
Heavenly Evil King

On this continent, there is a young man named Yun Che. He was pregnant with poisonous beads and inherited the blood of the evil god. Ye Chen has a unique talent and power since he was a child, but he is not satisfied with it. He is eager to become stronger and control more power. So, he began to practice the power against the sky, intending to become a generation of evil gods and reign over the

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52 Chs

Dramate changes (6)

Courtyard No. 66 is the small courtyard where Xiao Lingxi lives. It is also because this number is very easy to remember that it is well known to everyone in Xiaomen. When I heard Xiao Jiu say "No. 66 Courtyard", I thought of its owner at the first time.

The crowd automatically separated, isolating Xiao Lingxi's position, so that she has nowhere to avoid being exposed to everyone. Xiao Lie's face changed greatly. Xiao Che's eyebrows twisted, and his expression suddenly became extremely gloomy. He took a step forward and stood in front of Xiao Lingxi. An anger in his chest swelled and almost exploded.

When Xiao Jiu shouted the words "No. 66 Courtyard", Xiao Che completely understood what the long-standing sense of disharmony was!

There were too many people before, and the station was relatively dense, but Xiao Kuangyun did not find the location of Xiao Lingxi. At this time, he naturally saw clearly. In an instant, his eyes suddenly lit up, emitting wolf-like light. This girl looks a little smaller than Xia Qingyue. She is a real girl, but her bright eyes and teeth are beautiful, and her pretty face is gentle and soft, especially her eyes. Although she is full of panic and fear at this time, she is still like a crystal spring water, clear and transparent, charming.

Xiao Kuangyun swallowed a mouthful of water hard, and his heart fluctuated... That Xiao Yulong really didn't lie to me! Although Xiao Lingxi's appearance is a little worse than that of Xia Qingyue, it is only a little worse, but the taste will never be bad. And when she grows up, she may not be worse than Xia Qingyue... When I come to such a small place where birds don't shit, I actually meet two beautiful women who can be called the country. This is simply God's reward for my long journey!

Xiao Kuangyun began to feel that it was an extremely stupid decision to refuse to come to Xiaomen... Fortunately, in the end, he couldn't resist his father's order and came here obediently.

"Xiao Lingxi... How can it be you!"

Looking at Xiao Lingxi, Xiao Yunhai's face was first surprised, then shocked, followed by an unbelievable face.

"It's not me! The doorkeeper... It's really not me!" Xiao Lingxi shook his head vigorously, and his face was full of fear. She did have the intention of stealing Tong Xuansan last night, but after being stopped by Xiao Lie, she obediently went back to her room to sleep... She didn't know anything about Tong Xuan's theft.

"Well, I didn't expect that this bold thief was still a little girl." Xiao Kuangyun said strangely, "But I just said that no matter who it is, I will never forgive!"

"Alas! Xiao Lingxi, how can you... make such a fool off and do such a bold thing! This box is mysterious and scattered, but it is the most precious treasure sent by Xiao Zong thousands of miles for us! How can you let me...?" Xiao Yunhai sighed heavily and looked extremely sad.

"Master! It's not me, it's really not me who stole it! It must be... there must be something wrong! It's really not me!" Xiao Lingxi shook her head over and over again, and her cheeks were pale.

Xiao Kuangyun was furious and said harshly, "This box of Tong Xuansan was found under your pillow. You didn't steal it. Did it fly over with its own wings? Little girl, before, I gave you the opportunity to plead guilty. You are not sure. Now the evidence is conclusive, and countless people inside and outside Xiaomen have witnessed it with their own eyes. Do you still want to deny it? It seems that if you don't punish you severely, you won't admit it!"

The words "heavy punishment" made Xiao Lingxi's whole body shake. If Xiao Che hadn't helped her quickly, she might have fallen to the ground. Xiao Che clenched his hands tightly, and there was a "slap" between his fingers. He stared at Xiao Kuangyun, and his whole body burst out the first real... murderous atmosphere after rebirth!

"Mr. Xiao, please calm down!" Xiao Yunhai hurried forward, knelt down on one knee, and pleaded with his face, "Xiao Lingxi, it is indeed unforgivable for stealing Xiao Zong's things, but... But her nature is absolutely not bad. She is very popular among my Xiaomen. She will steal Tong Xuansan, and she also has difficulties..."

"Suffery? What's the trouble?" Xiao Kuangyun said with a black face.

Xiao Yunhai glanced at Xiao Lingxi and Xiao Che, who stood together, and said with a painful face, "Xiao Lingxi is the only daughter of our five elders of Xiaomen, and she has a nephew one year older than her, named Xiao Che. Her nephew is very unfortunate that the congenital Xuan vein is disabled... Xiao Che has no other strengths. The Xuan vein is disabled, and most of the same life has been destroyed. Xiao Lingxi loves Xiao Che very much and has been looking for ways to repair his mysterious vein... These are well known in Xiaomen, even in Liuyun City, and everyone here can prove it. The reason why Xiao Lingxi made the bold move to steal Tong Xuansan was that she heard that Tong Xuansan had the effect of repairing and destroying the Xuanmai, so as to save his nephew and commit this bold thing.

"Although the crime has been committed, the evidence is conclusive and there is no sophistry. But please also ask Mr. Xiao to miss our family. Xiao Lingxi is still young and has a pure heart. From light punishment, we Xiaomen will be grateful to Mr. Xiao for his great kindness. ...Although Xiao Yunhai was humble, what he said was sincere, hitting the heart and making everyone moved. And his words also made some people who couldn't figure out why Xiao Lingxi was bold enough to steal Xuansan... It turned out that Tong Xuansan actually had the effect of repairing the damaged Xuanmai. No wonder...

