
Heavenly Evil King

On this continent, there is a young man named Yun Che. He was pregnant with poisonous beads and inherited the blood of the evil god. Ye Chen has a unique talent and power since he was a child, but he is not satisfied with it. He is eager to become stronger and control more power. So, he began to practice the power against the sky, intending to become a generation of evil gods and reign over the

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Ice fairy deterrence

After listening to Xiao Moshan's words, how dare Xiao Kuangyun show off. His expression quickly restrained and he looked up and said, "It turned out to be Chu Xianzi of Bingyun Fairy Palace. Xiao Zongxiao Kuangyun, the younger generation, was very fortunate to meet here by chance. However, why did the Chu fairy come to this Liuyun town today? Is there something important? My father said that if you meet the fairy of the Ice Cloud Fairy Palace, you must be courteous. If there is anything you can do to help, Chu Fairy, please feel free to ask.

Hearing the words "Ice Cloud Fairy Palace" in Xiao Kuangyun's mouth, everyone was instantly astered, and there was a neat and uniform "goo" sound in their throats.

What kind of immortals has this little Liuyun City been favored by today? Usually, it is a place where you don't even care about the third-rate sect. Today, not only the people of Xiao Zong came, but also the people of Bingyun Fairy Palace came!

No wonder this woman's temperament is so extraordinary, her face is even more beautiful, and she can also cross the void. It turns out that she is actually a person in the Ice Cloud Fairy Palace, and her status in the Ice Cloud Fairy Palace will never be low! Otherwise, Xiao Kuangyun, as the son of Xiao Zongzong, would not be so cautious and polite to her.

"Why did I come here?" Chu Yueli frowned coldly: "You Xiao Zong have bullied my disciples. Do I still want to silently watch her and let you bully?"

"Your disciple?" Xiao Kuangyun was stunned, then his face changed, and he said in a shocked voice, "Chu fairy, the disciple you mentioned... is it... Xia Qingyue?"

At this time, Xia Qingyue also walked to Chu Yueli and shouted respectfully, "Master."

These two simple words made Xiao Kuangyun's face twitch suddenly. Xiao Yulong was completely dull. Xiao Men and the great dignitaries of Liuyun City were all stunned, and the shocked heart almost stopped.

Oh, my God! This daughter of the Xia family turned out to be a disciple of Bingyun Fairy Palace! In this Liuyun City, there has always been a disciple of Bingyun Fairy Palace!!

People's face when they looked at Xia Qingyue suddenly changed, becoming extremely shocked and awe-inspiring. Even the eyes of Xia Hongyi changed suddenly.

Xiao Yulong was stunned there for a long time, and then suddenly sweated coldly. This Xia Qingyue turned out to be a disciple of Bingyun Fairy Palace... He actually tried to flirt with her before. At that time, he was embarrassed by her, and he was still resentful, but at this time, he thought that he could still go back alive for nothing! Playing with the disciples of the Ice Cloud Fairy Palace... How many people in the whole Cangfeng Empire have such courage?

That's all right. Today, forcing Xiao Che and Xia Qingyue to disperse was also his strategy to Xiao Kuangyun. Even after forcing Xiao Che away, how Xiao Kuangyun got Xia Qingyue's plan for Xiao Kuangyun... If these were known by the Bingyun Fairy Palace, he would have no place to die.

In cold sweat, Xiao Yulong looked at Xiao Kuangyun, and his face was full of prayer.

"It turns out that... Xia Qingyue was actually a disciple of your palace. This... The younger generation didn't know it before, so there was a little misunderstanding."

If he is a disciple of other sects, Xiao Kuangyun will definitely not put it in his heart. But the Ice Cloud Fairy Palace is different! Bingyun Fairy Palace is not a family inheritance sect. Their disciples are all women. They are all excellent in qualifications selected from all parts of the Cangfeng mainland. Therefore, above the scale, it is the smallest of the four sects, but even so, they can still rank second in the four major sects. The actual level of strength can be seen as average. Every disciple in the palace is highly qualified, absolutely extraordinary, and each of them is fully protected by the fairy palace. It may be a trivial matter to provoke the lower disciples of other sects, and it is even common for disciples of different sects to fight to death with each other, but to provoke the Bingyun Fairy Palace... Even the lowest woman in the palace, the fairy palace will be tough and right. If you don't give a satisfactory answer, you will never stop!

