto you're too young for that!"

"No it to protect her, she'll be safe with Kimimaro and my daughter."


"Just get her, I'll explain when we get there." Naruto said.

Naruto's House an Hour Later

"Okay Naruto I got the girl now explain." said Sarutobi carrying an unconscious Kin.

"Why is she unconscious?"

"She was being defiant so I had to knock her out."

Naruto sweat-dropped at that, "...Better then leaving her, follow me." he said.

When Naruto and Sarutobi go into the guest room, Sarutobi saw a very pale teen laying in the bed, and a baby fox. Who Naruto started playing with.

"Naruto who are these people?"

Naruto told Sarutobi how he met Ami, how he was able to get Kimimaro on their side, he also told him about Orochimaru's plans, the sound four, Curse Seals, and Kimimaro's disease.

"Wow this is a lot to take in, what are we going to do?" Sarutobi asked.

"That's why I'm asking you." Naruto replied.

"( sigh ) I'm staying here for a while, so I can explain everything to Kin."

"Okay, see you later old man. And please don't tell anyone about this, because I'm probably committing treason."

"In the councils eyes yes, but I'm allowing this for the safety of the village. I won't tell a soul." Sarutobi said.

"Thanks." Naruto thanked the man, then left.

For two weeks Jiraiya drove Naruto into the ground, with various chakra control from kunai levitating to to running up a waterfall. Hell one of them was with him standing on a senbon needle with one finger, on the water, while balancing a boulder on his feet, with Jiraiya sitting on it reading Icha Icha Paradise, and having five-hundred pounds on his arms, legs, and torso thanks to Gravity Seals.

After that Shinigami finally communicated with him.


'Shinigami-sensei? I thought you were never going to talk to me again.'

"No my brother had to talk to me about you, but that's not important right now. I came to tell you that you're turning into a half-demon."


"Kid when you fought against that bastard cousin of yours, you activated the Jagan Eye."

'Jagan Eye?'

"The Jagan Eye was my invention, it's usually inserted on your forehead and allows the user to use the Darkness Flame. However it had a nasty side effect by turning the user into a half-demon, when that happens the user goes berserk and destroys everything around them. And because of this I outlawed it, you and one other person are the only ones who haven't had that side effect."

'This is so fucked up, oh before I forget when Jiraiya asked me to show him my bloodline there were five tomoes in it instead of four, why is there a fifth tomoe in my Kurashagan?' Naruto asked.

"You unlocked your fathers bloodline, and it transferred into your Kurashagan." Shinigami replied.

'What does my father's bloodline do?'

"It allows you to do jutsus without hand signs, but you have to use the jutsu a lot."

'How many jutsu's can I do?'

"You can only do the Shadow Clone Jutsu."

'Thanks for telling me Shinigami-sensei.'

An hour later Kyuubi contacted him.

"Kit, I have an idea for your training."

'What is it Kyuubi-sensei?'

"Get that man, Zabuza, to teach you to use your sword better. Not only will it give you more experience, but he could teach you a few jutsu's."

'That sounds good.'

After a few hours of searching Naruto found the man, he was leaning against a tree, reading a book; Icha Icha Violence which made Naruto do a major sweat-drop, and made him think that all of his teachers were perverts.

"Hey Zabuza!" Naruto yelled.

"Hey Naruto, what can I do for you?" he asked.

"Well...I was thinking, could you please teach me your Silent Killing style?"

Zabuza chuckled, "Sure thing kid. It seemed like your kind of sword style anyways. Any objections to starting now? The sooner, the better."

Naruto shook his head. If he wanted to be able to use his sword with any greater skill, he would have to get started immediately. Zabuza nodded and said, "I want one thousand upward swings, one thousand down swings, a thousand swings each to either side, and a thousand swings going up and down diagonally. Get started."

For a week Naruto just used his in his training, not using his Kurashagan once during his whole training period.

During the second week, Zabuza was shocked as he noticed that Naruto was practically absorbing the moves he was giving him. By the time Zabuza had taught him everything, the boy was probably as good as, or better, than The Demon of the Mist.

During the training period Zabuza taught Naruto the Body flicker Jutsu, Ninja Art: Hidden Mist Jutsu, Water Clone Jutsu, and was working on the Water Prison Jutsu. But during his training with Zabuza he got news about Hayate.

Flash Back

"Alright Naruto drop down and do five-hundred push ups, with this boulder on your back." Zabuza ordered with the boulder in his arms.

But he was interrupted, when a Chuunin that didn't hate Naruto interrupted their training.

"Naruto, ( pant ) Hayate-san sent me!" he panted.

"What happened?" Naruto asked.

"He's been serously wounded!"

"WHAT!" Naruto ran towards the hospital leavinf Zabuza with the heavy boulder in his arms.

After entering the hospital Naruto ran into Hayate's room, after threatening the nurse who wouldn't tell him the room number, he saw a purple haired ANBU black ops member sitting by his bed. And Hayate was hooked to several machines.

What he say horrified him, Hayate's right arm was cut off from the shoulder, his chest had a huge gash that was barley closed, the back of his left leg was partly missing, and so was his right eye.

"Oh my Kami, Yuugao-chan what happened?" Naruto asked. You see Yuugao is Hayate's girlfriend, he introduced him to her. Plus he recognized she was one of his guardians when he was little.

"Naruto-kun!" she cried out hugging him.

"Shh it's okay Yuugao-chan, I'm here. Now what happened?" Naruto consoled her.

"I just found him ( sniff ) he was barely ( sob ) breathing, but before he ( sob ) passed out he told me to ( sniff ) to tell you that ( sob ) he's sorry that ( sniff ) he couldn't teach ( sob ) you anymore." she cried.

"At least he's alive, that's more important than anything else." he said.

Flash Back Ends

"Very good Naruto." Zabuza said as Naruto performed the final slash with flawless precision.

The blond nodded in acknowledgement, before straightening and wiping the small sheen of sweat from his brow.

"Naruto before you leave, I need to have a word with you."

"Sure what is it?"

"I want to talk to you about is Haku." Zabuza said

"What about her Zabuza?"

Zabuza took a deep breath and sighed, he had grown to consider Haku like a daughter, and what he was about to say was really hard.

"I know about the date you and Haku went on, and I have noticed that you and Haku have grown close in the short time you knew each other. And I will allow you to start a relationship with her. But if you break her heart I will destroy you!"

At this Naruto gulped, so he just quickly nodded his head he didn't want to make Zabuza angrier.

"I can tell Haku loves you very much Naruto...so...you better consider her as one of your other wives because she deserves happiness too."

Naruto's eye twitched, this was getting really weird.

"Wait a second so you know." he asked.

"Yes I know about the Kyuubi, your new bloodline limit, your father which is very impressive, and you practicing polygamy."

'Damn when did I become Sasuke-teme?' he calmly thought to himself as he scratched his cheek for a moment.

"Don't worry Zabuza, I will take care of Haku-chan."

At hearing this Zabuza nodded.

"Okay, you can go home now. Remember you hurt Haku and I will break you!" Zabuza quickly looked at Naruto with killing intent to back up the threat.

Naruto's House

Naruto woke up the next morning, this of course was powering up form of Naruto. No matter how energetic he was, when he woke up he was a bit on the grumpy side. He brushed his teeth, and when he finished he found a letter attached to a kunai.

'What the hell? Nobody knows I live here.' he thought to himself as he read the note attached to it.

He read the note quietly, he was hoping things would calm down soon.

Dear Naruto,

Meet us three miles, in the wood's outside of Konoha on the west gate.

The snow-nins

"I wonder what they want?"