
Heavenly Evil King

On this continent, there is a young man named Yun Che. He was pregnant with poisonous beads and inherited the blood of the evil god. Ye Chen has a unique talent and power since he was a child, but he is not satisfied with it. He is eager to become stronger and control more power. So, he began to practice the power against the sky, intending to become a generation of evil gods and reign over the

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52 Chs

Dramate change (IV)

Today can be said to be the most lively day in the history of Xiaomen.

Early in the morning, the gate of Xiaomen was surrounded by water. The families that can be called powerful in Liuyun City can be seen here, and they are basically the supreme masters. Although there were many people, none of them dared to make a loud noise. They were whispering as low as possible, for fear of disturbing the big shots in Xiaomen.

"I heard a long time ago that the ancestor of Xiaomen was from Xiao Zong. It turned out to be true."

"Xiao Men is going to be soaring this time, and he will have to manage his relationship with Xiaomen in the future."

"Fortunately, I haven't offended Xiaomen before, otherwise I will have to sleep and eat."

"Lao Mu, why are you here too?"

"Well, everyone is scrambling, and I can't help but come. They want to make a relationship. I'm just in case. Otherwise, if the little ancestor from Xiao Zong asks and enters how many big families there are in Qiliuyun City, and then finds that no one from my family comes and finds a stubble or something, then our whole family can't eat and leave.

The door of Xiaomen has been closed, and they are all waiting carefully, and none of them dared to leave.

This wait is until 9:00 a.m.

Before dawn, a high platform was set up in the open space in the center of Xiaomen, and tables, chairs and various utensils were moved. At eight o'clock in the morning, Xiaomen sounded a rapid emergency assembly order. For a moment, there were a lot of people in Xiaomen. Everyone rushed to the meeting place at the first time. In less than a quarter of an hour, all the men, women and children in Xiaomen gathered in the established position.

Today will be the most important day in Xiaomen. They also know very clearly what will happen. Most people are full of excitement and expectation. Even some people with moderate talent are looking forward to the possibility of being favored by Xiao Zong's people in their hearts.

Xiao Che was basically the last one to be present. When he took Xia Qingyue's hand and walked slowly, he instantly became the focus of the audience... Of course, if he was alone, I guess there was no one willing to look at him more. The key was Xia Qingyue beside him!

With a beautiful figure and a beautiful face, people seem to see the beautiful Bibo fairy slowly coming towards them. Especially those young men, their eyes became dull, their hearts were beating wildly, and some of them were drooling down the corners of their mouths without knowing it.

On the other hand, Xiao Che beside her... her face was pale, her eyelids were drooping, her eyes were godless, and her footsteps were weak. After only a few dozen steps, he yawned three times in a row, looking like he was sleepy and overdoing.

Hmm? Excessive sex...

Suddenly thinking of this, I saw his hand holding Xia Qingyue together, and many people bit their teeth tightly, their bodies trembled, and their eyes radiated a strong relumpt and jealousy. Thinking of such a country, the goddess they dreamed of was crushed by the waste they did not despise the most every day, and their angry and jealous chests were almost cracked.

Xiao Che's half-sleep and tired appearance is not pretending, but of course it is impossible to have sex. He woke up at three o'clock in the morning to give Xia Qingyue acupuncture treatment. He was so tired that he was called up in the early morning. It was strange that he could be energetic. As for the hands they hold together, it is certainly impossible for Xia Qingyue to take the initiative. But when he came over, Xiao Che suddenly grabbed it. In full view of the public, Xia Qingyue could not break free uperently. In addition, she was used to being held by him these days, so she had to let it go.

"Everything in Xiaomen is good, but there is a superfluous and eye-catching waste!"

As Xiao Che passed by a young man, a sarcasm that was enough for him to hear clearly came from his side. Xiao Che looked slightly and saw that Xiao Chengzhi, the eldest grandson of the third elder Xiao Ze, was squinting at the front, with a trace of undisguised ridicule on the corners of his mouth, and his face was clearly full of jealousy.

He said this to the front, but even a fool knew that he was mocking Xiao Che. For a moment, laughter sounded around, and the young children looked at Xiao Che with joking eyes.

"Brother Chengzhi, are you talking to me?" Xiao Che paused for a moment and asked Xiao Chengzhi, with a harmless smile on his face.

"Oh, Brother Xiao Che, you misunderstood. I was obviously talking to the waste. When Brother Xiao Che asked, did you think he was a waste?" Xiao Chengzhi turned around and said with a smile. When his eyes touched Xia Qingyue's beautiful snow face, his eyes were unconcealed.

"Oh! So that's it!" Xiao Che nodded suddenly, and then took Xia Qingyue's hand: "So it's not me. Qingyue's wife, let's go back to our position... Tut, looking at a poor toad who only dreams of eating swan meat, I'd rather be a waste who sleeps with swans every day. Qingyue's wife, what do you think?What do you say...!!" Xiao Chengzhi suddenly turned around with a low face.

"Huh?" Xiao Che stopped and looked at him in surprise: "Brother Chengzhi, what's wrong with you? I was just talking about toads. How could you have such a strange reaction? Is there any special connection with Chengzhi and the toad in my mouth?

"You!!" Xiao Chengzhi was so angry that his lips were shivering, but he couldn't say a word more.

