
Heirs of Hartia

From the moment of his birth, this heir, marked by the tragic loss of his mother, has had a life shrouded in shadows and doubts. In search of answers that always seemed elusive, he embarks on a journey far from home, crossing continents and exploring diverse cultures. In each new place, he encounters unique characters and experiences that challenge his beliefs and shape his understanding of life and death. As he traverses this personal odyssey, he will confront his deepest fears and then find unexpected beauty in pain and loss.

Gabrielafbdelira · Fantasi
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11 Chs


"What is a gentleman? One who respects the feelings of others above his own."

— William Shakespeare

As young Killian continued his journey through the dark and mysterious Black Forest, accompanied by Ruby and her new enigmatic eye, he began to observe his surroundings more closely. He felt more connected to the forest and everything within it. It was as if he could sense the dangers before they even arrived and understand the natural cycles occurring around him. "It must be because of this eye," he thought, but despite the concern and curiosity to study his new eye better, he didn't have time to stop and understand how it worked.

By nightfall, Killian climbed another tall hill where he felt safer. On the horizon, he could already see the lights of a village, indicating that he was close to completely leaving the forest. This worried him: both about the people who might be looking for him and about being accompanied by Ruby, who could transform into a cat at any moment and alarm the citizens. Furthermore, he thought about how much attention his new eye could draw. He knew none of that was common. He tried to sleep while Ruby, already in a deep slumber, rested near his legs. He put a cloak over the girl, protecting her from the cold wind blowing during the night. He looked at the sky, apprehensive about the huge dark clouds already forming, indicating that it could rain at any moment, either that early morning or the next morning. He knew it was too late to descend the hill with Ruby, exhausted from the journey, and find another shelter, so he decided to wait for the possible storm while resting.

Far away, in the kingdom of Ashrose, His Majesty, King Sebastian, showed signs of high fever, hallucinations, and chills. Even in his weakened state, he tried to argue with Sir Fairtower and set out himself in search of his son, without any concrete plan.

"I am the King, Fairtower! If I don't go now, he might... He might even be... I can't stand here like a helpless invalid while my son is in danger!" Sebastian said in an authoritarian and apprehensive tone to his royal guard.

"Your Majesty, I've organized two search teams with skilled hunters and sent them into that forest in different directions in search of your son! They are equipped with royal falcons, and any news will be brought as soon as possible! I confess I'm also worried about the prince. Besides being your personal guard, I'm also his fencing tutor and have a lot of affection for him! But beyond what we're already doing, there's nothing more you or I can do," replied Fairtower, approaching the King, who was trembling with fever and standing in front of him, dressed in his royal armor, ready to go into the forest that night.

Seeing his guard approach worriedly, the King raised his hand and said:

"I understand, you don't need to pity me! Just keep an eye on the falcons and assemble more teams if necessary! As for me, the entire kingdom would be searching for Killian, but I know that many people knowing he's missing is more dangerous than useful, given our position! Since the war against the Whitefields, smaller kingdoms have been sending spies to this kingdom, and even larger kingdoms like Braveheart seem to have something against the south. There's nothing more I can do about it, that war happened years ago! Since then, Ashrose has remained peaceful, and I didn't follow my late father's example of taking territories from smaller kingdoms! But if I find out any of them have something to do with this, or if they've done something... Be aware, Sir Fairtower, Ashrose will be at war with all the kingdom's enemies."

Sebastian laid the sword on the table and left his office.

Concerned about the King's words, William said:

"Sir, I know I shouldn't say something like this, but everything indicates he ran away! If something happens to him, you'll be responsible! Declaring war on other kingdoms would only put Princess Ameerah in danger too!"

Before he could finish speaking, the King gave him a cold, disdainful look and said:

"Don't try to teach me how to take care of my children! And I know if something like that happens, Amy will be in danger, so tomorrow I'll send a request, or rather, a royal order for her to return immediately to the kingdom of Ashrose! And Sir Fairtower, if the prince ran away, the blame is as much mine as yours, who is his personal guard! You should always be one step ahead of him, where were you when he planned and left here?"

As he spoke these cold, threatening words towards Fairtower, the atmosphere in the corridor changed completely, it seemed to have gotten colder. Sebastian, full of hatred, looked at William with as much anger as he felt for himself. But fearlessly, William replied:

"At no point did I shirk the blame for my responsibility for the prince's disappearance. I am only maintaining my position in favor of finding him! But if something happens to the heir prince, Majesty, I'll be here to accept any punishment you find necessary. Taking advantage of our honesty, when he disappeared, I was in a diplomatic meeting with the King of the kingdom of Yvis, who was here to ask for Princess Ameerah's hand for his son, the heir prince Thomas. I was forced into that responsibility in your place since you were too drunk to leave your chambers."

The guard looked seriously into the king's eyes. Sebastian, maintaining his previous posture, approached Sir Fairtower, standing face to face less than two steps from the guard, and said:

"I know we are close, we were raised like brothers, and I have put you in many interim command positions before, but don't forget your place! Nor that I am your King!"

