
Heir Of The Sun.

The roar of wyverns echoes across a land of forgotten gods. Beasts like Fenrir dominate the land, and survival hinges on magic and weapon techniques. I am Aether, reborn into this brutal existence, a slave with a painful past and a future seemingly carved in stone. But fate, it seems, has a twisted sense of humour. When hope dwindled to a flicker, I stumbled upon an ethereal cave. Inside, bathed in an alien glow, lay a magnificent beast - a dragon, scales shimmering pink and red. Fear threatened to consume me, but a defiant roar erupted from within. "I will never bend to your will, FATE!" The echo of that challenge hangs heavy in the air, a spark igniting in the darkness. This is where my story begins.

Rene_Tokiori · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
50 Chs


Aether nursed the last morsel of fish, the heat lingering on his tongue a comforting reminder of the previous night's meal. A brand new day, heralded by a luminous glow that inexplicably bathed the cavern, painted the walls in a soft, ethereal light. It was another mystery of this subterranean world that filled him with a strange mix of trepidation and intrigue.

Finishing his breakfast with a final, appreciative lick of his fingers, Aether stretched, his muscles groaning in protest. Today was for hunting. "I'll be off now, Zephyr," he announced to the slumbering dragon, a strange sense of companionship blossoming in his chest.

The hunt was an arduous affair. Hours were spent setting traps near moonlight hornbristle burrows, followed by periods of tense waiting camouflaged in the shadows. Just before the strange cave-light faded, signaling the end of the day, Aether managed to snag a plump creature. The effort had been immense, but the reward was a source of deep satisfaction.

Back at his makeshift camp, with the moonlight hornbristle sizzling on his makeshift grill, Aether found himself confiding in the dragon. "Ana… Ana was always getting into trouble," he reminisced, a fond smile gracing his lips as he recalled his mischievous mature friend. "But I loved that about her."

A sigh escaped him. "And Mama, she was the best. I bet she'd love to meet you." He chuckled softly, then with a playful jab at his own words, "Terrified, I mean. Haha!"

He continued, pouring out his heart to the seemingly oblivious dragon. He spoke of his life in the village, of the joy and the laughter, until a shadow of grief darkened his voice. He recounted the brutal raid, the loss of his loved ones, the searing pain that still lingered.

"I'm glad I found you, Zephyr," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. "Strange, isn't it? We both carry pain, regrets..." His voice trailed off, the weight of his loss threatening to consume him. A yearning, a desperate wish echoed in his mind – to rewind time, to stand strong against the raiders, to save his family, his village.

But the harsh reality settled in. There was no turning back. Wiping away a stray tear, Aether composed himself. "Sleep well, Zephyr," he murmured, the words tinged with a newfound vulnerability. Though the dragon remained silent, a strange sense of solace washed over Aether. 


A rhythm had settled into Aether's existence within the cavern's belly. His days pulsed with the routine of the hunt, alternating between the sleek, silvery fish of the water pool and the bristly moonlight hornbristles scuttling through the tunnels. But a gnawing restlessness stirred within him.

He had settled into the desolate city, a reluctant guest within its crumbling walls. Now, his gaze had turned inward, towards the wellspring of power within him – his mana. The simple exercises, the rote movements that he had been following felt woefully inadequate. He craved a faster path, a way to accelerate his growth, to bridge the chasm between his current weakness and the strength he yearned for. It was a burning desire, fueled by the embers of his past, a desperate need to never relive the horrors he had witnessed.

But the answer remained elusive. He diligently performed his basic training, the sweat stinging his eyes as he pushed his body to its limits. He spent hours in quiet meditation, seeking a deeper connection with the swirling maelstrom of mana within him. Yet, frustration gnawed at him like a persistent rodent. No matter how hard he tried, his progress felt agonizingly slow.

He had even turned to Lumi, his ethereal companion, for guidance. But Lumi remained silent, an enigmatic entity offering no solace for his burning questions about his training. Each return from the water ledge, his haven for recovery after using Dual Cognition, brought a fresh wave of disappointment. His stats remained stubbornly stagnant, offering no tangible proof of his efforts.

Yet, a strange comfort bloomed in the cavern's echoing vastness. He found himself confiding in the slumbering dragon, Zephyr. Even though he knew the magnificent creature couldn't understand his words, the act of speaking his frustrations aloud, of voicing his anxieties, eased the weight that pressed down on him.

But today, a breaking point had arrived. He stared at the imposing sol gate that lay before him, a gateway to… somewhere. But without sufficient control over his mana, it remained stubbornly closed. Despair threatened to engulf him. He collapsed onto the cold surface of the gate, a monument to his current limitations.

His gaze drifted towards the slumbering dragon, a silent plea for answers hanging in the air. "How long will this seal take to break?" he muttered, the exhaustion of nightly 'Dual Cognition' a heavy burden on his body. The cool water from the pouch had become his only solace, a temporary balm for the throbbing headaches that accompanied his taxing ability.

But then, a thought flickered in his mind, a spark amidst the swirling vortex of his frustrations. Why hadn't he seen it before? The answer had been staring him in the face all along – Dual Cognition itself! If Lumi wouldn't offer him a path to strength, then he would forge his own. He wouldn't need explicit instructions; he could learn by observing, by dissecting the intricate dance of mana that flowed through Lumi during the use of Dual Cognition.

A gasp escaped his lips, a mixture of disbelief and excitement. "For heaven's sake," he breathed, "it was there all along!" A grin, wide and genuine, stretched across his face. He didn't need Lumi to break his training plateau; the secret weapon he needed had been within his grasp all this time. All he had to do was unlock it.

A new fire ignited within him, pushing aside the despair. He wouldn't be a passive participant in his own growth. He would become an active observer, a student dissecting the secrets of his own power. A new chapter in his subterranean journey had begun, and this time, he was the author.