
Heavenly Restriction: Multiverse of Maki Zen’in

Watch as a former assassin is reincarnated as Maki Zen’in in the multiverse of anime and movies. Will she be a hero? a Villian? or will she just do her own thing? Disclaimers: Some character may be ‘out of character’ due to my inexperience. Also, she will be more powerful than the original, so she isn’t getting curbstomped in some worlds. I don’t own the cover photo, I found it on google, not sure who made it Uploads may be sporadic, there’ll be no set schedule, I’ll post when I finish chapters

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8 Chs

Chapter 5: Butterfly Mansion

" " Speaking out loud

' ' Speaking in mind

* * Sounds/actions



When they finally arrived, they found the other group at the front gates. Maki had set Tadashi down and he ran up to the others with Maki in tow with Hana still in her arms.

Seeing the Butterfly Estate, it was nothing short of beautiful.



Seeing the Butterfly Estate in person is a huge contrast to seeing it on a screen. Seriously, the anime didn't do this place enough justice. It is FAR more beautiful in person. One way to describe it is flowers.

Flowers everywhere. Flowers along the paths, flowers lining the fences, flowers lining the buildings. Everywhere. It's stunning.

Anyways, the actual building is incredible too, no matter how simple it may be. It look likes a very traditional Japanese home, tiled and sloped roof, wood bordering everything and all along the bottom of the walls, sliding paper-like doors and small square windows. It's huge as well, it extends pretty far on both sides, in addition to separate buildings on the sides for what is assumed to be training and/or medical purposes.

As Maki finished her little look around of what she could see of the estate, the girls of the estate have run up to her and proceed to take Hana from her arms and placed on a stretcher before running back off towards the doors. Someone who she instantly recognizes as Kocho Shinobu, has walked up to her and Tadashi with a smile.

Shinobu is a girl of short stature, black hair that fades to purple on the ends, white to purple gradient eyes with no pupil, she has a very dark purple demon slayer uniform on with her butterfly haori and socks, along either her nichirin sword on her waist.

"Ara, good job on getting her here quickly, come with us and we may talk after she is stable." With that she turns back around and starts walking in the direction the other girls headed.

Maki and Tadashi follow shortly behind Shinobu into the estate. The room they were led to look like a typical hospital room, except there was multiple beds and it was in a house instead of a hospital. There were medical instruments on trays, bed side tables, and chairs for visitors. The duo were directed to the chairs to wait.

"Please wait here while we work, and do not worry, she will be alright."

Both Maki and Tadashi sit down on the mentioned chairs, but Tadashi looks visibly worried. Rightfully so though, his friend and slayer partner was injured and is receiving treatment, who wouldn't be nervous and worried.

"Tadashi, don't worry, she'll be okay, it didn't look like anything serious, many cuts and bruises, maybe a broken bone or two, and some blood loss, but other than that it shouldn't be too bad."

"I know, it's...just that neither of us have been injured like this so far. We've been quite lucky with the demons we have faced so far, relatively weak ones, weak enough that even us 2 can defeat them without much injury. So seeing her injured like this makes me worried about the future."

Tadashi and Hana have been travelling together for 2 years now in the Demon Slayer corps. They met during the final selection when they had saved each other from a particular demon and worked together to slay it. Since then, they have been the best of friends and even travel together.

A few more minutes pass by in relative silence before they notice Shinobu finish her examination and procedure. She then takes a seat and sits in front of Maki and Tadahashi while the three girls are cleaning things up.

"Your friend will be alright, other than numerous cuts a bruises and severe exhaustion, her left arm and left leg suffered fractures, and a bit of damage in both her ears. Given some bed rest and minimal activity for a few weeks, she should heal up perfectly." Hearing that, Tadashi sighs and visibly relaxes into his chair.

"Now, I believe that there are many things we need to talk about, firstly introductions. If you did not know, I am the Butterfly Hashira, Kocho Shinobu, and you are?"

"I'm Goto Tadashi, and my partner there is Yuki Hana. Nice to meet you."

"Zen'in Maki, likewise."

"Wonderful, now could you tell me what happened?"

After asking that, Tadashi begins to recount the entire situation animatedly. From the beginning of the missions to the horrible way the fight was going, about how Maki had come out of nowhere to save them, all the way to arriving at the butterfly estate.

"Hmm? And you're not part of the corps?"

"Correct. I just know about you."

"Well, fortunately everyone is okay, but I will need to report this to the master. You may stay as long as you need, the girls; Sumi, Kiyo, and Naho will take care of you and show you to your rooms for the night. Have a good night you two."

With that, she stands up and makes her way out of the room and heads most likely to her office to write a letter.

'Man she's hot! She was always my favorite girl character in the show. I have to remember now that they aren't characters on a screen, and that they are real breathing people.'

One of the three girls came to me to show me a room to stay it, but she wasn't able tall who was who yet, so she just followed without saying anything.

Arriving at the room, it was just a standard bedroom, has a nice big window above the bed on the middle of the wall, has two bedside tables, it even has a desk on the other side of the room. The bed is fully furnished with sheets and pillows, even a nice comfy blanket.

'This is a pretty nice room, bed is pretty comfy too considering the era. Though, I'm not super tired, I think I'll just sit on the bed for now and train.'


1st Person - Maki (I'm going to try this out as a test, if it's good, sweet, if it's bad, then please let me know and I can either go back to what I was doing OR improve on it.)

The first thing I need to train, is perfecting my weapon summoning. I can do it silently, but I also don't want any poor smoke, and to take it out anywhere from my body. Like Raiden and her booba sword.

I also need to train my byakugan, I've neglected that the last few days but it would definitely be nice to get some proficiency in it and master it. Even though this world doesn't have chakra, I can't see it in people's body, but I can still see people. I assume since it doesn't run on chakra, it's just a natural ability and I can see energies of different worlds inside people. I'll try opening the byakugan first.

Now, since I can't direct chakra to it, I'll just try focusing on it while imaging what I know it's supposed to look like. Alright let's do it, I'm going to make the hand sign too.



'Woah woah, this…this is pretty sick! Everything is pretty see through, but I can still see depth and other denser objects, like people, I can see each of the people in the estate. Now that I see what it looks like, isn't the transparent world basically Demon Slayers Byakugan?'

I can't really tell how far I can see yet though, but I know I can see the whole property.

Let's try summon a weapon with the Byakugan active.


"Woah, it just appears when I do that, what about if I summon it out of my hand?'


"Ohh, it just, is there coming out of my arm, and no poof. It just slowly appears from nothing. Super cool."

I guess I will just spend a few hours summoning weapons out of my body while activating and deactivating my Byakugan.

The goal is to summon the weapons quickly out of my body and to take away the hand sign for the Byakugan. I also need to request an eye patch, I want to see how it is from behind an eye patch in order to deceive enemies.

Like that, two days passed with little issue, I spent the days training. Wake up, eat, train, eat, train, eat, train, sleep, for 2 days.

I managed to have no poof smoke when summoning weapons, I can summon them quickly or slowly out of anywhere on my body, and I was actually able to imbue the weapons with nichirin properties.

Byakugan wise, I managed no hand sign, I increased my distance a bit, increased activation speed, even though the blind spot is a little annoying.

Pretty eventful few days. Until I received a letter.


Thank you for reading chapter 5. Thank you everyone for the power stones and support you've shown so far, I'm extremely grateful.

We get to see the Butterfly Mansion today and meet Shinobu. Also got some training in with weapon summoning and the Byakugan.

Have a wonderful day everyone.

Chapter 5 in the books, thank you again for the support, please look forward to future chapters.

DaddyToastcreators' thoughts