
Heirs of Hartia

From the moment of his birth, this heir, marked by the tragic loss of his mother, has had a life shrouded in shadows and doubts. In search of answers that always seemed elusive, he embarks on a journey far from home, crossing continents and exploring diverse cultures. In each new place, he encounters unique characters and experiences that challenge his beliefs and shape his understanding of life and death. As he traverses this personal odyssey, he will confront his deepest fears and then find unexpected beauty in pain and loss.

Gabrielafbdelira · Fantasi
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11 Chs

**The preparation for the War**

"War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse."John Stuart Mill

After the challenges in the Black Forest, the army finally arrived in the territory of Greenland. They were surprised by the sound of approaching horses and carriages, which belonged to a royal caravan from the kingdom of Greenland.

Accompanying the caravan were King Yoseph Von Greenland and his two children, Caleb Von Greenland, 16 years old, "the same age as Sebastian at the time," and Catherine Von Greenland, 13 years old. The heirs of Greenland were characterized by scarlet hair, pale skin, and moss-green eyes. They were adept in the art of politics and frequently involved in revolts and kingdom conquests. But at that moment, they were allies.

As he approached the leaders of the allied army, King Yoseph declared:

"Allowing an army formed against a neighboring kingdom to stay in my territory is like declaring war on the kingdom of Whitefield along with you!"-he stated in a tone that was explanatory and unconcerned. Then he continued:

"But I am also tired of the Whitefields' sovereignty in the west! This leads me to something I wish to know... Once you dethrone the current ruling Whitefield family, who would take over that territory? Because, of course, if a single kingdom takes it for itself, we are only postponing a new war or future conflicts due to the imbalance of power between the kingdoms, don't you agree?"- He finished, looking at the allied leaders. It was then that Sebastian, without hesitation, replied in a tired voice:

"I've been thinking of offering the territory to the D. Alder family!"- A murmur could be heard, and then he continued: "Without them, we could not have crossed the desert or defeated the enemies and monsters we faced up to this point!"- A great silence followed.

Then Eldara, though wounded from the confrontation with the Ogre, decided to speak:

"I agree with the King of Ashrose!"- Another murmur arose, but he paid little attention and continued: "If it weren't for the young Leonor D. Alder or her brothers, I wouldn't be here! They saved us countless times and also had the fewest casualties during this journey, clearly demonstrating the strength and altruism necessary to become rulers! We don't want new tyrants in place of the old ones, right?" he said, looking at Yoseph.

This time, the young Daren decided to speak and add his words to those of his father:

"I also confess that I prefer to be a royal advisor or warrior in the D. Alder kingdom rather than roaming freely in the Ashrose territories. No offense, Sebastian, but I have already encountered the beasts living there and understand that the King cannot always spare troops for our guard!" The other warriors from the desert who were listening to the young man's speech pondered his words and agreed.

Even so, King Yoseph, who seemed displeased, quickly said:

""Well, first we have to remove the current rulers from power before electing new ones. And I don't remember being informed, but do you already have a plan?"

This time, it was Kraig von Bluestorm who spoke. He appeared serious and spoke with a poise and authority that made it seem like he was well-versed in wars despite his 17 years:

"The plan I have been thinking of is quite simple. First, we will spread rumors among the citizens still living in the Whitefields' kingdom, saying that a dragon, accompanied by a horde of monsters, is marching in that direction. We can use some of our allied warriors who have few injuries to say they barely escaped and that it would be better to move to another territory, as the monsters will soon attack the kingdom. I believe this will be enough to create chaos and turmoil. Some will flee immediately, while others, more skeptical, will wait until they see the monsters to leave."

He paused, making sure everyone was following, and then continued:

"That's when the second part of the plan comes in. A small group will return to the forest and lure some monsters out of it, keeping a minimum distance so the monsters don't give up the chase. We will capture these monsters and transport them to the Whitefields' kingdom. When the first ones leave in panic and only the skeptics remain, we will release the monsters in the kingdom."

At this moment, he was interrupted by Leonor, who, distressed, said:

"But people will get hurt that way! And there's no proof that it will work!"

Kraig, firm in his convictions, ignored Leonor and continued explaining the plan.

"Once the monsters are released, our best hunters will spread out and hunt them down. As soon as they kill them, they should create a general panic, saying that these smaller monsters were driven away by giants coming in that direction. I believe this will be enough for everyone not directly involved with the Whitefields to leave the city. At this moment, we will surround the kingdom with our army. No one else enters or leaves the kingdom! We will send two people to speak with the King and Queen of Whitefields, proposing that they surrender, or our army will advance. From then on, it's unpredictable what will happen, but we must be prepared if they don't surrender!"

Finally, Kraig finished the plan for taking the Whitefields' kingdom.

There were no further interruptions; everyone seemed to be pondering those words. Even the most resistant ones found the plan solid and hard to refute. Then, Daren decided to break the silence:

"All right, so there will be five stages, correct?"

