

‘’Let me tell you something honey, Revenge is the best dish served cold.’’ **** To her, betrayal was the most excruciating pain in the world—the kind that pierced her soul. The people she had loved with her entire heart had not only failed her, but ruthlessly deceived her. "How could you?" she had once cried, her voice shaking as she stared at the man she had chased like a madwoman. But he had already cheated on her—expecting a child with the very woman she despised with every fiber of her being. Her so-called ‘’family " was no better. The relatives she thought she could trust? They only wanted the inheritance meant for her and her little brother. The people who once smiled sweetly and flattered her? They were nowhere to be found when her glamorous and envious life crumbled to nothing. "I thought you all cared about me..." she whispered bitterly, watching as one by one, they all turned their backs on her when she needed them the most. In that devastating moment, everything became painfully clear. The bubble she had lived in popped and she finally saw their true faces. But....it was too late. Everything she had was gone, slipping through her fingers like sand in the wind. Except for him. Her former fiancé, the one man she had tried to ruin with every scheme she had planned, remained by her side until the end. He stood by her, even as she took her final breath. She had accepted her tragic fate—until something phenomenal happened. She woke up once again. Back to the past. Where nothing had happened yet.

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16 Chs

Arresting Madam May (1)

'I am finished!' This has been Madam May's thought as she watched how the young miss dealt with the Eldest Master and his family.

Her expectations had been that the Eldest Master and Madam would have the young miss under their custody and control. The couple's confidence and plans had assured her that nothing would go wrong.

Yet, here she was, staring at a different reality.

'I have to get my job back, no matter what!' With her forehead on the bare floor, Madam May bit her lower lip in regrets. If she had known, she wouldn't have agreed so easily to her sudden dismissal. She would have begged to keep her housekeeping job.

How the young miss had found out about her past actions, Madam May neither knew nor cared much. What weighed more heavily on her mind was her job as the housekeeper for the Kingston family.

Even though she had been serving the family as a servant, Madam May could ignore the low status because it was THE Kingston family.

One of the wealthiest family in the country. Just a connection through her job had given a lot of benefits to herself and her family.

The salary for the past years also could not compare to that of her previous jobs. The late Master and Madam had been generous to servants like herself. No matter what, she couldn't lose her job as the housekeeper for the Kingston family!

''Young miss, you have to spare me! I was threatened by the Eldest Master and Madam!'' Madam May tearfully revealed her woes. She didn't care if she would fall out with the Eldest Master and his family.

Her first employer was the late Master and Madam, anyway. Their son, the young master, was also expected to be the current heir of the Kingston corporation.

The young miss was also now one to watch out for.

From the beginning of the conversation, Madam May could see that the young miss was not a fool, as she had assumed in the past. The fact that she had dealt with the Eldest madam and the first young miss showed that she wasn't just an arrogant young miss without brains.

Wouldn't it better for her to align herself with the children of her late employer rather than the Eldest Master who was merely a staff in the Kingston corporation?

Even a fool could see which side was more beneficial.

''The Eldest Master and Madam had offered to pay my debts if I had poisoned the late Madam. My husband's job and children were also threatened if I had refused.'' Madam looked up at Ayana, crying out with tears rolling down her face.

'If it weren't that debt…' She inwardly blamed her current situation on the debt that had been incurred by her dead parents who had gambled their life away.

Her husband had always complained about the debt looming over them like a dark cloud, unable to be blown away. His low salary could not keep up with the debt. Her previous job had been the same, and her children also needed funding for their education.

Their rent couldn't have kept accumulating, and their family also needed to live. All in all, she needed money, and working for the Kingston family had solved all of her problems.

The late Madam had used her connection to find a suitable and well-paying job for her husband. Her children could also attend schools that were one of the best in the state, though not as prestigious as the young miss's school. Nevertheless, it was one that she couldn't have dreamed of allowing her children to attend in their lives.

Her family also had privileged to live in one of the servants' quarters, fitting and spacious for her family of four. She didn't even need to pay any monthly rent.

