
Hell's Kitchen

UPDATES SLOWED DOWN TEMPORARILY DUE TO HEALTH REASONS (will go regular again soon).. Meet Chef Victor Delacroix, a culinary genius with a chilling secret! By night, he was known as "The Butcher", a ruthless serial killer and assassin wielding a blood-stained meat cleaver. His grotesque talent? He gains the abilities and attributes of whatever – or whomever – he eats. This macabre skill set made him one of the most feared figures in the criminal underworld. Fed up with his gruesome life of crime, Victor decides to vanish from the radar and start fresh. He moves to the capital and opens an exclusive restaurant called "Hell's Kitchen." His dishes are unparalleled, attracting an elite clientele: the wealthy, the corrupt, and the morally bankrupt, each harboring their own dark tastes... In Hell's Kitchen, every dish tells a story, and every meal is an experience - often literally a slice of life. Yet, his patrons are blissfully unaware of Victor’s true identity as The Butcher, concealed behind the charming facade of a master chef. As Victor tries to carve out a new existence, the ghosts of his past start to close in. Sinister patrons with dangerous appetites, old enemies seeking revenge, and the lure of his own monstrous cravings threaten to drag him back into the abyss. The line between his dual lives blurs, and each night becomes a battle to keep his sinister nature at bay. "Hell's Kitchen" is a twisted tale of redemption and temptation, where humanity and monstrosity collide. In a world where darkness is served on a silver platter, can Victor ever truly escape his blood-soaked past, or will the shadows consume him once again?

deadmandreaming · Fantasi
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89 Chs

A Transmigrator?!

The flickering candlelight cast dancing shadows on the walls of a small, cluttered study. A boy of around twelve sat at his desk, feverishly compiling notes. His name was Liam Ashford, though in his previous life on Earth, he had been known as Alex Carter. The quill in his hand moved swiftly across the parchment, his mind racing with the knowledge he had brought with him from another world.

This world, to him, was more than just his new reality—it was the setting of a webovel he had devoured in his previous life. The story had captivated him, but the ending had left a sour taste in his mouth. Now that he had been inexplicably transmigrated into this world, he was determined to change its course.

The candlelight illuminated the pages of his notes, filled with intricate details about the characters and events of the story. His young face was set in a determined frown as he mulled over the steps he needed to take. Taking out Victor Delacroix, the enigmatic chef and secret assassin, was the most crucial step. Victor's actions had far-reaching consequences, and eliminating him was essential to rewriting the story's ending.

Liam's thoughts wandered back to the novel's plot. In the original story, Victor's ruthless rise had dire consequences for his favorite character. But now, he could rewrite the story.

"Victor Delacroix," Liam muttered to himself, his eyes narrowing. "You won't have the same path this time."

He flipped through his notes, reviewing the detailed plans he had made. Victor's strengths and weaknesses were cataloged meticulously, alongside his allies and enemies. Every possible scenario had been considered, every detail scrutinized. Liam's determination to succeed burned brightly, fueled by his hatred for the original ending.

Taking a deep breath, he leaned back in his chair and gazed at the ceiling. "First, I need to get close to him," he mused. "Gain his trust, find some proof. Then, strike when the time is right."

Liam's young face twisted into a smirk. The idea of confronting Victor thrilled and terrified him in equal measure. One wrong move and he was literally dinner. But he knew he had to be patient and calculated. Any misstep could spell disaster.

With a resolute nod, he reached for a small bell on his desk and rang it. Moments later, the door creaked open, and an elderly man in formal attire stepped inside. "You called, Master Liam?" the butler, Geoffrey, inquired.

"Yes, Geoffrey," Liam replied, his tone authoritative. "I need you to book a VIP reservation at Hell's Kitchen for tonight. Make sure it's under a pseudonym."

Geoffrey raised an eyebrow but nodded obediently. "As you wish, Master Liam. Is there anything else?"

Liam shook his head. "That will be all for now. Just ensure it's done discreetly."

"Of course, sir," Geoffrey said, bowing slightly before exiting the room.

