
Assessment of the Situation

"We're fucked!"

"How many points did you deposit?"

"One hundred!"

"Oh, did you spend that much?"

"How do I know they will be defeated by one man? They couldn't even resist!"

"Did not you hear it? He said he had two passive abilities and one blessing. What monsters are they?"

"The party leader was thinking of fighting. We almost got beaten up!"

"Let's go to rest. The next fights are not worth watching!"

The fights were tiring. We rest in a private lodge upstairs in a nearby tavern. In the meantime, we can hear what is being talked about and what is not being talked about downstairs. Of course, if we want, all the sounds can be cut off when we pull the thin curtain of the box, but I want to get information about the atmosphere after our victory.

"Max, you never mentioned your new talent. Now you can hit with your elbows, right?"

Sukrucuk opened the subject as if he had not seen it. There is nothing to do, we will explain.