
Heavenly Simulation: Tales of Demon and Gods

In the ruins of the last human kingdom, Nie Li, a boy with no special powers, was about to give up hope. Just then, a magical status window appeared out of nowhere. [ Notification: Simulation System Activation ] [ Player Selected: Nie Li ] [ Options on the Screen: ] - [ Continue ] - [ Load from a Saved Point ] - [ Start Over ] .... I am also uploading this fanfic on royal road

Adamo_Amet · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
64 Chs

Chapter no.43 Lounge

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As Nie Li wandered through the deserted corridors of the school, the silence around him felt almost oppressive.

He chuckled to himself, a wry smile tugging at his lips.

"Shen Xiu, waiting for me? That'll be the day," he murmured.

A memory from his previous life drifted into his mind, casting a vivid parallel to his current predicament.

On that day, Shen Xiu had been a completely different person.

She was enthusiastic, kind, and engaging as she explained the intricacies of inscription arrays to them.

However, Nie Li would later come to find out that her warmth was nothing but a facade, crafted carefully for the eyes of the vice principal and some high-ranking visitors who were secretly evaluating her class.

Her usually arrogant facade had momentarily fallen away, exposing her eagerness to impress those with power, like Elder Nie Wei and others.

"This change in her... Could it mean she's found out about my real strength and is now trying to recruit me? Or am I reading too much into it?"

Lost in his thoughts, Nie Li found himself standing in front of the teacher's lounge door.

The door was unassuming, made of polished wood with a simple brass handle.

With a deep breath, Nie Li refocused his thoughts.

"No matter her intentions, my goal remains the same. I need to court her and complete this mission," he resolved, his hand reaching out to the door handle.

As Nie Li pushed open the door to the teacher's lounge.

The walls were adorned with delicate paintings of landscapes, and the wooden floor creaked softly under his feet, telling tales of countless footsteps that had tread upon it over the years. A gentle aroma of incense lingered in the air, mixing subtly with the scent of old parchment.

There, in the midst of this serene setting, sat Shen Xiu.

She was elegantly poised, her attention fixed on the scrolls of inscription arrays spread before her. The steam from her cup of tea curled up into the air.

"Teacher Shen Xiu," Nie Li greeted, bowing respectfully as Shen Xiu placed her cup down with a soft clink.

"Sit," she commanded, not lifting her gaze from the scrolls.

Nie Li raised an eyebrow at her terse command.

"Hmm, doesn't she want to recruit me? Shouldn't she be at least a bit respectful if that's the case? Or was I wrong?" he wondered silently. With cautious steps, he took a seat, his eyes never leaving Shen Xiu.

Under normal circumstances, Nie Li would have bristled at her dismissive attitude.

But he reminded himself to stay patient.

"Can't afford to be reckless like last time," he thought, watching Shen Xiu as she continued reading, seemingly indifferent to his presence.

For fifteen long minutes, Nie Li and Shen Xiu sat in an oppressive silence, the only sound being the occasional rustle of Shen Xiu's scrolls. Finally, Shen Xiu broke the stillness with a voice dripping in arrogance.

"That should be enough time for you to make up an excuse," she said, her eyes still on her scrolls.

Nie Li felt a twitch in his eye at her words but maintained his polite facade.

"An excuse for what, Teacher Shen Xiu?" he asked, feigning ignorance.

"An excuse for the ruckus you caused in my class," she replied sharply, her eyes finally meeting his.

Seizing the moment, Nie Li complimented her, though he was well aware of her vanity. "Teacher, I apologize for the ruckus. I couldn't help but be entranced by your beauty, which knocked me out."

"Was it my beauty or your fist that knocked you out?" she asked.

Nie Li was about to respond when suddenly time paused around him.

He sighed in relief.

"Thank heavens, you are still here," he whispered, "I have never been more glad to see you here."

[ Option 1- Both ]

[ Option 2- I just wanted to see you in my dreams ]

[ Option 3- I am like those scrolls, Shen Xiu. I'm hard and you'll do me on your desk ]

Nie Li stared at the system's options and let out a heavy sigh.

The initial wave of gratitude he had felt towards the system quickly evaporated.

"Option 2 and 3 are definitely out of the question. Especially option 3, that's just... no," he thought.

"Option 2 sounds absurd. Looks like I'm left with only one choice."

He selected option 1.

"Both," he said aloud, trying to sound as convincing as possible.

