
Hell Of A Time

A new demon has arrived!

Starr_Dakota · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs


"It was good while it lasted." Damian said as he took one last look at the hotel before stepping through the rift he made with his sword. He appeared in an alleyway of a large city and gave his sword a confused look.

"I was trying to go to a small town. Why did you bring me here?" Damian asked his sword before he suddenly heard the people of the city begin to panic and run by the alley he was in. He peaked around the corner and watched as rogue angels attacked anyone they could reach. Damian clenched his fist knowing that he shouldn't get involved if he wanted to stay under the radar and prepared to make another rift when he saw an angel walking towards two children who couldn't have been older than five or six. The boy stood between the angel and his sister when a man and woman appeared in front of them with flashes of blue and red light. The angel didn't have time to react as two swords cut through his chest and he collapsed to the ground. Damian looked over his shoulder at the children and the two, understanding what he wanted, began to run away.

"So you're here as well?" The woman asked Damian and he recognized her voice from the fight in the Wrath Ring. It was the first time he was able to get a clear look at her and his eyes widened but before he could say anything the other rogue angels began to fly towards them. She stepped behind him as he lowered his stance and watched as the angels closest to them were sliced up by an unseen force. They both smirked when the other angels continued to fly towards them with no fear. The woman jumped over Damian and tore through the group while spinning like a drill. The few civilians that had hidden nearby watched as the two took on the small army of angels with smiles on their faces.

"They just don't give up." Damian said as he sliced two more angels in two, "Do you think they're here for me or you?"

"They were probably looking for either of us but I'm sure they weren't expecting for us to team up." She explained as she slammed her sword into the stomach of another angel and sent him flying into a small group of them. The people of the city covered their mouths as the army of angels came at the two all at once and began to cover them. With a flashes of red and blue Damian and the woman appeared away from the mass of angels and, quicker than a blink of an eye, the angels suddenly burst in a cloud of blood and falling body parts. They could feel the power of Heaven's forces closing in and quickly disappeared without a trace.

"So why do you look like my mother?" Damian asked the woman when the both landed next to an abandoned apartment building. She sighed and shook her head in disappointment at his question.

"So you really don't remember huh?" She asked him in a mocking tone that made his brow twitch, "My name is Grace and I'm your twin sister dumbass."

"Fuck the what now?" Damian asked with a look of pure confusion on his face, "I don't remember having a sister."

"Father separated us when we were young because our power was too much to handle with us always arguing." She explained as Damian began to remember his childhood, "It's been around 15 years since we last met so it isn't surprising you don't remember me."

"No thinking back on it I do remember you." Damian said as his face turned serious, "Why didn't you say something at the Harvest Festival?"

"Truthfully I didn't remember you at first either but I did recognize your strength and eventually I did realize it myself." Grace explained, "Not to mention that woman kept talking to me in my head."

"So I wasn't hallucinating..." Damian said as he out his hand on his chin, "So Death's soul is connected to both of us?"

"I suppose that's proof of us being twins. If she had to split her soul then that would explain why we were able to handle it as newborns."

"Well personally I'd rather not use her power at all." Damian told her with a calm tone, "I know you're listening Death. Stop trying to hide."

'You two a no fools.' Death said, surprising them by her sudden appearance, "Yes I connected to you at birth but I never expected that your souls would overpower mine like you did. In all honesty the power you used a few weeks ago wasn't mine at all.'

"What do you mean?" Damian asked her with confusion written on both twin's faces, "I never had that kind of strength prior to that day."

"You said you allowed me to use yours to catch up to his." Grace said while glaring at her. Death sighed and pinched her nose in annoyance.

"All I did was force your latent powers out. Think about it, how could the soul of a dead woman carry that kind of strength?" Death asked them in a disappointed tone, "Because you two thought you were using my power you managed to pull your own out without realizing it."

"I suppose that does make sense." Damian said, "Then why did the angels our father sent know you were there?"

"Heaven is meant for the souls of the dead so it only makes sense that they would notice mine reappear." Death explained and they nodded in understanding, "More importantly War and Famine know that you killed Pestilence and I'm sure they are the reason those angels attacked this city. They noticed Grace's power suddenly appear here when I helped her awaken it. They moved in likely thinking it was yours since yours feel the same."

"There's no way they could know that both of us exist though and with our combined strength we can easily take down whatever they send." Damian said with confidence, "Pestilence couldn't beat me alone and with Grace on the same level as me they should no problem."

"You've only been fighting the lowest of their army and Pestilence was the weakest out of the four of us." Death explained with a serious look in her eyes, "Those two could have beaten him with both hands behind their backs with little to no effort. I honestly don't know if it would be better if you two stay together or alone with them after your heads."

"Well like Damian said, they don't know there's two of us and that gives an advantage for now." Grave explained and Death nodded in agreement before suddenly disappearing, "Why even bother coming out?!"

"This is a pain in the ass." Damian said as he rubbed the back of his head, "For now I say we stay together."

"I think that's our best bet if we want to take them down." Grave agreed and they entered the apartment building to lay low and rest while they still could.