As he said these cold and threatening words towards Fairtower, the King tried to move away and walk to his quarters, but due to the high fever, he fainted before he could take a few steps.

Despite the recent argument and not being at all happy with his position with the King at that moment, William rushed to help him. He called other guards and carefully took the King to his quarters. Upon arrival, the King's personal maid, a lady in her 60s, showed extreme concern. To calm the situation, Sir Fairtower spoke:

"Hilda, don't worry so much! He has a high fever! You know how he gets when his emotions are shaken! But he's too stubborn to rest and take care of himself, so he ended up passing out! Carefully remove his armor, make him more comfortable! I've already sent for the royal physician to treat him! He'll be here any moment! If he wakes up, keep him in bed, so he doesn't hurt himself or do anything foolish!"

Hilda listened attentively and immediately began to do as Sir Fairtower asked. Still worried, she said:

"Be careful how you speak of the King! Others may think it's treason! I've known you both long enough and know you're taking care of His Majesty! But I can also imagine something happened between you two, right? You spoke like when you were children and fought... You can't fight at this time! He's very unstable, and his position puts him in danger! Besides, he needs you more than he's willing to admit. If he loses you too... I don't know what he'll do!"

William looked into the maid's eyes, feeling the concern and affection she had for him and for the King, and replied in a calm and reassuring tone:

"I know, Hilda, thank you for your concern and your advice! But I assure you that nothing will happen to the King while I am here, nor to the prince, if we manage to find him! It's not our position to be weak, not now! Now please take care of the King, and if there's anything you need, call me! I'll be in my office, trying to organize something about the search!"

Hilda nodded in agreement and went to take care of the King, while Sir Fairtower left the King's room. As he walked down the corridor, he thought about his responsibilities and the concerns of others. He knew he had to do everything possible to find the prince and ensure the safety of the kingdom, even if it meant putting himself in danger or going against the wishes of the King. He couldn't afford to fail in his duty as a royal guard and as a friend to the royal family.

As William walked through the castle corridors back to his office, he encountered Hannah, his wife. She appeared both worried and furious, and upon seeing him, she immediately began:

"Have you even eaten anything today? You haven't been home! You haven't rested! I asked the guards, and they said you've hardly slept! You're taking on all of the King's duties and still searching for the prince…"

Before she could finish speaking, he quickly walked up to her and embraced her. While holding her, he said affectionately:

"I apologize for my absence and for making you worry about me! The King is in a very critical moment, and I can't leave him alone. It's also my fault that the prince has gone missing… So, I have to find him… If anything happens… I won't be able to forgive myself… The King won't forgive me… I don't know what else to do, Hannah, I'm afraid!"

Unaware, William ended up pouring out all his thoughts and concerns in the arms of his beloved. Before he could gather himself and say something to ease her worry, he felt something warm spill onto his chest. Looking at Hannah, he saw that she was in tears. He tried to pull her away to calm her down, but she held onto him tighter and cried for a while longer, which made him feel nervous and somewhat uncomfortable for not being able to do anything. All he could think was that it was his fault she was crying. It was then, with a tearful voice, that she said:

"I'm sorry for crying like this, it's just that I love you, and I think someone should worry about you too! My love, none of this is your fault! Things just happened! You can't blame yourself or keep demanding so much of yourself to the point of punishing yourself and not allowing yourself to rest! You have to take care of yourself, remember, I love you and you also have your children. The boys wrote to me saying you haven't replied to their letters, they're worried because you always respond, even if it's just to say you're busy! And your daughter, at home, misses you! I miss you too… So, don't worry so much. Just do your job and remember that you have a family at home waiting for you, and when you suffer, we suffer with you!"

William, who was still, listening to his wife's words, let a heavy tear trickle down his eyes. But before Hannah could notice, he composed himself and kissed her. The kiss was intense and desperate, as if he were trying to find relief and strength in the warmth of her lips. He felt her body relax against his, and for a moment, the world seemed to disappear. As if he found the air he needed within her lungs and every touch reminded him that he was alive. But the responsibility soon weighed heavily on his shoulders again.

He pulled away slightly, still holding her face tenderly, and said:

"Thank you, Hannah. I appreciate you coming here!"

He looked at her with a gaze full of love, which made her blush and think about how beautiful he was, and that he was hers! But regaining her senses, she said:

"Well, I came to see how you were! Now I'll go back home! I know you'll go back to work, but if you want to stop by tonight, regardless of the hour, I'll be waiting for you!" she said, looking at him, blushing, while holding one of his blonde curls between her fingers.

He nodded in agreement. He hugged her once more and said:

"Then, I'll try to finish things up here quickly…"

He didn't say anything more, and the two just looked at each other in silence for a moment. She gave him a light kiss and headed towards her home.

Watching her silhouette walk away, William felt his heart race. He wanted his wife, he desired her in that moment. He wanted to wrap her in his arms and forget everything for a moment, he wished to touch her skin, see her tremble with passion in his hands, but he pushed the thought away, remembering what he had to do. So, he turned and returned to the office.

