
Hell Sharingan

GodofDeathDragons · Komik
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36 Chs

A journey and a revelation

( I watched the movie and made a few modifacations to include Sanosuke and Haku )

Naruto, Haku, Sasuke, and Sanosuke were waiting for Kakashi who was late again. So Haku decided to start a conversation.

"Sanosuke what was Koyuki like, if you don't mind me asking?" she asked.

"It's okay I'll tell you, Koyuki was a sweet, caring, and unselfish girl. She always brought the best out of people, I wish I could see her again." he replied.

However before they could say anything they all heard the sound of a horse running and turned toward the gate. What happen next is they saw a white horse jump over it with the lead actress from the movie riding on top of it.

While they were distracted watching her, the gate burst open and a group of armored men on horse's came through. Immediately Sasuke jumped back and Haku rolled to the side. Naruto also tried jumping away but as he were the closet to the gate it hit his back causing him to fall face first in the grass. And Sanosuke ran after the armored men.

The armor wearing riders were right on her heels. One of them took a turn and came out in front of the actress before forcing her to stop.

Seeing this the person threw a net at her only to watch it get shredded by a few shuriken. Following where it came from they all saw a boy coming from the sky then before they knew it that one turned into nine. The clones fell on the horse riders three on each one.

The actress seeing this kept going around the downed rider. Just after she did that more riders went around the down ones. Seeing this the real Sanosuke jumped off the man taking back to the rooftops his clones shattering.

The actress came to a flight of stairs and the horse jumped to get to the bottom. Seeing this her pursuers threw a couple vials of liquid at the ground ahead of her. The horse landed right onto the liquid and slid causing the woman to fly off the horse falling face first to the ground.

Seeing this the man leading the armored ones issued a command and the armored ones took to the air landing around and grabbing the actress falling right on top of her.

"We finally caught you!" said the leader pulling his horse to a stop.

He wore blue dress pants and a white dress shirt with a blue jacket matching the pants. Over that he wore a long brown cloak with no hood. He had his grey hair tied in a ponytail he had a beard and wore a pair of dark sunglasses.

The actress fought her way out from under the pile. Once she was at the top she slammed her elbow into one of the people's armored heads. Then in a puff of smoke, he turned into Naruto.

"Who are you bastard?" said the man.

Sasuke took that moment to appear on the back of the man's horse. The man had just enough time to turn his head sideways before he got a chop to the neck and fell to the floor. Sasuke turned to look at the armored men they saw him and immediately took off running. They didn't get far however because there in front of them stood one pissed off Haku with her arms crossed over her chest.

In a few minutes they had the men unmasked and tied up. They were just finishing the last of them when Kakashi made his presence known.

"Oh my my." said Kakashi. The Chuunin heard this and turned to face him.

"What are you guys doing?" asked Kakashi from his perch.

"Just wasting time." said Naruto while dusting off his hands.

Kakashi disappeared and reappeared in front of the leader. Once he did all the ropes came undone and he helped the man up.

"I'm sorry about that." Kakashi said.

"What?" Haku whispered.

"This person is the client for this mission." Kakashi said while the man faces the Chuunin.


He tracked the actress down to a small lake. He watched for a moment as the horse drunk from it while the actress sat with her hands on top of her knee's resting her head on it. Deciding to make his presence known he spoke up.

"You weren't hurt back there were you hime ( princess )?"

Looking to the side she got a good look at him. His boots, pants, and shirt were all black. He had his kunai holder strapped to his left leg. He also had his forehead protector covering his eyes with black cloth. She noticed he had bandages wrapped around his his eyes. Looking at his face she noticed he had white hair, and the scars going down his face.

"So you really are her." he said quietly.

He looked away for a moment only to turn back and see the horse charging right at him. Dodging to the side he watched for a moment before giving chase.

"You don't have to be so rude you know." he said appearing on the horse's back.

"You know you're pretty good at this horse riding stuff." Sanosuke complemented after a few moments.

She stared at him for a long moment before making the horse speed up. Even through the more crowded parts of the town she made the horse speed up which is possibly why she almost hit some people and ripped the sleeve from her jacket.

"You know you should really slow down or you might hit somebody."

