
Heir of the Red Ribbon Army

An Android is awaken before his actually completion. He has only a few memories of his Family.

Necro_Majin · Komik
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20 Chs

Wrong Androids

Android 22 POV

The Time Machine land in the wasteland, Trunks and I get out and begin to look around. Trunks turns the capsulize the time machine and puts it in his pocket. I look at my watch and see that it is past 10.

"Trunks let's go see if things got started," Onyx say and Trunks nods in agreement.

We fly to island to see that some of the city is in ruins and I sense the other fighters and we begin fly that way. While flying to the mountain area We see a crater.

"What is that?!" Trunk ask spotting something in the middle of the crater.

We lower ourselves down to see a pale severed head with wires coming from it. I let out a gasp after recognize the head.

"Trunks something is wrong this Android is #19 and he was supposed to be in slumber," Onyx say.

"We need to hurry, and find the others," Trunk say with a serious look.

I then sense a spike in energy and I look at Trunks then nod before we fly off to the source. We get there to the scene stopping near Super Saiyan Vegeta. I stare in surprise and the air around me gets intense when I spotted my Father.

"Trunks and Onyx are back!" Piccolo say with surprise.

"That android is not the one, I know of" Trunks say with surprise.

"What do you mean this you don't know of him before. Isn't he the android you warned us about," Vegeta ask with confusion in his tone

"No, he is different form the pair I know," Trunks say with confusion in his tone.

"If that is not the android you warned us about then who have we been fighting? Vegeta ask in a demanding tone.

"I know … who that is… that is," Onyx say in an eerie calm tone.

I look at my father and he looks at me with a surprise look. Until I see craft flying low to this area, and I look closer see Bulma at the wheel along with a baby and a chubby man. Trunks notices the craft.

"Hey stay away from here!" Trunks yells at Bulma in a warning tone.

" That it! I was speaking the Truth when I said you have no chance of winning! The moment I'm gone #17 and #18 will be here to avenge me," Dr. Gero say in an amused tone.

He then starts laughing and move his hands in motion before emitting a large explosion. Bulma craft get caught in the cross fore and I see that it is about to be destroyed. Trunks and I immediately went to save them. Trunks recuses his mother and the fat man. While I caught the baby in an energy barrier and hold him there until the attack ended. I see that my father is missing and I land on the and remove my barrier around the baby and it coos at me as I hold it. I look at him and smile. Bulma rushes to me with worry on her face.

"Oh! My baby! Is he okay?!" Bulma say with tears in her eyes.

"He fine I put him in barrier and defend him with my body," Onyx say with a smile that calm Bulma down.

"Thank you for saving Trunks," Bulma say

I nod and see Trunks goes to reprimand Vegeta for not saving his wife and child. I begin to think about my father.

"Father was a human but I knew he turned himself into an android. Thanks to seeing the metal sticking out of his arm I can concluded he chose to go with the energy absorption model. I wonder if he made 19 to turn him into an Android," Onyx thinks to himself ignoring the other around him.

"Maybe I can get him to explain why I feel uncomfortable around Son Goku," Onyx thinks to himself.

"ONYX!" Trunk shout at Onyx snapping his attention.

"What the fuck is it," Onyx say in annoyed tone.

"I was asking you can confirm that the android we just saw was Dr. Gero," Trunks say

"Yeah that him" Onyx say with a serious tone.

"You both told us a pack of lies! You said Dr. Gero was destroyed by the androids he created. You didn't tell us he turned himself into one," Vegeta say with anger.

"The timelines as we know it must have shifted as we traveled here from the future. We were afraid this might happen, but it was a calculated risk we had to take." Trunks say

"Dr. Gero mentioned two more androids on the way. They could be the ones you told us about the last time you were here. But this time I think it would be a good idea to tell us what they look like," Piccolo say and Onyx nods.

"The androids I know were created by Dr. Gero for sure, but unlike the clumsy androids you met today these two are graceful. 18 is a beautiful young girl with blonde hair," Trunk say

"17 is young man with black hair and an orange scarf. These two can be identified by the gold earrings they are wearing," Onyx say.

"Can they absorb energy like the ones from here," Piccolo ask.

"No they don't need to since their energy runs forever." Onyx say shocking everyone except Trunks.

"What, that's impossible," Krillin say with .

"But it is," Onyx say.

" Where is Goku," Trunks ask.

"Well, He came down with that weird heart virus mid battle with the other android. Yamcha is bringing him to Goku's house to give him the antidote that you gave him." Krillin say.

"Damn I can't believe history has slipped this much already," Trunks say.

"Woman!" Vegeta shouts at Bulma making baby Trunks cry.

"Ugh, Every time you stick your geeky mug in Trunks' little face he starts to cry," Bulma say in a scolding tone to Vegeta as she comforts baby Trunks.

"Bulma, will you forget about the child for one minute?! Do you know where Gero's lab is?" Vegeta ask to Bulma in an angry tone.

"I read that his lab is a cave just outside North City" Bulma say.

"It's too late to follow him there. He's probably long gone," Krillin say.

"Maybe not. No one saw him fly away did they? Vegeta say with a tone hinting at something.

"So what are you saying?" Gohan ask.

"What I'm saying is that the android is trying to escape on foot. Which means he hasn't gotten very far," Vegeta explains.

"If that's the case, then we might have time to find his lab before he activates the androids," Piccolo say.

" As if I would do anything that cowardly. Only one course of action can possibly satisfy me. I will fight these androids face to face and I'll break them with my bare hands." Vegeta say shocking Trunk and making Onyx stare emotionless at him.

"No! You can't underestimate the power of the androids. If we really want to destroy them, We have to do this Piccolo's way." Trunks say

Vegeta tries to fly away but Trunk blocks his path. I look up with an annoyed look.

"Trunks! Let the weakling prince of all Saiyans go throw his like away," Onyx say shocking everyone.

"What did you say boy!" Vegeta say in anger as he turns to face Onyx.

"You heard what I said weakling. Your pride will be the end of someone you care about," Onyx say

"Just because you want to show off that Saiyan Power," Onyx say in a mocking tone while smirking.

Vegeta goes to punch me but I dodge and catches his are and slam into the ground. Vegeta lay on the ground in his Super Saiyan form trying to register what happen. The other stare surprise at what I did.

" You guys can waste your time here with the weakling on his ass now. But I have a Doctor's appointment," Onyx say with a smirk.

I then take off into the mountains to find my Father.