"A misunderstanding? It's better to have a misunderstanding. Do you want to continue to tear up the wedding documents of my disciples? Chu Yueli's expression was indifferent, her eyes swept down, and no one dared to look at her. Although she was just a woman, all the men present felt that she was like a fairy in the moon palace. She was a mortal. She was so arrogant that she didn't even dare to look at it at all.

"Since it's a misunderstanding, how dare I do it?" Xiao Kuangyun said calmly, "It's just that the younger generation is puzzled... Although the younger generation knows very little, they also know that the fairies of Bingyun Fairy Palace are forbidden and never married. Why is Xia Qingyue..."

"Hmm! The ice cloud secret of my palace does need to abstain from emotion and abstinence, but it has never been forbidden for disciples to marry. Qingyue joined our palace at the age of 12, but she never wanted to go back to the palace with me, just to marry Xiao Che at the age of 16, but not for affection, but for kindness and promise. With such a heavy belief and righteousness and a pure heart, our palace will naturally not stop it. Even if our palace does prohibit marriage, it can be an exception. Mr. Xiao, do you have any questions?" Chu Yueli said coldly. The voice is flat, but the words are like ice, which makes people hear it in their ears, and their hearts are uncontrollably cold, and they dare not have the slightest refutation at all.No, no, it's really just a misunderstanding. Xiao Kuangyun said quickly, and then had to turn to Xia Qingyue and said, "Xia Fairy, I didn't know you were a disciple of Bingyun Fairy Palace, but it's abrupt. Please don't pay attention to it."

The identity of the son of Master Xiao is naturally much higher than that of an ordinary disciple of Bingyun Fairy Palace, but he had to calm down because Chu Yueli was here. Because this is a remote place that does not attract people's attention, and only Xiao Moshan and Xiao Baxiao Jiu are around. If it makes Chu Yueli unhappy, they will be on the way back. Destroy them all, and then destroy the traces, and they can only die in vain.

Before coming, how could he have thought that there would be people like Chu Yueli in this broken place?

It was impossible for him to get involved with Xia Qingyue, and he spent most of his time in vain. He had to be honest in front of Chu Yueli, which also made him feel aggrieved. His chest fluctuated, and then his eyes turned to Xiao Lingxi... Although Xia Qingyue was impossible, there was at least one! Chu Yueli will protect Xia Qingyue, but it is absolutely impossible to protect outsiders like Xiao Lingxi! Otherwise, she would not appear when Xiao Che was expelled, but just when her eyes turned to Xia Qingyue.

Indeed, for Chu Yueli, she will only take care of Xia Qingyue. Other people have nothing to do with her at all. She has no reason, let alone the obligation to interfere.

"The fairy of Chu is here in person, and you Xiaomen are also brilliant! Well, it's time to start our business today. Xiao Kuangyun's face was stiff, and he looked straight at Xiao Lingxi: "Before that... Xiao Ba and Xiao Jiu! Take down this thief who stole it first! Bring back Xiao Zongfa tomorrow!"

A sentence "Bring back to Xiao Zongfa tomorrow" made the stupid person understand why Xiao Kuangyun staged such a despicable and shameless blame. Although this fringe has been exposed by Xiao Che in front of everyone, under the absolute suppression of the sect, it did not delay Xiao Kuangyun to continue at all.

"Yes, young master!"

Xiao Ba and Xiao Jiu fell down at the same time, and Xiao Lingxi, who was at a loss, left.

"Master!" Seeing this, Xia Qingyue quickly motioned Chu Yueli with her eyes, hoping that she would appear to protect Xiao Lingxi... At least she would not be taken away by Xiao Kuangyun. But Chu Yueli didn't know and didn't respond at all.

Xia Qingyue's expression was a little more anxious. She begged and said, "Master, you should also see that Xiao Kuangyun was aimed at me today. Xiao Che was expelled from Xiaomen because of me. Before he left, he asked me to protect his grandfather and aunt. I promised... This is the last thing I did for him. After this, I will immediately go back to the Bingyun Fairy Palace with the master. After that, I will stay in the Fairy Palace and practice Xuan... Please complete it!"

Chu Yueli's eyes moved slightly and sighed gently. Raise your right hand and wave it gently.

Suddenly, a cold air fell from the sky, which made Xiao Ba and Xiao Jiu's whole body suddenly cold. His footsteps stopped there and no longer dare to move forward.

Xiao Kuangyun's face suddenly changed slightly. He calmly said, "Chu fairy, what do you mean? Chu Xianzi just accused me, Xiao Zong, that I should not interfere in the marriage of the disciples of your palace... But now we are dealing with the affairs of our sect. Is Chu Xianzi going to intervene?