She still didn't respond and kept going. Unfortunately she went right in the paths of a few kids who were running by. She pulled back on the reigns hard causing the horse to jerk back unfortunately she wasn't holding on tight enough and flew off.

Because of this Sanosuke who was holding onto her went with her. They both hit the ground she landed on her side while he turned and landed on his feet. The children then asked her for an autograph, which she rude-fully declined.

Sanosuke who had been standing quietly against a tree the whole time just shook his head. The adults in the group were commenting about how she didn't have to be rude or act like a bitch as the actress past.

'She seems so familiar, but why?' he thought.

With Kakashi

"Sensei can you please tell me, what the hell is going on here?" Naruto asked.

"We have an A-ranked mission, we have to protect Yuki Fujikaze on her way to Snow Country."

"Protect?" Sasuke asked.

"Well protect might not be the right word. It's better to say were her escorts." Kakashi replied.

"This will be the first time that the Unlucky Princess will be filmed over seas." said the assistant.

He wore blue jeans, a white t-shirt and a blue jacket. He also had a blue hat on backwards covering up his orange hair.

"However Yuki Fujikaze plays the most critical role." he finished.

"As we expected from Konoha shinobi." said the director.

"The bodyguards that were hired as stuntmen, and even our master guards were easily beaten."

"Thanks for the compliment." Kakashi said from his position on the wall.

"Wow what beautiful cliffs" Haku said who was looking at the pictures on the wall.

"Those are the Snow Country's rainbow glaciers." said a new voice.

Turning around she saw two more men. One of which had a bald head and wore grey pants and a black robe.

The other man had black hair and wore a blue robe with a white one underneath and blue pants.

"Your Kin the actor that played Brit!" Haku said having a fan girl moment. ( yes they saw the movie )

"This time the last scene for the movie will be filmed there." said the second man

"And your Hideo-san the actor who played Shishimaru!" Haku said her fan girl side taking complete control.

"We sure are going far if we're going to Snow Country." said Sasuke who had been sitting between Haku and the actors with a bored look on his face.

"That was the manager Sandayuu-san's recommendation." said the assistant. The original old man bowed at that.

"It is said that in spring the rainbow glaciers glow seven colors." finished the same man.

"But that's nothing more than a myth." Kakashi said.

"In the real Snow Country there is no such thing as spring."

"No spring?" Sasuke asked.

"Does that mean it's always winter?" Haku asked.

"That's exactly what it means." Kakashi replied.

"Kakashi-san was it?" said the director catching the Kakashi's attention.

"I heard that you'd been to Snow Country before."

"That was a long time ago."

"And it's said Snow Country is a poor nation." said a new male voice behind Haku. She blushed fiercely hearing the voice before turning around with hearts in her eyes.

"Y-you're the henchmen Michi-sama!"

He had long brown hair and wore a blue pants a long sleeved blue shirt. He wore a blue robe with green edges over it which was tied with an orange belt.

"Didn't their economy collapse because the previous Daimyo got too involved with his mechanical puppets?" asked the same man.

"Which is why they went bankrupt or something like that." he finished.

"Well I hope they have a heater at least. I don't really like cold places." said Hideo.

"So do you want to run away just like Yuki?" Kin dead-pined.

"Hey don't even joke like that!" the assistant barked.

"Is Yuki-san always like that?" Sasuke asked.

"Well...yeah." Kin said.

"She doesn't know the meaning of words like motivation or ambition." Hideo said. "And she's really quite helpless, Yukie-chan that is."

"But she doesn't slack off when it comes to work." said the director catching everyone's attention.

"I don't care about an actor's private life. As long as she gives a great performance when the camera's on I won't complain. She was born to be an actress." the director finished.

"Come to think about it, she didn't start running away until she heard she was going to Snow Country?" Kin asked.

It was at this time Team Seven noticed their white-haired teammate wasn't around. After looking around some more they turned towards Kakashi.

"Umm Kakashi-sensei where's Sanosuke?" Naruto asked.

"Knowing him he's shadowing Yuki." Kakashi answered.

"So he already knew about the mission?" Sasuke asked.

"Yes I just told him not to tell you three since I wanted to do that. You know he has to get to Snow Country, so that's why I accepted this mission." explained the Copy Nin.

