
Heir of the Red Ribbon Army

An Android is awaken before his actually completion. He has only a few memories of his Family.

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20 Chs

Androids activated and New abilities

Onyx/Android 22 POV

After 10 minutes I see birds taking off in a hurry disturb. I tracked the area they came from by going the opposite way they was flying. I see Krillin on the Ground so I land behind him.

"Yo you okay?" Onyx ask making Krillin look back in surprise before he let out a relief sign.

"Oh, it's you! Krillin says with a nervous tone.

"The hell happened to you?" Onyx ask while pulling Krillin up to his feet.

"Well Gero,...kinda of got me off guard before he ran off and went into that cave ," Krillin say as Onyx was about to take off.

"Wait! We have to hurry and let the others know first we don't know what's in there. We can't risk it." Krillin say making Onyx calm down and think rational.

I watch Krillin flare his energy as he powers up signaling the others to come here. After that we stay near the cave and wait for the other. I sense them coming our way fast.

"Onyx why are you determined to find Gero," Krillin ask out of curiosity.

"I have feeling that he has something to do with some of my memories being lost to me," Onyx say serious tone.

Piccolo and Tien are the first to show up. I watch them as they get closer to us.

"Glad you make it, lets go before the Doc wakes the androids up,"Onyx say with an impatient tone.

"He's already inside? Than we need to hurry" Piccolo say and then tries to kick the two metal doors in.

Before the Piccolo tries again, we sense Vegeta and Trunks come up behind us.

"I see that you found it" Vegeta say with a smirk as he watches Piccolo and Onyx prepare to blast the door.

"Hurry up Namek! But don't destroy the androids before I get a chance to fight them. Vegeta say with condescending tone.

"Don't listen to him Piccolo! He doesn't know what he is saying," Trunk shouts.

"Be quiet boy" Vegeta say with a scolding tone to Trunks.

I concentrate so I could hear if something is going on in the room.

"Stop this nonsense 17, I ordered you exterminate all," Dr. Gero say.

We all heard this statement because Dr. Gero got louder with each word. Piccolo and I stop charge our blast.

"What do we do now you guys he activated the androids," Krillin ask in a frighten tone.

" Get out of my way." Vegeta sat as he hold out his hand palm facing the metal door

"Don't do it! We can't beat the androids without Goku!" Trunks say.

"Shut it kid,!" Vegeta say as firres a beam to the metal doors,blowing them down.

The dust inside recedes and three familiar figure appear. I see my Father, 17, and 18.

"Well, Goku's friends are determined to stop us." Dr. Gero say in a tense tone.

"We will destroy them like they destoryed android 19. Also I don't know how you are here but please go back to where I left you," Dr. Gero say while eyeing Onyx.

A couple of the fighter look at me in confusion. I just ignore there look.

"It seem the Doc created another one, interesting," 17 say with curiosity.

"Very interesting," 18 say agreeing with 17

I look forward to this fight, but not before we're ready. 17

"What do you mean; not before your ready. Destroy them!" Dr.Gero

I watch 17 and 18 ignore the order. 18 walks to the back to a pod laying on laying on the floor.

"Planning to use it for spare parts?" 18 ask with curosity

"He's kind off lacking in the looks department isn't he? I'd like to see what other modifications you made to him doctor," 18 say, causing Dr. Gero to show a look of fear and anger.

"You stay away from there! You will not open that chamber! I order you to stay away from Android 16," Dr. Gero say causing gasp from Onyx.

I started getting heads and grab my head in pain and lets out grunts. I then see some memories


I was in the lab helping dad to create an Android using mom's design. We created him to look just like my big brother Gebo. Dad say he wanted me to add the heart aka power source. The power source was an orb that was filled with energy and it felt familiar to me that I cried as I put into his body. I watch as Dad put the finishing touches on #16 and when he activated it. The android stand up towering both of us and he hugs the both of us with a smile.

