
Hell's Greatest Threat

Nay lives through his life in a world that has just recently recovered from a major Kaiju outbreak. These Kaiju run through ecosystems and destroy everything in their path killing and injuring millions in the process. Nay seeks a regular, happy life but his circumstances prevent that from happening. His mission is to aid the world in any way he can do that the world may give back to him what he wants most, love.

Destrominator · Fantasi
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A New Life

!Read the author's thoughts to get more clarity of the things mentioned!

"Kaiju have appeared in every continent with 6 of them already in the vicinity of large cities. Governments all around the globe have agreed to seize all conflicts and focus all of their attention on the Kaiju invasion. As of February 5th, we've counted 26 Kaiju around the world. Please seek shelter and if you are unable to, pray. Because if we can't help each other, then god is the only one." The newsman was in great distress. He was constantly sweating and looking around like something was watching him.

A man sat on his couch while looking at his phone. But when he heard the news, he put down his phone and looked outside of his hotel room. He went onto the balcony and saw a massive crocodilian tail crash onto the streets. The entire earth shook and the screams of traumatized citizens echoed through the city. The man tried to run out of his room when he heard a loud ring. It lasted a few seconds until he couldn't hear anything. He couldn't see, he couldn't feel, it was like all of his senses turned off. Then he lost consciousness.

The entire city of Tijuana fell within days of the Kaiju's appearance. Meanwhile in a refugee camp on the border of Myanmar and Thailand, a family of 4 were running away from a Kaiju when they saw US fighter jets flying. A boy by the name of Nay was their eldest son. They ran through the forest while dodging falling debris, jumping over rocks, and evading massive holes in the ground. Nay's father was Eh and his mother was Navya Htoo. They were all of an ethnic group from Myanmar which was previously Burma. Their skin was dark and their hair black. They all had dark brown eyes and some varied from short to tall. Nay was almost as tall as his father who was 5'2. His mother was 5'1, while Nay was 4'8. His mother ran whilst carrying their infant daughter and escaping from falling rocks at the same time. They heard people yelling in English a few hundred meters in front of them and so they got hopeful.

But when Nay looked back, a lizard like Kaiju was close behind. It had crystals growing all over its body that glew each time it took a step. It opened its mouth and a neon gas spewed out. The Americans were now visible to them. They were soldiers and they too ran for them. Some held up their rifles and shot at the Kaiju behind them but it merely stalled it for a few seconds. The gas got increasingly brighter and brighter until the Kaiju released it all as a beam of concentrated energy. It blasted through trees and killed some soldiers. Nay's father pushed him down as a jet flew over them and shot at the monster. Nay's ears were ringing and he was covered in mud. He heard the Americans yelling but when he turned to see if his family were okay. He saw nothing but corpses. His father's abdomen had a massive hole in it while his mother and brother were nothing but dust. He couldn't take the sight and immediately threw up. The Americans dragged him away as fighter jets bombarded the monster with explosives. He got put in the back of a truck and they gave him a blanket and some water.

After a few minutes, they finally eliminated the Kaiju and a few soldiers came to talk to him.

"What's up bud?" The soldier asked.

"He doesn't know English dumbass." Another soldier told him.

"Aye, no cursing in front of the kid! Hey kid, how old are you?" The soldier asked.

"Aye, we got in contact with someone who knows his family. He'll be sent to the US and will be under their care so don't get too attached." Another soldier who looked like they were in a higher position told them all.

"Shame. Well, my name is Private Gonzalez." He took off his mask to reveal a darker skinned man than the rest who had relatively light skin but you could barely tell from all of the dirt and grime on them. He had a slight beard growing in and his eyes were a dark brown. His hair was short and he was tall.

"Gonzalez?" Nay said in broken English and a hard accent.

"Yeah, there you go! You're a smart one ain't ya? Well, we're 'bout to go back to base so buckle up." The truck then began moving and Gonzalez waved him goodbye. Nay sat in silence and began to ball eyes out.

The next few days were a blur as he was emitted to the US on a plane with a ton of other immigrants and people fleeing the Kaiju. When he landed, a soldier took him to a woman about the same height as his father. She had black hair with blonde highlights and dark brown eyes with glasses. She wore a white office dress with a. denim jacket over it. She had a purse slung over her light shoulder and she wore black and white Vans. Nay recognized her because she was a family friend that had immigrated to the US 3 years ago when he was 5. Her name was Jaiden and she would send the camp a few hundred dollars every month which they would equally distribute amongst themselves. She ran to him and picked him up by the shoulders.

"Oh my god!" She squealed in English. "Do you remember me?" She asked in their native language.

"Yeah." Nay replied in their language.