"No! I'm not interested in intervening in your Xiao Zong's affair. Chu Yueli looked indifferent and looked calm: "I'm just not used to some things, so I'm just doing whatever I want. Since you said that this is the matter of your Xiao Zongzong, is Xiao Lingxi the one in your Xiao Zongzong?

Xiao Kuangyun shook his head: "No! But what she stole was my clan's Tong Xuansan!"

"But according to what I heard before, this gift you brought from Xiao Zong was given to Xiao Men yesterday. What, what you Xiao Zong sent out, still belongs to your Xiao Zong? If this matter spreads, aren't you afraid of being laughed at? Chu Yueli said rudely.

Xiao Kuangyun suddenly stared and speechless.

"Xiao Lingxi is a person of Xiaomen, not you, Xiao Zong. This Xuansan also belongs to Xiaomen, not your Xiaozong. So, even if Xiao Lingxi steals Tong Xuansan, it should be punished by Xiao Men, which has nothing to do with you Xiao Zong.

Chu Yueli's eyes slanted and looked at Xiao Yunhai. Just a bunch of eyes made Xiao Yunhai's whole body excited, and her whole body was subconsciously short. Chu Yueli said lightly, "Master Xiao, should the people in your door be punished for stealing like this?"

Xiao Yunhai took a look at Xiao Kuangyun, gritted his teeth, and pretended to be calm: "If the son under the door commits theft... The lightest back mountain is closed for three months... Xiao Lingxi stole the treasure sent by Xiao Zong, and he should be punished the heaviest punishment... Xu Houshan has been imprisoned for 15 years. Within 15 years, he is not allowed to step out of the back mountain and think about crossing the gorge half a step!"

Chu Yueli looked away and didn't say anything more.What are you still doing? Why don't you lock her up in that thought!" Xiao Kuangyun roared with a calm face! Although he is unwilling to be aggrieved, no matter how stupid he is, he should know that Chu Yueli has left him a considerable amount of face. Otherwise, she can directly expose that this is his blame, so that he can't help Xiao Lingxi. At the same time, he also loses his face and can't get off the stage in public.

Although Chu Yueli did not expose Xiao Kuangyun in public and did not save Xiao Lingxi's innocence, Xiao Lie still saluted her deeply and was full of gratitude. The seven immortals of ice clouds, what a noble figure, but doing this step for a little Xiaomen's daughter is also benevolent and righteous... At least, she let Xiao Lingxi get rid of the nightmare of being brought back by Xiao Kuangyun and brought back to Xiao Zong.

"I taught my daughter, and I deceived Xiaomen for more than ten years, and I should also be severely punished. Put me in the Si Guoxia. Looking at the four elders Xiao Cheng coming, Xiao Lie's face was calm and said faintly.

Chu Yueli was on the side. Xiao Cheng didn't dare to make a second time. He didn't dare to say a word more. He took Xiao Lie and Xiao Lingxi to the back of the mountain.

Although in the end, it still ended in a tragic ending of 15 years, Xia Qingyue knew that Chu Yueli was basically the limit to achieve this. Xiao Lie volunteered to be locked up in Si Guoxia together. Obviously, he wanted to accompany Xiao Lingxi, and at the same time to protect her. Maybe there is not much to worry about safety. After that, it only depends on their own fate.

"In this case, there is no need for our master and apprentice to stay here." After Xiao Lingxi and Xiao Lie were taken away, Chu Yueli said lightly, "Mr. Xiao, before you leave Liuyun City, I will be around here... Qingyue, let's go."

Chu Yueli's last few words made Xiao Kuangyun grit his teeth secretly... "I will be around before you leave Liuyun City." Her words were obviously warning him not to hit Xiao Lingxi's idea! Although she only protected Xiao Lingxi's safety, since she wants to protect it, she is bound to protect it to the end.

After Chu Yueli left with Xia Qingyue, Xiao Kuangyun punched heavily and hit the seat handle, shaking the whole master's chair into broken wood. I thought it would be two beautiful women, but I didn't expect that after thinking about it, the bamboo basket was empty. The consequence is just to force away an insignificant little person and lock the two people in Xiaomen to cross the gorge, which is completely different from the result he wanted!

And he will not realize at this time that he not only got nothing, but also buried the ultimate disaster for himself and the whole Xiao Zong!