
Heir Of The Sun.

The roar of wyverns echoes across a land of forgotten gods. Beasts like Fenrir dominate the land, and survival hinges on magic and weapon techniques. I am Aether, reborn into this brutal existence, a slave with a painful past and a future seemingly carved in stone. But fate, it seems, has a twisted sense of humour. When hope dwindled to a flicker, I stumbled upon an ethereal cave. Inside, bathed in an alien glow, lay a magnificent beast - a dragon, scales shimmering pink and red. Fear threatened to consume me, but a defiant roar erupted from within. "I will never bend to your will, FATE!" The echo of that challenge hangs heavy in the air, a spark igniting in the darkness. This is where my story begins.

Rene_Tokiori · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
50 Chs


Their playful banter, with Ana clearly the victor, finally tapered off. Together, they decided to head back to the village and prepare for the upcoming festivities. Birthdays hadn't always been a thing in this settlement. Before becoming a village, they only celebrated cultural holidays. But those celebrations were a distant memory due to their past struggles.

Everything changed with Aether's birth. As the settlement flourished, so did its traditions. Aether introduced birthdays, and the villagers embraced them with enthusiasm.As they strolled back, Ana slipped her hand into Aether's. He didn't hesitate to return the gesture, their fingers intertwining comfortably. A warm feeling bloomed in his chest at the simple touch.


In the heart of the woods, a malevolent aura clung to a makeshift camp. A crackling bonfire cast dancing shadows on figures swilling from their mugs, their hushed voices laced with a predatory gleam. Weapons gleamed with a cruel edge, freshly honed with a macabre relish.Set apart from the fire's glow, a solitary figure sat upon a barbarous throne carved from a massive wolve's hide. The colossal wolf's head served as a gruesome backrest, a constant reminder of untamed power. The man himself, clad in imposing warrior's armor, was shrouded in a metallic helmet that exuded an aura of chilling authority. As he meticulously examined a dagger, turning it in the firelight like a coveted jewel, a cloaked figure materialized from the darkness.With a sweeping bow, the cloaked figure knelt before the enigmatic leader. A single, guttural word hung heavy in the air: "Speak." It was a command, not a request, emanating from the helmeted figure on the throne."My lord," the cloaked figure rasped, bowing low. "I've located a slave settlement west from here. However, this one appears… different."Silence. The leader remained impassive, his gaze fixed on the flickering dagger in his hand."It functions more like a village, my lord," the scout pressed on. "Consulting the map, it seems unaffiliated with the Human Empire."A flicker of interest crossed the leader's features. He raised his head, the glint in his eyes sending a shiver down the scout's spine. "Continue," he commanded, his voice a low growl."However, my lord," the scout stammered, "it might be unwise to plunder them immediately. They could be in the process of registering with a local baron…"The scout's words were cut short as the leader slammed the dagger onto the wolf-skin throne, the sound echoing through the camp. He rose, his imposing stature casting a long shadow over the kneeling figure. A cruel smile stretched beneath the metallic helmet."Do I look like I care about the Empire's leash laws, dog?" he hissed, his voice dripping with disdain. The scout trembled, unable to meet the leader's gaze.A heavy hand descended upon his shoulder. "Men!" the leader bellowed, his voice resonating across the clearing. The figures huddled around the fire scrambled to their feet, eyes gleaming with a predatory hunger at the sound of his command."The time for hunting has come," he declared, a dark grin twisting his lips. "Sharpen your blades! We ride west!"The air crackled with anticipation as the bandits erupted in a chorus of bloodthirsty cheers.****The day before Mary's birthday dawned bright and bustling. The entire village was abuzz with preparations for the festivities. A tempting pile of meat awaited its fate on the makeshift grill, constructed by the men with practiced ease.Aether, his heart brimming with excitement, wove his newly acquired magic. With a flick of his wrist, vibrant flowers materialized from thin air, adorning the village houses and transforming the landscape into a breathtaking scene.Suddenly, a hurried shout broke the rhythm. A man shorter than Aether, Mr. Flok, approached, clutching a wooden cup."Aether!" he called, his voice laced with a hint of breathlessness.Aether paused mid-cast, concern etching lines on his youthful face. "Mr. Flok, what's wrong?""Nothing to worry about, lad," Mr. Flok chuckled, handing him the cup. "Just… marvelous! Simply delicious!"Aether took a sip, savoring the familiar taste. This fermented grape concoction, entirely new to their world, was his invention. Mary, with her aversion to mead, had been the inspiration. Cultivating the seeds had been a challenge, but with Mary's help and the villagers' unwavering support, they now had enough wine for the festival."Indeed, Mr. Flok," Aether agreed with a smile. "Just make sure everyone enjoys it responsibly. We wouldn't want any hangovers dampening tomorrow's celebration."Mr. Flok, nodding enthusiastically, scurried back to his duties. Aether resumed his work, a warmth spreading through him. This new life, filled with magic, newfound purpose, and a supportive community, felt like a dream. He couldn't wait to celebrate Mary's birthday and witness the joy he'd brought to the village.Twilight painted the village in a warm glow as the pre-celebration for Mary's birthday kicked off. Laughter and music filled the air as villagers gathered, united in anticipation. Children giggled, chasing after the vibrant flowers conjured by Aether's magic. Men raised tankards of mead, while women savored the novel taste of wine, another of Aether's innovations.Aether, holding a pouch, navigated towards the men's circle. They had requested something stronger than wine, and he delivered. As he poured amber whiskey into their mugs, cheers erupted."By the dwarves, lad! Where do you come up with these marvelous creations?" boomed Mr. Flok, his voice thick with appreciation.Aether smiled, a touch of self-consciousness creeping in. He couldn't reveal the truth of his past life, of the knowledge he held from a different world. Just then, a gentle touch on his arm pulled him away from the revelry."Sorry, fellas, but I'm borrowing my son for a dance," Mary announced, her eyes twinkling as they landed on the whiskey Aether held. "He needs some practice before tonight," she added with a playful wink towards the bonfire, where villagers danced under the starry sky."May I have this dance, dear?" Mary extended her hand, her skirt swishing playfully. Aether, understanding her unspoken message, bowed with a flourish."It would be my honor, my fair lady," he declared, his voice mirroring his mother's playful tone.And so, mother and son danced under the starlit canopy, their laughter blending with the joyous sounds of the village. In that moment, surrounded by the people he cherished, Aether felt a warmth fill his heart, a sense of belonging he had never known in his previous life.