
Heirs of Hartia

From the moment of his birth, this heir, marked by the tragic loss of his mother, has had a life shrouded in shadows and doubts. In search of answers that always seemed elusive, he embarks on a journey far from home, crossing continents and exploring diverse cultures. In each new place, he encounters unique characters and experiences that challenge his beliefs and shape his understanding of life and death. As he traverses this personal odyssey, he will confront his deepest fears and then find unexpected beauty in pain and loss.

Gabrielafbdelira · Fantasi
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11 Chs


"Opportunities are like the sunrise: if you wait too long, you'll miss them." - William Arthur Ward

After meticulously researching updated information across the entire continent of Hartia regarding the trafficking of mythical beasts, the King of Ashrose noticed that out of the continent's 11 major territories, two are virtually uninhabitable: the Golgotha Desert and the Karayan Black Forest. In these areas, the lack of precise information about traffickers' attacks has become a significant challenge. Therefore, it is crucial to establish an information exchange with the remaining nine territories.

Starting from south to north, considering Ashrose as the starting point, the king sent letters regarding mythical beast trafficking to the kingdoms of Greenland, Krois, and Korya, which, like Ashrose, border the vast territory of the Black Forest. Subsequently, correspondence was directed to the kingdom of D. Alder, situated after Greenland, and to the kingdom of Yvis, located to the west, bordering the three aforementioned kingdoms from the south (Greenland, Krois, and Korya), as well as D. Alder. The western zone of Yvis is bathed by the Amaymon River.

After completing the dispatch of letters to the southern, eastern, and northeastern territories of the continent, it was decided to also send them to the northern kingdoms, Braveheart and Bluestorm, which border each other. Then, a letter was sent to the Matriarchal Empire of Old Hartia, ruled by Empress Evelyn Blackwood, located in the northwest of the continent. This empire is separated by the Amaymon River and borders Bluestorm, extending into part of the Golgotha Desert despite a chain of steep mountains.

Although the Empire does not maintain concise, direct, or peaceful communication with the independent kingdoms of Hartia due to the Blackwood imperial family considering themselves rulers of the entire continent of Hartia and understanding that the other self-proclaimed kingdoms do not respond to the empress and do not consider themselves under imperial rule, there has long been a relationship of hostility between both parties.

With little time to worry much about this, however, King Sebastian Von Ashrose decided to risk sending a letter to the empress, hoping to promote a productive dialogue about the trafficking of mythical beasts and whether it extends to Old Hartia.

Besides asking simple questions about the possible trafficking of mythical creatures, King Sebastian included in his letter to Bluestorm an explicit order for Princess Ameerah Greenland von Ashrose to return to the kingdom of Ashrose. He tried not to appear too persuasive to avoid raising suspicions about any issues in the kingdom. Although he was a friend to the kingdom of Bluestorm, he knew his letter could be intercepted anywhere else on the way to Bluestorm.

Meanwhile, at dawn that day, far from the castle, near the exit of the Black Forest, the heir prince Killian, who had risen early, was preparing along with Ruby to leave the forest and move forward. Throughout the preparation, he pondered the danger of exposing himself with Ruby and her magical eye in civilization. He prepared himself and moved on. Ruby, despite not understanding his language, sensed his concern and remained alert along the way. As they exited the forest, the youths encountered a figure.

An elderly man, dressed in extravagant clothes that did not seem to belong to that territory, appeared. They tried to go unnoticed. Killian lowered his head slightly to hide his eyes and took a few more steps when they heard the unknown man say:

"You two are different children, aren't you?" said the man, cautiously.

Killian felt a slight apprehension and touched his sword. Ruby, sensing Killian's feelings, transformed into a feline, trying to appear threatening to the man. Before the boy could do anything to defend the small creature, he unsheathed his sword and turned towards the man. The moment their eyes met with the figure in front of them, he saw, with his new eye, a color and strength that he had not sensed before within the forest. He knew that whoever he was, that man was far beyond his ability. Instinctively, he grabbed Ruby and took a few steps back, still holding the sword in the other hand.

The man, who had been observing silently until then, spoke:

"You don't need to worry, children. I'm not here to harm you. In fact, I intended to enter this forest to find out why so many magical creatures from these lands have been in the black market lately. But, from what I can tell, this child," he said, pointing to Ruby, "shows signs that she was captured. However, I believe somehow you have saved her, haven't you?" He waited for Killian's response, who, apprehensively, replied:

"It's not like I faced something to save her. I just found her while walking through the forest. She was hungry and hurt, so now she's with me," he said, holding Ruby tightly, fearing the man would take her away.

The man replied:

"It's admirable that a boy your age survived this forest, even more so with another creature under your responsibility. I don't know if it's really admirable or just madness that something like this has worked! Well, my name is Àki Thane, I'm known as the Nomadic Mage. Although, I don't think I should be very well known in this continent that doesn't use magic..."

