

The bell had already rung. She was late to homeroom, yet she couldn't get rid of tears that had begun to streak down her face without her permission. She placed her hand on the nob and twisted, the pulled. She stepped into the room with a cool posture.

The Teacher at first glance went to reprimand her, but paused seeing the tears on her face and her red bloodshot eyes. The teacher appeared sympathetic, and like any adult who saw a child in tears, became worrisome. However the following action gave the girl her space, she didn't charge into the unknown.

The homeroom teacher gestured for her to come over to the desk. When she did, she felt the warmth of an arm draped around her shoulders. "Hello Class! This is the Transfer Student I was talking about earlier, sadly it seems they had gotten lost in the halls."

They were nice, they kept her close for the moment. Her complexion seemed to get better, but her eyes remained sad. In their half closed state, they appeared glow even more than before.

She could hear the sound of someone whispering, saying she was weird, weirder than Kara. She didn't mind as she looked different from a regular human being due to her eyes. She stood out more visibly, rather than the actions Kara took whenever her overly sensible powers affected her during her daily life.

Clearing her throat, she looked over the front row, her eyes hovering over Alex and then to Kara in the mid-section of the room. "Hello everyone," She spoke in a soft manner, but she was just loud enough to project her voice to everyone in the room clearly. "My name is Hekate Liades, I hail from Athens Greece. It's a pleasure to meet you all." She smiled at those around her, it was clearly a fake smile, it had no meaning behind it other than to make a rather weak shield.

In the back of her mind was the image of her parents, the last time she had seen them. When they had put her in the symbioship and sent her to Earth.

What had felt like a mere day, had been several years. The hibernation had slowed her aging, but she was still mentally eleven years old. She wanted to appear strong to those around her, though she didn't care to live up to the family crest, she did actually see it as a form of strength.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Hekate, please take a seat beside Kara Danvers." The teacher gestured towards the fellow Kryptonian and she followed suit.

Without much hesitation she walked over to the desk and sat down, placing her satchel in her lap.

"Hey..." Kara whispered as she leaned over towards her new classroom neighbor. "You okay? You were fine the last time I saw you."

Hekate closed her eyes for a moment, took in a deep breath and nodded. Biting the inside of her inner lower lip, she looked over towards Kara and smiled. This was was more genuine than the last, though it was smiling for someone else rather than herself.

Kara only shook her head and looked to the ceiling. The both of them could hear the whispering on the other side of the room. The freaks were together, they said something along those lines.

However there were some who still held sympathesizes, it wasn't everyday a girl two years younger than everyone in the room was in the same grade. This was the year two thousand five in the Earth's Gregorian calendar.

They began to pass down the daily information pamphlets, school news paper. On the front cover was an entry about the explosion off the coast of Metropolis.

When it reached her desk, she simply scanned over the writing. Aliens? North Korean missile attack? There were a lot of assumptions here, but none of them were facts. She looked over at Kara who was disappointed in what she was reading. It was clear she could do something better, and it made Hekate snicker to herself.

"Hey Katie," one of the girls on the other side of her called her by a nickname, one she didn't respond to initially. "Gah... Hekate, hello?"

Glancing over her shoulder towards the one who was paging her, she raised a brow. It was one of the popular girls of the class. "You already friends with the freak?"

"I'm living with her and her sister," Hekate said bluntly, "And I'd prefer that you don't insult my hosts." She wore a threatening smile as she had referred to her host as a freak. She didn't know if she could be friends with Kara Zor-El, but if she could, the idea made her feel a bit better.

The girl blinked a few times seeing the smile, slowly nodded as she swallowed shallowly and then turned her attention forward. Those who were watching the interaction seemed to get the feeling that it wouldn't be safe to voice their opinions.

About twenty minutes had passed since they had sat down for homeroom. The bell rang and they were dismissed to their next few classes.

Hekate and Kara were in all the same classes, even the same lunch. They were widely left alone, and after the interactions in the homeroom between her and that one girl, no one seemed to speak of them.

Around twelve, during their lunch, Hekate entered the cafeteria, her Satchel at her hip. In her hands was a tray of food, a small carton of chocolate milk, french fries and a beef stromboli burrito.

As she walked between two tables, a guy put out his leg. She saw it, but didn't care. Just as her leg brushed his, she went to fall forward. Unexpectedly though, she did a forward somersault with one arm, followed by a single flip and she was back on her feet.

The food remained on the tray, hardly even moved from the debacle.

All of the boys stared at how acrobatic she had just been, even athletic maybe.

That's when he noticed the crest on her gloves which gripped her tray and satchel. He raised a brow slightly. It looked like superman's crest, but it was fundamentally a different on the shape inside. It wasn't an S, it was closer to a fireball or the symbol for Ying and Yang. "Katie–"

"My name is Hekate, Jake Howell, you should quit while you're behind." The girl said as she held her satchel close to herself, glaring at him with a stink eye before walking towards the table where Kara was seated at.

It was raining now, so they weren't going to be sitting outside in the courtyard. They weren't even aloud to take a single step outside because of the rain, which she disliked. Hekate had never experienced rain on this planet, it was a wasted opportunity. She didn't like being told what to do, she didn't care for school rules.

Sitting with Kara, she looked over at her and they both smiled at once another. It was just her, Kara and one other person. Her eyes narrowed on the boy who sat beside Kara. He was on his laptop, while eating some food from his tray.

It was Henry Li, he was relatively attractive. Slick black hair, dark eyes, thick brows and a peachy almost pink skin tone. He was definitely cute, but she could sense a connection between him and Kara.

A small smile formed over her lips now, "Hello. I'm Hekate."

"Henry Li," He responded as he went to shake her hand. She was suppose to meet with him earlier, but it didn't turn out that way. "I heard from Kara you were crying... You okay?"

"I'm fine."

Nodding at her mechanical response to his question, Henry looked over to Kara, then back to Hekate. Another question, "So... Are your eyes naturally colored like that?"

Hekate shrugged slightly, "They've been like this for as long as I've known. My parents were... Scientists, I wouldn't put it past them if they altered my genome before I was born." She lied about her parents background, they weren't scientists, however the Kryptonian race was infamously known for genetically engineering their offspring.

"Isn't that Illegal?" Henry raised a brow at this as he'd lean to the side as he was given this information.

Hekate shrugged once again, not entirely versed in all of this world's laws. "Maybe not where they performed it?"

Kara sighed quietly as she reached over and stole one of Henry's fries, popping into her mouth. Hekate giggled a bit seeing this and picked up her stromboli, biting into it.

As she bit into the stromboli burrito, she felt the hot greases pour into her mouth. She wasn't bothered by the heat, it was delicious. She let her teeth sink all the way through the stromboli, it was like biting into heaven. Though at the same time it was just prepackaged food supplied by the government and heated up to serve to students.

"This is awesome..." She'd utter with her mouth full as she chewed.

Kara giggle snorted, "I know right."