
Heir of the Red Ribbon Army

An Android is awaken before his actually completion. He has only a few memories of his Family.

Necro_Majin · Komik
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20 Chs

Meeting Gohan’s Family

Bulma POV

I was at the dining table putting food on the plate. All of a sudden I hear a whirling noise coming from the basement.

"They're back!" Bulma say with a smile before rushing to the basement.

I get down there to see Android 22 and Trunks in front of the Time Machine. I rush over there to the two and give them a kiss on the cheek while smiling.

"I'm so happy you two came back safely," Bulma says.

"Well Bulma, Trunks I need to talk you about something I have been thinking about for a while. Let do it after dinner," 22 say with a serious look on his face.

I nod my head "yes" and we went to the dining table to eat the food I cooked. While eating the two told me everything that happen to when they met Goku. After we all finish the plates I look at 22 with a serious look.

"What is it that you wanna talk about Mr. serious" Bulma say to 22.

"I was Wondering does Gohan's Mother and Grandfather know he is no longer with us," 22 ask with a serious tone.

Everything went quiet and I look down to the ground in shame and sadness.

"No, I haven't contacted Chichi in a very long time since Goku died. So she doesn't know?" Bulma say with sadness in her tone.

"Tomorrow I plan to go tell Gohan's Mother and Grandfather what happened and talk." 22 say.

"Do you know where their house is," Trunks ask.

"Yes their house address is 58N 018, 439 East District. I plan to go alone so Trunks keep up your training" 22 say with a smile.

Trunks and I just nod and I wonder how 22 was going to break the news to Chichi.

*The Next Day

Android 22/Onyx POV

" I'll be back in time for our second trip so please be safe," 22 says to Trunks.

"I'll be waiting for you, so you come back safe too" Trunks say with a smile.

I wave to him and get in running stance, then take off to my destination. After a couple of hours of running and making sure I wasn't seen or followed. I found my self at Goku's house then I walk to the door and knock. I hear movement from inside the house and wait for the door to be open. The door opens to reveal an aged woman with her hair in a bun and large elderly man with a hat that have horns.

" Can I help you, Sir my name is Chi-chi and this is my father Ox King" Aged woman say with small smile.

"I was wondering if I can talk to Gohan's relatives to tell them something," 22 say.

"Oh coming in I am his Mother and this is his Grandfather," Chi-Chi say.

We all sat down at the kitchen table.

" I would like start of by introducing myself, I am Android 22," 22 say with a peaceful smile as Ox King jumped and put his daughter behind him fast.

" I know that you are scared of me but the news I came to tell you is sad, please listen because you have a right to know," 22 say and the two just nod.

"Gohan died a couple of years in battle between the Androids known as 17 & 18," 22 say with tears in the corner of his eyes.

"No No… My Baby Boy," Chi-chi say as she cries and the Ox King hug her while having tears coming out.

After a little while the two stop crying but was still sad and looked at me with questioning look as to why I was still here. I walk to them with tears in my eyes and drop to floor with one knee surprising the two humans.

"I also came here for another reason to tell you something else too. I want to promise you that I will find a way to bring your son back to life as long as I live. I swear it as Onyx Gero and Android 22." Android 22 say with a serious look.

Chi-Chi saw and Ox King saw this and see that I cared for Gohan just as they do. They come to me and enveloped me in a hug. We all go to the living room and sit on the sofa and begin to talk about different things.

"So what do you plan to do to help our bleak future," Ox king ask

"Well Bulma came up with a plan that is already in action. To change the past and make a new future. She created a time machine and we used to go back in time to warn them of the androids to prepare them." 22 say.

"May I ask how you plan to bring my son back to life here," Chi-Chi ask with a serious tone.

"I hope when I go back to the past the second time I will find the answer to that problem," 22 say.

All of a sudden my watch beep indicating it was time to go.

"I have to leave ma'am and sir, the next time you see me is when I drag Gohan here," 22 say.

"I look forward to that," Chi-Chi say after giggling.

I wave before running off back to Capsule Corp. Sense I am back tracking I can use my energy and run faster. I get to Capsule Corp in 30 minutes and see Trunks and Bulma waiting for me.

"How… How did thinks go," Bulma ask with a nervous tone.

"They didn't take the news very well at first but after telling them your plan they feel a little bit better," 22 says with a smile.

"When all this is over you need to reconnect with your friends Bulma," 22 says.

"I will. Now you two get going and be safe," Bulma say with smile.

Me and Trunks get in the Time Machine and activates it. It flies into the sky and whirls around until it is enveloped in a white light.

Will Android 22 keep that promise he made Gohan's Family

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