Before Kraig could answer, he continued:

"In the first stage, we need a tactical hunting team to return to the Black Forest and lure smaller monsters out, where we will be waiting with traps to capture them. In the second stage, we need a few people to infiltrate the Whitefields' kingdom and spread the news about the monsters' arrival. These must be careful not to be caught by the royal guards, or the plan will have no effect. In the third stage, we need to be very careful not to harm innocents when we release the monsters within the kingdom. We will give a three-minute head start and then the hunters will follow to exterminate the monsters, responsible for the second part of the act about the arrival of more monsters. We will wait for the citizens to leave the kingdom, giving a three-hour window. After this period, we will initiate the fourth stage, when our army will surround the kingdom from all directions. We need ships at sea with some soldiers to prevent exit through the port. Only then will the fifth stage begin, when we will try to propose the Whitefields' surrender. I think the nobles would be more efficient for this role. From then on, it will be improvisation. The nobles who enter the kingdom to try to convince the Whitefields to surrender will carry something as a signal to the armies if the surrender does not work, so that the troops can advance. We all have to perform our roles without fail, or we won't have another chance like this. This is a very efficient plan, Prince Kraig. We should start preparations as soon as possible!"

Once again, no one interrupted the detailed monologue about the stages of the plan. Everyone waited for more guidance on which stage each would fit into. Night fell quickly, and they set up a large camp to rest, deciding to separate the advance teams in the morning.

As everyone nestled around the campfire or retreated to their tents, Sebastian decided to sneak out and visit a nearby village in the kingdom of Greenland. He walked calmly, observing the night sky and the landscapes around him, so immersed in his thoughts that he didn't realize he was being followed.

Suddenly, a female voice called his name:

"Sebastian..."said Leonor in a low tone. He turned, surprised, and saw the girl following him. Without understanding her reasons, he didn't know what to say, remaining confused as she added:

"Why are you wandering around alone?" She seemed genuinely concerned.

"Tomorrow will be a long day. I wanted to enjoy what might be our last moments of peace before a possible war" replied Sebastian, with sad eyes.

"You don't like wars, do you?" Leonor came closer, noticing his melancholy.

Sebastian tried to appear carefree and playful:

"I don't think anyone does! But as they say: -When words can no longer reach the ears of those who remain blind to the facts, tear off their heads before they use their voices to condemn the foolish!"

"Well, sometimes people just weren't taught to see the facts the right way. Few have good sense as young as you" said Leonor, looking into his eyes. After a brief silence, she continued: "By the way, I don't know if I should, but I wanted to thank you for suggesting my family to become the ruling family of the Whitefield kingdom if things work out."

Sebastian smiled back and said:

"Well, after so many things I went through with your relatives from the desert to here, I thought it would be appropriate for your family to take care of that territory. All of you are selfless and skilled in battles. I always thought it was the wisest choice."

"So, if things work out, you'll continue to be the king of Ashrose, and I will become what? Princess of a kingdom of my family?" Leonor blushed, excited as she spoke.

Sebastian looked at her with confidence and nonchalance:

"Oh no, you won't be a princess of the D. Alder kingdom."

Leonor looked at him, annoyed, and leaning irritably towards him, responded:

"Oh, Your Majesty, don't you think I'm fit to become a noble, along with my relatives whom you yourself said were so selfless?"

Before she could finish her speech, Sebastian interrupted:

"You will be my queen in Ashrose!"

Surprised, Leonor stopped her speech, blushed, and took a step back:

"Why are you suddenly talking about being queen? You don't even know me well!" she said, looking at the ground, embarrassed.

Sebastian laughed and replied:

" Well, don't ask me to explain, but ever since I first saw you on that horse in the middle of the desert, I knew I would marry you."

Leonor, even more blushed and stammering, said:

"Stop saying nonsense! Marriage is a serious matter. In my family, marriages last a lifetime! Don't joke about something like that!"

This time, with a gentle tone, Sebastian spoke seriously:

" Maybe you're not certain of this at the moment, but since I first saw you, I knew. Or perhaps it was when I saw you slide under the feet of that ogre with chains in hand so skillfully that he didn't even realize he was being captured. Maybe also when, in front of two titanic serpents, instead of running away, you stayed by my side and tried to pull my arm away from the serpents... I'm not sure. But I know that in the end, you will be my queen, and together we will rule Ashrose. I can't see doing this with anyone else but you."

Before he could finish speaking, Leonor took a step forward and kissed him. Sebastian, surprised, instinctively kissed her back. Then Leonor stepped away, blushing, and said:

"Well, if that's what you wish, wait! I'm only 14 years old, I can't get married yet. My brothers wouldn't allow it..." As she spoke, Sebastian looked at her incredulously and tenderly. "Oh, and you should know that for a girl from the D. Alder family to marry, the suitor must face one of her brothers in battle and emerge victorious. Otherwise, the family will not permit the union."

She said, proud of her customs and her family. Sebastian, now paler, thought of Leonor's brothers, the strongest warriors he had ever seen, and how it seemed impossible to defeat any of them.

