

Everyone understood about Vergif Otrov. After a while, Vanzel said,

" So... Looks like you guys know your current position and situation. Now, shall we go and do some... Slaying?"

Everybody raised their hands, with their fists clinched. They shouted with excitement,


Since Deces was a hellish god, she was able to teleport from her current location, to the territory of the hellish gods which she knew.

The king of hellish gods is the king of the main hell, BULI. He is not a type of person who would wish for destruction. In fact, he is a lot more stronger than Navertozwein. There are also other gods who are stronger than Navertozwein but, they do not want to alter their fate, or the wish of THE CREATOR. The future which Navertozwein saw with his demonic eye was being slained by a man name Alcesto. It was in his destiny to die by his hands. But, till now, he has opposed many of his vision, like loosing the battle against the hellish land of Tartarmus and many others. All the other peaceful hellish gods, who do not wish for destruction, didn't wanted to take part in this hellish adventure. Navertozwein is a type of person who wishes to live alone. He kills a hellish god, if time arrives (after the old land is destroyed) and lives on the new land.

The army of eleven hellish god which Navertozwein prepared, was know to Deces. She has also met the nine hellish gods from the other ten excluding herself and including Vergif Otrov.

She was ready to transport her party to the hellish land of otrov, through a dimensional portal. But, before heading to the hellish land of Otrov, they had to prepare themselves with defensive and offensive equipments. Since they were recently promoted, they had a lot of money with them. Vanzel decided to buy the best class equipments for his team. Since they already knew that Vanzel is the richest of them, they decided to use his wealth without any type of hesitation. Everybody bought an upgraded version of their armour and other equipment. It was now thin layered and stronger, rather than being a thick layered armoured layer which might be completely useless against Navertozwein. They didn't changed the colour for their armour.

Time passed by and evening came. Vanzel advised to all of his party members, in a serious tone. His thin but sinister voice pierced their ears. He said,

"From here, I won't be responsible for any of the injuries you guys might face, including DEATH. As we have already faced a hellish god now, we know our limits. We know that we are not as strong as we thought. We may or may not be returning to Earth from now on. If we appeared here more often, the Slayer org would start suspecting us and if they start suspecting us, they will definitely question us. We will spend most of our time on Otrov's land, if we capture it for once, that is. You all should meet with your valuable family. It might be last for you. So I said, I will be staying at Ichika's house tonight. You all are free to do what you guys want for tonight. But, listen well, tomorrow I will ask decisions of yours. Who will be walking on the same path as us, and who would stay on this Earth. Dismissed."

Vanzel dismissed the party meeting with a single word. But the whole paragraph he said, put a huge stain on their minds. They were scared from inside, whether they will walk down the same path as his, or they would have to separate. Everybody had different thoughts. Alcesto thought,

"What is Vanzel thinking? What does he wants? Will he walk down the same path as us? I am not quite sure what to say about this, but, I will walk the same path as him. I will be slaying those hellish gods, who wish to bring trouble on my planet."

Schwart thought,

"What does he mean that we will die? I won't let that happen to anyone, especially Zhao. She has supported me for so long, knowing her, she will never leave this party. I have to stay here to make sure that she remains safe..."

"-And that's what he might be thinking now. Looks like I have support him now. Okay then!"

These thoughts ran into the brain of Zhao.

Kyung-Mi thought,

"I can't leave Mr. Alcesto like this! I've met him just now! I've set up my mind, I will slay those hellish gods and spend the rest of my life with my beloved Alcesto!"

Kyung-Soon thought,

"I cannot stray from my path. I have decided that I will be slaying those gods or whatever. I need a strong party like this. I finally have what I want, I will slay them all!"

Kim-Jae-Hyuk thought,

"I don't have anything to do... This Vanzel guy looks good. Alcesto is also a nice fella. I should be stickin' with'em for now!"

Deces thought,

"I want only one thing, and that is revenge! Revenge from Navertozwein! I would never succeed with my vengeance alone. I need their help since they are with me... My comrades."

After that, Deces went to the hotel that was booked by Alcesto for her, since he was ordered this by his leader.

Jae-Hyuk was an orphan, so he followed the two sisters to their home and there, he met their mother. Her mother was a free spirit woman, or she became a free spirit woman with Jun's help. She had no problem with her children going on a hellish adventure. But she asked them one thing. She said,

"Promise me. Promise me that you all will definitely succeed at defeating those hellish gods."

Her children promised her that,

"We will definitely slay those hellish gods. Please rest assured, we promise you."

After their detailed conversation, they stayed at her house.

Alcesto, Schwartz and Zhao went home and informed everything to their guardian, Wang Jun, or Jung Jun. She was sitting on a chair nearby the table while they were sitting on a sofa. They both were in each other's opposite direction. They were talking face to face. Suddenly, a tear dripped from Jun's eye. After a while, she was full of tears. Alcesto was a person who could see anyone crying. He had a weired habit, if somebody cried in front of him, all of a sudden, his eyes would also become teary. He was about to cry, but Schwartz dragged him outside of the room. While dragging him, he said to Zhao,

"Please calm my mother. I know that you are the only one I can count on, so please?"

Zhao felt pleased hearing him praise her. She stuttered a little but said,

"Yeah yeah, I got it. After all, a girl can only calm her."

Thirty minutes after Schwartz left the room dragging Alcesto, Zhao came out. She said,

"I have made her listen to her. I think we should spend tonight here only."

"That's a good idea. Let's get to sleep."

After Schwartz said that, the Jung family went into a state of deep sleep.

Time passed by and a new sun rised. This was the day when, a group of similar kind of people with a similar mindset, decided to protect this world by the evil and dirty hands of the half hellish god, Navertozwein. This group was lead by a man who had a similar mindset, but his purpose was different. He only wanted to find his father, but he didn't knew that will he ever be able to meet his father?

Will they succeed in their goal of slaying the hellish gods and protecting the peace of Earth?