
Heir Of The Sun.

The roar of wyverns echoes across a land of forgotten gods. Beasts like Fenrir dominate the land, and survival hinges on magic and weapon techniques. I am Aether, reborn into this brutal existence, a slave with a painful past and a future seemingly carved in stone. But fate, it seems, has a twisted sense of humour. When hope dwindled to a flicker, I stumbled upon an ethereal cave. Inside, bathed in an alien glow, lay a magnificent beast - a dragon, scales shimmering pink and red. Fear threatened to consume me, but a defiant roar erupted from within. "I will never bend to your will, FATE!" The echo of that challenge hangs heavy in the air, a spark igniting in the darkness. This is where my story begins.

Rene_Tokiori · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
50 Chs



Aether, pinned against Eziel's chest, stared in paralyzing terror. His mind grappled with the horrific scene. "What... what is that?!" he stammered, his voice barely a whisper. This wasn't part of any hunting lesson. This was a chilling glimpse into a darkness far more profound than anything he'd ever imagined.

Eziel clung to Aether from behind, his terror rising as the beast reveled in the blood of its fallen victim. Eziel's heart hammered in his chest. "No! No!" he choked out, a horrifying realization dawning on him. "This beast... it's an intelligent," he whispered.

Eziel's fear was palpable, and Aether couldn't ignore it. Despair clouded Aether's mind. 'Is this it?' he thought, clenching his fists so tightly Eziel noticed the defiance flickering in his eyes, a defiance against the inevitable.

A surge of determination coursed through Eziel. 'What am I doing?' he thought. 'Mashel, Jaeck, lend me your strength! We can do this!' He found courage in Aether's unwitting defiance. Taking the dagger from Aether's grasp, Eziel's hands trembled violently. Needing to steady himself, he stabbed his tigh.

Aether, speechless with shock, tried to protest, but Eziel cut him off. "Don't worry about me, kid. Stay here. When you get a chance, run! Don't look back!" Eziel's voice was laced with urgency. But Aether couldn't bear to leave him.

"It's alright," Eziel soothed, "Think of your mother, Mary. That's your reason to get away." Offering a sliver of hope, Eziel tried to convince Aether to abandon him.

Standing tall, Eziel wasn't free of fear, but he was prepared to face his fate, just like his fallen companions.

Eziel, bow gripped tightly, crept towards the monstrous creature. Recognition flickered across his face. It was Nightscale, the Whispering Shadow! "This is just great," Eziel muttered under his breath, bracing himself for the impossible fight ahead.

Nightscale, bewildered by its prey's audacity, felt a strange thrill course through its massive body. Unlike previous victims who succumbed to terror, Eziel radiated defiance. Excited by this unexpected entertainment, the colossal serpent lashed its tail towards Eziel with bone-crushing force.

With a resounding crack, Eziel roared the name of his attack, "Southern God Style, First Form: Quickshot!" He launched himself forward as the snake's whip attacked. In a last-second maneuver, Eziel threw himself to the ground, dodging the deadly blow. Using his momentum, he rolled, came to his feet, and executed a swift flip, landing miraculously behind Nightscale.

Aiming with deadly precision, Eziel fired a mana arrow at the snake's back. The projectile flew true, but to his dismay, it bounced harmlessly off Nightscale's hardened scales. Though his attack failed to pierce the creature's hide, Eziel had successfully drawn its attention away from Aether.

Despite its immense size, Nightscale coiled with surprising agility and lunged at Eziel. The massive serpent aimed to swallow him whole in a single, swift motion.

Eziel, anticipating the attack, launched himself into the air. In mid-leap, he conjured another mana arrow, aiming for the creature's ultimate weakness: its eyes. However, Nightscale was no ordinary beast. This intelligent monster, unlike most, possessed a rudimentary understanding of magic.

Just as the arrow neared the snake's eye, Nightscale materialized a shimmering barrier of mana, effortlessly deflecting the projectile. Eziel landed with a thud on a nearby tree branch, utterly shocked. He had never encountered a beast capable of such advanced defences. A cold dread settled in his gut – this was no ordinary foe.

Eziel recognized the hopelessness of defeating the creature. He descended from the branch, landing softly. "Distraction won't be enough," he murmured, a grim determination hardening his expression. He was done with others sacrificing themselves for him. It was his turn to be the shield.

Memories of Mashel and Jaeck, fallen comrades snatched away by similar beasts with cruel amusement, flooded his mind. "Fate, huh?" he whispered, taking a resolute stance. Despair had been a constant companion, fueling his relentless pursuit of strength. Though he hadn't reached the coveted intermediate-class arcane archer level, a desperate training session years ago had yielded a single, extraordinary skill.

With a roar that echoed through the clearing, Eziel unleashed: "Sword God Style, Rare Skill: Kill Shot!" Arcane energy crackled around him, the air thick with anticipation. Unlike the Southern God Style, which facilitated the use of battle arts, the Sword God Style honed martial technique. Kill Shot, as its name suggested, promised instant death to any opponent below the low-intermediate class. Despair and unwavering resolve had birthed a weapon of ultimate power.

Eziel channeled all his energy into the tip of his mana arrow, then launched himself towards Nightscale. The beast lashed out with its tail, but Eziel was a blur, dodging the attack with inhuman speed. He circled the creature, firing a barrage of arrows in quick succession. While the Kill Shot wouldn't be fatal, it stung Nightscale like a swarm of wasps, enraging it.

The furious serpent thrashed its tail, crackling the air with every strike. Eziel danced around the attacks with practiced ease, hoping to distract the beast long enough for Aether to escape. But a quick glance revealed the boy was gone. "Smart kid," Eziel muttered, continuing his rapid movement and arrow fire, despite his dwindling mana reserves.

Nightscale, sensing Eziel's slowing pace, realized its prey was weakening. With a deafening roar, it unleashed a burst of mana, a paralyzing skill that instantly locked Eziel in place. "So this is it," Eziel mused, not with fear, but with a strange sense of peace. He could almost hear the voices of his fallen comrades, welcoming him into the afterlife. Nightscale wasted no time, coiling swiftly to deliver the final blow."Mashel, Jaeck," Eziel whispered to himself as time seemed to stretch. "I'm coming for you, you scoundrels!" Eziel made his peace as the jaws of Nightscale drew closer, threatening to tear him to shreds.