
Heir Of The Night

Rio grew up like a teenager his age. However, behind it all there is a big secret, about Rio's true identity. The vampire nation continues to hunt Rio, because in his body is the Ruby of Eternity, has the greatest power that is only born once a thousand years. Because of that, several of the Wolf nation's protectors kept trying to protect Rio, until he was old enough to receive the Ruby of Eternity's power. However, no matter how well one hid a secret, it would still be revealed. His friendship with Raeni, grows the seeds of love between the two. Until in the end, Raeni was kidnapped. However, it was all meant to trap Rio. Until the moment Rio saved Raeni, that's when her identity was revealed. Rio turned into a werewolf when he saw Raeni injured. Ludra used this to attack Rio and snatch the Ruby of immortality, which was embedded in Rio's body.

arayan_xander · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
158 Chs

Chapter 25



"Ludra!!" said Laras looking happy.

His face brightened instantly knowing that Ludra also came to the canteen. He suddenly stood up from his chair and greeted Ludra with all his smiles.

"Hello friends," said Ludra so cheerfully.

He who already knew Laras felt happy because he was greeted this friendly.

"Come sit here! My place is still empty," said Laras enthusiastically.

The joy is incomparable. His heart felt like he had gone to the sky because Ludra's smile was as sweet as the honey of the Forest Bee.

"All right, if there's no one occupying it. I'll just sit next to you. Besides, it looks like the other seats are full?" thank him voluntarily, when he looked around there were no empty seats.

Ludra sat right beside Laras.

The waiter went to take Lay and Ludra's order.

Lay looked disapprovingly at the teenager named Ludra, while Rio looked at him questioningly.

Yesterday when Rio was introduced he wasn't in class, so it's only natural that he didn't know Ludra at all.

Even his facial features still looked foreign to Rio, before he had indeed seen Ludra but it was from a distance, and now the new boy was in front of his eyes.

"You were the one who fainted yesterday, weren't you?" asked Ludra to say hello.

"Yeah, yesterday I wasn't feeling well so I had to pass out in front of the class… Sorry if I made you uncomfortable on your first day at school," said Rio.

Apologizing while lowering his head, Rio made Ludra feel uncomfortable.

"Eee… Why are you apologizing? I should be the one apologizing for interrupting your breakfast," Ludra bowed in front of everyone.

His speech is so dynamic, even his voice is also very soft like a woven cloth that has just been embroidered.

"Eh, why are you two apologizing to each other? You'd better sit down, and just enjoy your breakfast. For what happened earlier, it's best to just forget about us being friends."

Laras came as an intermediary. He didn't defend Rio or Ludra, but Laras just wanted to unite the two to become strong friends.

The two of them sat together, in their respective chairs. Forget what happened yesterday, and start all over again.

"My name is Ludra Anggara Wijaya. Then what is your name, my friend?"

Salam Ludra introduced himself, don't forget he also reached out to shake Rio's hand, but Rio didn't respond right away.

Rio slightly hesitated to touch Ludra's hand. He was still thinking about what happened yesterday.

Just yesterday because of seeing Ludra's smile, he had fallen unconscious. What's more now, maybe he will die instantly when he shakes his hand?

"What's your name?" Ludra asked him again.

Laras noticed Rio's attitude which didn't respond right away. From the look in his eyes, Laras could conclude that Rio was hesitant to get acquainted with Ludra.

Lay who had been silent and not paying attention, now he was increasingly indifferent.

It's not that he wants to be cold to Ludra, but indeed he doesn't like Ludra. So he thought.

"My name is….," Rio started to raise his hand, still hesitantly he slowly wanted to shake Ludra's hand.

"Am I going to faint like yesterday again?" his heart said so.

There might still be some anxiety in his mind, for sure. Because Rio would not be willing to have permission to go home again, and missed his lessons again.

In his doubts, Rio recalled his mother's message this morning.

"If you wear this pendant, I'll make sure you don't fall unconscious like before," Lalisa was sure to make a strong trust in Rio.

"Really, Mom. So I won't faint again after wearing this Pendant? You must be lying... My mother is no longer a child, who still believes in such superstitions... I don't want to wear it!"

The answer was not hard, but he refused to accept the gift from his mother. To Rio it was just a Superstition made to scare small children. What we can be certain of is.

"Fine if you don't want to believe it, but don't blame Mom if you'll fall unconscious again at school."

This is called a threat to Rio. How could he refuse his mother's gift? He doesn't want to be labeled a disobedient child for going against his parents, especially a mother.

Rio took out his Pendant and put it around his neck. He accepted the Pendant not because he believed in Superstition, but because he didn't want to hurt his mother's heart.


"Rio!" Laras called admonishingly.

For a moment it turned out that Rio was asleep, not asleep in the sense that he was sleeping, but he was daydreaming without realizing what was around him.

"Yeah," said Rio back to his senses.

"What are you thinking? You just embarrass me. Ludra wanted to get to know you, but you just daydream like that!" Laras whispered, in a low tone.

"Yeah, I'm sorry," Rio begged unintentionally.

Because he had made Ludra wait, Rio finally wanted to shake his new friend's hand.

"My name is Rio Son of the Sun. You can call me Rio. Nice to meet you, Ludra," said Rio smiling.

"Nice to meet you too, Rio," replied Ludra accepting.

Even though he was made to wait, it didn't make Ludra annoyed with Rio. On the contrary, he felt happy because he could have a new friend, like Rio.

Officially acquainted. The beginning of friendship between the two has begun today. They are already friends, but why is Lay not happy?

Could it be that he was jealous of Rio, because he was the one Ludra didn't greet?

Is it true that he feels that makes Lay reluctant to look at Ludra?

"Oh, yes, Rio. Ludra is the son of our current Headmaster. Isn't he great, he is already an Artist, the Principal's child. I am very impressed with him," said Laras.

"Oh, is that true, Ludra? So our school is going to be famous, huh?" Rio asked curiously.

"No. It's not like that. Laras is just too much. I'm just an ordinary teenager like you, nothing else. When it comes to the Principal's child... I am indeed the Headmaster's son. So you don't have to be afraid of me."

He didn't deny it, and instead Ludra admitted it proudly, then asked his friends not to make him special.

"Okay. Then I can call you, can't I just Ludra?" express his wish.

"Sure, why not."

High family status does not mean Ludra is entitled to privileges, but Ludra himself wants to be equal in status with others.

This conversation is just getting funnier. Rio immediately became familiar with Ludra at the beginning of this meeting.

Laras was happy because Rio had returned to health. Rio laughed again as usual, at least he didn't have to be gloomy thinking about Rio's condition.


Meanwhile on the other side. The turquoise blue luxury car started to enter the school grounds. Inside there was already a student from SMAN 1485 as well.

He sat with a grown man who was wearing a full black suit.

He kept looking out the window of his car.

"Is there a day when the world is on my side? Why does love always stay away from me? Can I be like them, who want to be loved and love?"