With Sanosuke

As Kakashi said Sanosuke was shadowing Yuki. He had watched her for a while following her from the shadows as she went through stores. Looking around for a moment he noticed it was starting to get dark out.

Finally she came out of the last one dressed in black pants a pink shirt and a tan trench coat. She also had on a pair of dark sunglasses and a tan hat with pink stripes.

As she was walking down the street he made sure to stick to the rooftops. He wasn't stupid enough to try following someone on the ground. Stopping the woman pulled out a mirror and seeing no one behind her went towards the nearest bar.

A few hours later Sanosuke went into the bar to confront Yuki.

"Hey bartender, can you get me some sake?" Sanosuke asked leaning on the bar.

"Coming up." the bar tender replied.

"Hello hime."

"I already told you I'm not Princess Gale." she said while tying the necklace back around her neck.

Seeing the necklace Sanosuke became suspicous about her. "Well I don't really know your name which is why I called you hime." Sanosuke explained. "I mean I don't go to movies often I have more important things to do with my time."

"That's the first I heard time I heard that." Yuki said.

"Even still just because your supposed to be this great actress doesn't mean you have to be a bitch to everyone." he said taking a seat, while the bartender gave him his sake.

"Great actress?" she asked before laughing a bit. "That's stupid." seeing him looking she explained.

"Being an actress is the worst job ever. It's a job for the worst people." she paused taking a drink before continuing. "You have to follow other people's scripts, act, and live in a world packed with lies. It's truly stupid," she finished.

"You're drunk." he sweat-dropped.

"Your annoying, hurry up and disappear." she said coldly happy she was annoying him though hoping he would actually leave.

"I'd love to but I'm being paid to bodyguard this spoiled actress."

Just then the door of the bar slid open and Sandayuu ran in. He was followed by Haku, Kakashi, Naruto and Sasuke.

"Yuki-sama!" called Sandayuu. "The ship to Snow Country will be departing soon. We need to hurry or else-" he got no further because Yuki cut him off.

"It's okay. I'm not going to board." said Yuki.

"What are you saying?!" demanded Sandayuu.

"It'll be alright." she slurred.

"It happens all the time. Something goes wrong the main character gets replaced, the director gets replaced-" here she was cut off.

"Be quiet!" said Sandayuu silencing her. "The part of Princess Gale can only be played by you!"

Yuki stayed silent for a moment before taking another drink. Seeing this Sandayuu once again spoke up.

"And if you aren't going to come, you will not going to be able to work in this business again." he said.

"It's alright, it doesn't matter." said Yuki

"Yuki-sama!" Sandayuu exasperated.

"I guess it can't be helped." spoke Kakashi catching the woman's attention.

Turning around she looked up just in time to see him lift up his forehead protector before passing out. Once that happened Kakashi quickly lowered his forehead protector before catching her.

They then headed to the ship.

Some Random Location

"I see so she has the hexagonal crystal." said a man voice though he was hidden in the shadows.

"The actress Yuki Fujikaze is undoubtedly Koyuki Kazahana." said another man kneeling in front of the first.

"Ten years of searching is finally paying off." said a female voice this one kneeling behind the first male on his left side.

"If it was just the girl it would be too easy." said another male kneeling behind the first on his right side.

"However Koyuki seems to have an escort Kakashi Hatake." said the second male.

"Kakashi Hatake?" asked the third male.

"That sounds interesting." said the female. "Sounds like fate has spurred this confrontation." she continued.

No one said anything else. Each person looked to the front were the movie staring Yuki was playing.


A young girl was walking around her house the snow falling outside. She was wearing pink and white robes and had hear black hair pulled back into two short ponytails.

"Father where are you?" the girl asked. "Father?" she called once more still walking.

Coming to the end of the hall she saw a man turn and face her. He wore blue and white robes a pair of glasses and had his black hair hanging down to the bottom of his neck.

"Koyuki come here." called the man.

The girl walked until she was standing in the center of a circle of mirrors where she was told to stop.

"What can you see there?" the man asked.

"Father and me." said the little girl.

"Look carefully." spoke the man identified as her father.

"You will be able to see your future."

Hearing that the girl looked harder into the mirror she was in front of. What she saw was fire, followed by herself trapped in ice and herself falling into water.

