
Heir of the Red Ribbon Army

An Android is awaken before his actually completion. He has only a few memories of his Family.

Necro_Majin · Komik
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20 Chs

Android 16 & 22 vs Cell

Android 22 POV

I was still in shock until I heard 17 groans in pain. I looked at 16 and gave him the sign to go first. 16 walks up to the back of Cell and grabs his shoulder. Cell looks back at 16, and in a blink of a second, 16 punches him causing him to let go of 17. I ran out to grab 17 and move him until he was behind me.

"What are you doing here, 22?" 17 asked.

"Help an idiot who doesn't know he is in danger. Now grab your sister and run far away from here while I go help 16 fight." 22 say.

I stand up and watch the fight to see Cell stab his tail into 16's neck. I smirk because he couldn't absorb him. 16 smiled a little before he pulled Cell's tail out of his neck. He threw Cell down to the ground before slamming his foot on top of Cell's tail. We all watched as 16 began to pull as he could when he suddenly ripped his tail off. This caused everyone to be surprised and Cell in pain.

"There… now there is no danger of you absorbing 17 and 18." 16 say, tossing the tail to the side.

"Y-You haven't stopped me." Cell said as he stood up from the ground.

"I have Piccolo's Namekian DNA as a part of my design." Cell started laughing.

I felt my eye widen as I realized what was going to happen. I dashed towards Cell and punched him into the ground before he could scream and regenerate.

"16 keep fight he can grow back any damaged limbs." 22 said before getting into a fight stance.

Third POV

16 nodded at what 22 said, and they both dashed at Cell. Cell knocks away 22, but 16 punches him and sends him back. 22 recover and dashes behind Cell to close him in a pincer attack. 16 and 22 dashes at the same time and begin punching Cell relentlessly. After a few minutes, they deliver a hard blow to Cell, then jump back and fire their eye beams at full power. Cell was damaged a little, and then he dashed toward 22 to stab his tail into him, but 22 dodged the stab. Cell then punched 22 to the ground. 16 saw this and made a move towards Cell to dash into him. Cell dash back at him, leaving them in a stalemate. Cell then powered up more and knocked 16 back into the ground. 22 stands up and dashes to Cell. 22 sends Cell into the air with a swift flip kick, then chases after him into the air and connects a knee kick into the stomach, a spin kick to the head, followed by a second spin kick to the jaw, followed by a third to the face sending Cell spinning, followed by another spin kick to slice the stomach, followed by a slap to the head. He follows up with a hard kick to send Cell flying mid-air, then chases him and delivers a final striking sky kick sending him plummeting to the ground and taking massive amounts of damage.

Cell begins to stand up but is met with a punch from a dismembered arm. The force was enough to send Cell flying along with the arm that belonged to 16 as said Android appeared right next to Cell. 16 grabbed his arm and reattached it before grabbing Cell, slamming him to the ground, and tossing him as hard as he could. Before Cell could recover, 22 appeared behind him and spin kick him to the ground. 16 quickly picks up Cell and slams him further into the ground creating a small deep hole. 16 put his hands under his arms and detached them before pointing at the hole where Cell was. 22 landed right beside 16, and he held his arms up and pointed straight into the hole. 22 could hear something powering up from 16, and soon after, a ball of Green Ki appeared between 22's hands.

"Hell, Flash! Fire!" 16 shouted.

"Haaaaaa! Both 16 and 22 fired very powerful energy waves into the hole where Cell is. The amount of energy being fired into the ground caused an eruption of energy to pop all over the island. After a while, 16 and 22 stopped their attack and stood there staring at the hole.

"Hopefully, those two listen because I think even with our combined effort, I don't think he is finished." 22 said.

"Agreed," 16 said.

22 looked around, and to his annoyance, 17 and 18 were still nearby, watching them fight Cell.

"Why the fuck are you two still here!?" 22 shouted.

"What are you doing? Run! You're not safe here, 18!" 16 shouted

"What's there to worry about? You just took care of Cell, I'd say." 18 said, feeling pretty confident after what she just saw.

Negative! It'll take much more than that to defeat Cell! Our attack only slowed him down momentarily! Leave here while you can! You must 17!" 16 pleaded.

"Hurry up and run! Cell has to be hiding his energy cause I can't sense him! Get out of here now!" 22 shouted.

Seriously? After that humiliation, he put me through. Do you think I would leave before I got some payback?! 17 said. "You two messed him up pretty good, but I'm the one who going to finish this fight, got it?"

"You hear that, you freak! You're mine now! If you still want to absorb me, then come on, I'm right here! I'm not leaving this place until I squish you like the overgrown cockroach you are!" 17 shouted as all the Androids failed to notice Cell slowly appearing from the hole behind 17.

"17! Behind you! Watch out!" Tien warned 17, who was watching the fight the whole time. 17 quickly looked behind himself but was too slow to react.

"So sorry to keep you waiting!" Cell yelled out as the stinger on his tail opened up, and he shoved 17 into it, trying to absorb him.

22 and 16 tried to stop Cell, but 17 was already inside his tail before they could do anything. They watch in horror as Cell's body begins changing forms.

"Run 18! We must get as far as we can!" 16 shouted as he ran towards with 22 right on his tail. 16 turned towards Tien. "And it would be wise for you to do the same!"

While they were trying to escape, Cell stood in their way in his new form. Cell looked at 16 and blasted him with a red Ki black, sending 16 flying back and damaging his head, causing him to miss a piece of his head. 22 stood in front of 18 only to be knocked back to where 16 is. 22 got back to his feet, then he heard a familiar voice and look up, shocked as he realized it was Cell using 17 voice to lure 18's defenses down.

"Don't do anything foolish, 18. Listen, I didn't like the idea of joining Cell either. But I was so wrong. But it's great! You should let him absorb you right away! You won't believe how incredible it feels to have this much power." Cell said using 17's voice.

"18, don't listen to him. You have known your brother for your whole life, right? You know his personality!" 22 shouted, snapping 18 to her senses.

22 and Cell sense a power level above them. Cell looked up to see Tien floating above him with his hands together like he was preparing for a technique.

"Really? You must be joking. What do you think you can do?" Cell said as it looked like Tien had formed a triangle with his hands.

"This! Tri-Beam Haaaaaa!" Tien shouted as a powerful ki wave came crashing down on top of Cell. Once it cleared up, the spot where Cell was standing was nothing but a smoking crater. "Go! Now's your chance! I can't hold him out for long!" Tien noticed Cell was trying to fly out of the hole, but before he could, Tien launched another Ki wave at him.

"You better survive, Tien," 22 said before grabbing 16 arms and running toward 18. "16! Can you still fly?" 22 asked.

"Yes, more or less." 16 answered.

If it comes to it, Me and 18 can carry you." 22 said as both he and 18 helped carry 16 into the air and flew off to try and escape from Cell. 22 looked back at Tien, who repeatedly fired his attack to prevent Cell from getting 18. "Please survive and live through this." 22 said quietly to himself.

Hello Everyone. Sorry for the late update. I just started back college so updates on any of my books will tend to be random until I go on breaks or have days off.

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