
Heir Of The Night

Rio grew up like a teenager his age. However, behind it all there is a big secret, about Rio's true identity. The vampire nation continues to hunt Rio, because in his body is the Ruby of Eternity, has the greatest power that is only born once a thousand years. Because of that, several of the Wolf nation's protectors kept trying to protect Rio, until he was old enough to receive the Ruby of Eternity's power. However, no matter how well one hid a secret, it would still be revealed. His friendship with Raeni, grows the seeds of love between the two. Until in the end, Raeni was kidnapped. However, it was all meant to trap Rio. Until the moment Rio saved Raeni, that's when her identity was revealed. Rio turned into a werewolf when he saw Raeni injured. Ludra used this to attack Rio and snatch the Ruby of immortality, which was embedded in Rio's body.

arayan_xander · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
158 Chs

Chapter 18


Rio suddenly fainted, when he saw the figure of Ludra Angga Wijaya.

Lay and Laras took him to the UKS room for an examination. This is not a serious illness, falling unconscious when the school is commonplace and often occurs among students.


In the UKS room.

Rio was still lying unconscious on the bed. In his hand is attached (Infusion Hose) to increase the fluid.

Laras faithfully accompanies Rio. He kept holding Rio's hand, he didn't even let go of it one bit.

"How about Rio, Doctor?" Laras asked with an uneasy heart.

"This is normal. You don't have to worry about him, he's fine. Rio just needs a lot of rest, it seems he was too tired which resulted in him falling unconscious."

The doctor gave the diagnosis to Rio. He explained it that way. From that explanation, it could be concluded that Rio was just tired, resting for a while then his condition would recover again.

"Okay, Doctor. Thank you," Laras said happily.

"You're welcome. Take good care of your friend, don't let him get tired again," the doctor ordered to Laras and Lay.

"Okay, Doctor. We'll take care of Rio as best we can. We'll make sure he doesn't get sick again… Thank you Doctor in advance," Lay hoped.

"Yeah, take good care of him. I'll go first."

Lay escorted the Doctor to the front door. Then back to Laras and Rio.

Even though he had undergone an examination, Rio still didn't wake up. He still closed his eyes, and this made Laras sad.

"Never mind, you don't have to worry about him too much like this. You heard it didn't, Rio is fine… Nothing serious happened to him. So you don't have to bother shedding your tears like that."


Shame, this feeling is felt by Laras. It turned out that Laras had been crying. Crying because it involved Rio who was lying limp on the Medical bed.

He didn't want to open his eyes, "Can't he feel how worried I am now?" Laras rambled

"Never mind, don't overdo it like that. The doctor said he should rest a lot. But why do you want to bother him instead?" Lay pouted like that.

"What? Who do you think is a nuisance? Me? Is, gosh… You think I'm a bully?" Laras replied that he didn't like it.

"Indeed. You are a bully. If not a bully what is he called a stalker?"

Continuing to throw temptations at him, Lay made Laras at least not happy with his nickname.

"Lay! Gosh, what are you saying? I don't like you!" whining like a baby.

He was annoyed at being called a Stalker. Laras doesn't accept being given a nickname like that, what kind of person is he, to be called a stalker?

There was a commotion there, the sound of whispers continued to be heard and disturbed Rio's ears.

Finally 5 minutes later Rio was slowly starting to wake up. His eyes moved on their own, a sign that he would soon come to his senses.


Laras immediately moved. He respects his face closer to Rio.

Slowly Rio started to open his eyes, the result he first saw was Laras face.

Rio was stunned for a moment. His mind was not completely clear. He tried to look around, and this looked strange.

"Friends?" almost recovered.

"Where am I?"

He woke up immediately. His body immediately sat down and asked his two friends.

"What happened to me? This is the infirmary, isn't it? How can I be here?"

A question mark accompanies his thoughts. Rio couldn't remember what had happened before. What was on his mind now was darkness.

"You suddenly fell unconscious," Laras explained, telling him slowly.

"I passed out? Oh, I just remembered now. I did feel dizzy earlier, but I didn't know I fell unconscious."

It feels strange, just because of a headache Rio can immediately faint is that possible?

Rio still can't believe that the immunity in his body can drop drastically like before.

"Then, what makes you dizzy Rio? Surely you forgot to eat breakfast, huh?"

Will Laras' worries be true? Of course Rio hasn't had breakfast yet, but is that true? Rio never forgets to have breakfast.

"Isn't that what it seems? I never forget to eat breakfast, so there's no way I could just pass out like that, right?"

"Yeah, you're right. Then what? Don't you feel something strange about you, Rio?"

Laras continued to explore the thing that made Rio suddenly faint. He felt that this was a bit odd, but was what he was thinking right?

"There seems to be something odd."

Before continuing, Rio glanced at Lay first. There was a look in Rio's eyes which implied something to Lay.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Is there something wrong with me? I didn't do anything to you?"

Rio hasn't said any further, Lay has been looking for excuses. Lay's anxiety further strengthened Rio's suspicions.

"There's nothing strange about you, but I saw something I've never seen in you, Lay." Rio explained something that was hard for ordinary reason to grasp.

"What do you mean?" Laras was curious, and he immediately looked at Lay with a look similar to what Rio did earlier.

"What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that? There's nothing strange about me! I'm Lay, your friend! Why am I suddenly being accused like this? You guys are weird!"

Weird thing? Did Rio manage to see Lay's true form? That's what's currently haunting Lay's mind. He was worried that Rio could see his real self.

"What do you see in me?" Lay asked to make sure that what he suspected was not true.

Lay is feeling nervous now. Immediately his body was sweating, he was afraid that Rio would discuss this further.

"Not really. I forgot what I wanted to say."

Rio gave up his intention. He didn't want to talk about it anymore and closed the topic by forgetting about it.

"Well, how could you forget? Rio, you make me curious. You can just say it, Lay definitely won't mind. Isn't that right, Lay?"

Laras did not accept that it just ended. He felt that Rio and Lay were hiding something from him.

Playing a secret behind his back, made Laras suspect his own two friends. As is the case today.

"Never mind. I don't want to talk about that anymore. We'd better get over this. I don't want to talk about that anymore. I still have a headache."

Rio held his head. He was looking for this reason, so that Laras would no longer discuss what he said earlier.

"Really? So your head still hurts, you should just go home. You can get permission not to come to class," Laras asked.

"No. I don't want to go home, I'll just go to class. I'm fine."

The pain was gone, feeling healthy Rio immediately got off his bed.

His body was standing proudly on the floor. In this way Laras will be able to forget the previous thing.

"Come on, let's go back to class! Surely the others are already waiting for us there," said Rio asking the others to leave immediately.

"Yes alright."

Just give up. Just forget what happened earlier, after all it will be revealed by itself as well.

Laras walked first, then followed by Rio behind him.

Lay, seemed silent when Rio looked at him.

He was silent because Lay could not deny that there was something strange inside him. He did hide his true identity from Laras, Rio and the world.

Rio couldn't say it now. What he saw earlier was only Lay who knew the answer.

Therefore now they both seemed to be silent, not saying much, only from the look in their eyes which implied a big question mark.