Yuki awoke to the feeling of the sun in her eyes. Tiredly she pulled up her arm until she had her forearm covering her eyes. She sat up rubbing her head feeling a headache.

"Are you awake, Yuki-san?" came Sandayuu's voice

"Sandayuu can you bring me some water?" Yuki asked, "My head feels like it's splitting. I may be hallucinating but it feels like I'm swaying." she finished quietly still holding her head.

"No, that's not your imagination." said Sandayuu.

"Eh?" said Yuki before bolting out the door. Once outside and seeing where she was she froze. "What the hell is this?!" called Yuki as she was on a ship in the middle of the ocean.

Later we find the group still on the ship watching people at work. They could see Yuki sitting and pouting while she had make-up applied to her face. They had also all been given small mini cameras just in case.

"I really don't like that bitch, she reminds me of Sasuke when he was a prick." Naruto said quietly.

"What are you saying Naruto?" Kakashi asked not looking up from his book. "You know that whatever happens we have to protect her. This is an important mission you know." he finished.

"I know, I know." Naruto sighed. "Still even if it's an A-rank I don't have to like it." he finished.

"I don't think it will be that hard just to protect a simple actress."Sasuke said in a bored tone.

"And I didn't think it would be hard protecting a bridge builder you see how that turned out." Naruto said.

"Naruto's right Sasuke." said Kakashi looking towards the Uchiha. "Simply because famous people are always being targeted. Plus we don't know who the enemies are, so don't let your guard down."

Naruto hearing this leaned back on the rail of the ship next to Sasuke, and they talked about their training.

They stopped talking once the director called for silence and started filming. They watched as Yuki seemed to change into a completely different person once the camera started.

"What great drama." whispered Haku.

"She's like a completely different person." Naruto whispered back.

"That is Yuki-sama." whispered Sandayuu from beside them catching their attention. "Once the camera starts rolling there isn't anyone who can act like her!" he finished.

Just after he said that however Yuki ruined it by calling for the cameras to stop. Saying she needed Sandayuu to bring the eye drops. Once she had enough she quickly called for the camera's to start back up. As soon as they did she went right back to work like nothing happened.

All the Leaf and Snow-nin sweat-dropped at that.

The Next Morning

Everyone awoke to the sound of the director's assistant yelling for the director screaming they were in trouble. Once outside everyone understood why as there was a giant island of ice ahead of them.

"This is-" said the director before being cut off.

"When I woke up this morning, the route was blocked." said the assistant. "What should we do?"

The director closed his eyes for a moment in thought. After a few moments they snapped open and he said they'd shoot here to the surprise of his assistant.

"Baka! Can't you see this is the ideal location?" asked the director. "How can we NOT afford to film in this place?!"

"This is what you call it when the God of Movies arrives." he said quietly. "Everyone get ready to land!"

Hearing this everyone went and got dressed as everyone just had coats over their sleeping clothes. Twenty minutes later everyone was standing around heaters on the ice made island still tired.

Soon they were filming again. However in the middle of the scene there was an explosion behind one of the actors.

Kakashi seeing this was already out front ready for action and telling everyone to get back. Sanosuke also moved up some but not as much as Kakashi had.

Once the smoke cleared they were greeted to the sight of a man with long purple hair tied in a ponytail. He had green eyes with pink marks over them and green dots on his forehead. He also wore a grey bodysuit with blue trim and these weird devices on his arms and shoulders he had on a pair of fingerless gray gloves and a forehead protector with a pattern like snow flakes.

"Welcome to the Snow Country." he said.

"You are-" said Kakashi however he stopped and turned his head in a different direction.

Following his gaze the group saw another person this time a woman. She had pink hair, green eyes with pink dots on her forehead and also had on a silver bodysuit. However the color of her left leg was green while her right started green and stopped before turning blue. Her right sleeve was also blue and she wore fingerless gray gloves as well as a strange device on her right arm. Lastly she had the same forehead protector as the first man and a weird device on her back.

"I welcome you Koyuki-hime." said the woman. "Did you bring the hexagonal crystal?"

"Koyuki-hime!" said a shocked Kakashi and Sanosuke looking at Yuki. Just then he turned his head in another direction.