"Qingyue's wife, let's go quickly. Toads can also bite people when they are in a hurry. If they are bitten by such a thing, won't it be disgusting? Xiao Che said as he pulled Xia Qingyue away.

Xiao Chengzhi's facial muscles twitched and almost spit out a mouthful of old blood on the spot.

"Cheer, Qingyue, come here."

In the crowd, Xiao Che soon saw that Xiao Lie was wacking to him, and Xiao Lingxi was also beside Xiao Lie. He and Xia Qingyue walked over quickly.

Xia Qingyue passed through Xiao Che's injection several times, and her physique and face changed greatly. Not to mention her physique, her face has become more delicate, ruddy and bright, but this change in her face is another kind of understanding in Xiao Lie's eyes. Looking at Xiao Che's obvious withering state, Xiao Lie lowered his voice and said with a smile, "Che'er, you are still too young, you are still a half-year-old child, body It's still developing. In terms of men's and women's affairs, try to be moderate, otherwise it's quite bad for your health.

"Ah?" Xiao Che looked at me for a while, and then reacted, so he had to nod his head and sadly: "This... I know. I will definitely restrain... restraint in the future...ah!"

With a snort, the little hand he was holding suddenly stabbed the back of his hand with his nails. Xia Qingyue turned her face away and could faintly see a touch of pink slowly spreading on her cheeks.

Uh-huh? She blushed...

Xiao Che was about to explain in a low voice, but suddenly there was a grin... But Xiao Lingxi's little hand pinched his left arm fiercely.

"Little aunt, why did you pinch me?" Xiao Che looked at Xiao Lingxi and said with an aggrieved face.

"Hmm!" Xiao Lingxi's lips were raised high, and he also turned away from his face and ignored him in anger.

" Mr. Xiao is here!!"

At this time, a loud shout came from the front. The crowd calmed down for a moment, and everyone's eyes turned to the source of the sound, wanting to see the demeanor of Xiao Zong. Not long after, a luxuriously dressed and arrogant young man came this way under the crowd. Xiao Moshan did not leave half a step behind him, and Xiao Yunhai personally led the way in front of him. No matter his expression or posture, he was respectful, but also a trace of neglect.

Under the guidance of Xiao Yunhai, Xiao Kuangyun walked on the high platform and sat on the master's chair in the middle. He glanced at the people in Xiaomen below, looking proudly as if he were looking down at the emperor of the people. After a while, he nodded to Xiao Yunhai and signaled that it was time to start.

"Is this the big man from Xiao Zong? Among other things, this looks a little too bad. Shouldn't the genes of Dazongmen also be very strong... Huh? It's not my own, is it?" Xiao Che whispered there.

"A hundred together is not as good as Xiao Che!" Xiao Lingxi also echoed and said. As soon as I finished speaking, I remembered that I was angry with him, and I quickly "hummed" and ignored him.

"Che'er, Xi'er, don't talk nonsense." Xiao Lie whispered.

"Oh." Xiao Che answered and stopped talking.

"Have all the people from Xiaomen arrived?" Xiao Kuangyun's eyes were half narrowed, and he slowly opened his mouth, and his voice was weak. But the two eyes turned quickly, looking for the figure of the fairy he saw yesterday in the crowd, and the girl Xiao Yulong was not much worse than the fairy.

"It has been confirmed that it's all here, and no one will be missing." Xiao Yunhai said with a serious face.

"Very good!" Xiao Kuangyun nodded, and then looked at the direction of the door: "What kind of people are standing outside the door?"

"Mr. Xiao, they are all powerful families in Liuyun City. They have gathered here early this morning, looking forward to seeing Mr. Xiao." Xiao Yunhai bowed down and replied.

"That's right." Xiao Kuangyun nodded, then raised his hand and said, "Since you are guests, you can't let them wait outside all the time. Let them all come in. It's also a good thing to have people outside Xiaomen present today, so that people don't say that I'm biased at that time.

Xiao Yunhai hurriedly flattered and took a picture: "Mr. Xiao is worthy of being the son of Master Xiao. He is so young and has such a mind, which really makes me wait to admire and be ashamed... Xiao De, go and invite guests in."

The door opened, and these powerful people who called for wind and rain in Liuyun City came in in an orderly manner. Everyone brought a heavy gift. Among these people, Xiao Che also saw Xia Qingyue's father, Xia Hongyi.Good, then we can start now. Xiao Kuangyun straightened up his waist on the chair and finally put on a normal sitting posture. Looking down, he said faintly, "My name is Xiao Kuangyun. I'm from Xiao Zong. You should be very clear about Xiao Zong's name. In this Cangfeng Empire, there is nothing that Xiao Zong can't decide. And you should also feel honored, because although you are a little weak, you can also be regarded as Xiao Zong. You, the ancestor of Xiaomen, are the son of an elder of our Xiaozong. It's just that although your ancestors were the sons of elders at the beginning, they were born with maids. It's enough to have a low status, and Xuanli's talent is really useless. And the waste is not worthy to stay in Xiao Zong. Your ancestors were expelled to this place by the elder, and there was also your Xiaomen.

Xiao Kuangyun's words were extremely harsh, and he did not hide his disdain for the whole Xiaomen and even the ancestor of Xiaomen. Some people in Xiaomen frowned secretly, but no one dared to attack.