Shen Xiu's reaction was immediate; she raised an eyebrow, a hint of curiosity in her eyes as she placed her tea cup down with a clink.

"Ok, you have my attention. What did you want?"

"Pardon?" Nie Li feigned confusion.

"Don't give me that look," Shen Xiu retorted. "You're the heir of a dying family. You want something from me, don't you? So you made that ruckus. Good job, it worked. Now tell me, what do you want?"

Nie Li's eyes widened in surprise.

He hadn't expected Shen Xiu to leap to such a conclusion.

"Works for me," he thought.

Just then, time seemed to freeze around him as the system presented him with new options.

[ Option 1- I want you to tutor me in inscription arrays. I am certain that someone as talented as you can assist me best in Glory City. Consider it, being the student of the great Shen Xiu. ]

[ Option 2- I have a proposal for you. You help me, and I'll assist you in becoming the matriarch of the Sacred Family. ]

[ Option 3- I wish to sell the Heavenly Marks Family to the Sacred Family. ]

Nie Li carefully weighed the options provided by the system, pinching the bridge of his nose in thought.

"Option 3 is definitely out," he mused. "Selling the Heavenly Marks Family to the Sacred Family? That's not just a no, that's a never."

He then considered option 2.

"Helping Shen Xiu become the matriarch of the Sacred Family? That's a gamble. High risk, potentially high reward. But I don't want to bite off more than I can chew."

That left him with option 1.

Nie Li pondered over it.

"Asking Shen Xiu to tutor me in inscription arrays... It's safe, it's direct, and it plays into her ego. It gives me a reason to be here, and it's flattering to her skills. Plus, it's a great opportunity to learn and improve my own abilities."

"Option 1 it is," he decided.

"I want you to tutor me in inscription arrays. I am certain that someone as talented as you can assist me best in Glory City. Consider it, being the student of the great Shen Xiu," Nie Li said with a respectful tone. Shen Xiu's mind raced as she considered his proposal.

Shen Xiu found herself puzzled over Nie Li's actions.

"Most people are clueless about my ability to teach inscription arrays. So, this kid must really want to learn, or someone spilled the beans about my skills. Or perhaps, he's just using this challenging subject as an excuse to get closer to me," she mused.

"He must be desperate, being the heir of a family that's on the brink of collapse. But why bother showing loyalty to a falling house? Such a waste," she thought.

But what truly intrigued her was his soul realm.

"His soul realm is red, which is odd given his Soul Wings and 3-star Bronze rank. That combination doesn't add up. He might be hiding his true soul color," she speculated. "Whatever his reasons, having him under my tutelage works in my favor. It gives me the upper hand, and I can ensure he doesn't end up with any other families," Shen Xiu concluded.

"I don't teach just anyone," she declared, her tone laced with arrogance.

Nie Li nodded, unfazed.

"I understand. But, I do have some experience in the field," he said.

"Is that so?" Shen Xiu replied, her curiosity evident despite her attempt to maintain a stern facade.

"Very well. Explain to me what inscription arrays are."

Nie Li took a deep breath and began, choosing his words carefully.

"Inscription arrays are intricate patterns that manipulate soul force. They are like an ancient language, each line and curve channeling energy for a specific action. For example, they can be used to store vast quantities of items inside a subspace, almost like creating a separate little world within a small token. These arrays harness the natural energies of the world, bending them to the will of the inscriber."

Shen Xiu gave a slight nod of approval. "Pass," she said succinctly.

Nie Li let out a silent sigh of relief, but his attention snapped back as Shen Xiu continued, "You will meet me after normal classes for your tutoring sessions, on one condition."

"Anything," Nie Li replied, his expression faking desperation.

"You will not accept joining any noble family's recruitment," Shen Xiu declared firmly.

"Does that include you?" he thought to himself, carefully maintaining his composed facade.

With a polite smile, he responded, "As long as I am with you, I accept."

He carefully dropped a hint in his words, watching for her reaction.

Shen Xiu's eyes narrowed for a moment, clearly catching the subtext in Nie Li's words.

"You can leave now," she said curtly.

Nie Li bowed respectfully and exited the room.

As the door closed behind him, Shen Xiu poured herself some more tea, a mocking smile playing on her lips.

"Another man pursuing me because of my status. The only difference is that I have to pretend to care, pretend to be wooed just because your talent can enable me to get a higher position in my family."