Arriving there, he looked at the map once again. He examined the scheme he had made regarding the advancements in the kingdom and the Black Forest in search of Prince Killian. He wondered if he was forgetting something, some place where the boy could have gone… But he had no idea, after all, he was a 10-year-old child. No matter how skilled he was in fencing classes, he was out there alone. William felt a pang in his heart. He looked out the royal office window and saw the immense dark clouds hovering over the kingdom, laden and hostile, heading towards the Black Forest. He thought:

"I hope he's safe, boy! He has to be! Or I won't be able to rest!"

Meanwhile, in his feverish dream, King Sebastian found himself with Queen Leonor. They were together on a picnic by the royal lake, after dismissing the servants.

Leonor wore a light white dress, fallen off her shoulders, perfectly outlining her silhouette, making Sebastian blush every time he looked at her. He was lying on a cloth spread out on the grass, next to some sweets and drinks left by the staff, while she amused herself with a butterfly fluttering around her. Her delicate movements to not scare away the insect and her admiring gaze made Sebastian's heart leap. He could only think to himself: "Control yourself, man! It's not like it's the first time you're seeing her. You've been married for 3 years!" he said to himself, trying to contain his impulses. But to make matters worse, he was surprised by Leonor jumping into the clear, crystalline waters of the lake. He instinctively got up to check if she was okay.

Upon emerging and seeing him standing there, smiling, Leonor said: "Join me, the water feels amazing!"

She dove again, and he watched for a moment her charming movements and her now practically transparent white dress dancing over the reflection of her naked body. Her black hair accompanied the dress in a dance in the waters that, along with her beauty, made him think: "I'd drown for her… I must have married a mermaid!" So, he took off his shirt and shoes and jumped into the water too.

Upon entering the water, he immediately looked for Leonor. And there she was, beautiful and stunning, laughing at him in the water while bubbles escaped from her mouth. He approached her and began to touch her skin under the dress. She looked at him for a moment and then ran her hand over his champagne-colored hair that almost seemed white underwater and kissed him.

An underwater, thirsty kiss, of air and each other. Due to human nature needing oxygen, both, the passionate couple, emerged. But far from finishing what they had started in that lake, they returned to kissing. When Sebastian's body could no longer handle the desire, he pulled her even closer to him. Surprised by her husband's desperate move, Leonor smiled and then, in his arms, she said something to him.

At that moment, due to his heartbeats and his accelerated movements to stay afloat in the water while holding Leonor, he couldn't hear what she said. She just smiled again. So, she hugged him over his shoulders, leaned her mouth to his ear and whispered:

"Where is our son? Did you lose him?"

At that moment, the sweat-covered King regained consciousness from his dream. As he woke up, he felt a pain in his chest as the presence of Leonor, until then, so intense, retreated again. And then, nothing, he was alone again, lying in his bed, a bed that he used to share with her. He sat up, pulling the sheet closer to him. The increasing pain drowning him, finally turned into tears in his eyes.

While crying, Hilda, who was already dozing in a chair not far from his bed, woke up! Concerned for the King, she approached him gently, saying, "It's alright, Your Majesty, it was just a dream..." She said as she handed a glass of water to the King.

Then, wiping away the tears and holding the glass with a miserable look, the King looked at Hilda and said, "That's just it..."

She then waited for him to drink the water, took the glass, and stepped back a bit, saying, "It's the middle of the night, try to sleep again! I'll send one of the guards to let Sir Fairtower know you've woken up!"

At that moment, the King got up from the bed abruptly and said to her, "Don't worry, I'll go there myself! I'm not sleepy!"

So, he put on a robe, slipped on his shoes, and headed to the royal office, leaving Hilda with a worried look behind. Upon arriving there, he saw Fairtower analyzing the map of the forest once again. He noticed that the guard looked pale and exhausted, as if he were at his limit! He remembered the argument they had before his fainting, but pushed the thought away and approached, speaking as if nothing had happened:

"You haven't slept yet?"

Sir Fairtower, noticing the King's presence, hopeless, replied, "No, not yet... I'm reviewing the possible routes! Trying to see if I missed something," he said, pointing to the map of the forest.

Then the King approached him, touched his shoulder gently, and said, "Go home, try to get some sleep! See your family... You never know when it'll be the last time!" said Sebastian with a weary look.

But Sir Fairtower, immediately replied, "I can't go, I have to work to find the prince! It's my responsibility!" he said, continuing to focus on the map.

The King, observing his friend's dedication, regretted the words spoken earlier. And then he said:

"That's exactly why I'm ordering you to go home and rest!" said Sebastian, trying to sound unconcerned.

At that moment, Sir Fairtower looked at the King, with tears in his eyes, but before he could say anything, the King said:

"Man, go on! And send my regards to Hannah, she must be very mad at me for keeping you here..." He said, trying to sound unconcerned.

So, Sir Fairtower bowed and headed to the door. Upon reaching it, he said, "You're not alone! I'm still here!" And then he left without saying anything else.

The King, on the other hand, stayed behind, sitting tiredly in the chair, letting a few more tears fall.