"Thank God you're safe!" She said as she hugged him. She stood up and went to shake the soldier's hand.

"Thank you, sir." She thanked him in English.

"No problem. I mean, it is my job right?" He chuckled.

"Yes it is." Jaiden chuckled too.

"Well, have a nice day ma'am. I have more people to escort." Jaiden then brought him out and to her car. It was a silver Nissan Altima 2010. She drove him home and cleaned him up and made space for him in a separate room so that he had a place for him to sleep. As he was sleeping, Jaiden was on her phone scrolling through Facebook when her boyfriend came back. He stood at a reasonable 5'8 and he had light skin. His hair was long, curly, and brown. His eyes were bright blue and he wore a work suit with a laptop sleeve around his shoulder.

"Andy, you're back. I have one of my friend's sons sleeping in the guest bedroom right now so don't be too loud." Jaiden warned him.

"What? What happened?" Andy asked. Jaiden sat him down and explained everything to him.

"Oh my god...Is he fine?" He asked with a concerned look.

"Well, physically, but I don't know about mentally. Knowing him, he is smart enough to process what had happened he probably is feeling survivor's guilt. I just don't want him to blame himself for all this. Y'know, I watched him grow up and I even taught him back in Thailand. I'm just worried for him." Jaiden told him.

"Don't worry, everything's going to be fine." Andy consulted her.

"Is he going to be fine in such a big city like Dallas?" Jaiden asked.

"He'll be fine. You've talked about him being so smart and stuff so I don't think it'll be long until he gets adjusted to life here."

"If you say so."

A few weeks pass and Jaiden becomes the legal guardian of Nay. She enrolls him into a school and now it was his first day of school in the US. He came in the middle of the year so there would be a lot he needed to catch up on. Jaiden drops him off at his school and he walks through the halls. The school was massive compared to the one he went to back in Thailand. Unlike his old school, they weren't mandated to wear uniforms. So for his first day, he wore a red long sleeve shirt, black shorts, and black sneakers. His hair was combed back into a messy wolf cut and all of the dirt was washed off. He had everything he needed in his backpack and he stepped foot into his class.

"Attention everyone, meet the newest student of our class, Nay Mu. He is an immigrant so don't be silly and play pranks on him. Can someone volunteer to be his friend and show him around the school?" The teacher asked and a handful of students raised their hands. She then picked a girl who was sitting at the back of the class.

She had darker skin than most kids in the class but wasn't as dark as Nay. She was on the lighter side and she had he hair back in a bun. He hair was brown and her eyes were a reddish orange. She was already about 5 feet tall so taller than most people in the class including Nay. The teacher guided Nay to the seat next to hers and he sat down. After the class, the girl showed him around.

"My name is Mei by the way." She told him.

"Mei." He replied with a thick accent.

"I'm actually an immigrant too. My family moved here from China when I was only 4 so I feel like I am the most qualified to show you around. Come with me, I'll show where the library is!" She waved for him to follow her and he did. They entered the library and Nay was mesmerized by the amount of books there were.

"Good morning, Mei!" The librarian greeted her.

"Good morning Mrs. Gooden!"

"Oh, who is your friend here?" She asked.

"He's a new student in our homeroom. Mrs. White has appointed me as his guide and his first friend." She said boastfully. But as she was talking, Nay was walking around looking at books. He then found a book that peaked his interest even though he couldn't read English, he was just attracted by the cover.

"Nay, it's lunch time right now so let's go!" They went to the cafeteria and Mei showed him how to get his food and how to punch in his lunch number. They sat down with a group of girls in their homeroom class who were very kind. They were all Mei's friends and we're jealous that Mei got the chance to guide him around. Nay just ate his food and didn't pay much attention to the girls. After lunch, it was now Math class.

"Mr. Chavez, meet our newest classmate!" Mei told the teacher.

"Why hello! Have a seat. We're learning 2 digit multiplication this unit so if you need any help, Just ask Mei. She's one of our smartest students in school." As the day went on, Nay was learning things he already knew but some things he was stuck on. His most difficult subject was English but his easiest subject was math and science because he had already learned most of it back in Thailand.

When the day ended, Jaiden had come to pick him up. He walked out of the building with Mei and they waved each other goodbye as they separated ways to their cars.

"You have the attention of all the girls don't you?" Jaiden teased him in their native language.

"No!" He denied while blushing.

"I'm kidding, let's go home and eat."

The ethnic group and the camp that were mentioned are real. The camp is the NuPu refugee camp and the ethnic group is the Karen ethnic group. Karen is pronounced Kuh-ren and people really mess it up with the name Karen. Karen the ethnic group is pronounced Kuh-ren while the name Karen is pronounced Care-in.

Destrominatorcreators' thoughts