Once again a man came out of the snow. This man was on the larger side he had dark blue hair, black eyes with purple dots on his forehead and also wore the silver bodysuit. His had shoulder pads on it a weird crest in the center and a strange type of gauntlet for his left hand. He like the other two wore a forehead protector with a snow flake pattern on it. Finally he had some type of weird board on his back.

"As expected of Kakashi Hatake, I can't get any closer to you than this." said the man.

"Naruto, Sasuke, Haku!" Kakashi yelled catching their attention. "You three protect Yuki-san."

Hearing that all three rushed forward surrounding the actress. Seeing this Kakashi turned and told the rest of the crew to go back to the ship.

"Fubuki, Mizore!" called the first male obviously the leader. "You two get Koyuki-hime." he said before jumping forward and being met by Kakashi.

"It's been a while Kakashi. You're not going to run away again. Like last time." said the man.

"Nadare Roga." Kakashi said with venom in his voice.

Just then both men rushed forward. Nadare attacked first sending out a right punch which Kakashi blocked and countered with his own which was blocked before they split apart. Kakashi back flipped to land on his feet before they both jumped up the mountain of ice trading blows back and forth.

"I've been waiting for some action." Naruto said earning a smirk from the Sasuke.

He turned facing down the larger shinobi who threw down that weird board of his before flying at the blond. Naruto seeing this dodged to the side while simultaneously gathering chakra into his hand and launching a wind blast at the man before falling.

It missed however as the man had turned at exactly the right time to avoid it before coming back towards the blond.

Naruto on instinct once again dodged to the side. The man once again turned around however this time he was met with a barrage of senbons from Haku. The senbons crashed right into him, however instead of doing damage they just bounced off harmlessly. Sasuke seeing this threw a windmill shuriken at the man which also did no damage and just got broken to pieces.

"Ice Style: Swallow Blizzard Jutsu!" called Fubuki waving her hand forward and sending birds made of ice at the Uchiha.

Sasuke dodged to the side and seeing the ice birds turn around did the necessary seals for his favorite jutsu before calling out.

"Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!" taking a deep breath he breath out a stream of fire at the ice birds.

"Hurry up and return to the ship!" Haku yelled who was standing in front of the three actors. Both men took off however Yuki stayed as she was frozen.

"Yuki-san." called Haku once more.

"Hime-sama!" called Sandayuu running towards her surprising Yuki with that.

Sanosuke unsheathed Salvation and jumped in front of Yuki.

"Ninja Art: Ice Prison Jutsu!" called Fubuki who had kneeled down and touched the ice.

Once she did that ice started to pop up out of the ground at the Uchiha. Sasuke jumped into the air before once again doing a chain of seals releasing yet another stream of fire. Sadly this time the ice didn't melt. Sasuke gritted his teeth at that he hated when ice didn't melt.

Yuki seeing this fell to her knees as she herself was once trapped in ice. Sandayuu saw this however and called for her catching Naruto's attention. The large one known as Mizure saw this and rushed toward the blond swinging the arm with the gauntlet at him.

Naruto dodged only to have to dodge another followed by three more finally the man landed a hit into the blonde's stomach launching him back. Naruto because of the force of the hit was unable to regain himself and smashed into the ice pillars as a result going straight through them.

"Naruto!" yelled Kakashi rushing towards his student while going through his own chain of seals before calling out.

"Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu!" creating a dragon made of water which flew at Mizure. However just before it hit a purple energy shield came up blocking it. Kakashi landed right behind Naruto who had just gotten up.

""What the fuck is going on! Why are our attacks being cancelled out?!" Naruto growled.

"That's because they're wearing Snow Countries armor designed especially for shinobi. It's called chakra armor." Kakashi said.

"Chakra armor?" Naruto asked.

"They are more powerful then before though." Kakashi replied.

"Yes Dotou has been upgrading them." Sanosuke replied bitterly.

"You remembered?" came Nadare's voice. "This armor increases my chakra and strengthens my techniques. It creates a wall of chakra around the body and it even nullifies your chakra and reflects it back at you."

"It doesn't matter what kind of ninjutsu or genjutsu you use, they won't work. And Sanosuke I'm surprised that you're alive, Dotou will not be pleased." he finished.

Naruto narrowed his eyes at that. Before anything could be said however the man did a few seals and called out.

