
Chapter 7: The elders of the family!

Sal watched as his so-called cousin, whom he had no idea had ever existed walked through to the top of the stairway, overlooking the entire hall and entrance where Sal was standing.

"What's wrong, didn't you hear me! I said what kind of an entrance is that!" He shouted again, placing his hands into his pockets.

Sal got a good look at him now, seeing as he was standing there glaring daggers at him. He was tall, standing at around 6 foot 3 with a good solid build. He had black undercut slicked back hair with sharp brown eyes, and of course, he was wearing a black suit with a white shirt and no tie, having two of his buttons undone.

"Are you really lord Alessandro's son?" He then said, spitting the toothpick that had been in his mouth onto the floor before he suddenly jumped from the top of the stairs, landing hard into the ground at the bottom.

"Wow, he cleared all the stairs..." Sal thought as he watched his movements not being able to help but be impressed.

"Sir, look out!" Flavio suddenly shouted as he stepped in front of Sal to try and protect him, watching as he had suddenly charges towards them looking like he was going to attack.

"Get out of my way Flavio!" The cousin shouted, suddenly forming a large fist made of stone around his own hand, slapping Flavio out of the way like a ballone doll.

"Flavio!" Sal shouted looking worried.

"You don't have time to worry about him!" He shouted as he punched Sal in the chest, sending him flying across the room.

Everyone in the room was shocked at his sudden behaviour, however, no one dared question him, knowing he was a bearer of a ring and would stand no chance against him.

Sal had never been hit so hard in his life, feeling the wind get knocked out of him as he crashed into the wall hard, even cracking the stone it was made of as it stopped him dead.

"Ha! Weakling!" He shouted, standing back to his full height, watching as Sal dropped to the ground.

"Someone like you has no right being the next boss!" He shouted, walking over to finish Sal off as he created another stone fist, getting ready to smash it down onto Sals face.

"That is enough, Alex!" A mighty voice suddenly shouted, demanding the attention of everyone in the room.

Alex, the one who had punched Sal across the room stopped, slowly turning around not taking his eyes off of Sal until the last moment.

"Whatever..." He said, pulling another toothpick out from his jacket pocket and placing it into his mouth as the stone around his fists crumbled into the air.

Flavio's men rushed to his and Sal's side, helping them up and making sure they were alright.

"Sir! Are you alright!" Nul asked as he picked up Flavio, seeing that he was fine.

"Yeah, I'm fine Nul, thanks." He said, standing to his feet and walking to Sal's side.

"Sir, are you alright?" He asked, watching as Sal also slowly stood up with the help of some of the other men.

"Y-Yeah... I'm fine." He said in surprise, wondering how his body had not broken after taking a hit like that.

"That Alex..." Flavio said, turning around to watch as Alex walked away, still frowning at the pair of them.

"Please, forgive my son, Flavio... You know how he is." The man who was now standing at the top of the stairs next to Alex said, watching as his son stood next to him and placed his hands in his pockets.

Sal could tell they were related, with Alex being the spitting image of his father, looking like a younger version of him.

Flavio didn't look impressed but knew there was nothing he could do, after all, this man held one of the seven rings and was above him in rank, along with his father.

"Sal, this is the boss of the American branch family, Leeroy Capone," Flavio said as he dusted himself off.

Leeroy watched Sal from his vantage point, seeing the resemblance in him.

"You have your father's looks," Leeroy said, as he started to make his way down the stairs.

"Please, allow me to introduce myself. I am Leeroy Capone, the boss of our American branch family." He said, coming to the ground level now as he walked over to Sal, towering over him as he looked into his eyes.

"I am also the husband of your father's sister... Making me your uncle." He said with a small smile.

Flavio nodded to him, extending his greetings.

"I believe you have met my son..." He then said, seeming to almost ignore Flavio.

"Alex! Get over here!" He shouted, causing his son to slowly walk over toward them, keeping his hands in his pockets.

"I'm sure you can forgive my son for his outburst, after all, he is still young," Leeroy said, looking at both Flavio and Sal in their eyes.

Flavio was about to protest as he stepped forwards getting ready to speak.

"Yes. It's ok, I understand." Sal said, taking all of them by surprise.

Flavio was about to speak as he looked at Sal, however, he bit his tongue, seeing the look on his face and decided against it.

"Whatever," Alex said as he turned his back, giving Sal another menacing look before he walked away.

Leeroy didn't bother turning around as his son walked away, already knowing it didn't matter what he said to the boy.

"Anyway, back to business." He then said, getting everyone's attention.

"It is believed that young Salvator here is the son of my brother-in-law and heir to the throne of the family!" Leeroy shouted, making sure everyone was paying attention.

"However! As I am sure you are aware, we will need to see proof of that." Leeroy then said, looking down and noticing the ring on Sal's finger.

"Of course, Leeroy. That will be no problem at all." Flavio said, this time being the one to smile.

"Lord Salvator, if you would be so kind to show them the power that is your birthright." He said, lowering his head as he made way for Sal.

Sal understood, feeling all eyes in the room fall upon him as they waited for him to show them the power of his ring.

"Ok..." He said, stepping forwards.

Sal closed his eyes as he concentrated, clenching his fist as he willed the flames from his ring to come to life.

Suddenly blue flames ignited in his hands, burning brightly as they grew larger and larger, giving off a powerful aura and a large amount of heat.

The room burst into murmurs as the crowd couldn't help but talk amongst themselves at the sight, knowing that the blue flames were absolute proof that he was the son of the previous boss. Flavio also smiled as he watched their reaction, knowing this would happen once they saw it in person.