Pushing that thought aside for the moment, Sebastian looked excitedly at Leonor and said:

" Would you like to go to the village with me? I heard there's a festival happening there! Since it's still early, it shouldn't be over yet. We can still see some interesting things!" said Sebastian, extending his hand to Leonor.

She smiled at him, took his hand, and replied:

"Then let's go!"

They followed the path to the village, which was all decorated and illuminated. People wore masks representing monsters, and the music echoing was loud and vibrant. Arriving at a stall selling masks, Sebastian looked at Leonor, who, despite holding his hand, was fascinated by the festival around. He pulled her closer and said:

"How about we have some fun too? What do you think of these masks, do any of them appeal to you?" said Sebastian, showing the various masks at the vendor's stall.

As she admired the masks and chose one, the vendor said:

"For a young couple, I'll give a special discount on two masks! " Both blushed and smiled.

They continued choosing the masks and decided on a pair of draconic masks. While Leonor put hers on, Sebastian paid for the masks. Before he could put his on properly, Leonor pulled him into the festival.

The village was vibrant, with lights and colors everywhere. There were stalls of exotic food, masked dancers, and performances by jugglers and acrobats. The sweet aroma of caramel apples and spices filled the air, and the joy of the people around was contagious.

Leonor, with her draconic mask, blended perfectly into the festive atmosphere, and Sebastian couldn't take his eyes off her, admiring her happiness and excitement. They approached a stage where a group of musicians was playing an engaging melody, and before they knew it, they were dancing together, forgetting for a moment the worries of the impending war.

As they danced, Leonor laughed and spun, her face illuminated by the glow of the lanterns around. Sebastian, with his mask, felt free and happy, as he hadn't felt in a long time. He knew that moment would be a precious memory, something to hold on to in the difficult days to come.

After a few hours of fun, they moved a bit away from the crowd and found a quiet place to sit. Looking at the starry sky, Leonor took off her mask and said, still breathless from the dance:

"Thank you for bringing me here, Sebastian. This is the happiest moment I've had in a long time."

Sebastian, also taking off his mask, replied with a smile:

"The pleasure is all mine, Leonor. I wanted you to have an unforgettable night."

They stayed there, side by side, enjoying the silence of the night after the joy of the festival, feeling closer and more confident to face the uncertain future.

Before dawn, Sebastian and Leonor returned to the camp, where they were caught by Daren, who was on watch in that direction. He looked at them with a mischievous smile and said:

"Sebastian... Imagine if this maiden's brothers knew you went out with her during the night and only returned at dawn... Wow, I imagine there would be pieces of the King of Ashrose from here to Whitefield!" he said, looking devilishly from one to the other.

Approaching him and whispering, Sebastian asked:

"What do you want to keep quiet?"

Daren started to laugh in a way full of innuendo, making a shiver run down Sebastian's spine. Then Daren said:

" I think there's no price that pays. After all, Leonor's brothers are like brothers to me... And if you dishonored her, I have the duty to alert them!" said Daren, looking nonchalantly at Sebastian.

That's when Leonor intervened:

" I think if you talk about this, I'll have to tell Olivia and Glenda, who stayed in the desert waiting for the result of this war, that you promised to marry both! If I'm not mistaken, Glenda is the daughter of Draken, the best hunter in the desert... Well, let's see what he thinks about that!" Sebastian looked at Leonor full of admiration, while Daren looked at her with astonishment and terror.

Distressed, Daren asked:

" How did you know about this?" he said, looking at Leonor.

She replied:

"Girls talk about these things. It was already hard for me to prevent the two from talking about you in the same place! But you know, it might be quite easy to mention your name to them!" This time, the mischievous smile was on Leonor's face.

Admitting defeat, Daren said:

"I hope you haven't done anything to dishonor your family's name, and I ask you not to do it again!" he said, defeated, looking at Leonor.

She replied:

" Don't worry, I know how to take care of myself! I wouldn't let even a king pull one over on me, even if we were to get married!" She said and then ran towards her tent.

Sebastian, who stayed behind with Daren, was incredulous at how she had resolved the situation. Then Daren said:

"Marriage, huh... " Again, the mischievous smile returned to his face and he added: "I don't know if you know, but in the D. Alder family you have to defeat one of her brothers to ask the lady in marriage! Tell me, which of the three do you prefer I wake up? Drake, the eldest brother, is our most skilled warrior. Isaac, her half-brother, is one of our most skilled archers. Or Dorian, well, Dorian is a psychopathic assassin who loves to kill everything in his path... Which one would you prefer to face?"

Swallowing hard, Sebastian replied:

"For now, let's worry about the war against the Whitefields. When the time comes for me to marry Leonor, I'll decide how it will be done!" he said with a more confident tone than he actually felt.

Daren said:

" Well, it's your funeral. Just don't forget to invite me to watch when it happens! It's not every day I see a noble friend die!" he said, leaving and laughing.

Sebastian pushed aside the imminent thoughts of his death and headed towards his tent to try to get some rest.