As the door closed, Liam's resolve solidified. The first step was in motion. Gaining access to Hell's Kitchen and getting close to Victor Delacroix was crucial. He knew the man's charisma and culinary skills were legendary, but Liam was determined not to be swayed.

"I won't let this story end the same way," he vowed softly. "She deserves a better ending, and I'll make sure she gets one. Victor Delacroix, your time is running out!"

With that, Liam turned back to his notes, his mind already racing ahead to the next steps. The game was afoot, and Liam Ashford was determined to emerge victorious.

Later that night, sitting at his table in Hell's Kitchen, Liam surveyed the restaurant with a keen eye, noting the dim lighting and elegant decor that lent an air of sophistication to the place. As Lyra approached to take his order, he maintained a composed demeanor, aware of the coded menu from the novel; he wanted to avoid any...exotic dishes and stick to a conventional meal; knowing what kind of restaurant this is, even that would be hard to keep down.

"Good evening, sir," Lyra greeted him with a professional smile. "May I take your order?"

Liam returned the smile, keeping his tone casual. "I'll have the grilled salmon, please, with a side of roasted vegetables."

Lyra nodded, jotting down his order on her notepad. "Of course, sir. And to drink?"

"Just water, thanks," Liam replied, trying to maintain a neutral expression despite the rush of excitement he felt at being so close to the characters he knew so well from the book.

As Lyra moved on to the next table, Liam couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation building within him. This was a night unlike any other; he was finally part of his favorite story.


As Lucien circled the restaurant, his keen eyes fell upon the VIP section where a solitary figure sat—a twelve-year-old boy, seemingly dining alone. It was a peculiar sight, one that piqued Lucien's curiosity. The boy's demeanor was too mature for his age, his mannerisms betraying a sense of weariness that set off alarm bells in Lucien's mind.

Summoning Lyra with a subtle gesture, Lucien leaned in close, his voice low and urgent. "Lyra, see that boy over there?" he murmured, nodding discreetly towards the VIP section. "I want you to strike up a conversation with him. Find out what he's doing here and who he's with. Something doesn't seem right." he said.

Lyra nodded, her expression serious as she absorbed Lucien's instructions. She made her way over to the VIP section, weaving through the tables with practiced ease.

She approached Liam's table with a graceful stride, her smile warm and welcoming as she inquired about his meal. "Is everything to your liking so far?" she asked, her tone light and friendly. "And how are you finding the service?"

Liam returned her smile with a polite nod, his mind racing as he sensed Lucien's discreet gaze upon him. He knew he had been compromised, but he remained calm, determined to maintain his facade. "Everything is wonderful, thank you," he replied smoothly, his voice steady despite the racing of his heart. "I must admit, it's a bit unusual dining alone, but the ambiance here is quite charming."

Lyra's eyes softened with sympathy as she listened to his words, her natural empathy shining through. "I'm sorry to hear that," she said, her voice tinged with genuine concern. "Is everything alright? Can I get you anything else?"

Liam shook his head, his expression grateful as he concocted a plausible story on the spot. "No, thank you," he replied, his tone tinged with a hint of sadness. "I was supposed to meet my father for dinner, but he never showed. It's been a bit of a disappointment, to be honest."

Lyra's heart went out to him as she listened to his tale of woe, her sympathy evident in her eyes. "I'm so sorry to hear that," she said, her voice gentle and reassuring. "If there's anything I can do to make your evening better, please don't hesitate to ask."

Liam nodded gratefully, his facade firmly in place as he thanked her for her kindness. Deep down, he knew that his encounter with Lucien had not gone unnoticed, but for now, he was content to bide his time and wait for the perfect opportunity to make his move.

"The femboy vampire and the yandere waitress are a no-go." he thought. "The tsundere catgirl won't do either and the last one hasn't shown up yet, so...".

As he contemplated, his eyes fell on Evelyn working the regular area. He remembered her from the book; he knew her true background and personality that the others definitely didn't know about yet. He smiled.

"Perfect." he muttered.

What kind of novel am I even writing?Let me know in the comments!

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