

The next morning.

I woke up to the sunlight hitting my face. Then a shadow appeared in front of me. I can't see this man's face, of course I just woke up.

"Get up there. Every second of your life is important," he told me. I get up immediately.

"Who—" Before I could even ask, he showed me something in my picture, a photo of him. I saw the label on it. By the way, he is my doctor.

"You need to get up now. We have a lot to do." I looked around because there seemed to be something strange. Yes, my room is full of labels.

"I'm sorry for not asking your permission but I already organized everything in your room," he said.

"Obviously! I'm paying attention," I said, looking around. Everything was really organized.

"When you wake up, what's the first thing you see, aside from the ceilings?" he asked. I pointed to the alarm clock, then he put a label on it. Something like 'Hi, Goodmorning beautiful, you need to get up, look at yourself at the mirror' then next is the mirror he put on.'You looked messed up, but it doesn't mean you're ugly. You're beautiful. Go to the bathroom and fix yourself. '

I just follow what he does, since this is so much helpful for me. I went to the bathroom, before I opened the door with the doorknob label on it. 'As you enter don't forget to switch on the lights.'

Yes, even little things, and my supposed to do he puts a label. Even inside the comfort room everything is organized and has instructions. After taking a bath and tidying up, I went out. While I was shopping for clothes, I was surprised because suddenly someone spoke.

"You already forgot that I'm still here?" he asked and my eyes widened and I covered my body even though I have a towel.

"Why don't you even go out?" He just looked at me seriously and get out, is that it? Seems like just nothing to him? In fact, he didn't see anything. Then I got dressed and soon he knocked again, I just opened it.

"That's just one fourth of your routines. We have so much more to practice."

"Aren't you even sorry?" attitude, I question him.

"Sorry for what?" he wondered.

"Are you getting amnesia too? As far as I know amnesia is not contagious !?" I question him again.

"I have nothing to do with that and besides ..." He stopped for awhile and looked at me. He looked at me from head to toe as if a soul reaper were judging me.

"Never mind," he added.

"Hey! Are you kidding me?" I'm a little disgusted with this Doctor.

"Your mom told me that she will be out of the country within this month and she trusted me to take good care of you. I guess you also need to practice that," he said and tapped my hair. I laughed loudly.

"Trust you? You maybe my Doctor but I don't trust you!" I told you, I'll forget everything but not my trust issues.

"Did you know how much money your mom paid just to hire me?" he asked, as if I had something to say.

"It cost a million, Ms. Leyra...so whether you like it or not you need to trust me. Cause no one will help you with everything except me. How can we do that if we can't get along? "Wait, do I hear it right? What does he say?

"What did you say?" I asked him and he was still serious. He's not really smiling, it's a pity his dimple.

"You have memory loss. As far as I know amnesia does not make someone deaf." This Doctor also really has a philosophy. Still imitating what I said before, obviously it was teased.

"Are you really a doctor?" He just looked at me and went straight to the table and someone took his bag and suddenly someone threw a small notebook at me.

"You can use that in jotting down notes of important moments that will happen to you and take this, I already organized everything in there just check it out." He handed me photos with my siblings as well as their personal informations and cellphone numbers. I was laying it on my table when I suddenly noticed a paper with a sketch of my face. I looked at it and noticed on the back that something was written and once again I remembered Klio again.

"Are you okay, Ms. Leyra?" he asked me.

"You said you would help me with everything, right?" I asked him.

"Of course." I turned to him and showed him what was written on the paper.

"Then help me find him!" When I said that, the aura on his face suddenly changed, his forehead wrinkled.

"NO!" he answered immediately.

"You want me to trust you right? Then help me with this!" I urge him.

"You want me to help you with that? Are you serious? I'm a Doctor not a part of investigators!" he insisted.

"Please, I asked you a favor. I need justice!" I told him in tears, consciously he might feel sorry.

"You can't take me when you cry. I promised to your Mom that I will take care of you and now you're putting me in a situation that can put your life at risk? No!" He insisted.

"Have you fallen in love?" I desperately asked him.

"Don't ask me that question." He turned to me and arranged his belongings on the table maybe he just wanted to avoid the question.

"Did you know what we've been through? How we've sacrificed just for love?" I noticed he stopped for a moment what he was doing.

"Maybe you haven't experienced love yet because look at you, you're too young to become a Doctor, so you don't know anything about love—" and even before I finished what I was going to say, I forgot again.

"This was your engagement ring." He handed it to me and I immediately took it.

"Where did you get this?" I asked him.

"Your Mom. Just call me if you need anything," he said

"Don't teach me about love and sacrifice...you know nothing about," he added and looked at me seriously and his eyes looks like he wanted to say something and then he leaves me cluelessly.