Xiao Che was born with the mutilation of the mysterious vein. Xiao Lingxi has always loved him very much, and has always been worried about his mysterious vein, and everyone knows it in Xiaomen. In this way, it is not bold, but reasonable to think that Xiao Lingxi will sneak through Xuansan.

Xiao Yunhai has always been grovelling in front of Xiao Kuangyun, and many people secretly despise him, but at this time, everyone also has a kind of sincere admiration for Xiao Yunhai in their hearts... In order to protect Xiaomen's children, even in the face of the angry Xiao Zong's people, this Xiaomen master still begs for mercy, which is reasonable and emotional. I don't hesitate to kneel on one knee.

Only Xiao Che sneered angrily... What a seamless drama! On the surface, it is pleading for Xiao Lingxi, but in fact, it is a complete deduction of Xiao Lingxi's guilt! If he were an outsider, maybe even he would believe that all this was done by Xiao Lingxi.

"So, there is this kind of inside story." After listening to Xiao Yunhai's words, Xiao Kuangyun's face obviously eased a lot. He said lightly, "Well, I am not a cruel person. Since she made such a big mistake to save her nephew, considering this, as long as she admits her mistake and makes amends, I can consider it lightly..."

"It's not me! That's really not what I stole!" Xiao Lingxi shook her head hard. She clenched her teeth and shouted in a slightly hoarse voice: "If I did it, I would definitely admit it... But Tong Xuansan really didn't steal it! I don't know why it appeared in my room... It must be something wrong! Master, please believe me, it's really not me!"

Xiao Lingxi's shouts not only did not make people move, but showed a counterproductive effect under the various pavements of Xiao Yunhai before... She was the most reason to sneak through Xuansan, and Tong Xuansan was also found in her room, which could completely determine her guilt. And Xiao Yunhai pleaded with Xiao Kuangyun for her with danger and dignity, which was already benevolent and touching, but she still refused to admit it... In the eyes of others, this is simply ignorant.

Xiao Kuangyun's face, which had just calmed down, sank again. He sneered and said, "What's the mistake? This Tong Xuansan was found in your room by our Xiao Zong's people. Do you mean that our Xiao Zong's people deliberately framed you as a little Xiaomen girl? Hmm?"

In this sentence, Xiao Kuangyun is full of anger and confidence... Will Xiao Zong deliberately frame a person who is not a scum in their eyes? It sounds like a joke.

At this time, Xiao Li, the elder of Xiaomen, stood up and pointed to Xiao Lingxi and said harshly, "Xiao Lingxi! You made such a big mistake, which made the whole Xiaomen ashamed. The doorkeeper personally pleaded for you. Even Mr. Xiao wanted to take it lightly, but you still don't know what to do! You really... let us down!"

"Alas, it's not just disappointment. It's extremely sad." The second elder Xiao Bo shook his head and said with a sad face, "It's a wasted time for the master to plead for mercy. She actually... Alas! Xiao Lingxi, what kind of existence is Xiao Zong? Will he deliberately wrong you? It's great to know that mistakes can be corrected, and your appearance makes us lose face in front of our friends in Liuyun City.

"I...you...you..." Looking at the ruthless and indifferent eyes, Xiao Lingxi's delicate body shuddered, tears in her eyes turned, and her brain was blank, and she couldn't say a complete word at all.

At this time, Xiao Che gently squeezed her little hand with his hand, stood beside her, and said gently in a voice that only she could hear, "Auntie, don't be afraid... Don't talk now, because it's useless for you to say anything now. It doesn't matter if they believe each other. I will always trust my aunt... Leave the rest to me."

Leave the rest to me...

He was weak and weak. He had been growing up under her protection, and it was such a weak body in front of her. When he said these simple words, her panicked, helpless and cold heart quickly became stable and warm... As if he had returned to his childhood. When she was bullied, he always came from a distance. He rushed over and stood in front of her, using his hands, feet and teeth as the most fierce weapons to prevent her from any more damage...

Xiao Che... She muttered softly in her heart...

"Cough..." Xiao Che took a few steps forward and coughed a few times, which successfully attracted everyone's attention. He bowed slightly and smiled and said, "Mr. Xiao, three other friends from Xiao Zong. Let me introduce myself... I am Xiao Lingxi's nephew, Xiao Che, who is useless in everyone's eyes. Regarding the theft and recovery, I have a few questions to ask the master. Shouldn't it be a problem?" ...Oh... Are you the famous waste in Liuyun City? Xiao Kuangyun glanced at him faintly and sneered disdainfully: "You don't want to excuse your aunt, do you? Ha ha, that's good. I'd like to see what you can ask.

"Che'er..." Xiao Lie, who had already turned pale, made a slight sound. What he got was the silent movement of Xiao Che's right hand behind him.

"That's good!" Xiao Che nodded and turned his eyes to Xiao Yunhai: "Master, I have a few questions to ask you about Tong Xuansan...

Before Xiao Yunhai's response, Xiao Che had already asked himself: "The first question... The doorkeeper, whether it is Xuanli cultivation or mood cultivation, is outstanding in our Xiaomen, calm and cautious in character. Otherwise, it is impossible to become the master of my Xiaomen. This is known all in Xiaomen and even in Liuyun City. So here comes the problem, the excavator... Oh, no, with the doorkeeper's always cautious personality, after getting the important treasure sent by Xiao Zong, the most appropriate behavior is to take it with him, because only with him is the safest... But the doorkeeper put it in the pharmacy, which can be said to be the most unsafe place. Can the doorkeeper explain this?