Interrupting the old mage, Killian said, curious:

"A mage? A mage like in the books? Who casts spells, lives in towers, and doesn't age..." Before he could continue, Thane sighed and said:

"They tend to exaggerate a lot in books about the reality of mages. As you can see, I'm old! And, as I said, I'm nomadic, so I don't live in a tower. But let's get to the point that really interests me. Where do those eyes come from, boy? I didn't know there was still magic in Hartia's soil," said Thane, with a serious and curious tone. Killian, however, replied:

"I don't know..." Seeing that the mage continued to look and analyze in search of an answer, he decided to recount what had happened earlier at a waterfall within the forest, avoiding mentioning the gold and precious stones because he still didn't trust the mage.

Thane listened to the whole story quietly and seemed very pensive. Killian took the opportunity to mention that he had never seen anything like Ruby before, besides the fact that she did not speak their language. After hearing Killian's entire account, with brief omissions such as the fact that he was an heir prince who had fled and that the waterfall was magical, with fairies, gold, and precious stones. The Mage Thane then said:

"There is great magical potential in you, boy. But you won't be able to evolve much more on this continent, as mana no longer flows in Hartia. Well... I'm getting old, as you can see, and it would be good to have a student to pass on my knowledge. Of course, unless you have something better to do, since you were crossing this forest. I could take you beyond this continent and, who knows, even tell the true story of Hartia, not the one the old kings speak of this place," said the mage, while looking analytically at Killian.

Killian had fears; he didn't know that man well, but his instincts told him he wasn't lying. It would be great to have help to leave Hartia. A mage would surely prevent him from being taken back to the royal castle in Ashrose. After thinking for a while and analyzing the advantages, Killian replied:

"I was thinking of leaving Hartia anyway and traveling the world. If what you say about there being magic beyond Hartia is true, it would be good to learn something before going out there blind. By the way, my name is Ian," he lied, using the name of a character from his favorite book, and then continued: "But I promised to take care of Ruby, so I'll only follow you if there's room for her too," he said, trying to sound serious as he looked at the mage.

The mage looked at the pair attentively and, scratching his beard, said:

"All right, Mr. Ian. You can take the cub, but she's your responsibility. My responsibility is only to teach." he replied, looking at the young man, waiting for a response. Killian said:

"Then I accept. I, Ian, and my friend Ruby will go with you!"

Before Killian, now Ian, could understand, the old man moved his hands and recited something in an unknown language. Luminous circles began to appear around them. The mage continued to utter strange words until a large, bright rift appeared before them. Then he said:

"Let's go, we have to cross soon. These lands have no mana for me to use in spells, so I'm using the last reserves I have since my arrival here! Hurry up or I won't be able to open another portal!" said Thane, signaling for Ian and Ruby to pass through the rift.

Although apprehensive, Ian sheathed his sword again, held Ruby with both hands, and walked up to the bright rift with closed eyes. Thane passed right behind. Despite a brief nausea, the young man did not feel that he had changed location, so he opened his eyes. To his surprise, they were on top of a hill overlooking a densely populated city. There were many colors, people, smells, and clothes different from what he was used to seeing. Before he could gather his thoughts, Thane broke the silence:

"Now you're out of Hartia! We're on a peninsula far east of Hartia. Here, mana and magic still flow freely, so don't be surprised if you see people using magic for everyday activities! I'll cast a brief spell on you so you can understand the language of this place and communicate, if necessary. By the way, Ian, before I do that, let me inform you that you're in Cyprus. This is a global trading hub, so you may encounter various species you've never seen in Hartia!" he said. Seeing the children enchanted by their surroundings, he raised his hands once more and pronounced the spell that would enable them to understand the local language.

Organized, Thane, followed by Ian and Ruby—who had returned to her human form and was covered with Ian's cloak—began descending the hill towards the city. Everything seemed new and sparked immense curiosity in the young ones. They saw various types of people: those with shimmering skin, animal-like features, dark skin, and pointed ears. They tried not to appear completely surprised, but nothing was ordinary! Ian began to notice that his eye could reach farther than he was used to and displayed numbers, abilities, and races as if he could read people like a book, with this information passing before his eye. Even people's intentions appeared clearly.

With so much information, Ian became distracted. Thane approached and said, "You still can't control that eye, can you, Ian? Tell me, what do you see now?" He stood before the boy, limiting his field of vision, and waited for a response.

Looking directly at Thane, Ian saw with his eye the attributes of the wizard, which were ridiculously high. It seemed he could use various types of magic and possessed items with high attribute values. "He's very strong," thought Ian. He then replied, keeping his answer brief, "I don't quite understand, but it seems like I can read people, see what they can do, I'd say!" He automatically turned to Ruby, seeking more information.