Just working as the housekeeper for the Kingston family had handed her all these on a silver platter. She had also been paying the debt with a portion of her high salary.

Yet, a moment of her insatiable greed disrupted her perfect life.

The Eldest Master had offered to pay off her debt if she had poisoned the late Madam. Of course, Madam May had refused at first, but she couldn't help but wonder what if she settled that debt once and final.

The late Madam had more than enough money, but had never offered to settle her debt despite she revealing her story time to time. Madam May had kept this grudge locked within her heart.

Now that someone had offered to pay off the debt, wouldn't it be better to accept the money?

Of course, Madam May had always been truly grateful to late Madam and Master for their generosity, but she needed that debt out of life!

Besides, the Eldest Master had also said that she could keep on working for the Kingston family. He could also recommend her children to work in Kingston corporation one day.

At that time, Madam May could already imagine the amount of money her children would be bringing into her family. She also had an inkling that the Eldest Master was not as innocent as he appeared to be on the surface.

Madam May did not care much deeply about the battles within the Kingston family. In her eyes, the late Master and Madam were fools to have their guards down against the Eldest Master and his family.

Besides, the Eldest Master had offered a promising offer to her and her family. Something that the late Madam could have done yet did nothing.

At the moment, Madam May was feeling very regretful. If she had known that the young miss was this sharp after the death of the late Master and Madam, she wouldn't have accepted the offer from the start.

Then, things were leaning more in her favor with the death of her late employers. Madam May just did not understand how everything started going down the hill, starting from her sudden dismissal.

Either way, she knew that she must come out unscathed from this situation, and with her job as well. If not, her husband might lose his job, and her children might have to drop out from school.

Her family might have to return to the previous state of their lives with leaking apartments and unpaid rents.

''You!'' Madam May did not pay attention to the twisted face of the Eldest Madam. Her focus was on the calm face of the young miss, hoping that everything would be in her favor once again.

She and the young miss also had a good relationship when the late Madam had been alive. The young miss would be very grateful to her for exposing the true face of the Eldest Master and his family.

Madam May's confident boosted a little higher than before.

''…..!'' Lucinda inwardly seethed in anger, as she could not tolerate Madam May's shamelessness any longer. She wanted to defend her family and could not take that a mere ungrateful servant was talking down on them.

However, her gaze collided with her husband's, and she caught the warning in his eyes.

'Mark you….you don't want me to say anything?' As his wife, Lucinda understood her husband best, and she did not like that he was warning her against defending their family.

Couldn't he see that a mere dismissed housekeeper was looking down on them?

Nevertheless, Lucinda was one to listen to her husband. She decided to merely watch the situation and see how her niece wanted to end the entire situation.

Either way, her niece surely would not take the side of a mere servant. Though, for some reason her niece was behaving strangely today, Lucinda was still confident that her niece would not believe the words of a mere servant.

Compared to Madam May, her niece valued them as her relatives and family.

Just like Lucinda, Arabella was also confident that her cousin wouldn't take the sides of a lowly servant. The sixteen-year-old had momentarily forgotten her previous embarrassment and anger, and just wanted to slap the face of Madam May.

Since her parents had not spoken yet, Arabella knew she couldn't say a word yet. She could only wait for her cousin to deal with the ungrateful servant.

Meanwhile, Ayana was silent and just stare at the figure weeping on the bare floor and pleading for forgiveness from her.

Her mind suddenly reeled back to her past life, where she had also wept and plead for her relatives not to abandon her.

Back then, she had sighted Madam May's figure not too far from her uncle's wife and her cousin. The woman had merely stood by and watched her relatives throw her out without a single word of assistance.

Now, their situation had been reversed in this life. Ayana could see her past self overlapping the current Madam May. If this life had followed her past life, she would have been in the same situation, and Madam May would have merely stood by and watched as well.

''Pfft!'' For some reason, Ayana found it hilarious. She couldn't help but laugh out loud in the presence of her relatives and this disgusting Madam May.


She found the situation utterly hilarious.