"Ice Style: Tiger Pierces Dragon Jutsu!" Nadare shouted.

"Ice Style: Tiger Pierces Dragon Jutsu!" Sanosuke shouted.

The ice tiger's circled each other, before colliding and canceling each other out.

Mizure had taken this time and went towards Yuki. Raising his left arm up he shot out a rope which circled around the actress. Sanosuke however saw this and cut it with Salvation before getting in the man's path.

"Get out of the way!" called Mizure cocking his right fist back and preparing to swing. However before he could he was knocked aside by Naruto who shoulder tackled him. Mizure landed on his side but managed to catch himself with his right hand. Naruto landed on the ground on his knees.

The blond was through playing games however and while getting up called out the Kyuubis chakra.

Mizure rushed Naruto who had just got up cocking his left arm back he struck out and was surprised it was caught. Undeterred he threw a right which was also caught and was forced into a grappling contest.

Sasuke was once again dodging the ice prison attack. After dodging about five in a row he jumped up and was surprised his foot got caught. The prison rose up capturing his entire body which turned into one of the heaters with an exploding tag attached. As soon as it was revealed it blew causing a huge fiery explosion.

Next a pair of thick wires shot out of the fire trapping Fubuki to one of her own prisons. However using the device on her back she cut the wires just before the fire that was traveling on them hit her. There was another explosion once the fire hit the ice and Sasuke looked up seeing Fubuki flying away as the device had shot out a pair of wings.

"Yuki-san hurry and return to the ship." said Haku watching as Naruto held Mizure back.

"Hime-sama!" called Sandayuu.

Yuki however heard none of this she was too busy in her memories. Like how she was evacuated out of her own castle and forced to leave her father in the burning building.

"What the fuck are you guys doing? Hurry up and get out of here!" Sanosuke yelled.

"Hime-sama we have to hurry back to the ship." Sandayuu called.


"We have to or you'll die." Sandayuu pleaded.

"I don't care if I die. I'm not going. I'm not going to Snow Country!" yelled the hysterical actress.

"What! Stop being such a bitch!" Sanosuke yelled.

Mizure called upon his chakra armor, and pulled the blond forward and slammed him into the gauntlet launching him back. Taking his chance he launched the hand off of it only for Haku to get in the way and be hit.

"Get lost!" yelled Mizure making the hand grab her before slamming her into the ground knocking her out.

It was at this time that Yuki fainted. Sandayuu once again said her name before kneeling to get her. However this time he caught Kakashi's attention who turned to help.

"Don't get in the way you're my opponent!" called Nadare before starting a few seals and calling out.

"Ice Style: White Whale Jutsu!"

Just then a whale made from ice shot up in front of Kakashi before falling and breaking the ice island in half.

"I see, that's quite a powerful jutsu." said Kakashi from his perch on an ice pillar. "Then let's get serious!" he finished revealing his Sharingan eye.

"Naruto, Sasuke, Sanosuke get everyone and run!" called Kakashi receiving a nod from the Chuunin's. Seeing this Kakashi did his own seals before calling out.

"Ice Style: White Whale Jutsu!" just then his own ice whale appeared.

"As usual you copied it. But you can't beat me with the same jutsu." said Nadare launching another ice whale.

"Beat you?" asked Kakashi. "I'm sorry but I won't meet your expectations." finished the copy nin surprising the man.

Just then the two whales crashed together. Kakashi's however won pushing the other down onto the island which broke apart. Kakashi looked over to see there were a couple Naruto's each carrying somebody and getting out as fast as he could.

"Cut!" yelled the director who was already on the ship.

"Wow we just filmed a great scene." said the assistant.

The three Snow ninja's each landed on a stable piece of ice and watched as the ship departed.

Thirty minutes later we find Kakashi and Sanosuke in Yuki's room aboard the ship. Yuki herself is still unconscious out however.

"It's been ten years since that time." he thought out loud.

"Yes, I can't believe she's alive. So how do you know her?" Sanosuke asked.

"I was the one who rescued her, I saw that her father was dead, the guards, and a boy about her age. She was holding his hand and wouldn't let go, so I had to knock her out."

"I'm guessing you were that boy." he finished.

"Yes I was."

"We've reached the harbor." said Sandayuu getting a nod from the two and walked out the room.