"Hey little brother and Hi Dad," #16 say with a smile.

My big brother's soul is inside this Android body. He sounds and acts like him.

*Flashback End*

I stood up to seeing 17 kicking Dr. Gero head off and tears started to flow out of my eyes slowly.

"That does it! Now I am mad! Dr Gero say.

I walk over to my Dad shocking the others, causing 17 and 18 to be alarmed. I pick up his head.

" Dad stop! Look at what you have done to these two, you cause two innocent people so much pain to get your revenge" Onyx say shocking everyone except Trunks.

" I know you lost the battle to your madness. But look you are hurting more people to get that one person, you even erased some of my memories," Onyx say and Dr Gero eye widen and he looks sad.

"My Son I am sorry for what I did. But I thought it would be for the best," Dr. Gero say with sadness in his tone shocking the androids.

"Son I want you to absorb me doing this will giving you back your memories, and my knowledge. To unlock the absorption evolution file say code 16202122 " Dr. Gero whispers to Onyx in a tone too low for Piccolo to make and only for me to hear.

"I will do as you ask my Father may you find peace, code 16202122" Onyx say.

I feel my body enveloped in a aura of energy that nobody can feel they just see it. It was shaped like the Dragon Bulma showed me the only difference was that it's body is black and it's eyes neon green. I felt it was and extension of my body. I use my new absorption technique on Dr. Gero head, it eats him and goes back into my body, then my body flashes. I look around at the Twins and the group of fighters.

"Hey you what's you name,"17 ask

"My number is 22," Onyx say in cold emotionless tone shocking the group of fighters.

"Alright then how about we let 16 out to play," 17 say.

"Sorry Onyx! if they set that android free, it will be the end of us all! No!" Trunks shouts as he powers up to Super Saiyan and fires a blast.

I put up a barrier around 16's pod as everything around me was blown to smithereens. The attack hit me but I was unharmed. As I see the dust settle I see 18 holding my barrier with 16 pod in it.

"We better get him out of that pod quickly, all of the support systems where disconnected," 17 say.

I drop my barrier as 18 tosses it on the ground. 18 then presses button to open the pod. As the pod was opening slowly 18 kicks it off revealing a tall man with a red Mohawk wearing armor. 16 get out of the pod and looks around. Then he stares at me and walks close to me, then ruffles my hair.

"Glad to be out and about after all those year"17 ask but is only met with silence.

"Truth be told, Dr. Gero ordered us to leave you inside of there. Something about your programming not being completed. Care to fill us in big guy," 18 ask but is met with silence.

What the matter ? Cat got your tongue? 18 ask

"Or are you the strong silent type," 17 ask

Both are met with silence as they turn to me for answers. I just shrugged.

"16 is dangerous because he will focuses on mission," 22 say with a smile then turns to the twins.

"Would you two like to go hunting with me and 16,"

"Sounds interesting, what are we hunting ,"

"The prey is Son Goku, and I know how you two feel about following orders, so I want to you two be in charge of this game but we refuse order if we want to," 22 say.

"I think we can agree with these term," 18 say.

"You guys go ahead I'll catch up with you three in I a few I need to do something real quick," Android 22 say and the androids nod in response.

I then take off flying to where I saw Android 19. When I get there I land a few feet away from 19's head. I then absorb android 19 and felt some change in my body and felt more powerful. After that I dashes off to the freeway that was close to mountains on a guess based on 17 personality. As I get closer to the freeway spot the androids standing on an another road close to the freeway. I land down beside them an they look at me surprised.

"How did you find us that quickly," 18 ask

"Based on your twin brother's personality I conclude he would want a vehicle," 22 says.

"I bet you know want too do these two" 17 say.

"Well I have never drove a vehicle before so it could interesting," 22 say.

In the distance I see Vegeta in his Super Saiyan form then he land on the ground a couple of feet in front of us.

It seems Androids 22 gained a good bit of his memories will this be for better or worse.

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