Meanwhile, Thane pondered Ian's response and said, "It seems you have a magical eye that reveals people's attributes. That's quite rare, as many suppress their attributes to avoid being hunted!" He spoke despite Ian not looking at him or paying attention, but instead analyzing Ruby. Thane couldn't help but feel excited. "It seems like fate," he thought.

Ian, gazing at Ruby, saw with his eye some information. She was even younger than he thought, about four years old, and was a Nekomata, mystical Eastern beings considered sacred in the Far West! He saw that she, in addition to the ability to transform into a human form, in her original feline form, had thicker fur and could grow to be three to four meters in her adult phase. He also saw that soon her two magical tails would be capable of firing solidified mana, something quite dangerous, as her attack level was high. Ian couldn't stop imagining how defenseless a species that would become so strong was at that moment.

Thane, Ian, and Ruby gradually immersed themselves in the bustling urban life. The streets were filled with people and creatures of all shapes and sizes. Ian observed with fascination the diversity around him, while Ruby, still holding Ian's hand, looked around wide-eyed with curiosity.

"Let's find a place to eat," Thane said, guiding them down a bustling street that led to a vibrant square full of taverns and restaurants. The square was packed with outdoor tables where people of various races chatted animatedly.

Thane chose a tavern with a large wooden sign carved with glowing runes that read "The Enchanted Dragon Tavern," which Ian believed he could read due to the earlier spell. They entered and were greeted by a mix of exotic aromas that made Ian's stomach growl. The tavern's interior was cozy, with stone walls covered in tapestries and hanging chandeliers that emitted a soft light.

A waiter with shimmering skin and pointed ears approached, smiling. "Welcome to The Enchanted Dragon Tavern. What can I bring you?"

"Let's start with a plate of Moon Fruits and a serving of Deep Sea Tentacles," Thane said, nodding to the waiter who took the order and departed.

While they waited for their food, Thane began to explain more about where they were. "Cyprus is a global trading hub, a capital city in a small country! The country of Harçisk. Here, you'll encounter many different species and cultures from all over the world. This peninsula is known for its diversity, it's a neutral zone for different species, allowing them to live freely without being hunted or enslaved."

Ian looked around, observing the other patrons who used magic to perform simple tasks like lighting candles or moving dishes. "It's amazing," he murmured, still trying to absorb all the new information.

The waiter returned with a tray loaded with exotic dishes. Moon Fruits were large and bright, with a silver skin that reflected the light. When cut open, they revealed a juicy pulp of vibrant colors. Deep Sea Tentacles, on the other hand, were dark and faintly glowing, served with an aromatic sauce that emitted a spicy smell.

"Try them," Thane said, picking up one of the fruits and offering it to Ian and Ruby. "These Moon Fruits only grow here in Cyprus. They're said to be infused with moonlight, which gives them that glow and unique flavor."

Ian bit into the fruit, surprised by the explosion of sweet and refreshing flavor that flooded his mouth. "It's delicious!" he exclaimed, while Ruby also took a bite of her fruit with an enchanted smile.

Thane continued talking as they ate. "As I mentioned before, Cyprus is a meeting point for many species and cultures. You'll see things here that you've never seen in Hartia. For example, Deep Sea Tentacles come from the depths of the Abyssal Ocean, captured by an aquatic race that lives there. They're considered a rare delicacy."

Ruby looked at the plate of tentacles, hesitant at first, but then picked up a small piece and tasted it. Her eyes widened in surprise.

Thane chuckled. "You'll get used to it over time. This is just the beginning of your journey. There's much more to explore and learn in Cyprus. I thought it would be a good place to settle while I teach you magic, Ian!"

Ian simply nodded, still enchanted by the place and the magic he was beginning to feel. As they ate, Ian couldn't help but think about everything he had seen and heard. The ability of his magical eye, the diversity of the creatures around him, and the promise of new adventures filled his heart with excitement and curiosity. He knew he was only just beginning to uncover the secrets of that new and fascinating world.

For a brief moment, he thought about the kingdom of Ashrose, in Sir Fairtower. He considered how he might be held responsible for his disappearance, as he was its royal guard. He compared in his mind how Ashrose differed from that lively city. Then, he remembered his father; a brief feeling of sadness washed over him, imagining that perhaps his father hadn't even noticed his departure if not for Sir Fairtower. He also considered the slim chance his father had not cared, even then. Amidst this flow of thoughts and emotions, Ian thought of his sister and the possibility of never seeing her again. He knew that after crossing that portal, he was no longer Killian D. Alder Von Ashrose, and he was free now. Lost in this whirlwind of reflections, he stared fixedly at the plate of tentacles, not eating them, so distant that he barely noticed the food in front of him.

Then Thane said, "Kid, I assure you won't die if you eat that! You look worried! But you can eat more without fear!"

Thane's words snapped Ian out of his thoughts, and he resumed eating while observing the tavern around him.