Leeroy was also surprised, not expecting to see such a display of power, feeling the power flowing off of Sal as the flames continued to erupt around his body.

"That's enough Sal!" Flavio shouted, watching as the flames grew larger, threatening to grow out of control and damage the surroundings.

Sal nodded, doing his best to stop the flames around him, taking control and letting them go out, getting another small mumble from the crowd before they went quiet.

"It's true then... There is no denying your right to rule, as the old ways state, if the branch families cannot produce an heir who can wield one of the seven rings, then you will become the rightful ruler of the family without objection."

Alex had also seen the spectacle of blue fire from Sal, feeling the power that had come from him, causing him to break his toothpick in half and spit it onto the floor in resentment.

Leeroy turned around and walked back over to the stairs, walking up them before he turned towards Sal.

"Please, this way." He said.

Sal nodded and looked to Flavio, who also nodded his head for him to follow.

Leeroy headed over towards a large square table that sat at the end of the room, overlooking everything and everyone, being a sign of power in the huge hall.

Sal could see that there were seven seats in total, with one larger throne in the middle, being raised higher than the others and also holding more emblems than the others.

Leeroy took his seat to the right of the large throne in the middle.

Sal was guided to the middle of the floor, standing in what looked like a silver circle that was neatly engraved into the floor with six others around.

"Those circles represent the chosen of the seven rings," Leeroy said, extending his hand.

"I will now invite the other branch families to take their place and present their candidates to be the next boss of the family." He said, causing the crowd to take their formation, lining up to attention as they watched.

"I Leeroy Capone! Present my son, Alexander Capone as the candidate from the American branch family."

Alex slowly walked out of the crowd and stood in one of the circles, keeping his hands in his pockets with his toothpick sticking out of his mouth.

"If any of the other families are here today, please present your candidates!" Leeroy shouted waiting to see if any had even bothered to come.

Suddenly a group of men stepped forwards, wearing well-fitted kimonos, covered in bright tattoos head to toe, looking very dangerous and serious.

A large man stepped forwards, having short black hair and a large scar down the side of his face.

"I, Hashi Shigemasa of the Shigemasa clan, present the Yakuza family candidate." The large man said, taking a seat in one of the free chairs on the table, almost causing the floor to shake.

"Izumi, step forwards!" He suddenly shouted in Japanese.

Sal watched as a girl stepped forwards, walking toward one of the circles on the floor in an elegant manner.

Leeroy nodded as he watched her carefully.

"Very well, please present your ring and right to rule." He said, waiting for her to show them her power.

Izumi was a beautiful girl with long black hair that was tied up in a perfect bun. She wore a dark blue kimono matching her eyes as she flicked them to Sal for a moment, before getting serious.

Izumi suddenly lifted her sleeve, revealing her ring before she summoned a ball of water before her, letting it rise into the air as she let it drop to the ground, and splash onto the hard stone floor.

"Very well," Leeroy said, giving his nod of approval.

"Next!" He then said, giving another family there chance.

"We, the white tiger clan of the Chinese Triad also have a candidate to put forwards." An old man with long white hair and a long white beard to match said, walking over to take his place at the table.

"Welcome, master Xue Fang," Leeroy said as he nodded his head to him, showing him respect as he sat down.

"I didn't realize you were here." Leeroy said, getting a smile from the old man.

Sal could see that he looked like a martial arts master straight out of a movie, wearing a long elegant robe with long sleeves covering his hands.

"Step forwards..." He suddenly said, causing everyone to wait with anticipation to see who was his chosen candidate.

Sal watched as two boys about the same age as him stepped forwards. They seemed to look exactly the same, even having the same bowl hair cut and same clothing on, yet only one of them had the ring on.

"What is this master Fang?" Leeroy asked, also getting a surprised look from the Yakuza boss.

"You can't have two candidates at the same time!" Hashi said, crossing her arms over his large chest.

"Xue Fang remained calm, however, not reacting to the other's questions.

"Please watch." He simply said, stroking his long beard.

The twins nodded and each raised their hands into the air, quickly spinning their arms in an amazing display of martial skill, each creating a large gust of wind, silencing everyone in the room.

"They can both use the power of the ring?" Hashi said, looking very surprised.

"The twins share a bond that goes deeper than blood. When one of them wears the ring, it grants both of them power, not only one." Xue Fang said, stroking his moustache.

"Interesting..." Leeroy said, looking to Hashi of the Yakuza.

"Who am I to question who the rings choose? If they have been chosen then so be it." He said, happy with their demonstration.

"Very well..." Leeroy said as he looked up at the pair, feeling a tad uneasy as he watched them.

"That makes three candidates other than Salvator Mogavero. Unless the other three branch families can present a candidate, then this meeting will be adjourned, and Salvator will be named our new leader." Leeroy said, waiting to see if anyone else was in the room.

"I would be surprised if the other branch families even came today," Hashi said, keeping his arms crossed over his chest.

"What's that supposed to mean, ahh!" A voice suddenly shouted, coming from the main entrance to the hall.

Flavio watched from behind Sal as a bunch of men dressed in bright shirts and jeans marched in, taking the place by storm.

"Oh boy... Here they are." He said, placing a hand on his head as he sighed.

Leeroy also sighed as he watched the man at the front of the group walk up the stairs, taking the centre of the room.

"Never count Antonio Luca out!" He shouted, getting everyone's attention.